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What We Do in the Shadows- Season 1
What We Do in the Shadows- Season 1
2019 | Comedy
Everything (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Having loved the film that this show is based on i was expecting something really good from this and boy did it deliver.

The casting of Kayvan Novak and Matt Berry (2 well known comedians in the Uk) was an inspired choice,the storylines were executed perfectly and every joke hit the spot..every time.I dont want to give to much away in case there is anyone who hasn't seen the series yet but i hope this brief review will persuade you into seeing it and loving it as much as I did.
Let's Be Evil (2016)
Let's Be Evil (2016)
2016 | Horror
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Very weak story (1 more)
Not much of a horror or scifi
Let's not bother
Well only tried this out as recognised the actress who plays Tiggs was popular on UK TV. It's a very low budget film. Set in an advanced facility with advanced Ai and augmented reality specs. It's all a bit vague as to why the kids are there, what they are learning. Very quickly turns into people just running down dark corridors, air vents trying to escape the evil kids. A poor ending which was quite predictable caps it off.

Andrew Haigh recommended Ratcatcher (1999) in Movies (curated)

Ratcatcher (1999)
Ratcatcher (1999)
1999 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When I was starting to think about making my own films, it was always Lynne Ramsay who I would turn to. I think she is an incredible filmmaker and one of the greatest we’ve ever had in the UK. I would watch this film endlessly, amazed by the composition, the sound design, the naturalistic acting. It is also beautifully emotional. I still put it on in the background when I write, in the hope of some inspiration. I met her briefly at an awards party last year, and I was stupidly overexcited."


Mogwai recommended Robocop (1987) in Movies (curated)

Robocop  (1987)
Robocop (1987)
1987 | Action, Sci-Fi

"I can only thank the irresponsible video store worker who rented this film out to my little cousin and me when we were about thirteen (it was issued an 18 certificate in the UK). The uncut, brutal attack on Murphy and his unfolding semiconscious robot revenge stick with you for life. The ultraviolence is almost funny in parts, because Verhoeven manages these over-the-top scenes so expertly. And if you haven’t tried to down a whole can of Coke and burp “twenty seconds to comply!” then you haven’t been to my high school, pal. "

The Incredibles 2 (2018)
The Incredibles 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Comedy
Jack Jack and Edna (0 more)
Not so incredible
I'm usually a huge fan of Disney pixar but honestly this film fell short for me. The first two thirds of the film I found rather slow. The plot was predictable. The only relationship or interest I found was Jack Jack powers and then later Edna interactions with Jack Jack and his powers I was also disappointed with Disney not putting strobe warning in the state for the first week and a half of the films release. I have several friend who suffer from epilepsy and had UK got the same time as us and not had warning I dread to think what would of happens. For me this was safe I fly middle of the road nothing to write home about.
Girls Nite Out (1983)
Girls Nite Out (1983)
1983 | Horror
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Hal Holbrook (0 more)
Watched last night first time never heard of the movie until few months back when it was announced coming out on blu ray in the UK so I thought let's see if its any good. This movie was made during the 80s fad for slasher movies trying to make there own version of Halloween or Friday the 13th its not perfect by any means you've got usual type of characters who are mainly there to die at the hands of the killer one of them was in the second Friday the 13th movie. And there's the costume the killer wears the collage mascot with claws not very frightening when u see it overall decent horror movie but not perfect. I give the film a 7 but overall I give the blu ray version a nine among things arrow films have done fantastic job of restoring the movie there are some scenes in the film that couldn't be restored but overall good job and then there's the extras firstctheres a Commentary by two film critics and then there's the best part is the interviews with the ladies who play the the would be victims or final girls as they share there memories of the film overall good package highly recommend 👍

Dean (6921 KP) rated Blitz (2011) in Movies

Apr 12, 2018  
Blitz  (2011)
Blitz (2011)
2011 | Action, Crime, Thriller
6.4 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A gritty hard thriller about a cop killer in London. It has a great well known UK cast, more TV than film though. The only real problem is the story they have to work with, it's a bit weak at best. As a result there is very little suspense in the plot, it also has a fairly low budget feel to it. It's ok for those who like a quick fix of action/thriller with a simple basic story. Others might like a bit more substance in the plot, which could have made it a lot better.
The Thing (2011)
The Thing (2011)
2011 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
This is a prequel to probably one of the best horror films ever made
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is a prequel to probably one of the best horror films ever made, a true classic and a very good addition to the story. It tells what happened in the events leading up to the original film. The last shot of this film links to the first shot of the original.

