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The Supernaturals
The Supernaturals
David L. Golemon | 2018 | Horror
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great horror story with creep factor
The beauty of reading horror books is this: even though you’ve probably read this same thing or read the same horror book with similar plots, cookie cutter characters, etc, what really matters at the end of the day is; does it provide you with enough chills and creep factor to get you reading?

Thankfully, this one delivers!

The plot is pretty standard; haunted house that is on the market but nobody buys it. It needs a super cleansing and a group of people are gathered and led by a Professor who’s looking out for redemption. It seems pretty much like a typical horror plot out there but it’s well written and the flow is consistent. That being said, the real action starts about the last third of the book. Think of this book as an introduction to a cast of characters, and what their ‘gifts’ are like. Their background stories are provided, and everything leading up to the night at the house is well done. It prepares to reader as to what to look forward to (with some creep factor in between)

So let’s get to the creep factor. It’s definitely there. The descriptions and events happening is enough to give the reader chills and leaves it to their imagination. There’s plenty of loud noise moments, evil laughter, and things going bump in the night to contribute to the enjoyment of reading this book.

The characters could have been better now, perhaps because it’s an introduction to the group but there’s not much substance to them (at least to some) I was a bit disappointed in George and Leonard because they had a lot to contribute but it seemed to have fizzled out when it really counts. For the most part it’s mostly John, Jenny and Gabriel in the spotlight. They’re all pretty much likable and their own storylines are good to read to provide more ‘fleshing out’ of the character.

It’s a solid horror story with a good ending. Of course it looks like there’s a second book coming out and I’m going to go and read it. I enjoyed this one immensely.
The Madonnas of Leningrad
Debra Dean | 2006
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For the most part, this book bored me and even though it was short, I had a hard time picking it up to read many times. I feel like the author was trying to cram too much into such a short book and I can't quite see the whole point of it. To go back and forth between the two time periods didn't allow for much substance in either era and the only thing that connected them was one person, which for some odd reason, didn't work for me. Every time it went back to present day, I was jolted from the book and wished the Ms. Dean had stuck to the past era, as the present one detracted from it. Being as it was, I felt I never really knew anyone in the book, the characters were one-dimensional and had the book been longer, that might have been remedied. I don't think the author did a very good job of interconnecting the stories, oftentimes it was boring, and the end was abrupt and a let down. I did think that when the author was describing the artwork and Hermitage, that was when she excelled, and at times, it was quite lovely. However, THE MADONNAS OF LENINGRAD, most likely won't leave a lasting impression.

A little note on the artwork, I noticed a mistake, I know that there is no such thing as Belgium Delft. My mom has a collection that started with her mom. I grew up with it, so I know a little about it. I also did some research and Belgium was once part of the Netherlands but that wouldn't make it Belgium Delft. Now, whether Belgium now has their own kind of Delft-like pottery, I wouldn't know. This detail has made me a little weary about the author's descriptions and history on other pieces of art in this book, which is unfortunate. As I said before, the descriptions of the artwork are exceptional. With that, the author shows promise with this debut, and hope that in the future, she won't try for too much. I'm sure others will like this better than I did and not be as critical. :)
The Shadow Between Us
The Shadow Between Us
Carol Mason | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Moving & Poignant Novel
Carol Mason, the best-selling author of ’After You Left’ has written an incredibly moving and poignant novel in this slow-burn, very beautiful work of fiction.

Olivia moves to the pretty coastal town of Port Townsend, with her marriage on-the-rocks, and her life in pieces. She doesn’t know if things with her husband Mark are truly over, or quite why the phone call she longs for on her daughter’s birthday will never come.

After joining a letter-writing club held at her local cafe she meets Ned, an ex-soldier badly wounded in Afghanistan. This chance friendship revives unexpected emotions and memories she’d rather forget.

Can Olivia find the courage to confront what she’s hiding from and finally begin to heal the wounds that have torn her life apart?

Liv, as she is known to her husband, is an extremely intriguing character. Regularly displaying a cocktail of emotions, I could still really empathise with her. She could be caring and thoughtful one minute, but then be frank, blunt and very much to-the-point, the next moment. At times she was positively distant and unkind. She was not alone in her attitude and behaviour as some of the other characters in the story shared similar traits such as cafe owner Beth. For me, this added to and complemented this wonderful character-driven story.

