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Arsenic and Adobo
Arsenic and Adobo
Mia P. Manansala | 2021 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder of an Ex
After a disastrous breakup with her fiancé, Lila Macapagal has moved back to Shady Palms, Illinois, and is trying to help her aunt save her Filipino restaurant. One issue the restaurant is having is Derek Winter, Lila’s high school sweetheart who has becoming the local food critic and has written several nasty reviews of Tita Rosie’s Kitchen. When he comes back for yet another meal, he winds up dropping dead in his meal. Now the police are looking at Lila as a murderer, Tita Rosie’s Kitchen is closed until further notice, and Lila feels like the only hope of a happy ending is figuring out what is going on herself. Can she keep herself out of jail?

This is a solid debut. The mystery starts off quickly, and Lila learns plenty of secrets on her way to uncovering what really happened. The climax is suspenseful and creative. The characters are all strong. We even learn a bit more about Derek that makes him a little sympathetic although not completely likable. The rest of the cast is strong. A few supporting players blend together, but that is done on purpose, and we see glimpses of their individual personalities. We do have the beginnings of a love triangle here. Some of Lila’s friendships are so strong already, they help make those characters more real for us. I did feel a few of the themes of the book weren’t quite as well developed as I would have liked. Hopefully they will be explored more in further books. If the descriptions of food make you as hungry as they made me, you’ll be happy to see the four recipes at the end of the book. This is a strong debut, and I already can’t wait to find out what happens next to the characters.
Leave Only Footprints
Leave Only Footprints
Conor Knighton | 2020 | Natural World
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Left Me with Mixed Reactions
When Conor Knighton’s fiancée left him, he wasn’t sure quite what to do until he saw a promotion talking about the National Park’s 100th anniversary. Soon, he was making plans to visit all of the official National Parks in 2016, reporting on some of them for CBS Sunday Morning. After experiencing sunrise on New Year’s Day in Acadia, he crisscrossed the country numerous times in his quest to experience all of them.

When I first heard about this book, I was intrigued. I’ve long wanted to visit all of the parks myself, not that I’ve done much more than think about it. When this book focuses on the parks and some of their history, it is fascinating. The writing is excellent, and it is easy to feel you are right next to him as he experiences the parks. However, at times he gets distracted trying to push an agenda on us, and when that happens, the parks get shafted. A few of the parks he barely describes, focusing instead on the bad he feels needs to be fixed or pointing out the bad in the past that has been fixed. Even when I agreed with his point, I found this frustrating because it’s not what I wanted to read about when I picked up the book. He definitely made me want to visit several of the parks as soon as I can. His brief stories about his life and his stories about the people he met along the way were fun and fascinating. There are two inserts of pictures from his journey; I would have loved more, but I enjoyed what we got. I wish the book had focused more on the parks themselves. Then it would have been fantastic.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Shockwave in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Amy Romine | 2019
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved the romance in the book. At first I wasn’t sure where this was going. Kate is a strong cookie and I doubted she’d have room in her life for love, she’s also a member of the FBI so she’s not used to having boyfriends put up with the hours her job demands from her. But when she and Jack get over their differences and the underlying sexual tension explodes it’s a completely different story. One full of action, suspense and drama that will keep you turning the pages fast.

Warning: This does end as a cliffhanger and it’s such an exciting one, you will need to get the following two books of the Dead Air Series, Backlash, and then Fallout. I wish I could tell you how this book ends, since it is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new drama. But we don’t want to giveaway spoilers, do we? No! That will spoil the shock for you! I’ve not read books two and three yet, but you can bet I will now. I need to know what happens next. Who will make it out alive? Who will die? Not only do I need closure from this book, but I’m eager to find out what’s in store for this couple. What will life throw at them before they get together? If indeed that’s the author’s plan. Who knows? Amy had a habit of shocking me with her stories and I feel the next two books will be no exception.

Romine takes readers on an exciting ride, and as the story unfolds you’ll laugh, cry and be totally shocked at how Kate and Jack’s relationship takes a turn for the worse. Looks to me that Jack and Kate have a fight on their hands if they want a happy ever after! To sum up: Suspenseful smexyness with a whole lot of drama. The murkiness of Kate’s memory of her past kidnap and her realisation of her love for Jack — which comes at a cost — combine to great effect.
Coliseum Arcanist (Frith Chronicles #3)
Coliseum Arcanist (Frith Chronicles #3)
Shami Stovall | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so this book has the capability to break me! Coliseum Arcanist is the third book in the Frith Chronicles and we return once more to Volke, Illia, and the rest.

Gille is working hard to find a cure for the plague and is accompanied by the Frith Guild to see the queen. Only, they get more excitement than they bargained for when they find out there will be a tournament for a new sovereign dragon arcanist. Illia is still dead set on revenge on Calisto but the others are excited to participate.

Wow, so much happens here! This is a long book but not a single word is wasted. So many new characters to meet and old ones to reacquaint with. Volke is, of course, the star of the show but he doesn't hog all the limelight. Through his eyes, you see the others and how they change and grow. Zaxis is still obnoxious but I'm also hoping he will calm down and become a better man. He is still young after all.

