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<b><i> DID NOT FINISH </i></b>

If you have been following my book journey for a while, you will know what I’m about to say. I don’t have rules about reading a certain book, but there is one thing I always stick to:

<i>I give a chance to every book that comes my way. If I have it in my physical library – it will be picked up at some point. </i>

Pagan Portals – Celtic Witchcraft is a book I won from a giveaway. It is not usually a genre I go for, but I do love witchcraft and spells. It intrigues me.
This book focuses on the Celtic Witchcraft and explains what it means to firstly, be a witch and what Celtic culture is all about – the beliefs, the customs etc.

After reading 30 pages, I decided that this book is not for me. This is, therefore, the second ”Did Not Finish” for 2019.

It starts very slow, gives detailed information of all things Celtic and the history of Celtic Witchcraft. It was a very boring introduction for me.

Then I got involved in a few life lessons without any added benefit really, and a full overview of a moon cycle followed by a detailed report on how the author’s behaviour changed during all these phases. This might be something you are interested in, but I felt like wasting my time reading someone’s daily moon diary. This was the moment I decided to close this book and move on.

I can understand why some might like this book, and you are valid! I am aware a lot of you will love and appreciate this book for what it is. And that’s okay. I just don’t seem to fit into this group. I love learning about witchcraft, witches and find out new things, but this book didn’t give me what I was looking for.

<b>Better luck next time!</b>

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Tim Booth recommended Soviet Kitsch by Regina Spektor in Music (curated)

Soviet Kitsch by Regina Spektor
Soviet Kitsch by Regina Spektor
2004 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Along with Sufjan, I think Regina Spektor is the other genius of this generation. I could have picked a number of Regina's records. Soviet Kitsch is the crossover, when she became accessible to a larger audience. Her first two records are records that only if you are slightly bipolar and, like me, a fantasist in music, are going to love. Soviet Kitsch found the language that was going to meet that wider audience. The songs are crazy masterpieces. They straddle a line between pop – there are catchy choruses – and craziness. 'Us' is one of my favourite songs ever written and will be played at my funeral. I got into Regina because I had bumped into her producer [Gordon Raphael], who was also the producer for The Strokes, at a festival. He has just finished working with her and he raved about this crazy woman who would play piano while hitting a drumstick against a drum stool. I had to go and check her out after that. Soviet Kitsch is astonishing, as are the ones that follow. I saw her play at The Greek in LA and realised I was watching genius. I couldn't write a song for three months after seeing her show, as I was so in awe at what I had witnessed. I have never had that experience happen before. I went back and bought every single piece of her music and for three months listened to her day and night, trying to work out what the fuck she was doing. I still haven't worked it out. I think she is channelling – she is a witch and she is channelling and that is all there is to it. I fell in love with her and was lucky enough to meet her. I was even luckier to become friends with her and her husband, and it has been amazing to have her as a genuine friend. Her husband, Jack [Dishel], made this fabulous YouTube video [:DRYVRS] with Macaulay Culkin and it became a viral sensation. Jack is fantastically talented and a natural-born stand-up comedian. He will have you belly-laughing whenever you talk to him with his honesty and gawkiness. I haven't told many people that I have become friends with both of them, and I am a little shy about telling you that."

10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.

Poltergeeks by Sean Cummings was such a light, refreshing read. I won this book off of a blog competition, and I'm so glad I did. I absolutely loved it!

Julie Richardson is a 15 year old witch. She's her mother's apprentice. However, when her mother's soul is stolen by something evil, Julie must step up and try to do everything in her power to save her mother. In the process, she is also putting her own life in danger as an evil poltergeist is after her, one who hates witches. This poltergeist will stop at nothing to make sure Julie is dead.

I love the title to this book. I don't think it suits the book 100%, but it's a funny title. I don't really understand where the geek bit comes in as there was no mention of any kind of geek. Julie's best friend Marcus is a bit of a geek but that's about it.

The cover of the book is awesome! I think it matches the story very much. Julie looks to be levitating (which she seems to do a lot in this book against her will), and she's got her trusty amulet that helps her to focus her magic. The cover of this book reminds me of the scene when she's in the old lady's house trying to rid it of poltergeist activity.

I love the pacing of this book!! It kept my attention throughout every chapter. I don't think there was one chapter where I felt bored. The pacing of the book is on track all the way through.

