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Tootsie (1982)
Tootsie (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Drama
I have heard raves about this film for what feels like most of my life. I'm not sure why I waited so long to watch it, but I'm damn glad I did. I LOVED this film. Dustin Hoffman is a powerhouse and I love seeing Bill Murray and his quick quips - they never fail to make me laugh. I think this film says a lot about society in the deeper layers. Dustin's character Michael creates a character, Dorothy, to audition for parts because he's been somewhat blackballed by the industry. In his mind, being a woman is the way to work again. The irony is that it seems women are far more competitive in industries like entertainment because of the way we are ridiculed and broken down, piece by piece. I find it interesting the being Dorothy was the way Michael was able to work. It doesn't seem that plausible these days.

Overall, I think this is a must-see, just for the laughs and the rollercoaster ride Dustin Hoffman takes you on. He's brilliant and it shows.
The Devil You Know
The Devil You Know
Emma Kavanagh | 2020 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read a couple of books by Emma Kavanagh - Hidden and The Missing Hours - that I have enjoyed but, unfortunately, not this one quite as much.

Having said that, I found the plot was different and interesting, the twists and turns were great and kept me guessing, wrongly most of the time, and the sense of tension was good. The characters were ok but no one really stood out for me and I felt they were a little unforgettable and I found the descriptive writing style became a tad tedious and I admit to skim-reading some parts. This is what let it down for me in the end - I got a little bored but persevered and so pleased I did because the ending was great.

I may not have enjoyed this book quite as much as I would have liked but it certainly will not put me off reading Emma's books in the future.

Thank you Orion Publishing Group and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest and unbiased review.

Bethr1986 (305 KP) rated Never Let Go in Books

Mar 22, 2023  
Never Let Go
Never Let Go
Lori Duffy Foster | 2022 | Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Nick is living his perfect life with his wife Carla and baby Christopher, nothing could be better. He really is contented and, as far as he's concerned, so is his wife. Then she disappears with their son, telling him she doesn't love him anymore but something doesn't sit right with Nick. Nothing is as it seems.

What a brilliantly written book. I seriously didn't want it to end. It had me hooked it was thrilling and suspenseful. I enjoyed the storyline and that it seemed to be more than one story. It didn't get confusing which I find is rare when you do something like that they were all connected in some way. I did find myself, when I got to the end, wanting more pages, I enjoyed it that much.

A recommended read

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
A Curse of Forever
A Curse of Forever
Tessa McFionn | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Laurel has gone back to her happiest place from childhood. Her reasons for the visit not so much, as she is there for her beloved grandfather's funeral. Wanting to feel close to him, she goes to visit the black bay lighthouse - the setting of a story filled with love, betrayal heartbreak and more.

It's a beautifully written story. There are some sex scenes in there, a couple are a bit harsh, but the majority are soft and sensual. I didn't quite expect the ending to go how it did and I was hoping for a bit more to be honest. Fair enough, the villain got what he deserved but I was expecting it to go in a different direction. There is a lot of detail in the writing but it seems rushed almost as you get towards the end, like I've got details to get down, I'll cram it all in now. That's the only bit that disappointed me to be honest.

I would still recommend this book
His Steady Heart
His Steady Heart
Nell Iris | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I’m gonna jump straight in here, cos, well, because it’s my review and I can.

If you follow my reviews, you’ll know I have a particular dislike of several things.

First Person

Present Tense

Single Point of View.

So, when I started this book, and found it first person AND present tense, I got all ansty and twitchy and thought, nope, not doing it. THEN I realised it was single point of view, and my twitchiness went sky high and . . . .

bloody hell if I did not bloody LOVE this book!

Ashley or Buck, depending on who addresses him, was 22 years old when he first met Pippin and now, some 15 years (I was a bit unclear on that) later, he is still looking out for the little 6 year old boy who wormed his way into his heart. Now though, the little boy is all man, and when Pippin’s mother throws him under a bus (not literally, mind you!) of course Ashley will step up to look after the young man. But Pippin is proud, and won’t just take Ashley’s care, he must give back. The big bear of a man is Pippin’s idea of heaven, he just has to reach out and take him.

This has to be the sweetest, cutest CLEANEST book I've read in a long time, and I inhaled this book. I mean, I sat down, and didn’t move til I was done. It is only short, took me just over an hour but I really LOVED!

Ashley is the sweetest bear of a man, and no one can see that, except Pippin. Pippin sees Ashley, deep down, that he isn’t anyone’s “daddy”. He wants to look after people, yes, but PIPPIN is at the top of that very short list. PIPPIN is the one he realises he wants, even as he fights his attraction to the smaller man. PIPPIN tells Ashley he wants him, too, but not just for a quick lay. Pippin wants his first time to be special, and ASHLEY is that special man for Pippin.

