
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Video Game
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is an action-adventure video game based on the Marvel Comics character...
The Amazing Spiderman 2

John Garrett (27 KP) rated Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) in Movies
Jul 11, 2017

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in Video Games
Jul 21, 2017
Poor Graphics (3 more)
Awkward Animation
Glitches Galore
Rushed Ending
Can He Swing From A Web? Yeah, But That’s About All He Can Do…

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Deadpool 2 (2018) in Movies
May 14, 2019
Dead waste
#deadpool2 has a bad case of 'bigger doesn't always mean better', its not a bad #film its just a very safe one & the formula is already starting to wear thin. I liked the first #deadpool, it wasn't anything ground breaking but I found it nailed the character & delivered something #superhero films haven't dared do in a while (it also balanced cool action & #fun #comedy well). With deadpool 2 we get more of the same & while the scale, budget & ideas seem to have been upped the films itself feels a tad flat, lifeless & overstuffed. First the good the fight choreography is very well done its fast, brutal & filmed well. #Music & the score is great & compliments the film perfect. #Popculture references & cameos are fun & extremely fun & well done. Sets, costumes & props all look great & have clearly had alot of care, time & detail put into them. #joshbrolin as #cable is tremendous completely stealing the show with his scenes being by far the most entertaining. The bad - with no real unique stand out scenes or anything new to bring to the table I found myself getting bored quite quickly. Story wise its bland/basic too & we are introduced to so many uninteresting characters with uninspiring motives that I just couldn't invest in them at all. Jokes & dialog both come across as forced this time & after a while became tierd & repetitive. Cgi wise its a mess going from good to damn right embarrassing at times (I just dont get some of the decisions to keep some scenes/characters in when they look this bad, it just made the film feel cheap & pulled me out of the experience constantly). Overall its not a bad film its just a very very average & unnecessary one. Id say its not a patch on the first one & that wasnt that amazing either. #Kids will #love it for its crude humour & gratuitous violence & hardcore #marvel fans probably wont have a bad word to say about it but for me I was disappointed & was hoping for a new direction not more of the same old. Definitely watchable but sadly forgettable. #odeonlimitless #odeon #avengers #ryanreynolds #mcu #comic #cinifile #tuesdaythoughts #spiderman #hughjackman #xmen #review #comicon #domino #deadpoolmovie

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Marvel's Daredevil - Season 2 in TV
Jul 21, 2017
Brilliant writing (1 more)
Fantastic performances
Down and Dirty Crimefighting

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Vampyr in Video Games
Oct 23, 2018 (Updated Oct 23, 2018)

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated The Green Hornet (2011) in Movies
Aug 7, 2019

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Mass Effect Trilogy in Video Games
Jul 25, 2017
An Example Of Why Dialogue Options In Video Games Are More Trouble Than They Are Worth