The world building and setting were great. I loved how it took place in a normal town in normal Canada. The setting of the high school where the poltergeist activity takes place is my favourite. =)

The dialogue was easy to understand. However, there are quite a bit of swear words in this book so be warned if you're not big on swearing. I don't think there were too many swear words, nothing over the top or anything. I think the swearing fit in with how 15 year old kids would talk.

I loved all the characters!!! Julie was such a funny character, and I mean funny in the haha sense. I loved her comic timing!! I thought it was brilliant. I loved how Marcus was always into his science how how shocked he was when he couldn't scientifically explain the paranormal goings-on. Betty brought in some humour as well, and I thought she represented a guardian quite well. As for Marla, I don't really like the way the author portrayed her as the stereotypical goth. I've always been irked when goths are stereotyped so that's one thing that got on my nerves.

The plot was really good. I felt it was semi-original as well. It was a bit predictive though, and I already had it figured out who the bad guy was, but it was still a great story nonetheless.

Overall, I felt that Poltergeeks was a great read, and I'd definitely recommend it for those ages 15+. I'm looking forward to the second book in the series coming out!

I'd give this book a 4.5 out of 5.
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles, #1)
Kami Garcia | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Romance
7.4 (34 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was made aware of this book when, at the cinema to see Les Miserables, I saw the trailer for the film adaptation. Apart from loving the song, which immediately went on my iPod when I got home (Seven Devils – Florence + the Machine), what I saw caught my attention enough to jot down the name and read the book.

Beautiful Creatures is set in the fictional town of Gatlin, South Carolina. Ethan Wate, from whose perspective the book is written, describes his town’s residents as either “stupid or stuck”, and can’t wait to leave, bored with the banality of his life. Fairly soon into the book, the reader is pulled into his dream, where we meet a girl smelling of lemons and rosemary, in need of help. A girl who, although he hasn’t yet met her, Ethan can’t live without.

The girl is Lena Duchannes (“Duchannes rhymes with rain”), with black hair, green eyes, and mysterious powers that see her surrounded by the pathetic fallacy. It’s often raining when Lena’s upset, and at one point there’s even a tornado. Lena’s a Caster, a broader term for a witch that, within her family, also includes a palimpsest, a siren and an incubus. The main premise of the story is that Lena’s family is cursed, and on the night of their sixteenth birthday each member of that family becomes ‘claimed’ as either a dark or light Caster. Lena keeps a count on her hand of how many days she has left until this night, but until she gets to that point, she’s tormented by a Carrie-esque group of Gatlin-born-and-raised girls, alongside much of the rest of the town.

I read quite a good blog post on this a few days ago, although, sorry, I can’t find it again for love nor money now! They pointed out that Ethan had a fair few feminine qualities (being very observant of Lena’s clothes, for example), but that if the story had been written from Lena’s perspective, it would have been 900 pages of teenage angst. I agree with that! It’s easy to see why she would be feeling so fraught though – it is made clear that she has no control over which way she will turn. If she is claimed as a Dark Caster, the book says, her personality will completely change, and she’ll no longer be able to see the family she has grown up with (apart from Ridley, I guess).

I did enjoy the story – it was fast paced, there was always enough going on to hold my attention, and there was a great twist at the end that I didn’t see coming. I really liked the fact that Lena craved normality, even though it was, ironically, the thing that Ethan hates about his town. As a teenager with medical/weight/my share of social issues, I could really relate to the idea that, despite whatever else she had going on, she just wanted to be able to do what everyone else does, no matter how boring or basic it may seem. That really resonated with me.

I was also really fascinated with the character of Ridley. She came strutting onto the scene and automatically made my jaw drop, as I think she was supposed to. Even when we’re told she’s a Dark Caster, her struggle with good and bad always seems to be lurking somewhere. <spoiler>I thought it really added grit to the book that she and Lena were best friends all through their childhood – you can really tell that Ridley still wants what’s best for Lena, even if that later translates to her trying to help Sarafine turn Lena towards the dark side. Then, later on, it’s obvious she has feelings for Link, and even the darkness within her can’t squash that. It’s an intriguing conflict!</spoiler>