I didn’t like what Pippin’s mum does to him, but you kinda saw that one coming like a train wreck and you can’t do anything to stop it.

The only thing, the one thing I cannot forgive is that Pippin doesn’t get a say! I wanted desperately to hear from him, even if it does make it first person/present tense/MULTI point of view (cos that would be my idea of Hell!) I NEEDED Pippin and I don’t get him. And I wanted to know, just what it was about Ashley that pushed his buttons, what he thought when Ashley’s ex turned up (and I LOVED how Pippin reacted to that!) and I wanted to know how he felt about his mum, and what she was doing to him.

That’s the only reason I gave it 4 stars and not 5 stars, was because I did not get Pippin and I really needed him.

I’ve not read anything by this author before, but if they are all this good, I’d gladly inhale a few more!

4 sweet, cute, warm and so bloody fuzzies stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Rocky Balboa (2006)
Rocky Balboa (2006)
2006 | Drama
7.3 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Surprisingly Good
I think I’ve stayed away from this movie for so long because I expected it to be garbage. I mean, let’s be adult about this, Rocky V was no picnic. I was done with Rocky. Until I saw the trailer for Creed. It was at that moment that I decided to give things another go. Yes, the boxer we all know and love Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) is back at it in Rocky Balboa facing off against his first (and hopefully last) opponent since Drago.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 9
Two things really grabbed me as the movie opens. I loved the beautiful shots of Philadelphia at the start. The city plays a huge role in Rocky’s character development and these shots helped get me in tune with the heart of what the city is all about. I also appreciated the first scene between Rocky and his son Rocky Jr. (Milo Ventimiglia) depicting their strained relationship since Adrian’s death. It’s an awkward scene that makes you sympathize with where Rocky is in his life.

How did he get to this point? It’s seem like he’s lost so much, yet he’s still that gentle character from the 70’s we fell in love with. Seeing this scene was enough to tell me this film would take a lot different approach than the previous movies.

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Rocky’s older and not at the top of his game like he was when he took on Clubber Lang (what a name!). Yet he still found a way to get me out of my chair as he did in previous movies. The main bout gets pretty intense in spots as you root for the Italian Stallion to knock some sense into the new kid on the block. The conflict extends beyond the ring as well as Rocky tries to help people from his neighborhood while maintaining close relationships with family members Paulie (Burt Young) and Rocky Jr. On the surface he’s a hero, but underneath his life is in shambles. As an audience, we find ourselves rallying behind Rocky as we’ve done in all the others movies past.

Genre: 10

Memorability: 7
Compared to other films, it doesn’t quite have the same memorability as classic ones I’ve seen, but succeeds in giving us a reason to cheer and a reason to feel. Rocky Balboa succeeds in being more than just a movie about trading punches. Rather than being hollow and fight-driven, it’s a movie with real heart.

Pace: 4
The “heart” portion, unfortunately, comes at a cost. When you watch the movie, you have to adjust your expectations as things move at a much slower pace. Rocky doesn’t even consider making a return until well into the movie. I kept watching waiting for a fight to finally happen and it was slow-going. However, even with a slower pace than the previous movies, Balboa still shines.

Plot: 8

Resolution: 9
Somewhat predictable but no less powerful. It ties up nicely what we see at the beginning. A fitting finale to Rocky’s in-the-ring saga.

Overall: 87
Heroes in movies come in many forms. What makes Rocky so special is his consistency of character throughout the decades. He swore in the beginning to never change who he was, but I think he lied to us. I think he became an even better man. Rocky Balboa. Hero for the generations.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Cold Pursuit (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Cold Pursuit (2019)
Cold Pursuit (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
What can I say about Cold Pursuit? It's bad. Unfortunately it's not in the "so bad it's good" category.

From its opening with an Oscar Wilde quote and music that sounds like a mix of the 80s and Sherlock Holmes I was intrigued. I knew I wasn't expecting a masterpiece but I had hoped for something entertaining at the very least.

One thing that I was quickly baffled by was the between scene captions, a terrible font pops up with the relevant information and then it blows away as if made by snow... but not every time. I did wonder if even the graphics people got bored of doing it.

SOP for me and new movie releases is that I make 2 A5 sides of notes, for Cold Pursuit I made 7... SEVEN... and the general consensus of most of them was "WTF", "ridiculous" and "why?!" In fact those were probably the most used words on all the pages.

The characters are all over the place. Viking's relationship with his son, the token gay relationship that felt like it had just been wedged in and White Bull's gang dubious frolicking... I just don't even know what to say about it.

