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Not If I See You First
Not If I See You First
Eric Lindstrom | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a young adult book with clout! Told in a contemporary setting, our female lead isn't very likeable, although she does have some redeeming features. With a good set of friends around her, she sets out on a normal school year, trying to cope with her blindness and a new influx of students.

Unfortunately for her, one of those students is her old best friend, who also broke her heart when she was thirteen. Now, Parker can hold a grudge and hold it well. However, she also has to grow up herself, as she deals with situations beyond her current comprehension and also has that painful lesson to learn that she is not the most important person of all, even if she is blind, and the world does not revolve around her.

With a smidge of romance thrown in for good measure, this is a well-told story about a girl maturing into herself, and the strength of friendships.

There is a bit of braille at the end which, according to Virginia on Goodreads, are simply two more rules:

Rule #11:
Don't worry that I won't give you any second chances. I will. I might even need some from you.

Rule #12:
Don't jump to conclusions. You and me both, but mostly me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 22, 2016
A Vampire Possessed (Deathless Night #3)
A Vampire Possessed (Deathless Night #3)
L.E. Wilson | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the third book in the series (although I was unaware of that originally) and as such, I do feel like I have missed out on a big chunk of the story. Although this story was pretty much self-contained, there were references made, situations alluded to, and definitely relationships that have happened previously that I had no knowledge of. So, in my opinion, yes - this book could be read as a standalone, but you will benefit more from having read the first two.

Saying that, this is a fast-paced and enjoyable paranormal romance. You have Grace - a witch without seemingly much power, on the run for most of her life. Then you have Aiden - philanderer vampire, happy to go from one to the next without a thought. They are thrown together in unusual circumstances which just take them deeper into demons possessing vampires.

With a supporting cast of wonderful characters, some with their stories already told, some that I would hope still have theirs to come, this story doesn't slack off on its pace, keeping you entertained throughout.

Well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found, I would definitely recommend this book, with the proviso that it might be best to read books one and two first.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 7, 2016

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Inflamed by an Incubus (Eternal Mates #19) in Books

Feb 16, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Inflamed by an Incubus (Eternal Mates #19)
Inflamed by an Incubus (Eternal Mates #19)
Felicity Heaton | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
INFLAMED BY AN INCUBUS is the nineteenth book in the Eternal Mates series. I haven't read all of them (not yet!) but I have read enough to know this world, and some of the characters mentioned.

This book covers a long time period and, as such, overlaps with some of the other books. This made it a great read as the author definitely didn't drop the ball! We get a fully fleshed-out, intricate story, with different timelines woven together to create a plot hole-free story that kept my interest from beginning to end.

I will say what a horrible curse Drystan gave them! Pure evil. And my heart broke for Fenix. As always though, there are unmated characters mentioned that pull at my interest with the hints dropped. I can't wait for their stories! Plus, it's always a bonus to catch up with other mated pairs, just so I can get my HEA fix of them.

A great addition to the series, I thoroughly enjoyed every word and have no hesitation in recommending it. PLUS, Kissed by a Dark Prince ( is #FREE right now, so why not grab that and start from the beginning? If you love Paranormal Romance then I can guarantee you'll be hooked!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 16, 2022

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Feb 16, 2024  
IT'S LIVE!!! - Slippers and Songs

I can't believe it's finally out in the world! So far, the feedback has been great. And don't forget, you can get it for FREE in return for a review if you click the link for BookSirens -

I also had some fun this week and, by request, made a recipe page for the Brodyr Alarch. All of the recipes were found online - although some have already disappeared, so I had to find substitutes! Which one would you like to try the most? And if you do for real, let me know what you think!

You can find Slippers and Songs at the following:
Universal Purchase:​​

If you could spare a moment, I'd greatly appreciate your review. Even just a few words can make a significant difference for authors.💙

Have a great weekend and I'll catch you later. Have fun!


