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    Steaknshake (0 KP)

    Video game junky and poetry bookworm

    I play videogames like it's my job, but it's not. I am a car guy with an eye on I.T. Dungeons and...


    Cheshire (0 KP)

    Movie buff, book worm, video game player

    I love disney movies and games


    David Hopkins (1 KP)

    Video game player

    Just love movies if only I had the money to go see them I would see even more.

    Last Active: Jan 29, 2018

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of Red Dead Redemption in Video Games

Feb 18, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
2010 | Action/Adventure
Best possible western style video game so far.