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The Other Side of the Door (2016)
The Other Side of the Door (2016)
2016 | Horror, Mystery
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Love the South Asian-west mix of horror, but not particularly scary
An interesting concept, mixing some deep cultural traditions from India with western horror. After a mother loses her son in an accident, she brings him back by attempting to communicate with the dead. But what comes back is another being altogether. It's been done a million times, even in the form of Stephen King's Pet Sematary, but I like the Indian twist, especially for those who know that these kind of beliefs still exist. Shiva shamans, who are known to dabble in black magic, begin to stalk the family in an attempt to rid the house of spirits as well as other ghoulish entities. Great for those who understand the superstitions of India, but not for horror fans.

Emma Tucker (52 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 12, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
As a MASSIVE Stephen King fan I was slightly anxious about this film but I was pleasantly surprised. They missed a few parts of the book but it is a huge book so I can't really fault that. The whole way through I was wondering where the second part of the book was gonna come in so I'm glad there's a second film. The only thing that really annoyed me was the people in the cinema that only went for a scary film when It is so much more than that. I live how clever King is in his writing and imagery and this is slightly lost when his books are transferred to the screen. But all in all I really loved it and the kids especially where incredible at playing the roles.
The Outsider
The Outsider
Stephen King | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
I often forget how much I enjoy Stephen King's writing style. It's almost a fun game trying to see how his work fits into his larger King-Iverse. This one ties in quite well, and in fact reminded me quite a bit of my absolute favorite of his, The Dark Tower Series. There were a few elements that I felt were a bit unusual and wondered why they were added like the weird affair between characters. But I understand that characters do what characters do. You, as a writer, don't necessarily control them. You are a conduit for their story and often times they will tell it the way they want to tell it. So for those I will deduct the one star. Not King's fault necessarily, more the fault of the characters.
Historical isn't one of my favorites when it comes to genre but this one had enough romance and mystery to keep me interested. The writing was intriquing and very well done. It made me feel as if I could see and feel what was happening to and with the characters. Stephen was a bit odd at first, I didn't know what to think of him but he made me laugh and smile. And then I fell in love with him and with Sybil. The secondary type characters also made me smile and feel good. Which is always fun because sometimes the other characters get put into the background and you don't feel them, but not in this story. I am so glad I got to review this one
Carrie (1976)
Carrie (1976)
1976 | Horror
If you haven't seen this.. What are you waiting for!?!
When it comes to Stephen King movie adoptions you really never know what you're going to get but Carrie is by far and arguably the best.
Sissy Spacek is today one of the single greatest castings ever she embodies Carrie so perfectly and it's always been my biggest issues with the remakes. Sissy (while I mean this with all the love in the world) is just so awkward looking and while not ugly she's also not the cutest and it's just what sells her version of Carrie so perfectly, you feel for her you cheat for her but also she freaking terrifies you.

If you've never seen Carrie definitely look it up it's one of the best horror movies out there and just so iconic.
Short Range (Dan Shepherd #16)
Short Range (Dan Shepherd #16)
Stephen Leather | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stephen Leather has done it again! What? you may ask - written another brilliant Dan "Spider" Shepherd book that's what!

I admit that I am a fan and reading an instalment in the turbulent life of Spider is like putting on a pair of comfy shoes but don't for one minute think reading one of these books is easy and boring, far from it - you need to keep your wits about you as you will be in for a bumpy ride.

With fantastic characters, a very relevant and plausible story-line and twists and turns, this is one book you won't want to miss but that ending ... oh Mr Leather, why? I almost cried!

My thanks to Hodder & Stoughton via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.