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Mulholland Drive (2001)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
2001 | Documentary, Drama, Mystery

"Two great milestones for Lynch: his debut masterpiece and his most recent masterpiece. Eraserhead is the truest representation of a dream (or nightmare) I’ve ever seen put to film. Lynch’s debut was one of the ultimate midnight cult films of its time, and the Criterion package also includes all of his early short films. Mulholland Dr. is Lynch at his best, combining Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks into a hypnotic mystery that only gets better (and makes sense) with multiple viewings."

Twin Peaks Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks Soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti
1990 | Rock, Soundtrack
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This has a similar story to Pixies and Beastie Boys in that it came out when I was in high school and me and all our friends totally lost our mind over it. We'd watch it every week and then the next day at school we'd confer and talk about what happened. Which is funny because so many of my conversations with my friends now are so similar. Especially now that you can binge-watch all of these TV shows and TV is just so good right now that it dominates all of our conversations. Especially with a show like True Detective which is kind of like a mystery and you talk about all the weird stuff, you theorise and come up with all these conspiracies. So it was like that with Twin Peaks and that was the first time that I ever had that relationship with a TV show. Then after that there wasn't another TV show that I replaced it with. It was very specific to Twin Peaks. And it was filmed in the region I lived in, the Pacific Northwest, and me and all my friends connected with that and felt a little bit of ownership over that. The music is really pretty and haunting. I actually bought the songbook so that I could learn how to play them. And I really like Julee Cruise, I thought her voice was really pretty. [Nancy played 'Twin Peaks Theme' as an intro the LCD Soundsystem's 'New York I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down' at their final show in 2011] When we first started playing 'New York I Love You…', I was still trying to learn how to play it, and I don't think I've ever played it the same twice. Even for the recording there was no music written for it. But then as I got more comfortable playing it I started doing different things with it. There's this bit in the middle where it slows down, like the bridge, or the part before the big outro, where it slows down and I can hear other songs that could fit in there. The first song I played in that little interlude was 'Empire State Of Mind', then I got bored of that and started doing Brian Eno's 'By This River', then we would even sing the whole of that song before going back into 'New York I Love You…' but my favourite is when I did 'Twin Peaks'."

Dead Ant (2017)
Dead Ant (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Let's get the obvious out of the way first...the CGI giant ants, or course, look awful...but honestly, if one can look beyond that, Dead Ant is a genuinely funny and entertaining B-Movie blast.

It has a cast that's not to be sniffed at - Sean Astin, Tom Arnold, Jake Busey, Danny Woodburn, Twin Peaks legend Michael Horse, Sydney Sweeney, Entourage's Rhys Coiro - not too shabby for a low budget creature feature.
It's screenplay is constantly humourous, and everyone involved seems like they're having a good time.
As mentioned, the special effects are bargain bin level, but I don't know, that sort of adds to the whole experience.

I might just be a sucker for heavy metal themed comedies, but Dead Ant is a perfectly fine way to spend 90 minutes, and the song "Sideboob" from the movies fictional band Sonic Grave is now on one of my Spotify playlists 🤘
Child's Play 2 (1990)
Child's Play 2 (1990)
1990 | Horror
7.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An enjoyably stupid step down from the first one
Child's Play 2 picks up pretty much where the first is left off, with Chuckys body being recovered and refurbished ready for a re sell.

Of course it doesn't take long for Chucky to escape, and head off on a murder spree to get back to Andy (the same kid from the first one)

This sequel straight up lacks the same quality that the first one boasts. The acting is pretty terrible for the most part (although it nice to see Twin Peaks veteran Grace Zabriskie), and the movie hasn't aged as well as the first.
It still has it's charms though. Chucky is ten times more foul mouthed than before, and the movie wastes little time in setting him loose.

