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Ray Winstone recommended The Searchers (1956) in Movies (curated)

The Searchers (1956)
The Searchers (1956)
1956 | Drama, Western

"I could go on and on. Like The Searchers, with John Wayne. It’s a wonderful film. Brilliantly shot, you know. And Wayne’s playing a bigot in it. A man who’s got a hatred about him, but by the end of it he changes. It’s such a great performance, hero playing a man like that. But you know, I got a million films; I could probably give you another five or 10 that would be totally different. You know a film that changed my mind about everything? I was in New York years ago, walking along on my own, and I saw a film called The Tin Drum. I went in and it started and I thought, “F–k, it’s a German film,” and they’ve got these subtitles and I thought, “I can’t be bothered with this.” But I sat there, and within 10 minutes I forgot about reading it and I just sat there watching this film. What a film. And it kind of changed my mind about film-making."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Into the Night in TV

May 31, 2020  
Into the Night
Into the Night
2020 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
The cheap gag about Into the Night would be to declare it the best Belgian apocalyptic SF disaster thriller mini-series ever made, but it deserves better than that. Not entirely unlike Lost, but without the plane actually crashing: passengers and crew of a commercial jet find themselves desperately travelling west, perpetually, as the sun's rays have suddenly become lethal. Characters come into sharper focus, tensions within the group build, there are many incidental crises and problems.

It's done with a slightly broad brush and occasionally becomes a little contrived, but there are great performances from the ensemble cast and it soon becomes genuinely gripping and tense, though not without the odd moment of black humour ('I'm going to die in Scotland... with Belgians!' despairs one character in the first episode). Not sure what they're going to do if it gets a second series, but this is a fine piece of entertainment. (Right-thinking people will surely watch the original version, with subtitles if necessary: the English dubbing is not great.)

David McK (3248 KP) rated John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019) in Movies

Sep 5, 2019 (Updated Mar 27, 2023)  
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
I'm going to start by saying that I originally wondered why this film was subtitled Parabellum, until a character in the film quotes the famous line: 'if you desire peace, prepare for war' in its original Latin (with English subtitles).

And that is pretty much what this film is about, picking up almost directly after Chapter 2 and with Keanu's super assassin John Wick now with a 14 million USD price on his head after killing a man on company (sacred) ground - i.e. The Continental Hotel - in the previous instalment.

I'm still a little hazy on the society itself - just how much are those hitman tokens worth? They constantly seem to change value! - and on why the world and its neighbour seems to be some sort of assassin, leading me almost to wonder are we in some sort of Matrix reality (not helped by Keanu even saying he needs 'Guns. Lots of guns'), but - putting that aside - this is still quite an enjoyable, albeit very violent, action movie.
Let the Right One In (2008)
Let the Right One In (2008)
2008 | Drama, Horror, Romance
8.7 (10 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I love European cinema. I made a proviso that you have to watch it with the Swedish subtitles on, not dubbed in American. It’s terrible when it’s dubbed in American. It’s really a drama. It’s the story of a young boy who meets a young girl who just happens to be a vampire. But the editing, the way they show the bleakness of the world, the way that they show a period in time which is nondescript — they say it’s the modern world, but it feels like the modern world that has gone by somehow. Very beautiful part of the world, it’s sterile and full of snow. I watched that one night; a friend recommended it to me. I was in my house on my own, at night, was very scared of it, and fell in love with it. I’m not a huge fan of horror movies, to be fair. There’s no reason for me to bring that into my life, that horror element. But with Let the Right One In, it was worth it because the performances and the story were both so brilliant."

Häxan (1922)
Häxan (1922)
1922 | Documentary, Fantasy, Horror
Very strange...
This collection of 7 silent film shorts are put together in this film Haxan. It's hard to give a plot description in a silent film collection like these. They mostly have to do with witches and the belief in witchcraft through the middle ages up through the time this movie was made. There were also elements of devils and devil worship, paganism, and the occult.

The film tried to make the point some of these people and practices were strange at the time maybe due to not a great understanding of mental illness or psychological problems of those involved.

The way the movie was divided was interesting at times and boring at other times. I definitely enjoyed the sections where there were actual moving images with dialogue cards or subtitles rather than those with still images only.

Since there was no dialogue per say, it was difficult to follow at some points; however, several of the visuals were striking and even a little scary considering this movie is almost 100 years old.

I still rather enjoyed it.

Mega Shark vs Kolossus (2015)
Mega Shark vs Kolossus (2015)
2015 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Amendment to the shark rules, having "mega" in the title... *chef's kiss*

When the hunt for the power source known as Red Mercury takes a team to an underground bunker they accidentally awaken the giant doomsday machine that's been idle since the Cold War. While the Kolossus runs rampage a new megalodon is terrorising the coast... what will happen when the two inexplicably meet?

I will say that of the Mega-Shark "franchise" the best is Mega Shark Vs. Mecha Shark. It is obviously much more sensible having two things that are designed to be in the same environment battling together, a robot fighting a shark is epic... but a stretch. This duo does mean that it feels very much like two films, but honestly, the ridiculousness of this makes up a bit for that.

It does at last start with a super realistic submarine that's manned by a lot of women in tight pleather that doesn't look like it would offer any kind of protection against water or action. This is why we come for these films... the accuracy.

The acting is exactly what you'd expect from a shark film, probably something you'd rather wasn't on your resume. You've got all the stereotypes with all the cringeable moments and the actors don't do a bad job with what they're given.

