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The second book in the Orion Circle series is just as action-packed as the first book. I will admit to the beginning taking me by surprise but I loved how it was written, with the characters of Kacie and Logan being immediately recognisable and flowing to the forefront of my mind, even though it is a while since I have read the first book in this series, Tortured Souls.

This story is layered with intricate twists and turns as Logan and Kacie have to deal with a number of different things, and the opponents they're facing are very good at finding out their secret fears. Although the timing of this book is over a short period, it never seemed rushed or hurried. Each scene was well-written and time given to each action and character, so that you understand just what is going on. With excellent teamwork by the Orion Circle as a whole (although the Pastor did annoy me at the end!), action, adventure and a touch of romance, this is one story that I didn't want to end.

Absolutely recommended and I can't wait for more!

* I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Into The Storm (Full Circle #2)
Into The Storm (Full Circle #2)
H.M. Wolfe | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
INTO THE STORM is the second book in the Full Circle series, a follow-on from The Base and, it seems, with references to another series too, The Island. In this one, we meet with Elias, Abernathy, and Riley -- three boys who each have a lot to learn about their pasts before they can move forward.

Once again, this story references situations and incidents in other books, as well as characters who I've never met before but have their own backstories that are relevant to this story. This makes it increasingly difficult to read as I feel as though I'm only getting half a story.

It appears I am in a minority feeling this way, and I can only presume other reviewers have read the previous books/series. The bit I could understand was good; I just didn't get the whole picture.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
In the Eye of the Storm (Full Circle #1)
In the Eye of the Storm (Full Circle #1)
H.M. Wolfe | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IN THE EYE OF THE STORM is the first book in the Full Circle series BUT it is a follow-on series from The Base, which I haven't read. I'm afraid this DID affect my enjoyment of the book as there were plenty of characters and situations referred to that I had absolutely no idea about.

This is a dark, fast-paced story that delves into the world of child sex trafficking, trying to rescue said children, and helping them live their best lives after dealing with the trauma involved.

The characters were mostly heart-warming. I wasn't able to feel the full effect of the big bad as I feel he probably made more of an impact in the original series. It is told from multiple perspectives so sometimes it seemed to flit across the surface, rather than give any depth to the feelings and emotions.

It has an ending that leaves it wide open for further stories. The writing itself was good, I just had trouble connecting with the story or the characters.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Reign of Ash (The Chosen #2)
Meg Anne | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
27 of 250
Reign of Ash ( The Chosen book 2)
By Meg Anne

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

"You will damn us all."

Kiri Helena Solene thought her trial was over. She was wrong. Prophesied to be the strongest of her kind, Helena is still coming to terms with the depth of her power and what it means to rule. Unfortunately, there's little time to learn.

"Without the tether you will fracture."

As her soul mate, Von is Helena's balance. Too bad he's missing. When he disappears, her tenuous hold on her magic begins to slip. Helena must find Von, and soon, or risk losing control completely. If only she knew where to look.

"You have a choice before you."

A malevolent force has risen, threatening the lives of Helena and those in her Circle. What they don't realize is that without Von, she will become the thing they most fear. How do you choose between the people you've vowed to protect and the one person you can't live without? How do you choose when there's no choice at all?

I’m really enjoying this series I loved this book! Was so glad she got her mate back and her circle intact! Full of action it’s one of those books you don’t want to put down!
My First Stone Age: The Card Game
My First Stone Age: The Card Game
2017 | Card Game, Kids Game, Memory, Prehistoric
The Kids Table series from Purple Phoenix Games seeks to lightly explore games that are focused toward children and families. We will do our best to give some good insight, but not bog you down with a million rules…

My First Stone Age: The Card Game (that’s a mouthful) is a quick and easy card game that can be played by any child of any age assuming they have the attention span for it (mine didn’t the first couple times). It focuses on memory skills and set collection mechanics.
Setting up is easy. Shuffle the Hut Cards and give each player one. Shuffle the Goods Cards and deal nine face-down in a circle. Place the rest of the deck in the middle of the circle face-up. Plop Martin, the mammeeple (mammoth meeple) on or near one of the face-down cards and you’re ready to play!

