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Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Laini Taylor | 2016 | Children
8.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review: Daughter of Smoke and Bone was highly addicting. I really should have studied more last week but instead I listened to a riveting audio book.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. The book pulled me into the story right away and kept me engaged the whole time. The characters were wonderful, real, imperfect, and believable. The plot never stopped and the pacing never slowed and the tension never dissolved. it got more and more interesting and complicated with every chapter, but all the ends were tied up at the end. Every detail mattered. The end was painful but perfect and I will be at the book store the day Book 2 comes out and hand over my hard earned cash to get that book in my hands because I can't wait to figure out what happens next!

This is the second book by Laini Taylor I've read (see my review for Lips Touch Three Times), and she is quickly becoming a favorite writer of mine. Her graceful lyric writing never ceases to impress me.

Audio: I listened to the audio book of DoSaB. I am very picky about audio books because I've listened to a lot of poorly recorded ones, and I've grown up having a very good reader read books out loud to me. But Khristine Hvam did an excellent job, so much so that I would seek out more books read by her. She gave distinct voices to each character, but it didn't feel corny and stupid like some readers do. She breathed and felt the characters and the dialogue, and it worked.

Content/Recommendation: Clean! Ages 14-Adult

*note, I love this book so much I'm currently re-reading(listening) so I can refresh before reading book 2!*
Where They Found Her
Where They Found Her
Kimberly McCreight | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ridgedale is a small town in New Jersey. Not much happens there. So when the body of a baby girl is found under a bridge near the University, the town is in an uproar. Molly Sanderson, usually a freelancer with the Ridgedale Reader, is given the task of reporting on this story. This is a story that really resonates with her, having lost a child herself, not too long ago. During her investigation, she meets some interesting people and learns more about this small town. The story is told from the point of view of three women from the town. Molly, the reporter, Sandy, the teenager trying to survive with an absentee parent, and Barbara, the "perfect" mother who is also the wife of the chief of police. All three of these women have a connection to this dead child, they just don't know it.

This book was very hard to put down. A thriller with three female characters you will either love or hate. Each of them has a spirit that is determined. Several times during this book, I felt my heart racing. I had to know what was going to happen next.

From the title you might deduce that the mystery is solved in the first chapter, but there are many who need to be found in this book, in more ways than one. Kimberly McCreight grabs at your heart and sold with her writing. She draws you in and keeps you engaged through the entire journey. I can't wait to read more from her in the very near future.

Also by Kimberly McCreight [bc:Reconstructing Amelia|15776309|Reconstructing Amelia|Kimberly McCreight||21488217]
A Midnight Dance (Fiery Tales, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a good fairy tale re-telling, especially when it is retold specifically for adults, as this book is. Right from the beginning, the romance and chemistry between Sabine and Jules is steamy and passionate, and I had a hard time putting the book down at all. The Cinderella references are vague and somewhat after-the-fact. The glass slipper scene takes place at the beginning of the book when Sabine is young, and the stepmother and two stepdaughters look to Sabine as the head of the household, instead of placing her in the role of a servant. This book seems to take the original tale and turn it upside down, with Sabine forging her own destiny - with or without Prince Charming - and refusing to bend to misfortune.
Sabine's character is both headstrong and naive. A large part of her successes in the plot seem to be born out of pure luck, as she lacks any real skill at either deception or thievery. Jules strong attraction to her gives her the freedom to get as far as she does in her plans, even as she falls for him in return.
While the romance and eroticism takes center stage in the novel, there is a secondary element to the book that comes in subtly as Jules takes a more permanent role in Sabine's life. Jules is intent on a restoration of his honor and wealth, and the discover the truth about his father's accusations. Neither Jules nor Sabine suspect the guilty party until Sabine's life is in danger. Suspense and unpredictability pull me right to the end pages, and just enough is left hanging to lead into a sequel. I look forward to discovering what happens next!
Starve Acre
Starve Acre
Andrew Michael Hurley | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The writing, the writing is beautiful (0 more)
Will scare a few people (0 more)
His others were good. This is exceptional
I have enjoyed Andrew Michael Hurley's previous books very much but he has surpassed himself with Starve Acre. This is a dark and suturing read that gives you the same feels as Iain Banks' masterpiece The Wasp Factory. Anyone who was fans of the exceptional read as well as possibly Neil Gaimen's folk horror will find pleasure in this read.
I love it when you are so into a book you sprint upstairs when you get in from work to read a few pages before starting the evenings cooking etc, as I did with Starve Acre.
It's hard to tell you what happens in the story without giving away plot twists but this is a book of the supernatural, of a future dictated to by the past and of a family grieving trying to rationalise feelings and hurt. It is a place where they will remain outsiders and a tree that holds the mystery of it all.
Everything about this book should make it a classic. Its presentation and cover is beautiful. Michael-Hurley's writing is beautiful capturing the darkness in a way that is delicate and sweet which only makes the horror more shocking. The Lonely and Devil's Day were very good, but the writing here is some f the best I have ever read and the story is incredible. He has now become of a level that the next book he releases I standing outside the book shop at 9am and taking a day off work to read it, he is simply that good.
Miss this book at your peril, this is better than Stephen King and the rest. Andrew Michael-Hurley is now the true king!
The Dark Queen
The Dark Queen
Lizzy Gomez | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written keeps you hooked. (0 more)
Brilliant trilogy
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book 3 on a trilogy.

