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Erika (17788 KP) rated Elf (2003) in Movies

Nov 23, 2018  
Elf (2003)
Elf (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Family
This film is definitely the best modern Christmas movies that's been released. It still holds up after 15 years (and now I feel old). I re-watched this with my parents, who, had surprisingly, never seen it before? I loved that the costumes from the original stop-motion Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer were used. It'd definitely innocent, family fun that's still enjoyable to watch as an adult.
Dolls (1987)
Dolls (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watched for first time thanks to arrow video who know how bring out the best fr 80s horror movies everything about it from the house which looks it came straight from a scooby doo episode then there's the dolls themselves the stop motion is so good u think they were alive not forgetting the gore effects as well overall arrow did a good job on the restoration of the film
The call of cthulhu  (2005)
The call of cthulhu (2005)
2005 | Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Plays great tribute to the silent era of films (1 more)
Great stop motion Cthulhu
It is made too imitate a classic silent movie which means it's going to be primitive in its production values and effects this movie is not going to be for everybody (0 more)
Experienced the madness like never before
The Call of Cthulhu 2005 was developed by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society celebrating the classic short story by the famed Gothic horror writer it was created purposely to correctly portray what a movie would be like if made during the time of the stories publication which is a silent era movie because of this the movie uses practical effects such as miniature toy sets and a stop motion Cthulhu monster

The movie follows the story of a researcher who is trying to learn the secrets of an ancient cult but soon realizes he may have bitten off more than he can chew when he comes across their God

Erika (17788 KP) rated Early Man (2018) in Movies

Feb 19, 2018 (Updated Feb 21, 2018)  
Early Man (2018)
Early Man (2018)
2018 | Animation
I love claymation/stop motion, and I'm definitely a Wallace and Gromit fan, so I was excited to see this. The animation was good, and the plot was entertaining. Though, I'm not sure exactly how this will go over with US audiences, because there were a lot of jokes that wouldn't have seemed funny if one wasn't familiar with football/Premier League. Tom Hiddleston's French accent was completely hilarious, and one of the best parts, next to Hobnob.
Isle of Dogs (2018)
Isle of Dogs (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation
7.8 (39 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Amazing animation (1 more)
Fantastic voice acting
Good Dog
In my opinion, Wes Anderson is pretty overrated. Other than Grand Budapest Hotel, I haven't been a big fan of anything else that he has done, yet critics and fans seem to adore everything he touches. This meant that I had hardly any hype going into Isle Of Dogs and only seen it because of some good reviews I had read online.
This film is great. It features an incredible cast, whose voices all work remarkably well for this story. The stop-motion animation is astonishing and beautiful at times and it tells an interesting, satisfying story.
There isn't much not to like here, the only thing that I will say is that although the animation style makes this sort of look like a kids movie, I would not recommend it for kids. There are some fairly adult themes present and a kid would probably get bored while watching too.
Overall, this film is definitely worth a watch, even if only to see the impressive stop-motion animation on show.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
1993 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi
Stop Motion at its Best
Jack Skelington has become dispondant with his Halloween life. He feels bored, unfulfilled, and does not love the day like he used to.
While pondering his identity crisis, we stumbles out of Halloween Town and into Christmas Town!
Becoming obsessed with this new Holliday, he convinces the town to run Christmas, and takes father Christmas hostage/ for a forced holiday, in order to put their spooky twist on the day.
With a host of creepy but lovable characters, they learn the true spirit of Christmas.
Sounds cheesy? Well, surprisingly not. It is often debated as to weather this is a Christmas or Halloween film. Considering the lessons learnt, I would say it is an Xmas film, but a bit of a spooky one.
The songs are catchy (And I recommend the 2 disc soundtrack with the cover versions), the visuals are spectacular! All done with stop motion, it is a credit to this school of animation. Stunning and fun, it's a great watch, and one of my all time favourite.
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
1993 | Animation, Family, Sci-Fi

"I feel like at one point or another, this is everyone’s favorite movie. Danny Elfman is amazing. I’m a big fan of stop motion. I really have an admiration and appreciation for [it]. I think they do such an amazing job, and they take so long to make. It’s almost flawless. You can’t even tell that they’re fake toys. It looks like animation. I like the music; it was amazing. Danny Elfman always does it with his scores, and Tim Burton is really rad. It’s done so well for the time. That’s a movie that will come around every so often that will just hang in the air and will never — no matter how good the graphics get, or how good your TV gets — at the end of the day, it will never folly. There are some things you’ll put on and go “It looked like that?” But when you watch Nightmare Before Christmas, you know it never gets bad or old. The music is always amazing, and they worked really hard. And that rings through. Stop motion is so great."


Danny Boyle recommended Apocalypse Now (1979) in Movies (curated)

Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
1979 | Action, Drama, War

"Always, and always number one for me in every list is Apocalypse Now. There are lots of reasons. It’s imperfect; which every film should be. I love action movies. I believe in motion, in the motion picture industry. And Apocalypse Now is the ultimate action movie. Firstly, it’s the only period film you’ll ever watch where nobody ever says it still ‘stands up after 30 years.’ Every other film — like Alien, and I’m a huge fan of Alien, I even did some promotion for it when they re-released it — the main thing you say are phrases like “Even after 25 years it still stands up.” You never have to use that (phrase) for Apocalypse Now. Everyone always just says: “Wow.” The second reason it’s the ultimate action movie is every time it stops moving it’s weird and unnatural and disturbing. Everytime it stops moving: they stop to collect mushrooms, they get attacked by a tiger; they stop and watch the playboy bunnies arriving; the boat stops and they end up shooting these people over a puppy in a little boat. And it stops, of course, with the ultimate stop: When he (Martin Sheen) meets Marlon Brando, Colonel Kurtz at the end. You can tell by how unnatural the stops are, how natural an action movie it is."

Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
Jason and the Argonauts (1963)
1963 | Fantasy

"The fifth, because it is the film of my childhood, and I still think the skeleton sequence is one of the scariest effects sequences ever, is Jason and the Argonauts. That is the film that, within the first six months of a relationship of any girl that I’m with, I have to make her watch that film — and if she doesn’t react the way I’d like, then that’s kind of a deal-breaker. If you don’t like Harryhausen’s stop-motion then you are not going to be in my life. [Laughs]"


Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Two Balloons (2017) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Two Balloons (2017)
Two Balloons (2017)
2017 | Animation
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I found myself being pulled in to the beautiful animation and story, Two Balloons is stop-motion animation at it’s finest, add to that the emotion that the short film produces, the film is one that although it only runs for nine minutes, I ended up watching several times to take in the delights. Mark has certainly written a heart-warming story.

The look of Two Balloons can only be described as delightful and charming, as is the story of these two lemurs find what they are looking for, dare I say that the ending even brought a tear to my eyes, in a lovely way.