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Day Shift (2022)
Day Shift (2022)
2022 | Comedy, Horror
6.9 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vampires vs. The Bronx, Night Teeth, and now Day Shift. Someone over at Netflix really likes investing in vampire horror-comedies of varying quality. Day Shift, for the most part, is a competent and entertaining action flick, thanks in no small part to the cast. Jamie Foxx has shown time and again that he's more than capable of taking on lead duties, whether he's winning Oscars for music biopics, or kicking vampire ass up and down California. His chemistry with Dave Franco lays the foundation for much of the films humour, and introduces a kind of buddy cop dynamic into the mix. The cast is further bolstered with some smaller roles from industry veteran Peter Stormare, and living legend Snoop Dogg (patiently waiting for a Big John spin-off project).

The action scenes are a whole lot of fun. The vampires contort and twist in horrible ways, and are dispatched in equally horrible ways. There's plenty of blood and viscera, limbs flying about the place, decapitations. It's all well choreographed, fast paced, and hugely entertaining.

There's a lot going for Day Shift, but it does faulter at times. After an exciting opening scene, there's quite a lengthy dip in pacing. This leads to a lot of exposition dumps and world building. Crafting lore for a new IP is something that can be tricky to navigate, and Day Shift misses the mark in this instance. It's all well and good providing the audience with background information that would be everyday knowledge for these characters, but it's executed in a way that feels wayward and messy, and almost 100% through dialogue. And example of a film that does this kind of thing well would be Zombieland. Withing minutes, we know plenty of in-universe rules for surviving the zombie apocalypse, and it's done in a fun, breezy, and brisk manner. In contrast, Day Shift puts a pin in any sort of excitement to throw all sorts of exposition at us in a way that feels like it's relying on potential sequels for any kind of pay off. It's just a little deflating, and not even Foxx's charisma can keep it from becoming boring.
To add to the negative side of things, the villain of the piece is aggressively forgettable. There's a semi-clever reference to how estate realtors are evil, but other than that, she's just an uninspired bad guy that causes the protagonists mild peril. The narrative also suffers from the age old issue of characters doing stupid things to drive the plot forward. Some of the events that unfold don't make a huge amount of sense with what we've been told previously.

Despite these misgivings and a messy middle, Day Shift ends on a high note, with an entertaining final third, and ultimately manages to be a perfectly passable popcorn movie. What it lacks in substance, it's makes up for in style, and will surely leave most with a smile on their faces by the time the credits roll.
Red Hot Fury (Shades of Fury, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For about the first forty pages, RED HOT FURY has a rocky start, but after it gets over that hump it's a worthwhile read. The Furies are an interesting breed that brings a welcome change from all the vampires, weres, witches, et al. to the urban fantasy genre, and the author adds her own spin to the species. Marissa, or rather Riss, is a tough, sarcastic, sure-of-herself character that won't appeal to everyone, but if you like them more on the gritty side then she might be the heroine for you. The world is interesting and there are good ideas, which includes Greek, Egyptian, and European mythology, but unfortunately the execution could have been better. Sometimes I was confused by explanations of the world, organizations, magic, etc., all of which, at times, were vague and periodically the dialogue fell flat. Adding to that, there was an unnecessary number of action scenes and a few too many characters to keep completely straight. However, there were some nice twists and turns, and although I saw the big reveal coming a mile away, I enjoyed the book and will look for the second in the series. Hopefully, all the kinks will be ironed out for that one. It's not quite a 4-star book, but a little better than a 3, so I'll settle for 3.5 stars.

Provided to me free for review through Amazon Vine.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated The Way You Bite in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
The Way You Bite
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ARC received in exchange for a complimentary review.

I have really been winning with the classic paranormals lately. Don’t get me wrong, I love reading authors’ new creations and mythologies, but sometimes, the classics are just tops. A good ole fashion feud between vampires and werewolves? Yes please! Not only that but it was done well.

It was difficult not to love the hero. At first, you think he is going to be just another Alpha. Then you are treated to an open loving man who is willing to modify his actions and thoughts rather than remain unyielding. The heroine was a little more complicated. I agreed with her sense of independence and thoughts about violence. However, you can be independent and still have a partner. At times, Vee is stubborn and set in her ways to the point of being obnoxious. I am all for strong independent women, but I am tired of them associating it with being alone.

Overall, it was a great paranormal novel. An interesting world inhabited by good characters and an action-packed plot to keep you reading until the end. The chemistry didn’t seem forced, and I couldn’t have asked for a more satisfactory ending. I believe this is a standalone for the author, but you can bet I am going to check out some of her other work.

