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Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
2018 | Economic, Puzzle
artwork (2 more)
layout design
feels like you are building a castle with blueprints
Incredible balanced, semi puzzle, with competitive aspects, and lots of economic and point scoring strategy.
I love this game, it's so much fun to play, and even has a one player version, my wife and I sometimes play separately and send each other pictures of the final blueprints. it's fun to imagine them actually existing with a bowling alley next to a kitchen and a garden a few feet from a torture chamber. The expansion adds some more fun with new rooms and secret passages.

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jul 22, 2018

Played again today.


The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) Jul 22, 2018

The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events #3)
The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events #3)
Lemony Snicket | 2000 | Children
7.9 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
I created a video explaining my slow decent into hating this series, book by book, for your viewing pleasure:

But if you prefer a written review:
I didn’t find the constant inaccurate defining of words as annoying this time, probably because I was focused on something else. I realized at this book what a mistake I had made. Each book of this series was just going to be a slight variation of that same template, and being a completionist, I had just condemned myself to ten more books of torture.
Second Debt (Indebted, #3)
Second Debt (Indebted, #3)
Pepper Winters | 2015 | Erotica, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What the f...

Seriously? Leaving me hanging with that cliffy? I want to scream and cry and bawl.

I want to beat the shite out of Cut and Daniel and the old hag.

I want to run away with Nila and Jethro and Kes and Jasmine.

But the worst thing is having to wait 2-3 weeks for book 5, and then another month for book 6! Pepper Winters, I wish you could write quicker, and not so captivating stories, so I wouldn't feel so stressed right now over whether to read book 4 right now or wait a week or two.


Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Homegoing in Books

Jul 24, 2017  
Yaa Gyasi | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Extraordinary novel spanning seas and generations
A rather melancholic and at times bitterweet read, describing the journey of one family split into two lineages as a result of colonialism and slavery. It is rather horrific read to tales of rape and torture, but there is no way of skirting around the issue. What is more telling is the effects that eight generations of brutality has on a modern generation and how easy it is to dismiss today's problems without looking at the context.

Yaa Gyasi has really excelled in bringing the narratives together coherently. An important piece of literature worth putting as part of the school curriculum.
You Sent Me a Letter
You Sent Me a Letter
Lucy Dawson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Thriller
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Predicatable (0 more)
Not a page turner
This book promises a page turning, plot twisting, dArk and thrilling read but instead you only want the pages to turn to the torture of reading the book can come to an end.

The ending is well written and worth investing in but unfortunately the build up has been so bad that by the time the end comes, you just don’t care anymore.

There is a lot of promise but it doesn’t deliver.

You don’t care about the mystery letter writer, or the romantic entanglements because we aren’t given any reason to care for the characters until the very end.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
The Merc with the Mouth!
after 10 years and an abomination of a creation as only fox can do fans rejoiced as they FINALLY got the Deadpool movie they wanted.

Starring Ryan Reynolds as the foul mouthed, gun toting, wise cracking, fourth wall breaking merc with a mouth known as deadpool, follow him through this love story full of murder, torture, abandonment and more love as he chases down Ajax, a mutant with advance strength and reflexes who caused wades (deadpools) mutation and skin damaging in the process, so he can return home to the woman he loves (and his collection of WHAM! records)
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Jennifer Lawrence (0 more)
Poor pacing and about 30mins too long (0 more)
A good espionage Thriller
I didn't see many reviews before seeing this, just a trailer. It's a very stylish spy thriller with some great cast members.
The trailer made it seem quite a seductive thriller, whilst it does have some sex scenes and nudity it's gratuitous rather than sexy. It's quite violent and brutal at times with some torture scenes.
Overall the story is interesting but not gripping and the pacing is up and down in the 2nd half of the film. Thankfully the ending was decent and Lawrence does well in a challenging role.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Death Wish (2018) in Movies

Mar 16, 2018 (Updated Mar 16, 2018)  
Death Wish (2018)
Death Wish (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
I haven't seen the original Death Wish film, so I'm just reviewing this as an Eli Roth directed movie with Bruce Willis in it. One, I was glad that there wasn't as much gore as I was expecting. I know Roth typically directs horror and torture porn, so I'm glad he showed restraint. It did take a bit to get going, but when it did, I was glad. It was interesting and was a really good idea to base it in the Chicago area, given it's like the wild west up there. The only real problem had was the pacing, and it did feel like a long hour and 47 minutes.
 The Report (2019)
The Report (2019)
2019 | Drama
Originally, I was going to see this film in theaters, but Amazon didn't have it showing in Austin, so I ended up streaming this.
Of course, the subject matter of the film was hard to take at points. The film did show some torture that was conducted at black sites: that's something to be prepared for. So, that was a warning for the squeamish.
The story was interesting throughout. This film obviously skewed towards the Dems. It was laughable to me: 'oH nOoooo tHe RePuBs aRe cOmInG!' That was a little over dramatic and eye-roll inducing, but highly amusing.
Overall, this was well-crafted, and engaging throughout.

Gwyneth Paltrow recommended Jane Eyre in Books (curated)

Jane Eyre
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë, Stevie Davies | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (58 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"My mother, who is this brilliant actress [Blythe Danner], started reading Jane Eyre to me when I was probably 9 or 10 years old. It was the first adult book that I got lost in. There's one scene when Jane is a child living with her relatives, and an older cousin begins to torture her. She fights back, but ends up getting locked away in a room as punishment. I so felt her frustration. When I read it again later in school, I connected to different parts of the book — especially the scenes with Jane as a young governess, new to Rochester's house and rather unsure of herself."
