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Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 28, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Bill Skarsgard (2 more)
Awesome cast of kids
The first ten minutes was amazing
NO TIM CURRY CAMEO :( (0 more)
Was amazed and deeply disturbed by this movie
I went into this movie thinking it couldn't possibly top the 90's version, and in some ways i was correct.
First and foremost the first ten minutes of the movie had me on the edge of my seat... From the second Georgie meets our favorite clown from down under the streets you just know something is going to happen... something more than what happened in the previous version of the film. And boy did this deliver in a gruesome and disturbing fashion.
This movie had me waiting in anticipation for every appearance of Pennywise, played masterfully by Bill Skarsgard. He brought the dread and fear to the part and Tim Curry must be proud of his adaptation of a character that he defined in the earlier film as an iconic horror villian. Skarsgard, while bringing his own terrorizing portrayal to the movie, plays the part with the same gusto as Curry did. Making the viewer shudder with his every appearance on screen.
The children almost steal the show from Skarsgard, especially Finn Wolfhard, who's reimaging of Richie is spot on to what I thought he should have been in the old film. Wolfhard was hilarious in his delivery of the "your mom" jokes with Eddie, played by the extremely talented Jack Grazer, and he was also completely believable in his fear. All of these kids were amazing in their respective roles. And I can not wait to see who they will have play them in Chapter 2.
So if your looking for a good time film that will have you amazed as well as revolted, look no further than this movie.
IT was exactly what i was looking for in a date movie.
It scared me, tickled my funny bone, and had me waiting for more.
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The best way to describe the most recent adaption of Stephen King's It, is that it feels like a ghost train.
It's one scene after the next of spooky imagery and mild jump scares - it's not overly terrifying, but it's an enjoyable time.

I didn't find It to be particularly scary - there were parts here and there that were uncomfortable (the old woman in the background of the library scene - no focus on her whatsoever, but it gave me chills) and of course, the already infamous scene at the beginning with Georgie is hard to watch considering the age of the child.

But it's lack of all out terror is not a bad thing - the movie can concentrate on a hugely important aspect of the original book - the friendship shared betweens The Losers Club.
The young actors in this are great, all hugely believable, and likable, as they set off on their quest to stop Pennywise and his reign over the town of Derry.

In a world transfixed with Stranger Things, the atmosphere of It treads familiar turf, the 80s setting hitting the right nostalgic spots.

Bill SkarsgÄrd makes a great Pennywise. He doesn't try to copy what the great Tim Curry did in the original TV movie, he makes it his own. He's not quite as sinister as Tim Curry, but he's damn entertaining, and his costume and make up make for a creepy enough clown.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Chapter 2, to see if Andy Muschietti can pull off the ending as well as he pulled off the beginning.

Georgina (8 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 17, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good jump scares. (1 more)
Did sleep with the light on.
A little cartooney. (0 more)
Does it live up to the hype?
After two years eagerly anticipating the release of this film, (I am a clown hater, but love to be scared) I took myself off to the cinema on opening night (of course) I admit, that in the dark theatre, pennywise' cartooney giggle, was scary, so much so, everybody in the cinema watched me instead of the film! I may be very unpopular with the next didn't live up to the original, and certainly not the book. It was too over-hyped, too Hollywood, and too glossy. If this was a free standing, one of a kind film, I'd have enjoyed it for what it was, but it was not good enough to replace the Tim curry clown I saw when I was 12, and still makes me cry at clown masks on Halloween.

Blazing Minds (92 KP) rated Knives Out (2019) in Movies

Nov 1, 2021 (Updated Nov 3, 2021)  
Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
I have to say that with its brilliant cast including Daniel Craig, Chris Evans, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, Ana de Armas and of course Christopher Plummer, Knives Out, for me is one of the best Whodunit movies that I have seen for a long time on the big screen, I’ve seen many theatre productions in this genre and the last movie that I saw like this that had me as excited as Knives Out was Clue with Tim Curry.

This is a movie that has everything you could want from the genre, the mystery, the shifty money-grabbing family, the backstabbing and of course the intrigue of who committed the crime in the first place, yes there are those moments when you do start putting one and one together yourself, but with the subtle twists and turns in Knives Out it still keeps you guessing.

Otway93 (567 KP) rated Annie (1982) in Movies

Jun 14, 2022  
Annie (1982)
Annie (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Family, Musical
Casting (2 more)
Absolutely charming!
Until recently, it's been a film that's never really appealed to me, but watching it now I can see that it is a charming, emotional, and all-round superbly made musical.

