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This is the second book of the series, and even though I haven’t read the first part, I was able to follow this book quite easily. There are a few references to the past and you can quickly realise what happened. Though, if you wish to read the series, don’t start with #2, because there are a few spoilers here that you wish you hadn’t read if you read book #1. I won’t be reading #1 because the spoilers in this book ruined it for me. But I am sure it’s an amazing story as well.

Carrie works in a library and has a cat that brings with her at work. Her father is a famous bad guy, that spent all her childhood in jails. One day, he returns to town, trying to get his share of a box of jewellery that he stole with another man. But a murder changes everyone’s plans, and Carrie has to make some dangerous decisions. It is a wonderful story about family, love, Christmas and tragedy that ends well.

This is a book full of mystery and crime, but it also is warm and family-oriented. I loved the mystery - crime part of it, I loved the scenes where everyone, mostly Carrie plays out to be a detective, but there were also scenes where things were so obvious, and she made terrible choices that made me cringe.

I struggled a lot to understand and like Carrie - I didn’t like the way how she gets quiet and doesn’t talk and just cries, and suddenly when she leaves the situation, she bitches about everything and how things should've been done differently. WELL WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING WHEN YOU HAD THE CHANCE, THEN? But then, there were also moments when she would come up with some interesting hypothesis and actually succeed into making a right choice, and I would think - YEAH, that’s my girl.

All in all, definitely a beautiful read, with a few tweaks here and there. I would love to read something similar to this, and for you that love chick-lit and detective stories, you would most probably enjoy this read :)
Allied (2016)
Allied (2016)
2016 | Drama, Romance, War
There's a great film in here somewhere
Director Robert Zemeckis has some impressive film credits to his name. From cult classics like Back to the Future to last year’s nausea inducing The Walk, there hasn’t been a genre his skills haven’t graced over the last four decades.

His most recent effort, Allied, sees the veteran director tackle the war genre with a film that certainly has its moments, but just how good is this wartime romantic drama?

Max Vatan (Brad Pitt) and Marianne Beauséjour (Marion Cotillard) are World War II operatives who never reveal their true identities. After falling in love during a risky mission, they hope to leave all that double-dealing behind them and start new lives. Instead, suspicion and danger envelop their marriage as both husband and wife become pitted against each other in an escalating, potentially lethal test that has global consequences.

Allied is an assured piece of film-making that tackles the claustrophobia of war incredibly well, but considering the talent at both ends of the camera, it lacks depth, harmony and above all; a plot that remains coherent throughout.

Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard are their usual dependable selves but they lack chemistry until the closing act and as a result, their relationship lacks believability, hampering what is in effect, a love story.

Elsewhere, the cinematography is too often blighted by poorly lit scenes that restrict the talents of Allied’s director. Robert Zemeckis is at his best embarking upon projects that leap off the screen with their vibrancy. Take Back to the Future and Forrest Gump as prime examples of this.

Nevertheless, the film’s final act almost makes up for these shortcomings and turns a plodding romantic drama into a tense, well-acted and above all interesting movie that has a great script; it’s just a shame the first hour lacks any punch.

When it comes to special effects, well, they’re used sparingly, with the upside of this being that they liven up the film nicely. The scenes of London during the blitz are harrowingly beautiful, with one sequence in particular being a standout throughout the entire running time.

Overall, Allied is a decent stab at constructing a meaningful wartime romantic drama, though looking to history should have perhaps sent alarm bells ringing; Pearl Harbour anyone. The story is intriguing most definitely, and it has some nice special effects, but the script it’s crafted around lacks depth until the final hour. It’s probably fair to say that this may slip under the radar when we look back at Robert Zemeckis’s illustrious career.
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
Mary Poppins Returns (2018)
2018 | Family
Following up a beloved classic is never easy task but that is what Disney is attempting to do with “Mary Poppins Returns”. This time out Emily Blunt takes on the magical umbrella of the no-nonsense but whimsical Nanny made famous by the series of books by PL Travers and of course the beloved classic starring Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke.

When hardship strikes the Banks family; Mary returns to assist Michael and Jane as well is Michael’s young children in much the magical way that she helped Michael and Jane all those years ago.

Joining her is local lamplighter Jack (Lin-Manuel Miranda), who remembers Mary and Jane Banks from his childhood.

Shocked that Mary has returned after all these years and not looking a day older; Michael Michaels three younger children are with delay on a magical adventure that only Mary Poppins can provide. Along the way they will dabble in animated environments, meet all manner of quirky characters, and of course bring the house down with magical and show stopping musical numbers as they attempt to help Michael and Jane save their beloved family home from ruthless bankers.

The film captures much of the joy and magic that you remember from the characters and it is likely to evoke an emotional response from you throughout the film.

Blunt does an amazing job taking over the role and her singing and dancing is very impressive. Miranda while struggling much as Van Dyke did with the Cockney accent; throws himself into the various musical numbers with passion and energy that helps take the scenes to a new level.

As I was watching the film and enjoying it thoroughly; I thought to myself the only real quality it lacked where the show stopping tunes that made the original such an unforgettable event. The Sherman Brothers set an impossibly high standard to follow as the score for the original film is peppered with Disney mainstays that have endured the test of time. No sooner had I thought that to myself; than to amazing musical numbers lit up the second half of the film to the point where I found myself not only humming one of them after the screening, but singing parts of them for several weeks after.


“Mary Poppins Returns” is a magical and musical film that the entire family can enjoy and takes viewers back to the simpler and nostalgic times of old. Let us hope that there will be new adventures for Mary to grace the cinema screen in the not-too-distant future as her absence has been far too long and dearly missed.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Doctor Sleep (2019) in Movies

Nov 3, 2019 (Updated Nov 4, 2019)  
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
Love or Death
Doctor Sleep is a perfect companion piece to The Shining giving us more insite to the story it told while being carful not to stand on its toes. A chilling film that creates such a great atmosphere by using a great score and tight direction to keep you on edge and unnerved with shivers down your spine. This accompanied with a grim, cold, errie visual style and lingering slow camera pans you have a film that echos the original in some respects but feels very current too. Cinematography is also gorgeous with vast haunting establishing shots, dim lit rooms, cold fog drenched roads and lonely lights lost in the darkness. But what i found truly facinating is the continuous theme of life and death here which had me gripped/wanting to explore the film deeper and more intricatly with every scene. Every single life is precious and the film depicts how many of us seem to just take that for granted, waste it, live it alone, abuse it or spend it hung up on the past or on extream circumstances choose to take it from another without care or thought to what value that persons precence in the world held. Its all very powerful, deeply saddening and thought provoking stuff which gives the film its own soul rather than echoing the shining. Theres a lot to say about how we view death too these days, be it when its from natural causes or murder we all just seem to have in a way become desensitized to it or in a rush to forget and move on. Child trauma, grievence and the torment plus the dangers of locking things up and trying to forget can bring are also facinatingly explored also.
Characters are all so likable and we spend a good chunk of time with all (including the menacing and creepily intimidating villains) which I thought was really nice and this helps create great attachment meaning that when a death hits you really feel the impact of the loss adding poweful emotion and a small amount of grievence to each one (and adds to the running theme of all life being important and death being something everyone fears/cant escape). Acting is great especially with the new cast replicating old characters from the shining. Doctor sleep also gets nostalgia right using parts of the shining respectfuly and tastfully rather than just simply replicating them for a cheap cash grab, instead choosing to intrigate them as crucial parts of the plot. All in all this movie unnerved me, engrosed and provoked me making me think more on the subject of death the journey we all take towards and how we should all pay more care and give more thought to the ones we let go.