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Notes of Unspoken Words (Ruined & Relinquished #1)
Notes of Unspoken Words (Ruined & Relinquished #1)
Michelle Dare | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
NOTES OF UNSPOKEN WORDS is the first book in the Ruined & Relinquished series, although some characters from a different series also have cameos.

In this one, Casper and Reed are step-brothers who are in love with each other, although both will deny it. This leads to a traumatic relationship for both of them. When they're on the way home from a tour, Sunshiney Reed rescues a man from the street. Grumpy Casper decides to stay at Reed's home until he knows the man, Elic, can be trusted. Elic turns out to be the catalyst needed to make Casper and Reed realise just what they've got together, and how Elic can be included in that.

This story was easy to read with wonderful characters. I have to say, Cas and his protective streak was by far my favourite. His grumpiness was for a reason and I loved how he was portrayed.

One thing - if you haven't read the other series (Three Ties) as I haven't, you may get confused about all the different brothers involved and the different triads they're in. There must be something in the water!

All in all, a great read that I thoroughly enjoyed and can't wait to continue with this series. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 26, 2023
Smith's Corner: Delilah & Dallas (The Heartwood Series #1)
Smith's Corner: Delilah & Dallas (The Heartwood Series #1)
Jayne Paton | 2021 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoyable!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the first book in the Heartwood series. It's also this author's first step into the world of male/female pairings. She usually writes male/male.

And I have to say, I really rather enjoyed it!

Delilah is young, only 20, but she has a wise head on her shoulders. She knows Dallas is a player, he makes no bones about that, but he also makes no bones about wanting Delilah. And NOT just for a quick tumble. When strange things start happening in Delilah's bakery, Dallas and his brothers step up and the two become close. When Delilah's life is threatened, Dallas loses his head and goes all Alpha male, protect what's mine.

Like I said, first step in this genre for this author, and she kinda nails it! I AM left with questions about Delilah and her mum and sister, but I know what those questions are, and surprisingly, I can voice them! Which for me, makes a change. But I'll come back to those.

Dallas is the youngest Smith brother, and this series revolves around them. They own a bar, and Delilah and her mother own a bakery in the space next door. He lusts after Delilah, and not just in a one-night stand way. When she finally relents and goes on a date with him, Dallas is smitten, and tumbles, head over heels in love. It takes Delilah a little longer, but she falls just as hard!

I could see who the bad guy was, right from when they popped up in the bakery, and that went down much as I expected it to, even if Delilah couldn't see the danger right in front of her.

I loved ALL the brothers, I really did. They all have their quirks, and their personalities, and they all have a story to tell. I mean, Stone and Delilah's best friend, Storm? Their story, well . . .I HOPE their story is going to be explosive, given what goes on here. Levi is already making goo-goo eyes at Layla. Their story is next. Ash, ohhhh Ash has a BIG story to tell, and his book is number 3, and that blurb has set all sorts of questions in my head and I have no idea where that is going! And then there is Fox. I have no clue what's going on there. While he doesn't SAY anything, I feel that his story might be a difficult read!

Back to my questions, which I'm reliably told, may well be answered in book 2, given as that's Layla's book and she holds all the cards. There is much HINTED at, about how and why the girls came to Smith's Corner. But that's all it is, HINTED at! And you know, when you get clues, and you put them together, and you make a picture of your own? I have done that, and I'm not saying what kind of picture I made, but I'm fairly certain, it's going to be worse, MUCH worse.

So hurry, Ms Paton, and release book 2, I need those answers!

A thoroughly enjoyable step out of this author's comfort zone, and a thoroughly enjoyable read.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Knight to Castle Two (Diviner's Game #2) in Books

Feb 12, 2021 (Updated Aug 3, 2023)  
Knight to Castle Two (Diviner's Game #2)
Knight to Castle Two (Diviner's Game #2)
Jennifer Cody | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KNIGHT TO CASTLE TWO is the second book in the Diviner's Game trilogy and this time we find out just what's going on with human Headsman, Loki, and his step-brother Drakon, Gage.

We met with Loki and Gage in book one, and this one runs on a parallel time, so we see some of the same events but from their eyes instead. This is incredibly hard to do but excellently executed by Jennifer Cody.

Loki and Gage are as close as two people can be, but DO NOT share blood. They are not related in any way, apart from being step-brothers. Their relationship might raise a few eyebrows but is not incestuous in any way. What it is though, is hot as hell! Loki is a leather-wearing, kick-ass, take no s**t Headsman, but Gage is the force in their relationship. I loved seeing what makes both of them tick.

A little bit more of the intrigue is unravelled in this book, but not enough for me! I guess I'll just have to read the third book to find out the whole story. Oh, what a shame. The pacing is just as perfect as the first book, and I also loved seeing Matt and Deejay through someone else's eyes too.

What a fantastic trilogy this is turning out to be. Two down, one to go, and I honestly can't wait. Absolutely recommended!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 12, 2021
Under a Wicked Moon (The Crown's Wolves #2)
Under a Wicked Moon (The Crown's Wolves #2)
Zoe Forward | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
UNDER A WICKED MOON is the second book in The Crown's Wolves series. Roman and Nova started the series; Vivi and Ky continue it. We start off with Ky going undercover - alone. He knows his brothers will be slightly miffed as they've always agreed to never go it alone. However, when the douchebag - sorry, I mean, the monarch - gives an order, Ky has no option but to do as he is told. There, he meets Vivi. The attraction is instantaneous but, being as the humans appear to want them to breed, both Vivi and Ky are determined to fight it every step of the way. It gets more complicated once they escape, moving the story along in leaps and bounds.

I thoroughly enjoyed book one, and book two is no different. I love these brothers, how they are so different in so many ways, and yet loyalty runs strong and true amongst them all. You get more hints at another brother, which I am also loving. Of course, you know it's not going to be easy for Vivi and Ky but I never realised just how hard. Oh, my poor heart got pummelled!

However, it was a brilliant read, keeping my attention from the first word to the last. I am loving how this story is moving and changing, even though the monarch doesn't appear to change at all. Jerk! I'm guessing it will be Shane's turn next, but whether it's him or Flynn, I'll be happy either way.

A great addition to the series that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Krinar's Informant (A Krinar World Novel)
The Krinar's Informant (A Krinar World Novel)
Charmaine Pauls | 2018 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
I was gifted my copy of this book, direct from the author, that I write a review was my choice.

This is Ms Pauls second step into the Krinar world and I loved it!

Liv wants to make sure her brothers survive, makes a deal with Zavir to ensure they will not be harmed when he smashes the resistance ring they are part of. But little Liv makes Zavir want to keep her, and the only way to do that, is to betray her trust.

OoOOOEEEEE!!! I loved these two!!

Powerful, instant attraction. Powerful hatred of the other. enemies to lovers. Betrayal from some many around them. So much right up my street, I read the whole book in one sitting, and did not move til I finished!

It's sexy, it's dark, it's full of hope, and despair, the whole bloody gamut of human, and indeed, Krinar emotions all wrapped up in some 200 pages that is just bloody brilliant!!

Because it's a world written by different authors, you don't need to read them all in any order of order, I don't think. But what I'm left with now, is the overwhelming NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED for every single book in this world, and there are a fair few!!

I loved this book, did I say that yet??

so, it can only get...

5 stars