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The Great escaper (2023)
The Great escaper (2023)
2023 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Michael caine (1 more)
Glenda jackson
Brilliant true story movie starring Sir Michael caine and Glenda jackson in her last role before passing away highly recommend
Coach Carter (2005)
Coach Carter (2005)
2005 | Drama
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Samuel L Jackson (0 more)
Very good feel good film
An enjoyable feel good film as a coach with tough methods aims to to turn around the fortunes of the boys on his team, on and off the court. Samuel L Jackson is great in his role and although predictable it's a fun feel good film based on a true story.
The Last Mrs. Parrish
The Last Mrs. Parrish
Liv Constantine | 2017 | Thriller
9.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
216 of 250
The Last Mrs Parish ( Last Mrs Parish book 1)
By Liv Constantine

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

How far would you go to make all your dreams come true?

Amber Patterson is tired of being a nobody: an invisible woman who melts into the background. She deserves more. She deserves a life of wealth, luxury and leisure.

Daphne Parrish is the golden girl of Bishops Harbor, Connecticut. With her model looks, her picture-perfect mansion and her millionaire husband, Jackson, she has everything Amber wants.

Amber’s envy could eat her alive—if she didn’t have a plan. Before long, she has become Daphne’s closest friend, and is catching the eye of Jackson. But a skeleton from her past could destroy everything, and if discovered, Amber’s well-laid plan may end in disaster…

Bloody brilliant! Had me gripped from start to finish so many little twists and such a brilliant outcome. I’ve never read liv Constantine but will be reading a lot more of her!
Highly recommend!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Jan 22, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
More Than Half Empty
Long-awaited sequel to Unbreakable; also not-quite-so-long-awaited sequel to Split, as M Night Shyamalan's various superheroes and villains assemble in a nuthouse: roll-call includes Bruce Willis (special power: being, um, unbreakable), James McAvoy (special power: one of his multiple personalities is a bit of an animal), and Samuel L Jackson (special power: being older than his own mum - it's true, I checked Wikipedia).

Starts off very promisingly but soon collapses into a saggy and self-indulgent mess in the traditional Shyamalan style; many long-winded scenes and much mysto-babble. Another bravura performance from McAvoy, and Jackson (when he finally turns up) carves himself a thick slice of ham, but the consequence of this is that Bruce Willis mostly vanishes into the background. The climax is remarkably portentous considering it's mostly just two guys wrestling each other fairly clumsily in a car park. Not sure three half-assed plot twists add up to a decent ending. All in all, a curious attempt to make a superhero movie in the style of a horror film, but ultimately rather disappointing given the potential and the talent involved.
The Lightning Thief
The Lightning Thief
Rick Riordan | 2005 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (100 Ratings)
Book Rating
Greek Mythology, Swords, and Sorcery, Summer Camp (0 more)
Percy is a bit whiny at times. (0 more)
If you are looking for something Harry Potter like but more swords and fighting the Percy Jackson series is for you. Percy is a 12 year old who discovers his true lineage as the son of a Greek god. He is then thrust into the world of heroes and monsters. Percy can be very whiny at times but fellow heroes Annabeth and Grover balance him out with wit and humor. Although it is a YA title there is violence that includes death so if you might not want to read it to small children. All in all, it is a great book and better series give it go.

Merissa (11704 KP) created a post

Feb 20, 2023  

Living his life again. Same person, same fishing village, same years. But this time the world shows him a different face.

Ken Jackson builds traditional boats in a small Cornish fishing town, where everyone might not have heard everything about everyone else, but if they haven't, it isn't for the want of listening. Which complicates matters for Ken, because he has a secret: he's living his life all over again.

It sounds like a dream come true. He's got the chance to make things right for his loved ones, and to avoid all his old regrets. But the past is never that simple. Ken's second life opens his eyes to different sides of people and places, and what's a man to do when his hopes and dreams and carefully laid plans are ripped apart?

 #Romance and

PhoebeLV (147 KP) rated 1408 (2007) in Movies

Jul 28, 2020  
1408 (2007)
1408 (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Great Acting (2 more)
Great Characters
Enjoyable Storyline
One of the best supernatural movies
Contains spoilers, click to show
1408 follows the story of Mike Enslin (John Cusack), a man who writes ‘true-horror’ books for a living; he stays in ‘haunted’ hotels and locations for his inspiration. One day, he receives a postcard of the Dolphin Hotel telling him not to stay in room 1408. Despite the warnings of the hotel manager (Samuel L. Jackson), he proceeds to stay in there anyway.
Before watching this, I considered it being The Shining all over again. However, it was not. Apart from the hotel and the book writing, it was quite different.
Enslin starts by seeing a few ghosts and then strange things start happening.
In the middle, it starts messing with your head and you think ‘was this before the hotel? is this real? is he imagining everything?’. I know I did.
I couldn’t really find any bad things with this and I would 100% recommend this to any horror fan and Stephen King book lover.
2012 (2009)
2012 (2009)
2009 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Disaster films and Hollywood have enjoyed a long and successful partnership over the years as box office gold has been found in fictional disasters. Irwin Allen had a string of hits such as “The Towering Inferno” and “The Poseidon Adventure” which in turn lead to the films such as “Dante’s Peak”, “Volcano”, “Deep Impact”, and “Armageddon” who kept the tried and true formula of relatable, regular people forced to cope with extraordinary situations where they must battle against all odds to survive.

