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Nickg24 (492 KP) rated Titans - Season 2 in TV

Dec 17, 2019  
Titans - Season 2
Titans - Season 2
2019 | Action, Adventure
Contains spoilers, click to show
So after a fantastic first season I was expecting the second to raise the bar even higher,which it did in parts but also failed to do so in other parts.

This time the titans find themselves going up against a genetically modified super baddie in deathstroke.Having killed one of the original members of the titans and in turn one of them causing deathstroke to accidentally kill his own son both parties are seeking revenge.

For all the excellent action/fighting sequences, the introduction of bruce wayne (though we never see him as batman through the entire series) and superboy (half superman/half lex luthor) this second season finds itself bogged down with a lot of talk and with everyone feeling down and miserable at some point.

The titans all fall out,go their separate ways only to reunite at the end to defeat deathstroke.The killing off of wonder girl felt flat and unnecessary and the set up for the 3rd series doesnt fill me with much with much excitement but I will almost certainly tune in to watch it.

Marc Riley recommended Hex Enduction Hour by The Fall in Music (curated)

Hex Enduction Hour by The Fall
Hex Enduction Hour by The Fall
1982 | Punk
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've read since that Hex Enduction Hour was going to be the last Fall album and that Mark was going to split the band up if it didn't work. The rest of us weren't aware of this. I guess it could have been like David Bowie splitting up the Spiders From Mars onstage at the Hammersmith Odeon, but obviously this proved not to be the case. I put this in here because it was the last Fall album that I did, and everything that we'd learned just came together. I was on Live At The Witch Trials, but that was a pop album. It sounds like a totally different group… well, it did have different musicians on it, I guess. Mark obviously wasn't clear on what he wanted The Fall to sound like at that point in time; Dragnet was just the sound of a load of kids who couldn't play being thrown in a studio and being excited and being in their favourite band but… [laughs] well, Dragnet is a mystery to me, that album… I remember recording it and the production… it never sounded the same twice. I realised that wasn't how we sounded live. It didn't sound like The Fall. It sounded amazing in its own way but it didn't sound like The Fall. It didn't capture what we were doing. But with Hex Enduction Hour, everything came together at that one point. We did some of it live in a cinema in Hitchin and some of it in a studio in Iceland that had lava walls. Apparently it's still talked about to this day, The Fall's stay in Iceland. No one went to Iceland then, The Stranglers had played there, Jaz Coleman ran off there to find the ley lines, but that was it. I think we first went there because we were invited by Einar from the Sugarcubes. He instigated it. It was so bleak there. There was no tourism. And the mentality of the Icelandic people was like that of The Fall, to be honest. It was a real case of us versus them. They were out on a limb. Iceland didn't integrate. It was a really strange community of people. They were really nice but otherworldly. That was my swansong really. I mean I'm on that Room To Live album as well, but I listen to Hex and I hear a glorious racket. I think that's when Mark really got to grips with what he wanted The Fall to sound like, and ironically you find out later that it was going to be the last Fall album. Mark's stream of consciousness really comes together, the way he makes words up like in the title, he really got a handle on where he wanted to take his own art. And with the band it was all because we'd been playing together for a long time. Steve Hanley couldn't play bass when we were together in [pre-Fall group] The Sirens, I taught him the root notes and I couldn't play guitar either… I still can't, if I'm honest. Steve found his feet and found his sound, so he became the engine room of The Fall. The sound of it is right, despite being recorded in these two totally different environments. I remember when I heard 'Hip Priest' on Silence Of The Lambs, because I was the only person left in the cinema when it came on… I tell a lie, it was just me and the wife. Jonathan Demme was a massive Fall fan. Yeah, it was peculiar that… but then again it's the music that a serial killer's playing in his house, so is it really that weird? Mark's given me grief over the years, but how can you take any of it to heart? Anything he says is water off a duck's back. He's a character… almost a cartoon character. I've got a massive soft spot for Mark and I'm a massive fan. Round the corner from here there used to be a venue called The Arches Bar and a mate of mine was having his birthday party in there in the mid-80s. I was upstairs, and my mate said Mark Smith's downstairs and he wants a pint with you. So I thought, right, well, we've both grown up since then, let's have a drink and put it all behind us. So I had a couple of pints with him, and we had a really good time together. I'd been listening to The Fall, he said – and he'll deny this – I've got your album and I'm keeping an eye on what you're doing and I think it's great. I mean we were both drunk, but by the end of it we were kind of mates again. Then about three months later they reissued a load of Fall albums on Cog Sinister, so I rang him up and said, 'Am I going to get paid for any of this?' And he said, 'No you're not!' [makes noise of phone being slammed down] So it was straight back to square one."