I found it to be fairly boring for the most part, but the whole final act makes up for it.
The final showdown in a Good Guys factory is absolutely ludicrous, but it's part of what makes this series so iconic, and gives the film much needed boost ensuring that it ends on a high note.
Mr. Robot  - Season 1
Mr. Robot - Season 1
2015 | Drama
The Writing (6 more)
The Cinematography
The Direction
The Performances
Best Dream Sequence that David Lynch didn't create
The Music
Best plot twist since Fight Club (the one that isnt inspired by Fight Club)
The name, while ultimately great, nearly kept me from giving what is now my favorite tv series a chance (0 more)
Brilliant, breathtaking, addictive.
I love this show. I only watched it on a lark, expecting to make fun of it - a hacker drama on USA called "Mr. Robot"? This is gonna be hilarious, I thought. I was so incredibly wrong. By the end of the pilot, I was hooked harder than any show since Twin Peaks had hooked me.

It's maybe the most cinematic TV series ever made, more so than a lot of movies. The mysteries it creates are gripping and compelling, inviting intense theorizing and speculation. It pulls off the best twist I've ever seen on television, and does it by blinding you with one that is telegraphed and inspired by another famous plot twist. Rami Malik goes from that guy you've seen in a bunch of stuff to legend status in one scene. In fact, the entire cast is nothing short of amazing. It makes the audience into a part of the show like no show ever has. It's already one of my favorite series ever made. It's brilliant.
Mr. Robot  - Season 2
Mr. Robot - Season 2
2016 | Drama
The final scenes of the season are nearly jaw dropping (4 more)
A shootout sequence that ranks up there with the best single shot sequences of anything on a screen big or small
Contains yet another episode that would fit right in with Lynch's canon
One of best Casablanca references ever made
Barely any Tyrell (1 more)
Dealing with the consequences of something is never as fun as the thing itself
Even though it didn't quite live up to the standard set by season 1, it was still one of the best sophomore seasons in television history
Contains spoilers, click to show
After one of the best seasons of television ever made, season 2 was bound to disappoint somewhat, but it does nothing to diminish season and actually manages to deepen it.

While the show really misses the presence of the male Tyrell, it deepens his lady MacBeth in unexpected ways and introduces another fascinating new character in the form of an FBI agent investigating the case against Elliot. In fact this season is all about the ladies, giving every female character new depth and agency. In fact, Angela maybe the new series MVP - her final scene of the season had me actively gasping out loud.

There is no show I'm more excited about right now than this, and believe me, that's almost hard to admit considering how much I'm in love with the new "Twin Peaks".
Pines (Wayward Pines, #1)
Pines (Wayward Pines, #1)
Blake Crouch | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I started reading this as a result of the ads for the upcoming adaptation on Fox, which made it look somewhat cheesy, but intriguingly weird. I was right about the central plot being weird, but luckily, the book is not really cheesy. While on a mission to locate 2 missing Secret Service agents, Ethan Burke finds himself stranded in the mysterious town of Wayward Pines after a car accident which killed his partner. His identification, money and phone are all missing and while the town seems outwardly idyllic, there is something pretty clearly off about it. As Ethan tries to figure out what is happening to him, things get progressively stranger, until he finds himself in a fight for his life. Things get surprisingly creepy and the ending provides a pretty big, and wholly unexpected, explanation for what is going on. While the author claims inspiration from TV show "Twin Peaks", and there is evidence as such, I found it read like one of Stephen King's more sprawling works, but condensed down to its core focus and with a more satisfying conclusion than he often comes up with. I still think the show looks likely to be sort of cheesy, but the book is anything but, and I highly recommend it to fans of suspense, horror or sci-fi.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Stranger Things - Season 1 in TV

Jul 5, 2019 (Updated Jul 5, 2019)  
Stranger Things  - Season 1
Stranger Things - Season 1
2016 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Welcome to Hawkins
For me, the first season of Stranger Things is perfect, and I really, and truly mean that.
The acting is top notch, the young actors in particular are phenomenal, believable, hugely professional.
Winona Ryder is fantastic as Joyce Byers, a mother losing her mind over the disappearance of her son (or is she). David Harbour is possibly the most likeable TV character in recent history, as Hopper, and then we have a host of supporting characters who all have an individual impact on the overall narrative (Justice for Barb)

There is an impending sense of dread throughout, as the mystery of Wills disappearance is slowly unravelled, as the season flits effortlessly from 80s buddy adventure, to creature feature, to government conspiracy thriller - there are many plates being spun, and none of them fall off.
Some of the more tense scenes will have you on the edge of your seat (R.U.N.)
At times it even reminded of one of my absolute favourite shows ever - Twin Peaks.