This series was recommended to me by a friend as im doing an A to Z book challenge this year. The first book is called Z.

Quick run through.....

Z and her adoptive brother are on the run from the police wanted for murder, they are forced into the streets after their adoptive parents tragically die in a cat accident.

When cornered in a dark alley her brother is killed and she saved my a mysterious stranger claiming to be her real brother from another dimension. Oh and she's some long lost princess.

Over time she regains her memory and her family, all except dear old dad who happens to be called the dark king. While trying to find a rare ingredient for s potion to save her mother z or rather Nadya gets taken by her dad.

We pick up in book 3! Nadya had her memories manipulated by the general Allen who she thought was dead. When her friends come to save her she has different memories of them and tortures Her best friend for potion ingredients them send them all through a portal to earth. They find there way back in time to save her but lose a lot in the process!

I can honestly say I'm sad to see this end! I have enjoyed reading it and following Nadya and her friends. Victorias was so sad after all the plans she had made.

Loved seeing Nadya become the queen she was meant to be. I love Lizzy's contrast between our earth and theirs bringing some of a fairytale world into ours.

I'm looking forward to seeing what she does next!


Time is Running Out (DCI Matilda Darke #7)
Time is Running Out (DCI Matilda Darke #7)
Michael Wood | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh ... my ... word!!! One of the best books I have read this year without a doubt.

What an absolute cracker - totally riveting, a nail-biter and an emotional roller-coaster that had me well and truly hooked and taking flexi time off work so I could start reading earlier. I would say you don't have to have read any of the previous in the series to appreciate this but it does help to understand the main characters but it's not essential.

A mass murderer is on the loose and no one is safe and when I say no one, I mean it ... no one is spared. The pace is relentless, the plot scarily plausible and the characters are just fantastic.

It's chock full of action, violence and suspense from start to finish. I was on pins wondering who was next and went from feeling anger to dread to actual tears. I know, I know, they aren't real people but Michael Wood writes them so well that you really get attached so when something horrific happens to them and you feel the impact it has on those around them, you can't help but get drawn in so yes, I shed a few tears.

I had to close my kindle several times to catch my breath and take 5 minutes to compose myself several times whilst reading and would advise that you don't read this in a public place unless you're not bothered about showing a whole gamut of emotions to strangers!

Highly recommended but not to those who are of a nervous disposition or who don't like multiple scenes of peril and murder ... you have been warned!

Many, many thanks to HarperCollins UK / One More Chapter and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
One For Sorrow (DI Callanach #7)
One For Sorrow (DI Callanach #7)
Helen Fields | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is an absolute cracker of a book; totally absorbing, riveting and a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

This is the first one in the series I have read ... I know, I know, where have I been? However, I do feel this can be read quite successfully as a standalone even though I know there is quite a lot of back story that I have missed. This didn't affect my enjoyment of this book one little bit though so don't let it put you off; if anything, it has forced me to put the previous 6 on my wish list it's just a shame my birthday has been an gone ... do you think I can ask for them as a Mother's Day gift foregoing the usual card, flowers and chocolates? I would say so 😀

From start to finish, I literally couldn't put it down ... yes I know this is a bit cliché and is said far too often but in this instance, it is a totally accurate statement. With excellent and believable characters, a fast pace and a tense and thrilling plot that had me guessing to the end, this is definitely going to be one of my books of 2022.

This has got everything you could want from a crime thriller from beginning to end and on that, the ending ... I actually gasped out loud and frantically swiping at my Kindle screen wanting to find out what happens next only to realise that there was no more which has left me waiting very impatiently!

Bravo Helen Fields, bravo ... just wow!

Thank you to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
The Captain's Pet (Alien Slave Masters #1)
The Captain's Pet (Alien Slave Masters #1)
Samantha Cayto | 2015 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all, this book comes with a Reader Advisory - TAKE NOTE OF IT! Seriously, this book is not for everyone and contains scenes that may trigger. Don't think that the advisory is put there for the fun of it because it isn't, believe me.

The story itself is completely sci-fi. Earth has become overcrowded and colonists are sent out to various planets that have been discovered. One such planet, Seven, where our main character Wid comes from, has apparently been colonised by the Travians. War ensues between the humans and the Travians, resulting in a mindless act of vandalism that results in Wid and his associates being taken aboard the Travians' ship.

What happens next is why the advisory is there. There is a lot of violence and rape, although it is incredibly well-written. I won't say anything else about that part but this IS dark and it does come with an advisory.

As the story progresses, you see that some of the boys, Wid included, start to actually have a relationship with their captors. This doesn't feel like Stockholm Syndrome to me, mainly because of how it is written with each of the boys' personalities and experiences taken into account. You learn more about the Travian way of life and, indeed, the Travians learn more about the humans and why they won't just leave Seven even after they've been defeated.

I enjoyed this book, and even if parts of it did make me uncomfortable, I'm glad I stuck with it. I would certainly be interested in going further with this series. I can't emphasise enough though - TAKE NOTE OF THE ADVISORY!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 29, 2015