The ending of this book, the last few chapters, are absolutely action-packed. There is never a dull moment and I will admit to my eyes leaking too. I had a suspicion about the outcome of the last match when I read the description given in Volke's book but how it was written was just amazing. The rest of it came as a surprise and I couldn't read fast enough to find out what happened next.

With a cliffhanger you have to read to believe, I seriously can NOT wait for the next book in the series. You definitely have to read all of them in order to get the full experience but what an experience it is. I really can't recommend this series, or this book, highly enough.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Devil's Paw (Imp, #4)
Devil's Paw (Imp, #4)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

A Romance Reader's Reviews

3.5 stars.

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited library.

Once again, this is a book that has been on my wish list on Amazon for several years. 2017, I think, when I read an anthology containing books 1-3 and really enjoyed them.

This one starts with Sam preparing for Wyatt's birthday. She's got him a special gift - his sister that was stolen at birth and switched with a changeling. Wyatt is over the moon at having his real sister back and is determined to help her get used to life in the human world.

On another note, Sam is now the Iblis and has to write reports for every human she kills - both accidentally and on purpose - and go before the board of Angels to explain herself. One of these times is after she is attacked by an angel, a mage and two human thugs working together. Yet no one believes her claims.

On yet another note is that someone or something is killing demons and devouring their souls, leaving behind their husk all over the Americas and Sam is the prime suspect. Gregory eventually believes her and tries to clear her name.

I've been wanting something to happen between Sam and Gregory for a while in this series, so I was very happy indeed when things progressed in this one.

I'm not going to go into any more detail but that ending has me wanting to read the next one. I need to know what happens next with Sam and co.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Copycat in Books

Dec 14, 2017  
Alex Lake | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Copycat by Alex Lake
Copycat is a great insight into just how things can go wrong in this technological world - fake Facebook accounts, fake email addresses - so easy to do. Unfortunately for Sarah, this happens to her and her life changes completely. She has no idea what will happen next, but she knows how much of an impact it is having on her and those she loves. Her marriage is on the rocks, she is worried about her children, her mental and physical health suffers.

This book was extremely well written with you hearing from both Sarah and the 'big bad'. You also get snippets from ten years ago, which will eventually tie in with the rest of the story. I was engrossed all the way, right until the last couple of chapters. There were a couple of aspects which didn't seem to add up to me, but perhaps I was reading too much into them. On the whole, this book was a very good read that I would recommend.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

David McK (3369 KP) rated The Martian in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
The Martian
The Martian
Andy Weir | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.9 (50 Ratings)
Book Rating
OK ... I'll admit it: I wasn't sure whether I would like this book or not.

I've been burned in the past with books that have been turned into movies where (IMO) the source material just wasn't really all that great.

I also have to make clear - I haven't actually seen the film yet, so can't compare the two, but I did wonder how interesting a story told almost entirely from one person's perspective - with that person also entirely on his own, kinda like a modern-day/near future Robinson Crusoe could be.

Now that I have read it, I must admit: i did find this a gripping read, even if there are passages that just seem to drag on a bit. The story, for anyone who doesn't know, is about astronaut Mark Watney, who has been left behind on the planet Mars by his crew-mates, who believe he has died, and the efforts he goes to to survive, while NASA do their best to formulate a rescue plan (as do his crew-mates when they discover he is still alive, and now the only man on the planet for an entire 2 years or so).

The ending, though, is also a bit anti-climactic: what happens next??
The Silent Companions
The Silent Companions
Laura Purcell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
A gripping gothic horror
I decided to give this a go purely because I enjoyed Laura Purcell's second novel The Corset, and I'm so glad I did because I could not put this down. I stayed up far too late last might purely to get this finished as I couldn't bear the thought of waiting until tonight to read the ending. It's that good.

This is the first horror book I've ever read that has truly scared me and given me the creeps. The plot and idea behind the companions is a wonderfully creepy idea and the gothic setting works so well. The story is told in a great way too, flitting between the different times and viewpoints, to really build up the tension and intrigue to where you can't stop reading as you need to find out what happens next. The only real criticism I have is that Elsie is not the most amenable and endearing of protagonists, so even after the ending you don't necessarily feel sorry for her, but I personally was so gripped by the rest of the plot that whether I loved Elsie or not was irrelevant. The kind of book I'd love to see made into a film (done properly of course!).
Duchess in Love (Duchess Quartet, #1)
Duchess in Love (Duchess Quartet, #1)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show


Gina was forced into marriage with the Duke of Girton at an age when she'd have been better off in a schoolroom than a ballroom. Directly after the ceremony her handsome spouse promptly fled to the continent, leaving the marriage unconsummated and Gina quite indignant.


Now, she is one of the most well-known ladies in London ... living on the edge of scandal --- desired by many men, but resisting giving herself to any one.


Finally, Camden, the Duke of Girton, has returned home, to discover that his naive bride has blossomed into the toast of the ton. Which leaves Cam in the most uncomfortable position of discovering that he has the bad manners to be falling in love --- with his own wife!

I just adore Eloisa! Her books are just so enjoyable this one was no different. I'm always transported back in time with each book. Gina is such a fabulous character she really makes this book better! Sebastian was just a Welp I'm so glad our dark hero won back his wife! Looking forward to reading the next book in this series!