The winner of the game is they who is able to build three huts first. Players can build huts by moving Martin around the circle clock-wise 1-4 spaces, collecting the card if it matches the players’ hut card, and then building the hut by discarding the goods used. Each turn players will be able to move Martin, flip a card to see if it matched their hut card, and build a hut. The game continues in this fashion until the winner has built their third hut!
This is a very light game that has very simple rules, and not a ton for the players to have to keep track of or remember. Perfect for young ones and not-so-young ones alike. We love the artwork on the cards and being able to move a large mammeeple around the table searching for fish or arrowheads. While the game is competitive in that there is a winner and therefore also losers, we mitigate that by saying that, “if I win then you get to tickle me, but if you win I get to tickle you!” That usually quells any upset youngsters pretty quickly.

We love this game and it is a great first step into gateway games that target older audiences. It is simple and quick, and a minimal investment for a good few minutes!
Crown of Embers ( The Chosen book 3)
Meg Anne | 2022
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
32 of 230
Crown of Embers ( The Chosen book 3)
By Meg Anne

"If it's a war she wants, I'll damn well give her one."

Kiri Helena Solene may have gotten her mate back, but that was just the beginning. The battle lines have been drawn, and her nemesis has already struck the first blow.

Surrounded by her Circle, Helena's power continues to grow. However, this time, power alone will not be enough. To save the Chosen, Helena must seek out the Forsaken to forge new alliances with those long forgotten by her kind. But will they be friend or foe? After centuries of neglect, is it too late to mend the wounds of time?

Rowena will stop at nothing to prove that Elysia and the Chosen are hers. With Elysia on the brink of destruction, it's time for all of the Chosen to remember who, and what, they are.

Their fate depends on it.

Well this book didn’t hold back! We start of mourning Anderson and seeing Helena try to deal with grief as well as bringing the forsaken together. I have spent all book thinking omg I wish Darrin would stop being such a bitch then bam he’s turned to ash saving his love! Well I didn’t see that coming and felt kinda bad for being so harsh about him. On a high note Roman is officially a circle member. This is a decent series.
The Bletchley Circle  - Season 2
The Bletchley Circle - Season 2
2014 | Drama
Strong female lead (0 more)
This continues on from the first series of The Bletchley Circle, following for friends and former colleagues after WWII.
This series is split in two. In the first part, one of their fellow former colleagues is accused of murder. Can these ladies unravel the truth and prove her innocence? In the second part, as the ladies caused a few headaches for the military in uncovering their secrets and shady ways they find they have lost their security clearances so some of the women are no longer able to carry on with their jobs such as translation work. So they have to give other avenues to make money and it winds one of them up in a very sticky situation.
As before, I really warmed to the characters and was genuinely sad when one moved on to another life. I grew to love these women; I felt they were almost my friends and I actually cared for them and their outcomes.
You could feel the suspense of them closing in on the truth but realising time was running out. It really kept me gripped until the end.
I do love how they made being intelligent cool by being steps ahead of the police but also in forming such bonds with one another.
We could learn a thing or two from these ladies and their bravery.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 2 in TV

Oct 28, 2017 (Updated Oct 28, 2017)  
Stranger Things  - Season 2
Stranger Things - Season 2
2017 | Sci-Fi
Still love the characters (4 more)
El's goth look
Lucas' mouthy little sister Erica!
Sean Astin is adorable as Bob
Dustin's cat call
Max's older brother (1 more)
Sad that it's already over
Waiting for season 3 already!
I binge-watched this over 24 hours and was still completely hooked. And of course, knowing what the Upside Down is, is a bit of a spoiler but there's so much more to add in this one.

For one we get more of a back story on Eleven, and get to know the wider circle of each family. And there are more characters to explore in this series. The kids have both matured and are dealing with their own issues and traumas, giving a little more depth to their roles. And Will is not as well as he seems.

And just two words: not Bob!

