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Merissa (11935 KP) rated Wishes for Rohi (Jinn and Tonic #1) in Books

Mar 26, 2021 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Wishes for Rohi (Jinn and Tonic #1)
Wishes for Rohi (Jinn and Tonic #1)
K.L. Hiers | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WISHES FOR ROHI is the first book in the Jinn and Tonic series, and we start with Ashley. He is single but longs for a romantic affair, with someone to love him. It is his birthday but even his best friend has forgotten, so he spends most of the evening with a stray cat until his friend remembers and takes him out. There he meets the mysterious Zaire who gives him a night of passion unlike anything before. The morning after though - well, you expect it to be awkward sometimes, but maybe not twin brother turning up saying you are his betrothed awkward. Unfortunately, this is what happens to Ashley, and it looks like he was just a toy for Zaire.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. It was obvious that Zamir and Ashley shouldn't end up together, but it also looked like they would, even though neither of them wanted it. I was completely enthralled by every word and situation. I loved Nesrina and her down-to-earth abilities and empathy. But for me, the real Queen was Moira! She was brilliant and I loved every scene she was in.

Smoothly written, with characters to enjoy, this is a book I have no hesitation in recommending, and I can't wait to see who is next in this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 26, 2021
The Favorite Sister
The Favorite Sister
Jessica Knoll | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Goal Diggers is a reality TV show based on women entrepreneurs. These women have made their own way in life without the help of a man. The story centers around two characters on the show, Brett and Stephanie. Brett is the lesbian who doesn't care about what others things about her, with the bike riding studio who donates proceeds from her studios to women in Morocco who have to walk miles for water. They use the money to purchase bikes for these women. Stephanie is just the opposite refusing to film without a full face of makeup and she has written a few novels and now is on tour for her first "memoir". The other 2 characters on the show are Jen and Lauren, who don't really get along with the rest of the cast, and joining them this season is Kelly, Brett's older sister. Is reality TV really real? Are what is going on in these women's lives really happening or is it played up for the audience. This book takes us from Pre-Production on the show to Post-Production for one of the most explosive seasons. Are you ready for the ride?

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Getting into this book was hard. It took me 10 days to read it and I thought I would get through it pretty quickly. I love the Real Housewives series with my favorites being Atlanta, and Beverly Hills and this book I thought was going to be like taking a behind the scenes look at a show like that. It was, but for me it fell a little short.

The book starts with Kelly talking about Brett's death. But we have to go through the whole season of filming to see how that all plays out. Each woman has a secret to keep with one being bigger and juicier than the next. So from the start I was intrigued and I had to find out how Brett died, but it just took so long to get there. Back stories and front stories, and Interviews and lies. It's all a complete mess. The best part of the book for me was the last 10%.

Do you watch Reality TV? My husband calls it mind polluting. But he watches a couple of them with me. I've always wanted to know if the show was scripted and if these women were all either enemies or best friends when the cameras go off. You get a glimpse of that in this book. They take us through an entire filming season before the audience gets to see what happens. Producers sending texts to cast members before they are going to meet up with certain people to remind them of last filmed conversations? I need to ask Andy Cohen if that really happens. But with so much drama going on, whose lies do you believe?
Walking Dead (Walker Papers, #4)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Normally I don't care for zombies in my fantasy literature - the ick factor is just too high for me. (I don't do horror movies, either.) This book is probably the first exception as Joanne disliked them as much as I do. I love that she now as a better sense of what she is doing with her shamanic abilities, and she has even studied a few things related to this so that she is better prepared for future needs. It seems to me that as Joanne better understands the mechanics of what she is doing, the better I, as the reader, can understand them, too.
At the beginning of the book Joanne is dating the mechanic she has nicknamed Thor. I really like the guy and how genuine and honest he is with her, but I feel sorry for him because I know that it is not him that Joanne really wants. She takes him for granted and does not give the relationship any real chance at surviving.
The mess with the cauldron is an interesting bit of folklore that ironically ties back to Ireland, where Joanne's mother comes from. I like also that it introduces some new characters, such as the medium Sonata, and brings back Suzanne Quinley from the first book. Suzanne has got some serious magic of her own, and the courage to use it wisely. This makes me wonder if the author couldn't give her a series of her own in the YA genre. My favorite part of the book is when Suzanne uses her future-seeing abilities and Joanne tunes in. Joanne gets to see all of her possible past, present, and future selves based on alternate choices she could have made throughout her life. This was absolutely fascinating for me because I am always wondering about the "what ifs" with the main characters of the books I read. How I wish more of the books I read would find a way to employ this tactic, heck I would not mind it in real life!
As for loose ends, there are two that really bug me. The first is the outcome of the annoying insurance adjuster, since he just seemed to fall of the radar at the end. The second is Captain Morrison and his ever-evolving relationship with Joanne. He plays a major part at the climax, but the reader does not get to see any sort of personal reaction on Morrison's behalf or his reaction to Joanne's new relationship status. I will just have to wait to see what happens in the next book, Demon Hunts (Walker Papers, Book 5).
The Last Thing She Said is filled with more then one mystery. Chris is the main one that needs to find answers for a dying friend. But what if that friend ends up being a famous author that wants to give her children the legacy that she left behind?