However, I think this book will only ever be a guilty pleasure, and that’s because of the love thing. Now, I must admit, it’s not as bad as the Twilight film (which sickened me, and put me off reading the books), where Bella and Edward meet and she’s almost straight away “in love” with him. However, it’s still obvious almost from the beginning that by the end of the book, Lena and Ethan will have said those 3 overused, under-meant words – “I love you”. She’s 15, and he’s 16, by the way. <spoiler>The book manages to make it seem like their destiny by making their ancestors romantically linked, but I’m still not sure.</spoiler> I admit this may be because I’m slightly biased; I’ve never been in love, and didn’t actually have a boyfriend as a teenager. Maybe it is really easy to fall in love, I don’t know. To me though, being realistic is important – even in a fantasy book. As a reader, I need to be able to relate to the characters in some way, and it seemed like a cliche to make their feelings so intense, despite the events in the book.

Then, there’s the ending. While I really enjoyed the twist at the end, it was over too quickly. <spoiler>There was so much build up to meeting Sarafine, only for her to die (it seemed like) 10 minutes after she was first introduced. Plus, what happened to Ridley? Technically, Lena didn’t choose a side, so I do want to read further on in the series to see what happened to her – I’ll be really disappointed if she’s just forgotten about. As well as this, I want to know more about the name changes – why are they necessary, and do the new names fit them better somehow?</spoiler>

Well, if you’ve made it through my rambling, I’m impressed! I know I haven’t mentioned several important characters (Amma, for one), but I’ve covered most of the things I remember thinking about the book. Overall, I did like it and I reckon I'll see the film when it comes out on DVD, as well as reading more of the series, but I did see some parallels with Twilight, which isn't necessarily a good thing!

This review is also on my <a href="">blog</a>; - if you liked it, please check it out!
Heir of Fire
Heir of Fire
Sarah J. Maas | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (38 Ratings)
Book Rating
In my head, this will always be "Throne of Glass: Sacrifice Edition". Dear lord.

Character development continues to abound in this book, and Celaena actually joins Chaol and Dorian in growing for the better. We even get a couple of sets of new characters to follow, including Manon, who is a wyvern riding Witch.

However, this book also suffered from Training Montage Syndrome (TMS). A good portion of the book is spent watching Celaena learn how to use her powers. And while I understand that it's an important piece of the story, the training portions were generally slow-paced, and made the book feel like it was never going to end.

<img src= ""; width="360" height="176"/>

I can be fair, though - that's a trap that a lot of fantasy books can fall into. I <i>still</i> haven't read [b:Inheritance|7664041|Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle, #4)|Christopher Paolini||10260587] because of how horrifically slow-paced [b:Brisingr|2248573|Brisingr (The Inheritance Cycle, #3)|Christopher Paolini||3124969] was.

The worst part of the overwhelming focus on training was, to me, that the book didn't really <i>need</i> to cut back to Celaena's training so often. There were plenty of other things to focus on instead of watching other people watch Celaena play racquetball with fire.

I mean, Chaol and Aedion (Celaena's cousin) are searching for a way to restore magic to the land, while simultaneously working to gather together survivors of Adarlan's oppression to raise a rebellion, Dorian starts looking for a way to control his magic, Manon is introduced and needs time dedicated to her character...but nope! Celaena needs <i>another</i> scene where she gets into a fight with Rowan, and then she's rude to everybody.

Chaol is the main driving-force behind my continued interest in this series. The things that man has gone through, and done by the end of the book...and all for someone who gave up on him, because of a misunderstanding. I said it in my Crown of Midnight review, and I'll say it again - Celaena doesn't deserve him. >__>

I actually found myself really liking Dorian in this book, as well. Even if he is doomed to unbelievably and suddenly fall in love with random women at the drop of a hat.

Manon's sections of the story were pretty fun. The new point of view was interesting, although I kept picturing Manon training her wyvern as the Other Mother from Coraline inserted into the world of How to Train Your Dragon 2.

...I'll leave you to supply your own visuals.

The ending would have been heartbreaking, except it just got ridiculous after a while. There are only so many self-sacrifices that can be made before my brain starts going, "I'm Spartacus! No, I'M Spartacus!"

<img src= ""/>;

And the fruit of all of that self-sacrifice?