THE SHADOW BETWEEN US was a very insightful and thought-provoking read about reflecting on the mistakes we sometimes make and finding hope in second chances. I
very much liked the emphasis on letter-writing, reading and quotes from favourite books, running throughout the story.

The dialogue between Olivia and Ned was lovely and liked how they had an almost immediate connection. I was very keen to see how their relationship might develop. I found THE SHADOW BETWEEN US a very enjoyable read, helped by Carol Mason’s beautiful writing which has depth and substance. The ending was very fulfilling although with an unexpected twist. I will definitely be reading more of her books in the future.

[Thanks to #NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and Carol Mason for my ARC of #TheShadowBetweenUs in exchange for an honest review.]

Sensitivemuse (246 KP) rated Darktown in Books

May 17, 2019  
Thomas Mullen | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is such a great powerful read. On one hand you feel like going into the book and start punching every bigot you see since they’re such awful hateful people. Yet on the other hand, you feel for Boggs and Smith. They’re trying so hard to elevate themselves and make everything a better place for the community and pretty much for their race. Yet they’re non stop met with opposition from both sides and it’s disheartening to see yet the most awful thing about all of this is, this all happened in the last century. It’s mind blowing and horrible how humans are but it’s a reality we all must know and be aware of.

The plot itself was very interesting and the pace is steady. There’s plenty of characters to read about and the supporting characters gives the story plenty of substance. The emotions and tensions are dutifully felt in the book and you can only read on with the feeling of hopelessness as Boggs and Smith attempt to try and do their jobs as best as they can but they’re thwarted at every turn. It’s amazing they stick with the job, and admirable because of the amazing amount of strength and grit they display to go through all the obstacles they face while trying to do their investigation.

The plot was also good at showing both sides of the story. Besides Boggs and Smith you also have Rakestraw who seems more moderate thinking than the rest of the characters, his behavior is certainly different and he tries to be understanding - however still maintaining his superiority mentality. It’s a start I suppose to eradicate this kind of behavior in a character but you can’t help but feel frustrated as this type of hatred and belief that is so deeply ingrained in everything; in society, thinking, in life. It’s horrible to see and to think this type of behavior still persists in other forms and methods.

Definitely recommend this read despite the awful things some characters do in the book. It’s eye opening and gripping read. It will elicit powerful emotions but it’s accurate and detailed. No sugar coating here but the truth. Worth the read.

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated The Trees in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Trees
The Trees
Ali Shaw | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was drawn to this book first by the cover and then by the intriguing premise of the world turning into a forest over-night. It seemed to offer considerable potential and a story that was different to anything else I have read, and in that last respect, at least, it lived up to expectations. There I'm afraid the potential came to rest.

There are books in which the writing and the pace seem pick you up and to whisk you along at a breath-taking rate; that can have you hanging onto the edge of your seat; where you have to exert an iron cast self-control not to glance at the pages ahead in your urgent need to find out what is going to happen. There are books that envelope you, enrapture you and have you reading so hard that you get a head ache. And you feel happy about it. This is not one of them.

The book is divided into four parts and it is my sad duty to inform you that the first three and a half represent some of the stodgiest reading matter I have ever encountered. It was a wade through molasses. The characters fail to really lift off the page, whilst they are (mostly representative) of normal people we all know - as is the intention - and they are well formed and individual they just seem to lack any substance. They feel like detailed but two-dimensional pencil sketches rather than actual people.

The story itself is interesting and largely unpredictable, which is what one hopes for but that is the very best that can be said for it. It drags out and crawls along until you finally reach the second section of Part IV, when things pick up somewhat only to lead to what feels - after the novelty of such an original plot - to a rather lame and anti-climactic conclusion.

So to sum up: It's an OK read, I imagine some people will love it, but by and large I probably could have used my time better to re-read The Night watch for the fifteenth time.
Trolls (2016)
Trolls (2016)
2016 | Animation, Family
The new film ‘Trolls’ by Dreamworks opens nationwide November 4.

Trolls is an animated kids movie starring the voices of Anna Kendrick as Poppy, heir to the Trolls, and her pessimistic best friend Branch, voiced by Justin Timberlake.