In the new film “2012” director Roland Emmerich follows up his other end-of-the world epics “Independence Day” and “The Day After Tomorrow”, with a story about the total devastation of the earth and all life upon it due to an increase of neutrinos from the sun heating the earth’s core causing the displacement of the Earth’s crust.

Keeping to the established formula of the disaster films, 2012 centers around a struggling writer named Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), who learns of the pending catastrophic events while camping at Yellowstone National Park with his children. The presence of forbidden areas and swarms of soldiers and scientists leads Jackson to believe that the local conspiracy radio host Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), might be right in his predictions that we are all on borrowed time, and that the increase in earthquakes and fissures along the fault lines are a very bad omen.

Unbeknownst to Jackson, and the majority of the world’s population, U.S. President Wilson (Danny Glover), and his fellow heads of state, are preparing for the coming tragedy. Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) and a team of geologists lead by Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetal Ojiofore) are trying to determine exactly how much time they have to save what they can of humanity. Unaware that the fate of mankind is being decided by the politicians and those with money, Jackson and his children soon find themselves rushing to stay alive, with his ex-wife Kate (Amanda Peet), and her boyfriend in tow. Jackson learns of a plan to save select members of the population and pins their very survival on being able to arrive at what they hope is their salvation before time runs out.

Spectacular effects follow as Los Angeles and other cities are swallowed up by massive sinkholes and buried under collapsing bridges and buildings in some of the most amazing sequences of mayhem and destruction ever captured on film. The movie does an amazing job of showing the absolute calamity and chaos and does a passable job with the relationships between the characters. There are some nice supporting performances from Thandie Newton and George Segal. It is just a shame they were not given a bit more to work with. The cookie cutter scenarios that many characters faced seem to have been lifted from the book of disaster film plots.

I did not go into the film expecting realism, as I fully expect the world will go on as normal on December 22, 2012. However, I did have to note some of the absurd developments that strained any semblance of credibility the film may have had. One such scene had the characters being flooded and trapped for an extended period of time by water. Since their locale was near Mt Everest, I had to assume that it was not warm spring water they were submerged in, and had to wonder if hypothermia just went the way of most of the human populace.

Then again, we were dealing with a heated core that was essentially melting the earth’s crust. So maybe the water was warm.

As with all disaster movies, I do have to remember the audience is asked to suspend all disbelief, at least for 160 minutes. While the film does take some vast leaps of logic, there is enough good action, special effects, and strained levity to make this a good distraction, as long as you are willing to check your brain at the door and just enjoy the ride.
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
Heavenly Creatures (1994)
1994 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Wealthy and precocious teenager Juliet (Kate Winslet) transfers from England to Christchurch, New Zealand, with her family, and forms a bond with the quiet, brooding Pauline (Melanie Lynskey) through their shared love of Mario Lanza and their games of make believe. But when their parents begin to suspect that their increasingly intense friendship is becoming unhealthy, the girls decide to run away together, hatching a dark plan for those who threaten to keep them apart.

The movie is one of Peter Jackson’s earlier works, and demonstrates his unique sense of directing which featured in his first few films. Both Kate Winslett and Melanie Lynskey give outstanding performances - Melanie’s scowling face is especially disturbing.

Based on a true story, Jackson focuses a lot on the dream world element of the girls’ story, which I feel gives the film’s ending even more shock appeal.

I won’t spoil the ending, but let me say that the first time I saw the movie I felt so disturbed I felt as if I was actually there, and even now, when I rewatch the movie, I still get chills when the girls are walking down that path....

I appreciate that the film is not going to appeal to everyone, but the amazing performances of the two main characters, and the horrifying insight into how deep obsessive friendships can go, makes this an essential but very disturbing watch.
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Stephen (210 KP) Mar 12, 2019

One of my all time favourites!


Kevin Phillipson (9955 KP) Mar 15, 2019

Never seen it

Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
1999 | Action, Drama, Horror
Deep Blue Sea will always have a special place in my heart. At the time of its release, I was eight years old and it’s one of the few horror movies (if you can call it that) that I was allowed to watch. With that said, it’s a guilty pleasure and finding it on Netflix the other night was pretty amazing.

They say the path to Hell is paved with good intentions and Deep Blue Sea reminds us exactly how such proverbs can come true. Dr. Susan McAlester’s unhealthy obsession with finding a cure for Alzheimer’s guides her to costly extremes – and no price is too high in her book. It’s a classic example of sacrificing the few to aid the many, and it is, admittedly, a little overdone.

That said, this movie has some pretty awesome, if dated, death scenes – which I won’t go into detail about in case you haven’t seen it. What I can say is that this is actually a movie where Samuel L. Jackson doesn’t say “motherfucking.” (Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall hearing it at all, which was a shocker.)

Naturally, Deep Blue Sea isn’t something that’s breathtakingly amazing. It’s got its moments though, and it is a fun jaunt through what goes wrong when you mess with things you don’t know about. Seriously, it’s worth a watch for some of its silly little comedic moments, at that. Pretty solid three out of five.