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Roomies in Books

Mar 18, 2019  
Christina Lauren | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not as funny as I hoped, but engaging enough
Holland has been obsessed with a handsome subway busker for quite some time. One evening, he winds up rescuing her after she falls on the subway tracks, kicking off a whirlwind of events. Holland helps Calvin get an audition with her uncle Robert, a Broadway musical director. Calvin is infinitely talented, but, it turns out, also in the United States illegally. So Holland does something she never does: makes an impulsive decision. She'll offer to marry Calvin so he can stay in the country, live out his dream, and help her uncle's hit show. Calvin quickly becomes a Broadway star. As for Calvin and Holland--they quickly realize they may be more than roommates. But what will it take for them to admit it? And for each to move past their own issues?

This was my first Christina Lauren book, which I picked up after hearing lots of Goodreads friends praise the dynamic duo. I am always a sucker for a good, fun romance. I was surprised to find the book start with Holland already lusting after Calvin, whom she called "Jack," as she watched him from afar at the subway. The action gets underway quickly, and it did seem like they each agreed to their extreme plan (marriage to someone they'd never met!) rather rapidly and easily. Even Holland's protective uncles came on board very quickly.

Some pros--a somewhat diverse cast, including Holland's adorable gay uncles, who were often couple goals. I enjoyed getting some insight into a Broadway musical, as well as the immigration process, although I bet both of those were sugarcoated a bit. Still, I found Holland a bit of a doormat; she frustrated me with her lack of ability to stand up for herself. While her inability to find herself is the premise of the book, a strong romance only works for me if I'm invested in the characters, and I just didn't always feel it with Holland and Calvin. Holland was too wishy washy and I never felt like I got to know Calvin enough. It was frustrating, because I could see moments of humor in the book, but never enough to truly win me over. I needed more to fully root for the couple. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the book: it's cute and fun at times, and an easy read.

Overall, I had a tough time warming up to the main characters, and I didn't always find the funny situations that humorous. The premise was a little crazy, but was engaging enough. I'll be curious to see how I feel about my next Christina Lauren read.
Boyfriend Material
Boyfriend Material
Alexis Hall | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I'd seen this all over Goodreads and added it to my wish list on Amazon and a few weeks later, it went down to under £2 so I bought it.

It starts with Luc going to a fancy dress party and his inner musings over how he got to be wearing his bunny ears for the (mad hatters tea) party. He's the son of two has-been rock stars and is wary of some people as they may just be after some story to sell. When bad press leads to the charity he works for losing income, he decides to get himself a fake boyfriend with a good image so that he can then show his boss and their investors that he is reliable. His friend recommends Oliver, the guy he met about two years ago and who he tried to sleep with but Oliver turned him down. Oliver is also in need of a fake boyfriend so they work out a few details and run with it. Only things change between them the more time they spend together.

I really enjoyed this book. It wasn't only the romance either. Just the way it was written was brilliant. Luc didn't take himself too seriously and his thoughts and the situations he sometimes found himself in...? *snorts with laughter* He wasn't perfect in any way really. He was messy and forgetful but so likeable.

Oliver on the other hand, well, he was a little serious at times but he was also good in any situation. Put him in the middle of posh people, he could find something to talk about with everyone. Put him in the middle of a party and he fits in. He grew on me a lot with how he treated Luc and I really loved them as a couple.

I loved Luc's jokes to his colleague, Alex, at the start of some chapters. They weren't the greatest jokes in the world but...geez, Alex's reactions to them was priceless. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, so his reactions through most of the book had me chuckling to myself. And then let's not forget his girlfriend/fiancée Miffy and that weird bar scene.

I also feel like Luc's mum, Odile, needs a mention. She's a riot. She's very forthcoming with her opinions on everything and doesn't care what people think about her and said opinions. Her curry and that scene was hilarious.

This was right up my street. I love me a good MM Romance and this one was more about the feelings that grew between our characters as there were no explicit sex scenes included in this. It was cute and very British with it's situations and humour. Recommend it to anyone who likes any of the above.
The Waking Land (The Waking Land, #1)
The Waking Land (The Waking Land, #1)
Callie Bates | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The blurb of this novel tells pretty much all the necessary information. Elanna was kept away from her parents for fourteen years, in a different country, with a different culture and different way of living. She always wanted to be a botanist, because she loved plants. She was accused of King’s murder, so the only chance she had was to run. While on the run, she finds out, that she has a great gift and she supposed to be the one, who leads her country to independence.