The 80s setting is a smart move, shoeing in references to other media left, right and centre, without ever feeling to on the nose, topped off with a very retro low electronic soundtrack, the atmosphere is very well crafted.

All of these positives put together produce an astounding season of television, that is near impossible to watch in bits.

Easy 10/10 for me!

Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Jul 5, 2019

Couldn't agree more esp about Hopper - total legend!


AnnieW (23 KP) rated Fortitude in TV

Dec 13, 2018  
2013 | Drama, Thriller
7.1 (17 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Interesting storylines, kept me watching and wanting next episode (0 more)
Can be a bit confusing in places (0 more)
Gets weirder each series
I loved the first series of Fortitude. The setting, Arctic Norway, was beautiful. The town of Fortitude has a selection of characters from different countries, all of whom seem to have some kind of secret, and who are played by a great cast. It can be quite slow moving at times, but there is a lot to take in. This is not a show to watch half-heartedly. There's mystery, intrigue and a bit of gore thrown in, too. I've seen comparisons to Twin Peaks - that might give you a bit of an idea of what to expect. If you like scandi-noir and a bit of dark humour, you'll like Fortitude.

In series one, a mammoth is found under the ice, threatening the development of a new hotel and Fortitude's first murders occur. There are many potential suspects but it turns out it's not just a straightforward case of finding who is responsible.

Throughout the three series' there are scientific discoveries and experiments, a shaman, missing persons, people possessed by parasites, a schoolteacher with a feeding fetish and many, many questions.

The first series was superb. The second series was just as good but started to get a little weirder. The third series is shorter than the previous two at only four episodes, but managed to fit in a whole lot more weirdness. (Dance with a burnt corpse, anyone?)

Series three is reported to be the last, and I think that's the right choice, but the ending does leave the possibility of the cause of Fortitude's 'problems' starting again somewhere else.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Shining (1980) in Movies

Nov 4, 2019 (Updated Jan 8, 2021)  
The Shining (1980)
The Shining (1980)
1980 | Horror
A slow burning horror masterclass
Stanley Kubrick's adaption of The Shining is certainly a rare gem - A tense thriller that might have aged, but still feels different and fresh in today's world.

Kubrick doesn't rely on cheap jump scares, but rather long and slow burning shots that are regularly unnerving, spliced with sudden and silent images of violence, all whilst a unsettling string score plays underneath each scene, even when nothing abnormal is happening.

The narrative of this adaption of The Shining is pretty straightforward (on the surface at least) as we watch Jack Torrance - a menacing and excellent Jack Nicholson in arguably his greatest performance - descend into madness as he looks after a deserted hotel for the winter months.
Jack is not particularly painted as a well hinged individual as it is, acting out against his wife Wendy (Shelly Duvall) and son Danny (Danny Lloyd) on a regular basis, whilst being slowly pushed over the edge by the isolated hotel, and it's ghostly occupants.

It's a well scripted film, never giving us too much back story, allowing us as an audience to interpret a lot of what is going on, and this loose ended-ness of The Shining is big part of it's charm.
Pretty much every shot is gorgeous, from the overhead sweeping landscapes of the opening, to the infamous tracking shots of Danny on his toy trike. The whole aesthetic is striking and disorientating in equal measure.
Not only is Nicholson an absolutely terrifying treat, but Shelly Duvall's performance is fantastic as well. Her frantic portrayal of a woman at her wits end is chilling, even if the methods to achieve this were questionable.

The Shining is truly iconic. It's influences can be seen everywhere from Twin Peaks to American Horror Story, and it's a testament to the overall quality of this horror heavyweight. A true masterpiece.