If you are looking for a good paranormal romance for a rainy day, this one’s for you!

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires  (1974)
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)
1974 | Action, Adventure, Horror
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Chop Sucky
One of those movies where a bunch of very talented people get together and somehow manage to produce something not all that great. The famous British horror movie studio Hammer gets together with Hong Kong's Shaw Brothers to produce a Gothic horror kung fu movie that also manages to pastiche The Magnificent Seven (et al).

You want to know the plot? Well, a gaggle of Chinese vampires feel they aren't getting the respect they deserve, and so they recruit Dracula as a sort of foreign signing to help with their brand awareness, or something. However, also on a lecture tour of China is Dracula's nemesis Van Helsing (Peter Cushing, using all his powers to elevate deeply suspect material), even though they've apparently never met before, and he sets off with a gang of local kung fu experts to sort the problem out. Cushing is not required to do any kung fu, the Chinese cast are not required to say 'Transylvania' more often than is absolutely necessary, and Christopher Lee flatly refuses to participate (Dracula, who appears to be overdoing his make-up, is played by another actor).

Nevertheless this is still schlocky good fun, although the script doesn't even make sense on its own terms and credited director Roy Ward Baker doesn't seem quite sure of what to do with the kung fu genre. One of the most bonkers of the late-period Hammer horror movies, not that this is necessarily a bad thing.
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation
Paula Millhouse | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation by Paula Millhouse
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation is the first book in the Hunters' Watch Brigade series, that deals with witches, vampires, demi-gods, shifters, and all other paranormal personnel.

Sam is a sassy, sometimes cheeky, female who is confident in herself and her abilities. Her father is Poseidon, and she has an easy relationship with him, even though she doesn't understand why he didn't stick around when she was a child. Max is her Maine Coon familiar (yes, she's also part witch). Max is more to her than that though, but he is resisting with every fibre of his being. He knows he can shift and become a guardian, but is worried about being taken away from Sam if he does so.

I loved these two, both separately and together. Things go full on between them once Max does shift, but then it wouldn't seem right any other way, considering all the time they have spent together.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I thoroughly enjoyed the pacing of this book, with smooth transitions from one scene to the next. It does end on a sort-of cliffhanger, so fair warning. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Out for Blood
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly, I want to thank TWCS and Mike Walker for sending me this book because I flipping LOVED it! I honestly have not read a book so engaging in quite a while, so huge thanks! I'm likely to gush a lot whilst reviewing this, so I'll give you a brief over view now before going into a tad more detail but seriously this book is funny, touching, incredibly engaging, a fabulously fresh take on vampires and impossibly difficult to put down!

So let's pick up on some of those points, and I think the thing that deserves the first real mention is Mike Walker's writing style. He has such wit and dry humour that at times I was literally laughing out loud at this book (much to the aghast of some others in the doctors waiting room earlier today!) and I honestly tittered my way through the story. It's just so funny, even where it probably shouldn't be, and this is definitely down to the expert style of writing used by Walker. It's very hard to make me laugh at a book as I'm more of a fan of visual humour, but Walker had me literally rolling, and I'd love to thank him for cheering me up and making my sides ache!

This book was reviewed as part of a blog tour on Lily Loves Indie and the rest of this review can be viewed here -
I loved it
Contains spoilers, click to show
All Joy Randall wants is a little old-fashioned romance, but when she participates in a "Goddess evoking" ceremony with her friend, Roxy, Joy finds out her future true love is a man with the potential to put her immortal soul in danger. At first the ever-practical Joy is ready to dismiss her vision as a product of too much gin and too many vampire romances, but while traveling through the Czech Republic with Roxy, Joy begins to have some second thoughts about her mystery lover because she is suddenly plagued by visions of a lethally handsome stranger. Then, when she and Roxy attend a local GothFaire, Joy meets Raphael Griffin St. John, head of security, and she becomes even more bewildered because the dark and dangerous Raphael seems too close to her dreams for comfort.

Oh I absolutely loved this book!! It was funny and witty full of well written steamy scenes! Kept you guessing whether Joy was going crazy or vampires truly existed! Also very refreshing to find the vamp wasn't actually the love of her life she took another route! Who by the way was totally hot!! Joy's friendship with Roxy is just perfect and a lot like most friendships. I really want to take a trip to find me a Dark one!
I love Katie Macalister's writing style it's always on the edge!