Well the way this plot goes. Chris and his mother do not know anything or seem to know that they are were friends to someone that was to be kidnapped and dead. When your mother last friend is leaves a letter to your son and ask you find out who murder her first husband George? The plot start to get thick and hot again.

This brings in the Geezer Squad to open up the cold case of a century. The author seem to bring in Mac and his wife which help a bit. If you meet the mayor you should not be surprised that their going to be a case that brings laughter between the two dogs.

Their seems that theirs is murder that needs solving that happens to be bring in two murders and a kidnapping. Who killed Lacy Woodhouse? Who would want George Livingston dead? Why extort money from Horace Billingely?

Laura Carr doe not disappoint. She gives us more then one mystery to dig into. How they all be connected and be related to the kidnapping and murder of George Livingston? To find out all this you will have to read The Last Thing she said. There is not one why to find one answers to why Mercedes Livingston? What ever happened to her? Their seems to be mystery until Chris gets and autographed book.

This author does her book brilliantly that I can not wait for the next one. This author adds her other mystery characters in seemly and they seem to help if they can. This time Mac get pulled in a bit. Will his wife be able to help with Chris cold case?
Lost Energy (Energy Series #2)
Lost Energy (Energy Series #2)
Lynn Vroman | 2015 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 2 continues where Book 1 stopped - Tarek is still Warden of Arcus and Lena is still on Earth. He can talk to her every night but she can't respond. What a heartbreaking way to start the book!

This book is building up to so much more than 'just' a romance. It is full of action, humour, double-crossing, rivalry and even loss. Lena has grown up a lot since the first book but still has some to do, and Wilma is more than happy to help set her straight. The pace of the book is fast although not frantic. There are events that need to happen, and they do. It is not all sweetness and light though.

I love the characters in these books as they all have depth and their own personalities. Farren's relationship with Lena is simply fantastic and they have the unconditional love and support of each other that nothing can break (I hope!). The emotional range in this book will draw you in before it tears you apart. I don't like talking too much about the story as you have the synopsis for that - but one that that I really need to say is that you NEED to read this series. I was in tears by the end of the book, totally side-swiped by an event that I just never saw coming because I was too wrapped up in the story. What happens after said event is even worse and I really, really need the next book, like now, just to ensure that all will be well.

If you like fantasy then get your grubby mitts on this series because, trust me, it's a brilliant one! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
September 2, 2016

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Idriel's Children (Odriel's Heirs #2) in Books

Jul 29, 2021 (Updated Jul 17, 2023)  
Idriel's Children (Odriel's Heirs #2)
Idriel's Children (Odriel's Heirs #2)
Hayley Reese Chow | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IDRIEL'S CHILDREN is the second book in the Odriel's Heirs series although you could read it as a standalone, I would recommend you read the series.

Aza is the Shadow's Heir's Heir - in other words, she is Kaia and Klaus' daughter, and will become Heir after Klaus. Her older brother, Zephyr, will pick up the reins for Kaia. At sixteen, she is a typical teenager in that she thinks she knows best but is atypical in how she has grown and the skills she has. When trouble strikes, Aza knows what she has to do, but doesn't count on Witt, Makeo, or Shad tagging along with her.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. This book is just as good as the first! The danger isn't over, as Kaia and Klaus well knew, but now it's up to their children to fight it. We don't see much of Zephyr in this book, so I am greedily hoping to find out more about him. Aza has her own lessons to learn, and she pretty much always takes the hard path. There were a few times when I wanted to slap Aza upside the head, but then I realised she is only two years older than my daughter, and that made her more relatable.

The emotions are rife again - yes, it made my eyes leak, and no, I won't say anymore!

Whilst Aza's story is (sort of) completed, the overall story arc is left wide open. I can't wait to find out what happens next. This is a fantasy world I lose myself in, and I love every word, every scene. If you like YA Fantasy, then you will love this! Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 29, 2021
Tormented (The Gates Legacy, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you follow my reviews then you'll know I loved Hunted and I'm a sucker (pun intended) for anything connected to vampires. That said, I always worry with series that they won't match up to the hype or the quality, but rest assured, Font hit the ground running with this one and it does not disappoint.

It continues on flawlessly from the first book, with a odd bod gang of vamps and humans still reeling from the twists and turns they've been subjected to (apologies for the vagueness, but I loathe spoilers). As always with Font's writing, there are many perspectives from which to tell a story, but as always, she's written it splendidly and it's always clear exactly which POV and which character you're following - a skill of hers I've loved since the first piece of writing I sampled. I love how we see the perspectives of new characters in this book, namely more of Tor and Ally, alongside familiar favourites Harrow and Jordan.
The character development, as a whole, is fabulous, Font is skilled in showing such growth in all characters in such a short space of narrative, but Tor in particular really stands out for all the right reasons in this story. His growth as a character is phenomenal, and the changes are superbly written. As a reader, you want to be able to get into the heads of the characters and Font does just that for us with Tor.