At first I was worried about this film for two reasons. First, as the film was set on a Norwegian camp how much reading would I have to do whilst trying to follow the story? Second, the original film is amazing a true classic of the horror genre. Would this film do justice to the story and would the use of modern effects change the feel of the story? My fears were soon put to rest. Fortunately it appears that the universal language for scientists working in the Antarctic is English! There are a few subtitles throughout the film but not that many. Now a big thank you to the producers of this film. It is clear that they are true fans of the original and this is evident in the title. They couldn't come up with a title better than "The Thing". They could have gone with The Thing: Begins but nothing sounded as good. This film was made by fans of the original and they have ensured that it links into every reference made in the original to the Norwegian base, even down to an axe in the wall seen in the first film, showing how it got there in this one. The cast is made up of very good actors, none of them are particularly well known to everyone. I recognised a few faces, but this is good as you have no idea who will survive as there no major stars.

Story wise, if you have seen the original you know what to expect but the film makers know this and throw a few curve-balls in. The famous "blood test" of the original almost happens here but cleverly it gets change for something else also unexpected. The creatures origins are left alone and rightly so as there is no way of knowing them. It is just a creature trying to survive by killing everyone in its way. Do we really need to know more than that? The effects are also very good, but this is what you would expect from modern effects. Where the original films effects were ground breaking, the ones here are what you can see in most Hollywood creature films. The difference here is the attention to making the creature effects look like the original. Again the makers of the film have done a great job in making the two films fit together both story wise and visually. I wish all sequels/prequels would have enough respect for the audience like this one has.

My nemesis(a film critic on UK radio) struck again with this film. They rated this film a "good strong 3 stars" asked why not 4 stars they stated that Happy Feet Two was released at the same time and this was a 4 star film and they enjoyed it more. What???! How can you compare a horror with a cartoon? Shouldn't you rate them as individual films in different genres?
The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
First of all I will not be referring to this film by the crap UK name of Avengers Assembled. The film is The Avengers and that all it needs to be called.

This is biggest and most anticipated film from the last few years. It is a sequel to the Marvel films Iron Man (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Captain America (2011) and The Incredible Hulk (2008). But is it possible to make one film starring them all? Would it work with all of them in lead roles? The film brings together Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans) & The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) along with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). They join forces against Thor's Brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) who has unleashed an alien race upon the Earth so he can conquer it.

As many of you will know by now, I am a huge action movie and comic adaption fan, so this film exactly what I was looking for. I kept away from many reviews and possible spoilers. However I had to see the trailers. After seeing them and being blown away I got a little worried for the film. Many trailers use so much of the action and plot that they show most of the good parts of the film. I really hoped that this wouldn't happen with this one. I wanted this film to be good.

After the first 5 minutes I was worried. The film started out well but there was a really really bad camera cut/edit. For a film fan it stood out and slapped me in the face. I started to worry that it was a sign of things to come. However my fears were soon dispelled as the film sucked me in with outstanding direction, visuals and 3D effects like I have never seen before. The way the film was prepared starting out with Iron Man in 2008 and then tying in all the following films together are a big lead up to this one. A huge gamble but it really paid off. The outstanding cast work so well together. With all these larger than life characters already having their own individual stories told, all what was left was to bring them together. But first they start out against each other. Their individual egos explode as they battle each other with explosive devastation. Soon they all share a common goal and start to band together. Then the film really lets to. Up until this point it was amazing. When they finally start working together that's when an amazing movie exceeds all expectations and takes the superhero genre to a level never before seen. This is also the point then the 3D effects take on a whole new level. Prior to this they were used for depth and clarity of the film very well, but now it bring you in to the film and doesn't let go. The greatest effect is an alien ship appearing from over your head. It actually startled me as it appeared above my head before it was on the screen. Never before outside of a theme park has a 3D film managed this.

Fortunately it didn't just meet my expectations, it exceeded them more than I ever thought possible. I really can't find the right words to convey how good this film really is. It has moments where you laugh so hard you cry, amazingly the best of these involve The Hulk! There are moments where you find yourself holding your breath at the sheer scope of what you are seeing. The action raises the bar for the genre to maybe unattainable heights. This film is so very good.

I usually rate films on a scale of 1-10 but 10 feels inadequate for this. So for this one I am using 1-100. This film scores a 99. Only losing out on 100 due to the single bad edit at the start of the film. Joss Whedon has managed the impossible with this film and pulled of a film no one expected to be so good. For this reason and for the first time my stand out performance is the director Joss Whedon, for creating a perfect superhero movie.

You have to see this on the biggest screen you can find and in 3D
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
2007 | Action, Mystery
Known simply as 'Die Hard 4.0' in the UK, this sees Bruce Willis's NYPD cop John McClane sent to pick up a computer hacker (Justin Long) for the FBI, before getting caught up in increasingly preposterous events.

But, then again, it's Die Hard!

Unlike the John McClane of the original, this version does come across as somewhat of an 80s throwback action figure, quipping his way throughout the film:

"You took down a helicopter, with a car?!?"
"I was out of bullets"

being, for me, the best line of the entire film (and that was changed in the Die Harder edition).

this is also the one that Bruce Willis, in a truck, faces off against a Harrier Jump Jet, and is the one where McClane is described by the villain as:

"a Timex watch in a digital age"

which should give you some idea of the general outline of the plot!