The worst part is that it's over and not knowing when the next one's out. A great comeback to this show.
Shalador's Lady (The Black Jewels, #8)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book to be a very satisfying continuation of Lady Cassidy's story from The Shadow Queen (Black Jewels, Book 7). Even though a Bishop wields a substantial cast of characters between the pages of this book, each character is given his or her time in the spotlight, from my series favorites, such as Surreal and Daemon, to newer characters like Gray and Ranon. Each one has a subplot to work through, yet all loose ends are resolved quite neatly. I enjoyed how the plot would switch seamlessly between the story arcs of Cassidy's realm and Jaenelle's realm without taking away from either.

This book seemed to give the reader a glimpse into how the tainting of the Blood occurred by how good men could become bound to bad Queens. Kermilla played the role perfectly by how naive and self-centered she behaved, making her completely oblivious to the trouble she was creating. It is easy to see what Theran sees in her, because it is clear to me that were she to ever learn to use her strengths for the good of others instead of herself, she could become a very powerful force. Though I could not stand Kermilla from the very beginning, I think her character has too much potential not to use her in further books in the Black Jewels series.

The Kindred of the Blood continue to take a vital role in the progression of the plot, which I find both ingenious and quite humorous, as they are unpredictable in many ways. With the Kindred involved, there is guaranteed to be surprises - both good and bad. I could easily see a Kindred-centered novella come out of this book.

My favorite part of this book was watching the transformation of Gray into Jared Blaed as him and Cassidy fall in love. The progression is slow without feeling dragged out, and each stage has its rewards, with his casual relationship with Jaenelle's inner circle, as well as his introduction into Cassidy's circle. I'm a bit disappointed that Bishop did not create a way for Gray to gain the power he missed out on the first time, simply because it feels like he was punished for what he had no control over in his past.

I also love the humor that Bishop interjects so effortlessly into the plot, such as the interactions between Ranon and Gray and the rest of Jaenelle's court. The same old chemistry is still there with all of the "former court," and I have to wonder if the references to her court don't indicate a coming change in future books. I greatly look forward to the next installment in the Black Jewels series, Twilight's Dawn: A Black Jewels Book.
Shalador's Lady (The Black Jewels #8)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book to be a very satisfying continuation of Lady Cassidy's story from The Shadow Queen (Black Jewels, Book 7). Even though a Bishop wields a substantial cast of characters between the pages of this book, each character is given his or her time in the spotlight, from my series favorites, such as Surreal and Daemon, to newer characters like Gray and Ranon. Each one has a subplot to work through, yet all loose ends are resolved quite neatly. I enjoyed how the plot would switch seamlessly between the story arcs of Cassidy's realm and Jaenelle's realm without taking away from either.

This book seemed to give the reader a glimpse into how the tainting of the Blood occurred by how good men could become bound to bad Queens. Kermilla played the role perfectly by how naive and self-centered she behaved, making her completely oblivious to the trouble she was creating. It is easy to see what Theran sees in her, because it is clear to me that were she to ever learn to use her strengths for the good of others instead of herself, she could become a very powerful force. Though I could not stand Kermilla from the very beginning, I think her character has too much potential not to use her in further books in the Black Jewels series.

The Kindred of the Blood continue to take a vital role in the progression of the plot, which I find both ingenious and quite humorous, as they are unpredictable in many ways. With the Kindred involved, there is guaranteed to be surprises - both good and bad. I could easily see a Kindred-centered novella come out of this book.

My favorite part of this book was watching the transformation of Gray into Jared Blaed as him and Cassidy fall in love. The progression is slow without feeling dragged out, and each stage has its rewards, with his casual relationship with Jaenelle's inner circle, as well as his introduction into Cassidy's circle. I'm a bit disappointed that Bishop did not create a way for Gray to gain the power he missed out on the first time, simply because it feels like he was punished for what he had no control over in his past.

I also love the humor that Bishop interjects so effortlessly into the plot, such as the interactions between Ranon and Gray and the rest of Jaenelle's court. The same old chemistry is still there with all of the "former court," and I have to wonder if the references to her court don't indicate a coming change in future books. I greatly look forward to the next installment in the Black Jewels series, Twilight's Dawn: A Black Jewels Book.