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Since You've Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Morgan Matson | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a well ordered universe I wouldn't be left with so many questions! I loved this book,it's a story about friendship and finding out who you really are when your not in someone elses shadow. No matter how much you love and admire that person. As someone with social anxiety, I found Emily to be very relatable, and much braver than I if I had been handed this list.This book took me back to being a teenager and some of the summers I had, (none as eventful as this story!) A story of friendship and romance! My only little niggle is I want to know if she mends things with Dawn and Collins and if Gideon finds his perfect girl ( I have a rather large soft spot for him) In truth I wanted Emily to fall in love with him instead because he seemed so sweet, but I can't have everything!
The 5th Wave: Book 1
The 5th Wave: Book 1
Rick Yancey | 2013 | Children
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sci-fi is not one of my favourite genres, unless it has a good, solid romance in it. This one didn't.

But I have this thing where if I have the paperback and the movie version is coming out soon that I have to read it first. This is probably something I'd enjoy more as a film than simply reading about because the continual changing of viewpoints without being told whose viewpoint it was got annoying after a while. The first time was a real head spinner since you had no warning but further on when it starts going between three or four people and you have to read so far in to figure it out...nightmare!

One thing I will say for the author though, is that he can write some really good action/fight scenes.

This really wasn't my sort of read but if you like alien invasions, then this'll be right up your street.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 stars.

Erm...where to start?

Well, when I bought this I didn't realise it was about classical music, the synopsis was very vague but I guess the "prestigious Guarneri music prize" should have given it away. Classical is not my favourite genre of music so hearing them talking about all these famous pieces of music and composers just flew right over my head. I wasn't even tempted to listen, unlike in some other books I've read.

Then the romance. I can't say I felt it. It was two, maybe three, maybe even four, dates where they spent probably 24 hours together in total and they're in love all of a sudden. Nah, I didn't buy it.

The best bit for me was probably the chapter before the end where Carmen stands up to her controlling mother and her actions.

It was an easy read since it isn't very descriptive but it didn't do it for me.