Faris Badwan recommended Down by The Jesus Lizard in Music (curated)

Down by The Jesus Lizard
Down by The Jesus Lizard
1994 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"During our first ever rehearsal as The Horrors we were doing a load of garage covers and then we started doing our first original song - it was called ‘The Fall Of Winter'. There's a bootleg of it somewhere online and it sounds like a complete mess, a racket. When we wrote it, Josh [Hayward, guitarist] said, "That song sounds a bit like The Jesus Lizard". And I said, "Who are The Jesus Lizard?" and I went and checked them out. Down was the first record of theirs I bought. There's something about that cover itself... I think it's the actual painting style. It puts ideas in your head. There's an important difference between an illustration or painting that puts ideas in your head and one that turns you off. This does a little of both and that's probably what they're going for - trying to turn you off in a good way. Even the way all their records have four-letter word titles is trying to piss you off. There's also an element of the grotesque about them that I guess people like."

A Pornographic Affair (Une Liaison Pornographique) (1999)
A Pornographic Affair (Une Liaison Pornographique) (1999)
1999 | Drama, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Rounding out my list would be a love story, and it’s a French film called An Affair of Love. That has always gotten me. It’s funny, I only know it on VHS; I got it years ago on VHS. I don’t remember if it was to study, you know, as a sprouting actor, and learning my craft, or if I just grabbed it. I had a friend at the time who was a struggling actor — you know, I don’t think God’s call for him was acting — but he worked at Blockbuster while we were all trying to make ends meet. I think he was doing inventory, if I’m not wrong. It was before Blockbuster was going to close, and I think I grabbed it one night, late at Blockbuster, trying to help him do inventory. But it’s An Affair of Love and it’s just incredible. Two lovers who basically, in France, to and from their respective jobs, on the train, to a room, but we never really see them in the room where they’re going, to have this affair. They start to fall for each other, then the cameras come in the room. Otherwise, we just see their physical persons walking down the hall, and then exiting, and then, sort of with their own friends or co-workers, trying to figure out what this is that’s happening to them. You finally get what they feel, by the cameras coming into the room, once they start to fall, and of course, when they fall in love, then the affair’s over. They can’t take it. It’s just brilliant. It’s called An Affair of Love. It’s a great film."

Shelter in Place
Shelter in Place
Nora Roberts | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Thriller
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing, beginning to end.
Contains spoilers, click to show
THIS BOOK. I don't know how Nora Roberts continues to write so many stories that intrigue and enthrall me after all these years, but she does, and flawlessly.

The first 15 pages of this book were pretty traumatizing. I actually had to put it down for a couple of days before I could go back to it. I felt like I was THERE, in that mall, feeling what those people were feeling. Written from the perspective of several different characters, the shock, the pain, the absolute horror of it all comes through loud and clear.

As we follow the lives of these victims after the shooting, a complex and emotionally charged story is masterfully woven, drawing the reader further in with every page. I fell half in love with Reed myself, laughed at the silly dog getting his head stuck between the railings, cheered when Patricia was taken down, and let silent tears fall when Simone's memorial was unveiled. It was a beautiful, moving, timely story - and as with all Nora Roberts books, I truly felt like I knew the characters intimately by the end.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press for the ARE and the opportunity to read this early!
The Christmas Prayer
The Christmas Prayer
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's Fall. It's time for all things Fall-y, Halloween-y and best of all? Christmas-y! So, when I saw that Ms. Brunstetter was releasing The Christmas Prayer, I jumped on the chance! I love a good novella that's filled with snow, history and best of all? Wanda Brunstetter's addictive characters. This book had it all and so much more, for such a small, quick read.

Sitting down to read this, we are taken to history, during the 1850's, and introduced to some amazing, fun loving characters. Each character has something different for the story, each of their journeys for a different reason, but with God, prayer and unforgettable messages, these characters make being snowed in, a fun treat!