<spoiler>Chaol escapes the kingdom with his life, but is now a traitor to the Crown, which is kind of what Aedion had sacrificed himself to avoid in the first place. Meanwhile, both Aedion and Dorian are prisoners, and Dorian's love interest is dead.</spoiler>

These books are almost starting to frustrate me. They're <i>so</i> close to being great - but there's always something that disappoints me enough to stop me from being completely in love with this series. Ah, well. I suppose at least I still like them well enough.

Maybe the next one will be the one to completely win me over.
The Witchfinder&#039;s Sister
The Witchfinder's Sister
Beth Underdown | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i><b>I think now that to be close to someone can be to underestimate them. Grow too close, and you do not see what they are capable of; or you do not see it in time.</b></i>

<i>The Witchfinder’s Sister</i> is based on true life witch hunter Matthew Hopkins that grew to fame during the English Civil War around East Anglia, hunting and killing “witches”. This book isn’t non-fiction, it’s fiction based around non-fiction! I love these sorts of books that create their own stories from something that was very much real. Not only does it make for good reading, they also bring in some true history facts, so you’re being educated on the subject as you read.

High praise goes to Underdown for this novel. I feel like historical fiction can be hard genre to get right, and considering this is a <i>debut</i> novel, I’m amazed at how well put together and beautiful this has turned out to be! I love reading historical fiction, every once in awhile, and this is the sort of book that keeps my love for the genre burning.

The writing in this novel was haunting and beautiful. Nine times out of ten, it was exactly as you would have imagined the 17th Century to be, but I felt there were a few slips that made the book feel modern. For example, would a lady in 1645 say the phrase <i><b>“shitting herself”</b></i>? Correct me if I’m wrong, but that feels like a reasonably modern phrase to me.

I loved our main character, Alice. Me and my mum were talking about historical fiction novels and how we find it hard to understand why women make the decisions they make in these books, because we’re so used to having some equality and independence. But I noted that in this book, even though Alice is inferior to her brother and his counterparts, she is still a risk taker; going against her brother's wishes & sneaking around. I liked that she was strong and a little rebellious, it was so much easier to connect with her because of this.

On the other hand. I <i>hated</i> Matthew. He was a despicable character. I can rarely hate a character in a book, even if I’m supposed to. I tend to find the good in them at some point, or have some sort of sympathy for them, but I absolutely despised Matthew. Well done to Underdown for creating such a hate-inducing character. It’s quite a hard feat, but she managed it perfectly. The same goes for Mary Phillips.

The tension was built so well in this novel, you could feel the mystery growing and growing with every page and I loved it! Though the story moved reasonably slowly, the book was still absolutely riveting and I found it extremely hard to put down when I knew it was time to get some rest.

I am so, so excited to read more from Underdown. This was an amazingly well put together and researched.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Books UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Delayed Justice (Hidden Justice #3)
Delayed Justice (Hidden Justice #3)
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
She had long given up the desire to be loved. Now she only needed to be heard. Jaime Nichols went to law school to find the voice she never had as a child, and her determination to protect girls and women in the path of harm drives her in ways both spoken and unspoken. As Jamie, now a criminal defense attorney, prepares to press charges against someone who wronged her long ago, she must face not only her demons but also the unimaginable forces that protect the powerful man who tore her childhood apart. Chandler Bolton, a retired veteran, is tasked with helping a young victim who must testify in court—and along with his therapy dog, Aslan, he’s up for the task. When he first meets Jaime, all brains, beauty, and brashness, he can’t help but be intrigued. As Chandler works to break through the wall Jaime has built around herself, the two of them discover that they may have more to offer one another than they ever could have guessed—and that together, they may be able to help this endangered child. This thrilling installment of the Hidden Justice series explores the healing power of resolution and the weight of words given voice. And as Jaime pursues delayed justice of her own, she unearths eternal truths that will change the course of her life.

My Thoughts: Cara Putman has written a powerful novel that focuses on issues we see every day. This is a novel about strength, recovery, trust and finding hope in God. This is a fast-moving story-line that keeps the reader's interest, there are no dull moments in this novel.

The characters were easy for the reader to identify with. Jaime has worked hard to work through her trauma and to seek justice. Chandler the veteran who suffers from mild PTSD. The author did a wonderful job with Chandler, a man who has also with the help of Aslan push past his trauma. As I said the author has touched on topics that I believe everyone has or knows someone touched by these traumas. The author has done a wonderful job bringing these to the readers' attention and showing that with counseling, the victims can obtain justice and freedom from the past.