I can't sit here and list all the bizarre things, neither of us have the time for that so let's skip to the things I enjoyed. There are just three things, much quicker than covering the other stuff!

Wingman's wife was a star for me, and that nail sharpening technique was inspired... totally stealing that.

One of the scenes has Coxman chasing his next target with his snowplow. He comes up on him quite menacingly and then the film did a great job of fooling me, I was expecting one thing and given another. That part of the scene came together quite well, it's just a shame about what followed.

Viking's son was surprisingly wise in almost all of his scenes, very laid back, just going with the flow. Out of all of it though I loved the scene about fantasy football when he's talking with Mustang. It was was a nice little addition.

That's it, I'm done with the things I liked.

The cinema was "full" when I saw it. There were 30-40 people, which for our cinema and this type of film on opening night in a small screen, wasn't bad at all. There were old and young, there were people who snored and people who laughed, I fell into neither of those last categories. Honestly I was in too much shock to do anything other than pick my jaw up off the floor.

Ultimately Cold Pursuit is another prime example of why you shouldn't put some of your best scenes in the trailers. The whole thing could probably have been sold on lesser scenes in the trailer and then the impact of the bigger ones would have potentially given it a few more stars.

What you should do

I can't in good conscience recommend this to anyone, Neeson has performed much better acts of revenge in many of his other films... just watch one of those... perhaps from behind a snow globe to make it seem like you're watching Cold Pursuit.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Please could I have Coxman's ability to get into places where he clearly doesn't meet the dress code.
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Is the third time a charm for Mr. Butler's action thriller series?
Gerard Butler returns as Secret Service agent Mike Banning in the third entry of the "Fallen" series, picking up where London Has Fallen left off.

We see an aging and sore Banning, struggling with the rigors of his profession, torn between his love for his duty to protect the President and the smart, semi-retirement position as Secret Service Director.

This takes a little while to get going compared to most films in the genre, but it isn't too long before everything goes sideways and Banning finds himself on the run from everyone, framed for something we all know he didn't do. The question is: who did it?

Drawing obvious inspiration from classic genre entries like Die Hard, as well as more modern offerings like John Wick, Gerard Butler takes on everyone from both sides of the law as he tries to get to the bottom of the conspiracy.

Aside from the slightly slow start, the pacing of this film is spot-on, mixing balls-to-the-wall action with gripping tension - accompanied by a very clever soundtrack that enhances the experience well.

The dialogue feels real and meaningful. There's nothing cheesy, no scene-filling conversations or anything, which is always a genuine concern with this type of film. Everything is done with a purpose.

I think perhaps too much effort was made to make this a 15-certificate (an R-rating for you lovely Americans). It was more for the language than anything. The violence and fighting was well-choreographed, taking the up-close, gritty approach akin to the Bourne movies, but there was nothing here that wouldn't have made the cut for a 12A. I think they gambled with the post-Deadpool debate of having a wider audience for a 12A vs. the "it's a 15, therefore it must be good because kids aren't allowed" appeal. I'm not saying it ruins the movie, I just think it was unnecessary. The aforementioned Deadpool, for example, absolutely wouldn't have worked if it was less than a 15, so I get why they made it the way the did. But with this, it would've been the exact same film either way, so why cut out a sizable portion of cinema-goers?

That being said, I did really, really enjoy this film. Is it predictable? Sadly, yes. That probably isn't THAT shocking of a revelation, as these types of films tend to follow a similar (and usually winning) formula, but I confess to being a little disappointed that I was able to figure out the main antagonist and the overall "big bad" within three minutes of the film starting. However, to this film's credit, this predictability doesn't take away from the experience at all. It's quite honest about what it is from the get-go, and it simply doesn't care. It does what it sets out to do, and it does it very well - better than a lot of similar movies in recent times. As with all films in this genre, people tend to watch them knowing what they're getting themselves in for, so you can just relax, switch off, and enjoy the ride for a couple of hours.

I can't sign off without mentioning Nick Nolte's turn as Butler's father. His performance, while not surprising, feels almost out-of-place, as it's so damn good he deserves an Oscar nod. He probably won't get one, as films like this tend not to get noticed by the Academy, but let me tell you, he steals every scene he's in, and you feel every word he says. There's an obvious comparison to the character he portrayed in Warrior, alongside Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton. While he gets nowhere near as much screen time here, he makes the most of what he does get, and it truly is the stand-out performance of the year so far, by a long way.

This film is a solid 7/10, and I highly recommend it. I bumped it to an 8/10 because of Nick Nolte. If I could go back and just watch his scenes again, I would. Grab the popcorn, forget about the outside world... you could do a lot worse at the cinema right now than this.