Ms. Brunstetter is the type of author who can write 5 star books across the genre grid. From Amish fiction to historical romance, she can bring the reader to the heart of the story instantly, and keep them their til the very last page is turned. Once you're finished, you want more. She's that good. Ms. Brunstetter is my top author when it comes to historical and Amish romances. If you are looking for a 5 star, winter-y read to set the mood for Christmas this year, look no further than this amazing, soul moving novella! Well done, Ms. Brunstetter! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
This Nation's Saving Grace by The Fall
This Nation's Saving Grace by The Fall
1985 | Punk, Rock
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I saw him [The Fall's Mark E. Smith] at Shepherd's Bush last year playing the last album, and only playing new songs. It was absolutely brilliant. I just sat and watched him, he's a genuinely strange person. He doesn't fit into the stereotype of the arts school drop-out, or the working class cliché either. It's a strange place he occupies in between. Just seeing him march around the stage turning the amps down, it sounded absolutely brilliant. You can tell he's got the ability to know how to make things sound amazing in quite a simple way. I could have chosen any Fall album from that period, Wonderful & Frightening World or Bend Sinister or I Am Kurious Oranj, but I chose ...Saving Grace because it has a really personal meaning to me. I grew up with it, and when I was at Sixth Form College I really started listening to the Smiths and The Fall. I had to find out myself about The Fall. I remember reading about them somewhere and going down to the record shop and buying a Fall record blind. Listening back, it's got some nonsense on it, like all his records. It's not some perfect artefact, there's something very instinctive about it. I love the track 'Paintwork'. As soon as I heard the track I assumed it was autobiographical, it's about the way he messes the music up. I can imagine the musicians saying, 'It's Mark, messing up the paintwork', but what they don't get is that that's the beauty of it, that he is messing up the paintwork, and the track in itself is strangely autobiographical because suddenly someone presses a tape recorder in the middle. He was always a huge, huge influence for me, growing up and then in Suede. You can't actually hear it in Suede, but we were massive fans, Justine and I especially, we were obsessed. When Matt, Justine or I were just mucking around we wrote the song 'Implement Yeah!', which was a sort of comedy song about him. Then there was the Fall song 'Glam-Racket', which the NME or someone said was about us. Who knows what anyone's songs are about, let alone Mark E. Smith songs? I think it was a timing thing: it came out in 1993, and people just assumed it was a criticism of Suede. Mark E. Smith's too smart to write a criticism of anyone, apart from people he's been in a band with. A great artist utterly defines their own genre, and that's what Mark E. Smith's done. He's got a patent on that sound."

Against All Odds (1984)
Against All Odds (1984)
1984 | Action, Drama, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Against All Odds starts as veteran American football Terry Brogan (Bridges) gets cu from his team, wanting to take legal action it is his former friend and gangster Jake Wise (Woods) that hires him to track down a woman Jessie Wyler (Ward) daughter of Terry’s former employer.

Terry ends up doing the job with both sides fighting to pay him to finds Jessie, Terry uses this as a chance for a paid vacation even after locating Jessie who he gets to spend time with and fall in love with. Soon not everything is as it seems and Terry finds himself needing to fight for his own life too.


Thoughts on Against All Odds


Characters/Performance – Terry Brogan is a veteran American footballer, his career is about to be ended on the field due to injuries and after not saving money in his life, he finds himself with nothing. Terry finds himself needing to work for both Mrs Wyler and Jake Wise from different sides to locate Jessie but soon he finds himself in bigger trouble. Jessie is the daughter of the owner of the football team and former lover of Jake Wise, she has gone into hiding for her own reasons with Terry searching for her to hopefully return to the States. Jake is the gangster that has details on Terry which could ruin his legacy but offers him money to find Jessie for him.

Performance wise, Jeff Bridges is good as he always is through any film he steps into and shows that he was always going to be a big name, Rachel Ward is good but doesn’t reach the levels of Bridges and James Woods can always splay the creepy figure which is why we love him so.

Story – A former sports star needs money and takes a risky job for a shady figure to earn the money and not have his career exposed. This all seems like a simple enough story and one we can all follow nicely. We have twists along the way which try to put u in the wrong direction but otherwise everything is all simple enough to enjoy for an 80s style of film.


Action/Adventure/Crime/Romance – When we break down the genres we get plenty to go through but the reality is that because we focus on too many we don’t get a strong enough side to any of them with each part being the first part of the generic of any of them.

Settings – The two main settings are LA which is the one we can all understand as being the glitz and glamour with the crimes taking place in while the Mexico setting shows us the calm before the storm.

Final Thoughts – The 80s were a decade of films with unlikely heroes taking over the leading roles in action like films and this was no different, it can be enjoyed throughout the film.


Overall: Thriller that just says 80s all over it.