Trolls opens with a quick summary of the Trolls personality– they are always happy, love to hug, party and dance. This is immediately followed up by revealing the trolls biggest predicament: the Bergens.

The Bergens don’t feel anything at all and don’t enjoy doing anything, the only amount of happiness they feel comes from eating the trolls on a holiday they deemed “Trollstis”.

I actually enjoyed this concept although it is a bit dark for children. The film however, manages to stay away from having a dark tone throughout. Instead, it’s filled with cheesy musical numbers and has a very basic plot, I.e. trolls get kidnapped and need to be rescued.

The character depth is pretty slim and the only character development we really see is with Branch (Timberlake) who goes from being pessimistic and a downer to positive and happy by the very end.

Multiple times during the movie I found myself asking “when is this going to end?”. There was maybe one moment throughout the entire movie that got a half chuckle out of me and that was absolutely it.

Despite such big names like Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Russell Brand, Zoey Deschanel and Gwen Stefani, the subtle adult jokes sprinkled throughout the movie were few and far between…. Rather than most recent films targeted at kids, that have an underlying thread aimed at drawing in adults and making it worthwhile for the adults to attend, Trolls adult aimed content seemed to be at an absolute bare minimum.

Therefore, my conclusions are this: If you’re looking for a kids movie that also has substance that reaches adults, this film doesn’t make the list. This film is simply a kids movie in every way.

However, if you want to take your kid to a movie that lights up his face and brightens his day this movie is worth sitting through.

I’d give this movie 2/5 stars as an adult, but the 8 year old boy gives it 5/5.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is on of those films that has no business being as good as it is.
Released a whopping 22 years after the beloved original, it's existence feels like it should be firmly in the "money grab" territory of Hollywood, but that just simply isn't the case.

Firstly, it's not just a re hash of the original plot. This time around, four teenagers all in detention for one reason or another, come across an old, unrecognisable games console labelled 'Jumanji'. After booting up the game and selecting their desired characters, the group are sucked into the game world, and have to complete it from within if they want to escape with their lives.
When in the game, the teens take on the roles of the characters they selected, each with their own skill sets. It's a delight for any video game fans, with fun references and silly NPC jokes scattered around.

The four younger actors don't get a huge amount of screen time, but they're engaging enough when they are about, bit the stars are of course the four who are front and centre of all the advertising. The chemistry between Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Karen Gillan, Kevin Hart and Jack Black is fantastic and genuine. The script is tight and joke heavy, and every humourous line lands without fail. They all do a great job of awkward teenagers trapped inside the bodies of video game characters. Jack Black is a particular highlight, essentially playing an Instagram obsessed 18 year old girl.
The whole movie is pretty hilarious. It also carries a passive story of friendship and family, as the four very different people form a strong bond as the story progresses.
The action sequences are pretty thrilling as well, even if it is hard to not notice the excessive CGI at times.

WTTJ is a really enjoyable popcorn blockbuster. It's funny, silly, and has enough substance to it to get nicely invested in the characters. It even includes a subtle and tasteful nod to Robin Williams' character from 1995, and is a classy touch.
Game Of Thrones  - Season 7
Game Of Thrones - Season 7
2017 | Sci-Fi
The start of the mad rush to the finish line
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 7 of Game of Thrones for me, is where the show went from the most finely and carefully crafted show of all time, to dumb hollywood-esque blockbuster.
The slow burning plot of the earlier seasons have all but gone, after it was announced that season 8 would be the last, causing long gestating plotlines to be rushed towards a conclusion, and causing the show to suffer for it. It's a real shame.

Season 7 is by no means bad though, once I had swallowed my bitterness and accepted that this was how it was going to be, there was still plenty to enjoy.
The intricate character arcs may have taken a huge blow, but when Game of Thrones decides to throw out an epic set piece, it's still the undisputed king.

Danaerys has (finally!) landed in Westeros, and begins her campaign to take the Iron Throne for herself. Characters that have been embroiled in politics for seven seasons are suddenly faced with seeing dragons for the first time, and that's a pretty satisfying moment for anyone who has been watching for years.
Episode 4 in particular serves as a highlight, as Danaerys unleashes the power of her dragons on the Lannister army. It's truly a spectacle.
The same episode however unfortunately confirms that certain characters are covered in plot-armour. Last minute life saving heroics replace the once sudden brutality of beloved characters being offed (obviously referring to Bring saving Jaime here), and for the first time since this show started, everyone just sort of feels safe. It's weird.

