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Taken (Werewolf Academy #4)
Taken (Werewolf Academy #4)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Taken is the fourth book in the series and follows on from the previous one. Alex now knows beyond any doubt that Siale is the One for him but Kalia needs some convincing. Alex wants her as a friend but that is it. He finds himself in Torin's Pack for the year, which doesn't go very well. Let's just say, him and the toilets become very good friends. I won't say anymore than that!

Right then, so, this story... is just like the others. It is intense and fast-paced with the overall story arc but you also have Alex trying to negotiate his way through girl-infested waters. Not an easy job at the best of times. Alex proves once again he will do anything for his friends and family but not all outcomes are happy ones. The depth of emotion in one particular scene just about killed me and it was absolutely perfect.

Things are changing for Alex but his self-preservation isn't one of them. He still puts everyone else before himself, although I think he may be starting to realise just what he has with Siale.

An absolutely brilliant book, full of emotion and action, and highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As women, it's our one job to reproduce, but is it? Some women can't wait to be mothers, others want to wait for the right time. Some women can't have children, and some women don't want children. This book examines one woman's journey through one of the biggest decisions women make between the ages of 20-40(the childbearing years). To have a baby or not to have a baby, that is the question.

Thank you to Henry Holt and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I couldn't get this book. I read it from cover to cover and I just couldn't find the something that drew it all together. To me it seemed really repetitive and there was really no cohesiveness.

I wanted to read this book because from a young age, I didn't want kids. Everyone one in my family and all of my friends knew this about me. I love kids. I was the neighborhood babysitter, I was a Girl Scout Camp leader, I went to school to become a child psychologist, but I just didn't want to have any of my own. One year before my Doctor agreed to tie my tubes if I hadn't had kids I got pregnant, two years later came baby number 2 and 10.5 months after that baby number 3. So I was really looking forward to reading this book and hearing someone else's perspective on the topic.

I couldn't relate to anything in this fiction/non-fiction tale. I'm not even sure if the main character had a name. Was it the author? The boyfriend was Miles. I'm not sure what message was trying to be conveyed, but I didn't get it.

I don't know if I will read other books by this author.
Mr February (Calendar |Men #2)
Mr February (Calendar |Men #2)
Bailey Bradford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
creeping up!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2, and while not really necessary to have read book one, it might help give you an idea of just how doomed this charity photo shoot is!

Because now the shoot is supposed to be in the museum's grounds, and there are CHILDREN about, young children who do not need to see semi nekkid (and before someone jumps down my throat, yes, that is how I MEANT to spell it!) guys wandering around. Enter Arturo, who offers the use of his land instead. But the shoot brings him into contact with Darin, and Darin's dog shifter half, wants to play with Arturo and his kitty half.

While actually shorter in length that book one, this seemed longer when I read it. I enjoyed it more too! No idea what's different in this one to that but hey! I don't really care. What was different, it was good.

I still can't see this shoot getting anywhere off the ground, with one setback after another, but again, I don't really care because I am really enjoying these! What I particularly like, is the shifter element is kinda added on, you know?? Its not a massive point of interest in the story line and I'm loving that!

And also, because the pairings are such polar opposites, it's great fun watching the come together, to fight the attraction because one or both of them can't see the other wanting them. excellent writing!

So, Ms Bradford, please keep these guys coming. Not least because I wanna see that this calendar actually gets off the ground!

creeping up to 4.5 stars but not quite 5...yet!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Seriously... I'm Kidding
Ellen DeGeneres | 2013 | Biography
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As part of Pride Month, I'm spotlighting books by or about GLBTQIA+ people. Ellen is one of the most prominent lesbians here in the US, between coming out on a sitcom, having her own daytime talk show, and her judging stint on American Idol. This is her third book, but the first one I've read. If the other two are like this one, I need to read them!

Seriously...I'm Kidding is a really funny book. It reads a little bit like an ADHD squirrel, but that's part of its charm. I read the print version, but this is one book I might have to get the audio version of, mostly because of the one chapter she wrote specifically for the audio version:

"Anyway, since you have the benefit of being able to hear this, I thought I would include some bonus material of me making strange noises. For those of you who are reading this the old-fashioned way and can't hear me, I've printed the noises below and I encourage you to use your imagination to think of what they might sound like coming out of my mouth.

Gooooood Morning
(more strange noises listed)"

The book covers a lot of ground, from producing her show to judging on American Idol to coming out as lesbian to hosting dinner parties. It also varies wildly chapter to chapter, from brief short stories (less than a page) to haiku, to coloring book pages of odd things like toasters, to prose, wandering chapters that are an interesting look at Ellen's thought process.

I really enjoyed this book, and it's definitely worth reading because it's just FUN.

