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Closed Casket: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
Closed Casket: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery
Agatha Christie, Sophie Hannah | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A good adaptation of a classic but leave it be
I really quite enjoyed this version of Agatha Christie's classic Belgian detective despite being a huge fan of the original. Having read most of the collection I was a bit irked at having it rehashed under someone else's guise. Sophie Hannah has done a good job of bringing the old elements from the original but it should be said to leave it be. Hannah quite easily could have created a new character without taking literary licence from Christie.

It seems that in order for her book to be noticed in an already over saturated area, Hannah has reincarnated the character. She needs more confidence in her writing - so I hope that she chooses to be a bit more original next time.
Sophie discovers that Ogres are causing trouble in her new realm, but with the Black Swan staying silent, she has to work overtime to figure out what to do next. Meanwhile, the Council is asking her to do something that is dividing the rest of the Elves. What should she do?

This is the longest book in the series to date and also the strongest. The characters continue to grow here, and the development in this book is awesome. The plot is strong from start to finish, and I couldn’t turn pages fast enough to find out what would happen next. Now, I just have to wait for the next book in the series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
100 Bloody Acres (2013)
100 Bloody Acres (2013)
2013 | Comedy, Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 100 Bloody Acres starts as we meet one of the brothers Reg (Herriman) who is a part of an organic fertiliser business, after Reg picks up a dead body, he finds himself drawn into picking up three hitchhikers, Sophie (McGahan), James (Ackland) and Wes (Kristian) who are heading to a music festival for a binge filled weekend.

Once Reg arrives back to his brother Lindsay (Sampson) the hapless brothers must decide to kill the three to continue to produce the highly popular fertiliser and keep their reputation up or let them go.


Thoughts on 100 Bloody Acres


Characters/Performance – Reg is the simple-minded brother who is always out to impress his brother, he brings the victims back to the factory. Lindsay is the brains of the act and he must clean up the mess Reg has left him in. He will go through with any killing. Sophie is the main reason Reg stops, she is travelling with her boyfriend but been cheating on him with their other friend. James just believes he is going to have the life he planned with Sophie. Wes is the traveller who enjoys a drug or two finding himself high through the whole film.

Performance wise, Damon and Angus are both good as the brother showing good chemistry as they do come off very different. Anna, Oliver and Jamie are all fine in the victim roles without coming off as interesting characters.

Story – The story has moments that feel fresh in places but in the main it is all just another version of group of travellers get taken by isolated people who must fight to survive or become the latest victims. It has good moments but doesn’t end up being the most memorable story in the genre.

Comedy/Horror – The comedy is good in places and does add to all the events of the film as it is almost what could go wrong does go wrong. The horror works in places too as we get the gore from it.

Settings – The Australian outback always makes for a good setting as we know how isolated the places are when it comes to the horror.

Special Effects – The effects work when needed without being used too often, the highlights come from the wild trip Wes is going through.

Final Thoughts – You want to see an Australian version of Tucker & Dale versus Evil, then this is for you but it doesn’t quite live up to the levels of that one.


Overall: Enjoyable horror comedy.
Surprise Me
Surprise Me
Sophie Kinsella | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sylvie and Dan have their annual check ups and discover that they have the probability of being married for the next 68 years. It gives them the idea to surprise each other in little ways to help keep their marriage alive. But will this really work to keep the marriage healthy? When the surprises start to backfire, Sylvie and Dan have to take a closer look at their lives together and try to reevaluate their choices.

Sophie Kinsella is one of those authors whose books I have on my TBR, but I haven't read very many of them. Her books are light-hearted and fun with a bit of an edge. This book had me laughing and crying. 68 years is an awfully long time to be with one person. I can only hope to have that with my husband. But what can you do to keep the romance alive and not get bored. Sylvie and Dan believe they have the right idea, but will everything blow up in their faces?

At first the surprises are small, a new piece of clothing, a changing of the decor in the kitchen. But then they get bigger. But when Dan starts to seem distant, Sylvie believes that everything she is trying to keep their marriage alive, is actually backfiring and she may lose Dan forever. When she finds out the truth, she will be crushed as well as fall more in love with her husband.

At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to like this book. It took me a while to get into it, but after a while, I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen.

If you're a Sophie Kinsella fan, I highly suggest you read this book. If you're married, it's a great book to read.