There's a little issue right at the beginning of the film. When the team meet up outside the bunker there's an obviously pointless exchange to explain what's going on, two of the actors have subtitles. I don't have an issue with subtitles when they're needed, but while both the actors have accents in the scene they're actually speaking perfectly understandable English. It might have been a glitch on the copy I watched, I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but if it wasn't then I don't know what they were thinking.

When it comes to the shark scale this film is good because it has the requisite bag CGI, stupid storyline and classic quotes... the famous last words "No sign of the mega shark" and my personal favourite "...or you can die hiding under your desk searching for your balls." Glorious. Despite the amazing lines and the fact it's got a shark in it, the sheer impossibility of the pairing and the fact it feels like two films forced together makes it fall short of high marks.

Originally posted on:

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017) in Movies

Feb 13, 2018 (Updated Mar 7, 2018)  
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017)
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
5.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Now, there's nothing wrong in principle with doing an animated Godzilla movie; most of the problems with this one arise from the fact it is largely unrecognisable as such.

Earth is abandoned due to excessive growth in the giant monster population; timey-wimey plot device means the survivors return twenty years later and find thousands of years have gone past and the place has reverted to a primeval state; the ecology is now distinctly Godzillaesque. Has their technology improved to the point where they can stand a chance against the Big G himself?

Reasonable, if somewhat convoluted premise is torpedoed by a persistent mood of nihilistic misery and absence of likeable human characters; Godzilla is largely absent, and mostly passive when he does appear. You want to see Godzilla demolishing Tokyo and fighting other monsters, not mooching about in a jungle, anyway. A good way of catching up on recent tropes in mainstream SF (this is just a nice way of saying the film is rather derivative), some interesting designs, but on the whole this is hard work to watch. English subtitles seem to have been written using Google Translate, which only adds to the essentially frustrating nature of the experience.
Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima
2020 | Action/Adventure
I absolutely loved this game because of the story and side quest stories. The open world exploration for me was incredible and the game is beautiful. I found myself playing with photo mode a lot taking lots of pictures standing in fields of pretty flowers, patting cute foxes, or just standing atop a mountain taking in the amazing view. The combat in the game was fun for me and it wasn't too challenging to figure out which stances to use to gain an advantage. I liked the accessibility of the game with making the subtitles easy to read and having simplified controls. I also liked that you can easily change the difficulty settings on the game. The characters in the game are interesting and I found myself liking all of them because of their interaction with the main character Jin and getting to know them during their side story quests. I could tell where they drew inspiration from Kurosawa films like Seven Samurai and it was very well done. Ghost Of Tsushima overall is a fantastic game and I was impressed with how much thought and detail went into the game. You can read my full review here:
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
Strongly Directed by Bong Joon-Ho
There are more strong film makers in this world than are just sitting in traditionally English-speaking Countries (like the U.S./England). One of the strongest - and a Director that I will watch WHATEVER he is Directing - is South Korean auteur Bong Joon-Ho. His previous efforts (THE HOST, OKJA, SNOWPIERCER, amongst others) were all led by intriguing stories, interesting people and strong visual imagery, so I was very excited for his newest effort, PARASITE. I purposely did not find out too much about this film, for I wanted to be surprised by what was unfolding in front of me.

And...I was rewarded, greatly by another intriguing story with interesting people and strong visual imagery.

In Korean, with English subtitles, PARASITE follows a lower class Korean family that go to work for a high class Korean family and brings us on a journey for BOTH families. And that's all I'm going to say about it, for to reveal anything else would be to spoil the surprises along the way.

But, as is often the case with these types of stories, it is the journey, not the destination that is the treat of this film. Bong Joon-Ho regular Kang-ho Song stars as the Patriarch of the lower class family who, seemingly, is lazy and allergic to "work", but that is not really the case. Woo-sik Choi is the son of the lower class family that connects with the daughter of the higher class family and Hye-jin Jang is the matriarch of the lower class family and they both bring sensitivity and strength to their roles. But for me, the real star of this film is So-dam Park as the daughter of this family who turns out to be the heart and the brains of the operation.

Director Bong Joon-Ho brings his usual flair to the proceedings, not letting his camera shy away from the seemy underbelly of this society, but not lingering on it either, moving the surprising plot along at a fast (enough) pace to keep you guessing throughout. I see a lot of films, so when I run across a plot that I couldn't tell what was going to come next, it is satisfying.

And, satisfying this film is. Some are calling it an "Oscar Contender" and I don't think I would go quite that far - the film does drag a bit in the middle. But, if you can handle reading the subtitles, you'll be entertained indeed by the fervent mind of one of the better Directors working in film today.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 12, 2019

Really want to see this!

Ibiza Undead (2016)
Ibiza Undead (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Horror
3.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Watchable to pass the time...
It is like a less funny version of the Inbetweeners mixed with the Walking Dead on a party Isle...
If you are a gamer think of Dead Island with nightclubs...

I didn't expect much from the story and if I'm honest I was right, the humour worked in places and there were some good bits, but not enough to save it. The intentionally irritating friend was very irritating, in a way that I'm sure wasn't the writers hadn't intended. One character disappears midway through the film for a large chunk and it makes you wonder why the character was there in the first place only for him to reappear near the end.

Not enough was done to make you care about the characters - It didn't really make a difference if they would make it off the Island or end up as Zombie fodder, you didn't really find yourself willing them on - I know it's a 'comedy,' but whatever you are watching you should feel something for the characters.

That being said, it passed the time with something I didn't have to think about, after watching a couple of series that required subtitles recently I just wanted to Zombie out in the chair to wind down.

I've seen definitely seen better but I have also seen far worse...