You can find all my reviews at

Ti West recommended Bad Taste (1989) in Movies (curated)

Bad Taste (1989)
Bad Taste (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi

"I can say that, in thinking about it, I was thinking five favorite-ish movies that seemed to be relatively inspiring to me as a filmmaker or something like that. One is a movie called Bad Taste by Peter Jackson. The reason that movie is one of my favorite films is because… two things. One, I saw it when I was very young because it had a very sort of provocative box cover of an alien giving you the middle finger, in the video store; that was very charming to me. It seemed like something that needed to be rented for a sleep over. It’s one of the grossest movies ever, so it was always the benchmark of, like, “Is there a more disgusting movie than this?” And also not a lot of people had seen it so it was like a badge of honor. But more importantly, when I decided that maybe movies was something I wanted to do, that movie was actually the first movie that I think made me think I could maybe do this. Because it was the first time I’d ever seen a movie where I realized how the movie was made. And I realized, “He’s just putting a camera on the back of the car;” “Oh, that’s just him with his friend doing this;” and, “I can see how he built that effect” or “I can see how he used ketchup for blood” or whatever. It was so rough around the edges, yet still compelling and well-made that it kind of gave me this sort of inspiration and confidence to be like, “All I have to do is go do it, like this guy just went and did it.” So that movie is, like, the number one movie that made me think, “Maybe I can try this.”"

Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Beautiful Dangerous (Philly Heat Series, #4)
Becky Flade | 2023 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked this, just didn't love it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

The book title shows as book 3 in the Philly Heat series, but some sites has this at book 4, but it doesn't matter where it sits, it can be read as a stand alone within the series. Alex (Fall To Pieces) and Trudy (Yesterday's Over) do appear here, but you don't need their stories to follow this one. I've read both those books, and much preferred Fall To Pieces then Yesterday's Over and indeed, this one.

I liked this book, I just didn't love it.

I liked (if that's the right word!) the increasing issue with the stalker. That they were ALREADY scaring Hannah before she met with Doyle. And said stalker gets mighty angry about Doyle, let me tell ya!

I liked that I didn't see who was doing the stalking, at all! That one threw me off a bit, cos it was not who I thought. I liked the twist that took, too, heading back a year ago to her brother's murder.

I felt the romance came out of nowhere. there seemed to be little build up to that. I liked that it is, again, a backdrop to the major crime going on, rather than front and centre. I think I might have enjoyed this one if there had been NO romance on page, to be honest.

It's well written, from both Doyle and Hannah's point of view. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I just think that maybe this author isn't really for ME. I stress the ME point! I really did enjoy Fall To Pieces, but the other books have been a bit behind that one.

3 good, but not for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Modern Monsters
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review when I signed up to host the book tour. I made no guarantee of a favorable review.

A truly emotional ride that left me in total shock as the revelation of who truly committed the heinous crime.

Vic is a quiet young man who is a loner with just one friend. Brett is popular, outgoing and going places and Vic's best friend. One night they attend a party and from that night on actions that are put in motion quickly change everyone's lives. the story line and characters are well developed and once you start to read this book you won't want to put it down. I was so invested in the story that I read it in one day. I applaud Kelley York's writing abilities and look forward to reading more from such an outstanding and gifted writer.
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)
Rick Riordan | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh boy! He did it again...a cliffhanger, sort of. There was definitely room left at the end of this book for another series to be sprouted from this one. But, I for one, am not complaining at all! Every single book in every series Riordan has written have been great. This one was no exception at all. I was honestly afraid to read the last hundred pages or so because I was so afraid of what was going to happen or maybe I should say who was going to live or die. I have to say I am not at all disappointed with the conclusion of this series. I hesitate to even say more than that because I don't want to ruin it for all the fans out there. So I think I'll just end by saying I can't wait for the next series...Norse mythology.
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Killmonger" (0 more)
Another super hero
So i was glad to see there are honest reveiws.i allways check movies before i go see or rent .if you listened to press tv radio this wwas the best movie to come outta marvel ever.not even close.liked the characters.the setting the story and the villian.but it wasnt anything special.if i was gonna ever make a movie i want this movies hype/ publicist.anyway good movie .but liked it better as a less is more mystery .sometimes they dont need a movie.they can share one and have more impact.they wil have a pt 2 so .but definitley not the marvels greatest movie. .i actually liked green latern dc. Movie more .and supposely no one liked that one .sorry but thats why i love smashbomb to read diffrent raitings and its good to have a voice or hear other pesons reveiw.i just didnt think it was all that ..
Inside Out (2015)
Inside Out (2015)
2015 | Animation, Comedy, Drama
Great way to approach different emotions (1 more)
Upbeat while dealing with sensitive matter
Love love love love love it
Absolutely adore this movie.
It is a great way of explaining different emotions & how sometimes we can be happy one moment then sad the next to both younger children & people that may have issues regarding emotions.

It addresses some sensitive issues while still managing not to become too depressing.

It's not just because I love all things Disney that I love this movie. The music score is perfect for what is happening. It addresses something that we all experience at one point or more in our lives, and helps normalise the feelings we may have during the change.

Can't wait until my son (1 year old) is able to sit through a full movie as this is one of the many disney movies I plan on getting him to watch.