I enjoyed that C.S. Lewis' "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" from "Narnia" were brought into the storyline. I immediately fell in love with Aslan and the job he performed in the story.

This was a wonderful and a joy to read. I highly recommend this one, especially to those who enjoy action and suspense with a little romance mixed in.
The Photo Traveler
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally posted on <a title="'The Photo Traveler by Arthur J. Gonzalez"' href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Note: Formatting is lost due to copy and paste (includes picture lost as well)

<i><b>Disclaimer:</b> I received this book from the author for free to review for the blog tour. My review is not influenced in any way.</i>

     Seventeen-year-old Gavin Hillstone has been in foster care with an abusive father since his parents died in a fire at a young age. The only thing that lets him escape the torturous life is taking photos. Just when he thinks that he's going to be miserable for the rest of his life, he finds out that his dad's parents are still alive and enters the dangerous world of a small group of people called Photo Travelers.

     I honest to goodness hate his adoptive family, except for maybe Dina and Leyla. What a nasty temper his adoptive father has. I'm so glad Gavin found his grandparents, because if I could, I would probably say good riddance to Jet (of course, if I actually said it... it would probably get pretty... ugly). Then there's Gavin's adoptive sister. Mel. I was thinking she at least changed a bit when she went after him after he left. I mean, I can see why she would act like that, but still... I'm sad to say I'm disappointed in her. :(

     I guess that shows manipulative the villain is. 2 simple words with very simple (and good, if you look in the dictionary...) meanings... yet totally against what the other Photo Travelers are thinking of. It's kind of ironic what they mean to do for the good of mankind in the future, yet they can still break rules of all kinds.

Gavin is a pretty likable character in broad terms. He's loyal and protective when his family and friends are threatened by others. Though when it comes to some of his actions, I sometimes just want to give him a facepalm and ask, “Why, Gavin, whyyy?”

     I love how The Photo Traveler started. My very first thought after reading the prologue was, “Oh boy, this is going to a great 'ride!'” I also love how Gonzalez was very accurate (at least in historical facts) when it came to Gavin's trips to places such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Great Depression. What's a bit aggravating about the book, however, is the dialogue. The characters, including Gavin himself, just seem so... happy, excited or yelling all the time. There just seems to be a bit of overuse in exclamation marks. :/

     Then there's the ending. There's always that dreadful last few sentences at the end of the book where you hit the end and it seems to say right back, “The End.” With a lovely little cliffhanger. Somehow, you just want to say, “But... but... it was just beginning to get really interesting!” Despite the little mini protests, no one's going to hear me, so I'll hide in a cozy little corner, sip something nice and cold, and read on (after all, it's summer and time to... chillax). *unhappy face* I'm so glad cliffhangers don't have the ability to laugh at me... otherwise I'll be laughed at often. >_<
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
Hanna Dale | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really does creep up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

You know what? I really REALLY enjoyed this book! You'll laugh at me though, cos its first person, present tense AND multi point of view!

If you follow my reviews, you'll know that this, for ME, is the worst way for a book to be written and I have dumped many a book when realising it is written this way. I am, however, so very glad I did NIT dump this one!

So, I went to look to see what else I have read by Ms Dale, and lookit! This is the first book by this author name and I was extremely impressed!

I love the family legend of how each and every one of them would know who their other half was instantly, much like you get with the mates thing in shifter books, but there are no shifters in this book. A witch is mentioned, when Owen is telling Tristan about the legend, and the family legend itself borderes on paranormal, but thats all.

I loved that who was causing problems for Tristan wasn't obvious, and there were a lot of red herrings thrown about!

I loved Stella, Tristan's daughter, and how Owen took to her immediately, with the help of his dog, Huck and that Owen had that MINE moment for Stella as well as Tristan.

It's deeply emotional in places, hilarious in others. Dark and very deadly in places, and super sexy in others. Owen's family are a lot of fun, but Tristan's are . . not so much. I loved the hints that pop up to maybe future books in this series, and I hope I picked those clues up correctly. Be fun, I think, but I sense some of them might be way WAY more emotional than Tristan's!

Can't quite stretch to 5 stars, but a good solid, GREAT . .

4 star read!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**