This book has a great variety of characters to choose from. I loved their bravery and strong personalities. My favourite ones were El and Jahan. I loved their kindness and all the adventures which they had together in this novel. El is a very confused young woman, who is trying to make the right choice, even though it breaks her heart. She is emotionally torn between two countries who are at war because she has ties with both of them, it is hard for her to make the decisions, and this whole process was very interesting to watch for me.

I liked the plot of this book, but I found some of the parts quite repetitive. There is quite a bit of action going on in this novel, so that was what kept me going. I liked the adventure parts of it, filled with some really lovely and subtle romance. I think that author used her love for music and nature really well in this novel, I loved the overall setting of this book. It has some sex and violence in this novel, but it is not overwhelming, and I am really great full to the author, for keeping this novel quite elegant, when it used to come to violence.

The writing style is pleasant to read, but I don’t understand, why fantasy books have such complicated names in them. For me, it makes these books more difficult to read and it doesn’t add any charm at all. The chapters were quite long, but they were divided into smaller chunks, so it was quite easy to read it. I really liked the ending of this book, I think it rounded up the story really nicely, and there will be a second part published this year, so I am quite curious to see what it has to offer. So, to conclude, I think this book has all the right attributes necessary for this type of novel, it has magic, brave heroine who is kind and sweet, political disputes and the right amount of romance. Please do give this book a try and I hope you will enjoy it 🙂
Mistletoe Miracles (Ransom Canyon #7)
Mistletoe Miracles (Ransom Canyon #7)
Jodi Thomas | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovable Characters (3 more)
Interesting Plot
Great Worldbuilding
Good Pacing
A Clean, Sweet Read
I'm not usually a romance person, but the synopsis for Mistletoe Miracles by Jodi Thomas caught my attention. I'm really glad I read Mistletoe Miracles because I absolutely adored this book. In fact, Mistletoe Miracles may have converted me to be a romance reader. It has definitely made me a Jodi Thomas fan for sure.

The pacing for Mistletoe Miracles was spot on. It wasn't a fast paced book, but it wasn't slow paced either. It moved at a nice relaxing pace, and I found myself loving it.

The plot for Mistletoe Miracles is a sweet one. It was interesting to see each couple's relationship blossom. Mallory is on the run from her abusive ex-boyfriend. She ends up in a car crash. Her dog is also injured in the crash. Little does Jax know he has her dog, but once he figures it out, it's the start of something sweet. Griffin needs a rich bride in order to save his working ranch that's been in the family for generations. Sunlan, a ranch girl herself, is just the right woman to fill that position. She's also looking for someone to take her away from her overbearing father. Wyatt is a soldier just looking for a place to rest while on leave. With everyone assuming he's Jamie's husband, he is taken to Jamie's house after he falls asleep and has a small crash. Jamie has been out of town, but when she returns, she's gets the biggest surprise of her life. However, she's been telling everyone she's married even though she's not. Wyatt may just be the (pretend) husband she needs. The reader has the pleasure of reading about each immersive relationship and how each one blossoms in its own way. There are no major plot twists, but Mistletoe Miracles is a book that doesn't need plot twists to be enjoyable. All loose ends are also tied up by the end of the book which I was happy about. I also liked that Mistletoe Miracles can be read as a standalone.

I felt that the world building in Mistletoe Miracles was done very well. Jodi Thomas makes it so easy to feel as if you are one of the characters in her book. She puts you right in the midst of everything that is happening, and it is so easy to lose yourself within each page of the story. Mistletoe Miracles takes place in Texas which made me enjoy the book even more! The world building is so realistic in this novel that I would lose track of time whenever I was reading it.

I loved every character in Mistletoe Miracles. I felt each character was fleshed out substantially, and every character felt like they were an actual real person instead of a character in a book. My favorite characters in this book were Sunlan and Griffin. I loved how they started out a bit distant towards each other, but eventually, they warmed up to one another and came out of their shell, especially Sunlan. Don't get me wrong, I loved the other characters too, but it was Sunlan's and Griffin's relationship that I loved the most. I did enjoy reading about all the other character's relationships as well, and I found them to be very interesting. Each character had something to bring to the table to make Mistletoe Miracles the great read it is.