She writes in the same vein of twisting and turning and never quite fully letting you know what's going to happen. As a result, the plot twists are fabulous and completely unexpected. Furthermore, the way the information is drip fed, oh so slowly, keeps you completely hooked, like an addict after their next fix you turn each page and devour it in no time. You feel everything that happens - the thrill of the battle, the horror of loss, the sorrow for thee deaths which come thick and fast. It's all brilliantly done.

This is a stunning piece of storytelling and a series I have added to my favourites list. I cannot wait to see what Font does next with these characters, but I have a feeling I should heed the warnings of a friend and not get too attached to anyone. A very worthy 5 stars and an excellent continuation of what promises to be a phenomenal series.

*This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour, for which an ARC was received in return for an honest review*
Considering the fact all of the nominees for the 2015-2016 Gateway Award aren't exactly very appealing and I've had quite the bad luck with them... I pretty much decided to take a stab with Ashley Elston's <i>The Rules for Disappearing</i> as my next victim.

In elaboration of that bad luck, <a title="In the Shadow of Blackbirds" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">my first one was insanity</a>. I'm scared of reading another book by Cat Winters. <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">My second one had a highly annoying character named after a constellation</a>.
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><img src=""; border="0" /></div>
And now, my third book has a very materialistic character (completely opposite spectrum from me) whose family is in Witness Protection for the last year and has quite literally changed their names far more times than Zach/Jack in <i>Zach's Lie</i> and <i>Jack's Run</i>. With their eighth move, "Meg," is extremely tired of constantly having to move places, leaving her life behind, and changing her identities – the moves were beginning to tear apart their family. Meg vows to find what landed her and her family in Witness Protection in the first place throughout the book.

I personally liked how the book was formatted. The beginning of each chapter has a "rule for disappearing," possibly concocted by Meg over the year her family has been in Witness Protection, and what happens in the chapter is sort of a reason "why" Meg established the rule in the first place.

For almost half the book there isn't really too much that happens – Meg makes a plan to not settle down with her new life like she did in her past placements, her "diary" gets stolen, and she tries to avoid a boy named Ethan Landry who's a lot smarter than he seems. After accidentally hearing a few conversations her dad has over the phone in the middle of the night, things start to pick up – Meg starts to remember more of what happened in her original life and becomes more determined to get her family out of Witness protection.

Meg is like a clamshell at the very beginning – she's very closed off and she wants to isolate herself from her peers because who cares about making friends when you might be plucked from your current life any moment? It's not until she meets Ethan that she "gives up" on trying to isolate herself and becomes more open with other people. In all honesty, if Ethan didn't make a constant attempt to open up her shell, Meg probably wouldn't have told her story – how her old life was like, why she's really in Witness Protection, and what each of her moves were like compared to her original life.

Elston does drop a hint or two of a sequel near the end of the book, which I'm not exactly too excited for. <i>The Rules for Disappearing</i> felt like a stand-alone rather than a duology, but maybe the sequel will be equally or more interesting.
<blockquote>We force you to sit through the chick flicks so maybe you'll get some idea of how you're supposed to act.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Newes from the Dead
Newes from the Dead
Mary Hooper | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I stumbled across the blurb of this book while looking at the Totally Random Books website. It's really intriguing and, as I read around, I could see that the book is based on a true story. That was it, I had to buy it! It didn't disappoint, and I read it in a day.

While this is a YA book, it's worth pointing out that it deals with some really adult themes, which is something to consider if you're thinking of letting a teenager read it. I'll outline the main points in the next paragraph, so if you don't want any spoilers at all, skip this bit. The chapters flick between the events that led up to Anne's hanging, and what happens while she's laid on the dissecting table, apparently dead. Her downfall comes when the master's grandson promises her the world in exchange for him getting his end away, shall we say. As tends to happen, she becomes pregnant, which she manages to keep a secret until she miscarries. She has the 'audacity' to tell people who the father was, so never receives a fair trial, and is sentenced to death by hanging for the murder of her child. Her sentence is carried out, but she regains consciousness while on the dissecting table. However, she's unable to move a muscle, even to scream.

Anne is a nice girl with a promising, if humble, future, and I liked her. Even while I was willing her not to trust the father of her child, I could understand why she did what she did, and I felt really sorry for her as she lost a lot. The events of both storylines were fascinating, and in the dissection chapters I was constantly willing the doctors to notice what was going on. Although I knew they wouldn't cut into her and it was a little drawn out, some parts got quite tense, which I liked.

Being a sucker for history, I really liked the way everything was portrayed. [a:Mary Hooper|139257|Mary Hooper|], the author, made me realise how important it was in how you were perceived in those times - if you think gossip can be bad now, it was a million times worse in 1650, when holding someone's hand, even for an innocent reason, can potentially start a deadly rumour. I thought the book brought across everything that would have happened at the time really accurately and realistically. I know the author had true events to go on, but Anne's life before her hanging was all imagined. There's a note from Hooper at the end that specifies what records say about what happened to Anne Green after her hanging, which is also really interesting. I'll definitely be checking out more of Hooper's books!

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