Elsewhere, Jon Snow leads a team north of the wall to acquire proof of the White Walkers in an attempt to sway Cersei onto his side of the upcoming war.
This episode was particularly dumb, but again, a huge spectacle. Seeing Viserion plummet to the ground was a pretty epic moment, and the season of course culminates in a moment all of us had been waiting for, as a huge chunk of The Wall falls, and the Night King leads his undead army into Westeros.

It's all very stylish, but unfortunately a lot of the substance gets left by the wayside.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
5.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Based on “The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Afghanistan,” a memoir by Kim Barker, “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” follows the journey of a copy writer turned war reporter (Tina Fey).

One day Barker is called into a meeting where, because she is unmarried and without children, she is asked to cover the war in Afghanistan. Seeming hesitant, but pulled by a desire to escape her mundane life, she decides to go for it.

When Barker arrives in Afghanistan the journalists that are stationed there basically just party most of the time, which speaks volumes about the ways people may try to avoid the emotional intensity of their surroundings.

Other than that, Barker hangs out with some very calm troops, gets ballsy and captures some crazy footage, and seems to get very wrapped up in the thrill of getting a lead story. It doesn’t seem that Barker ever has any actual interest in the politics of what she is covering. Realizing that it is a comedy, this may be totally fine. But the film is an odd mix. It portrays Barker’s character as somewhat numb to the tragic reality she is immersed in, while at the same time making a joke wherever it can.

I’m not quite sure what genre “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” fits into. It gets close to drama, and it gets close to comedy but it isn’t that funny and it isn’t that touching. It leaves the impression of a dull and desensitized view of war and the challenges reporters face abroad. Perhaps the film is staying true to the memoir, but it is definitely a different approach to describing such an experience.

That being said, it’s not a bad film or a bad story. It’s interesting. It has funny moments, and it makes you want to know what will happen in the end. A few scenes even get close to developing the characters in a way that might make the audience care about them. But overall, there is really no emotional substance to the film and it leaves no big impression.

Worth a watch on Netflix, I give “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” 2.5 out of 5 stars.
The Overnight (2015)
The Overnight (2015)
2015 | Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the mood for a quickie? Patrick Brice’s “The Overnight” is just that – a short in length, long in substance cinematic romp.

The film follows a laid back, somewhat boring Seattle couple, Alex (Adam Scott) and Emily (Taylor Schilling), who have just relocated to LA. As young parents they seem to be doing everything the “normal” way. They work hard, dote on their little boy, and their love life is rushed.

One afternoon while taking their son to the park, they have a chance meeting with, Kurt (Jason Schwartzman) and Charlotte (Judith Godrèche), an eccentric LA couple who have a son about the same age.

The two couples decide to get together again for a play date at Kurt and Charlotte’s house. Once the kids are put to bed by Kurt’s unique method of melodic keyboard playing, the adults decide to have a play date of their own.

At first the film seems to center on the mundane expectation of how life should be. A strategic starting point for the plot, as it develops into a raw and titillating experience.

Increasingly throughout the evening their blood alcohol levels rise and inhibitions wane, until the night turns into somewhat of a kinky party. Far from smooth and seductive, the interplay between the characters is uncomfortable and ridiculously funny.

The comedic style is unabashedly salacious. For example, at one point Kurt shares his unique paintings. They are the type one would expect to find somewhere like LA’s art scene. If you stare long enough into one, you realize they are all portraits of anuses – beautiful, colorful ass portraits.

The short length of the film in combination with a quick witted comedic style makes for a great date movie. It is both sensual and awkward, much like first dates can be. It will be an effective ice breaker, because it is sure to be the most awkward thing occurring in that moment.

People tend to lock themselves into boundaries which may not serve their best interest, simply because they believe that is how society works. This film pushes & explores those boundaries in a brilliantly humorous way without turning into a cheesy romantic comedy.

I give “The Overnight” 4.5 out of 5 stars