The way the film is made is incredible. Although it was released in 1982, the film has the charm, feel and humour of a musical released in the 1950s or 60s, which is makes it feel that much more special.

The casting is superb, including legends Tim Curry, Carol Burnett, and last but not least the spectacular Albert Finney. Obviously I must mention Aileen Quinn, who put on an outstanding performance as the beloved orphan, Annie.

Finally, the music is great, ranging from silly drunken tunes from Carol Burnett, to Annie's emotional tunes such as "Tomorrow", which when seen on screen adds a whole new layer of emotion to the song.

Overall, an almost perfect film, perfect for musical lovers!

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Stephen King's It in TV

Dec 11, 2017 (Updated Dec 11, 2017)  
Stephen King's It
Stephen King's It
1990 | Drama, Horror
8.1 (95 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
A good adaptation but now looks dated
As Stephen King adaptations go, this isn't half bad. It manages to stick fairly faithfully to the book and keeps at least most of the major characters and plot points mostly intact. Which considering the length of the book is fairly impressive.

Tim Curry steals the show as Pennywise although i wouldnt say hes particularly scary. He's the best thing about every scene he's in. Shame the same can't be said about the rest of the cast, whose acting ranges from just okay to downright awful. The child actors seem to be much better than their adult counterparts! There's also the fact that it now looks very dated being nearly 30 years old and it really shows it's age in the effects. And for some reason despite this being rated a 15, there's barely any gore or bloody injuries which is a shame as King's books are known for this.

In all honesty having watched this back recently, I think the new version might be better.
Clue (1985)
Clue (1985)
1985 | Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Casting (0 more)
None of the endings work (0 more)
Long Time Favorite
This movie is amazing. Mainly because the cast is made up of some of the most talented actors ever and they all play off of each other so well. One of the best ensemble casts ever assembled in my opinion. Tim Curry, Christopher Lloyd, Madeline Kahn, etc.

The storyline is maybe a tad dramatic and silly but it just adds to the charm and the humor. The humor is on the dark side which is the best kind. There are some amazing one liners and jokes.
When i first became familiar with this movie we had it on dvd and were able to watch all three endings. Sometimes when it's shown on tv, they only show one ending for time purposes and in my opinion you really use out when you view it that way. Having said that, because of the way the film was shot, none of the endings actually work. This is maybe the only negative thing I really have to say about it.

David McK (3204 KP) rated Congo in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Michael Crichton | 1980 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yet another of [author:Michael Crichton|5194]'s science-thriller turned-into-a-movie novel, in which the movie bears only the slightest resemblance to the source material.

While the basic outline of the plot is the same in both - discovery of the lost city of Zinj in the Congo, expedition to said city that includes a Gorilla taught American Sign Langauge - the particulars of both are different, with the movie (form what I remember - it's been a decade or so since I last saw it) making far more of the exploration of Zinj and the fact that it is guarded by a new breed of vicious gorillas specially bred for the purpose by the original inhabitants than the novel does.

The characters in the novel are also less sympathetic than those in the movie - it's hard to take Tim Curry seriously as a hardened mercenary - while it has, also, aged somewhat due to the reliance on (then) state of the art electronics explained therein - a computer has a whole 256k of memory! Wow!!
Charlie's Angels (2000)
Charlie's Angels (2000)
2000 | Action, Comedy
The Angels are hot. That's what this is really about, after all. (3 more)
Crispin Glover
Bill Murray
Tim Curry
Fight scenes don't hold up, or at least some of them don't. (3 more)
Characterization is inconsistent
Matt LeBlanc's character should have been named Joey so you could headcanon him as the same character from Friends. (This is mostly a joke. Mostly.)
Tom Green
Inconsistent but fun
You watch a Charlie's Angels movie for one thing: hot women kicking ass. And so far as that goes, this movie mostly delivers even if some of the fight scenes don't look as good today as they should. But looking beyond that, there are some cracks in the facade - the characterization of the Angels, for instance, is that they're tough, confident professionals....who devolve to giggling schoolgirls at the prospect of meeting their boss? Feels awkward. The plot is straightforward, no complaints there, and most of the casting is on point with the exception of the bizarre addition of Tom Green's character. Overall, good fun despite it's flaws.