There aren't many trigger warnings for Mistletoe Miracles. I would classify it was a clean romance. There's no swearing and no steamy scenes. There is some violence although it is not graphic. There is some drinking of alcohol as well as kissing. There's also talk about making love but everything is implied and not described in graphic detail.

Overall, Mistletoe Miracles is a very sweet and refreshing read that will warm even the most hardened hearts. It's got very likable and realistic characters characters, an interesting plot, and fantastic world building. I would definitely recommend Mistletoe Miracles by Jodi Thomas to everyone aged 16+ whether they like romance or not. This is one of those books that everyone should read even if romance isn't their preferred genre.

(Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this title in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
Earlier today, I finished listening to the audiobook of Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard and I absolutely loved it. Amanda Dolan is also an excellent narrator, with a pleasant voice and a perfect pace.
Red Queen takes place in the country of Norta, one of many lands where every day people like Mare Barrow (humans, like us) face oppression from the elite. In a story that echoes the fight for equality, readers are carried along for the ride as Mare, whose blood is red, strives to bring equality to her people when a mishap and mutation put her in the lap of good fortune. The Silvers, or the elite, rule the Reds, and though they look much the same as a normal human, their blood is silver and they have special abilities. It is because of these abilities that they hold themselves superior to the far weaker Reds, forcing them into a life of submission and servitude.
With her new responsibilities, Mare finds herself caught up in a revolution – one where you can expect betrayal at any point. Aveyard’s characters are written in such a believable way that it is difficult to pinpoint their true natures. In the same manner that one might say beauty is only skin deep, the characters of Red Queen all wear masks – or do they?
Many books lose me when there is a lull in the plot. Oftentimes if I feel like I have to force-feed myself several pages, I am far less likely to finish the book. I am also more likely to be lost if the major plot is romance oriented, rather than conflict. While Red Queen does have some elements of romance, there’s never any definite answer as to who gets the girl (I suppose that’s something we’ll see in the later books), and that’s because Mare’s focus is solely on herself, her loved ones, and the cause for which she serves. The main function of the book is to tell the story of the Reds rising up against the Silvers, rather than focus on a forbidden romance, like many of the young adult books I’ve read have done.
I can’t wait for it to be my turn with Glass Sword, the second book in the series. Red Queen has also been optioned for a film, so here’s to hoping it’s at least somewhat as good as the book.
City of Savages
City of Savages
Lee Kelly | 2018 | Dystopia
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Romance nearly killed this one
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was pretty good for a dystopia. The background story on how it came to be was interesting and set it apart from other stories of this genre where most of the time it’s vague and no one remembers a thing because it was that many years later. So this was nice to read about. The plot alternates between Sky and Phee, but also some parts here and there from present to the past. I prefer reading about Phee because she’s the all around tough girl who can hold her own whereas Sky is more on the romantic idealistic side of things.

The flow of the story is good with stops here and there for character development and plot hooks. It’s engaging and interesting for a good part of the book until you read a little more than half of the novel. This is where the eye rolling instances come on. You knew the love triangle was going to happen. It got pretty nauseating and petty (but then again, Ryder was practically the only guy these two girls have met that they actually liked) and it severely hampered the plot. I didn’t care for this too much as it brought the plot to a complete halt and made reading it not as enjoyable. I begged for something better to come along.

To be fair, it got more interesting towards the final story arc, where you find out more truths about Sky and Phee’s family, and what happened in the past. Everything came to a nice close towards the end. The cheesy romance was still there and induced more eye rolls, but it was toned down for the latter part of the book.

Character wise, Phee would have to be the most interesting as she’s more aggressive of the two sisters and of a more stronger personality. She wasn’t a good match for Ryder anyway as they were just two very different people and completely incompatible but you kinda wish she found someone who’s just as tough as she is.

The romance nearly killed the book for me in this one. I’m glad I went through it as it proved to pick up the pace and went back on track. It’s a hidden gem and if you can get past the obvious, you’ll find a good dystopian story worth reading.