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The Poison Season
The Poison Season
Mara Rutherford | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If an outsider somehow makes it onto Endla they’re given a choice of death: the Forest or the lake.

Leelo was born and raised coexisting with the Wandering Forest located on the small island of Endla, and as much as she loves her community, she struggles with the fact that because her brother is an incanto, one without magic, he will be exiled by his next birthday.

When Leelo sees an outsider on the verge of drowning, she knows what she’s supposed to do - but in an instant, Leelo betrays everything she’s ever grown up. This leads to discoveries and consequences for both Leelo and the outsider, Jaren. But, as they grow closer, Leelo begins to question every fabric of her life.

I really enjoyed the premise of this novel - a creepy, evil forest that kills outsiders? Sign me up! Mara Rutherford did an amazing job at world building in this novel and establishing Leelo as a character. Because of how established she was, when Leelo begins to question her beliefs and lifestyle, it makes the book all the more interesting. It also gives you a bit of a chance to piece together your assumptions of the puzzle pieces Leelo is gathering and it was kind of fun to be able to say, “I knew it…”, when some of it came together.

The romance aspect of this novel is kind of what I would expect from a YA - not exactly instant love, but it was kind of close to it. But, Leelo and Jaren were sweet and I actually enjoyed their relationship and how they learned about each other and though it felt a little rushed, I still was rooting for them.

Overall, I think anyone who loves a good fantasy romance would greatly enjoy this book. And, even if you don’t like romance novels, I still think fantasy readers would enjoy the world building Rutherford has done.

*Thank you Inkyard Press for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
The Last Time I Lied
The Last Time I Lied
Riley Sager | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot is interesting (0 more)
Pacing is a bit slow (1 more)
Characters act a lot younger than their age
An Alright Read
I was so excited to read The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager. It had such an interesting synopsis, definitely one that piqued my interest. While this book didn't meet my expectations of it, it was still a fairly good read.

The pacing starts off painfully slow in The Last Time I Lied. I had to force myself to keep reading. I was so bored. Luckily, the pacing picks up around chapter 12 or thereabouts. Each chapter is more fast paced than the previous one.

The plot was definitely interesting even if it does take awhile to really get going. I found myself sucked into the mystery of what happened to Vivian, Allison, and Natalie. I couldn't get enough of the story. The Last Time I Lied had quite a few plot twists that I didn't see coming! Every time I thought I had figured out who the guilty party was, I was proved wrong. Saying all that, I definitely felt like some of my questions weren't answered especially one at the end involving Emma. I don't want to say what it is because it would give away a spoiler. I also don't understand why a certain area wasn't searched and why a certain character didn't retrace their steps when the girls went missing. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to give away any spoilers. Also, the ending felt a little rushed to me, and I didn't like how the author uses "you" to describe what is actually happening to Emma. He does this in two chapters only, thankfully.

The world building was done almost perfectly. I did feel like I was in camp with Emma. I felt like I was experiencing everything Emma did. Riley Sager, the author, did a fantastic job of setting up everything with his wonderful descriptions and what not. The only problem is that the dialogue makes this book sounds more like a young adult novel rather than an adult novel. During my whole time reading The Last Time I Lied, it was hard to picture all the adult characters as adults. The way they spoke and acted reminded me of the way a bunch of teenagers would act. One other thing that took away from the world building being perfect was that I had a hard time believing the main culprit could have gotten away with the crime for so long without being discovered. Again, I can't say too much because of spoilers.

I enjoyed the characters in The Last Time I Lied. I empathized with Emma. I admired her bravery, and I could definitely relate to her sense of wanting to fit in especially with the older girls. However, even though Emma was supposed to be 28 in the book, she came across as sounding like she was about 16. The rest of the grown up characters, with the exception of Franny and Ben, also reminded me of a bunch of 16 year olds. Saying that, I did enjoy all the characters, and while they did sound younger than their actual age, I thought they were fleshed out well enough. Two of my other favorite characters were Vivian and Miranda. There was just something about them that I enjoyed reading about. One character I thought was pointless was Mindy. She's not important to the story, and I just felt like the book could have done without her.

There are scenes of violence, swearing, a sex scene (although not graphic), alcohol use (of age and underage), smoking, and mental illness is mentioned a few times.

Overall, The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager is a good read. The plot is interesting enough, and the characters are fun. However, there were a few things that kept this from being a great read such as the characters not acting like their age and some unanswered questions. The ending also lets the book down a little. However, I would recommend The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager to others.
The Weight of Memory
The Weight of Memory
Shawn Smucker | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading and loving Shawn Smucker's previous book, These Nameless Things, I was thrilled when I heard he had released his new book The Weight of Memory. After purchasing a copy, I devoured this book!

I enjoyed the way the story seemed to flow so effortlessly and so smoothly. Shawn Smucker did such an excellent job of conveying this story to his readers. It was as if he had painted such a beautiful canvas with his prose and invited us inside. Every word I read left me wanting more.

When I read the synopsis of the The Weight of Memory, it definitely had me intrigued. I had to know how Paul's 11 year old granddaughter, Pearl, knew things about Paul's past and where he grew up with even though Paul had never told her. When Paul and Pearl arrived in Nysa, the town where Paul grew up and had left 40 years prior, I had to know why people in the town were acting so strange and what was causing them to act that way. I kept trying to guess as to why, but I was always wrong. There are quite a few plot twists revealed towards the end of the book which I never would have guessed. Loose ends are all tied up excerpt for one which was left undone on purpose. Smucker leaves this up to the reader to decide what happened. Personally, I would have liked to know more, but I can see why the author left it for the reader to decide. One minor thing for me is I would have liked more about the townspeople of Nysa. They were all acting strange, and I would have liked to know more as to why besides just the drownings (not a spoiler). As for pacing, The Weight of Memory did start out a bit slow in the beginning, and I did find my mind wandering, but I persevered, and I was handsomely rewarded with such an enriching story once the pacing picked up.

For the most part, every character in The Weight of Memory felt fleshed out and realistic. Paul Elias was such a loveable character, and it was so obvious how much he loved and adored his granddaughter. I could feel his worry come off the pages though about how he needed to find someone to take care of Pearl before his death. It was heartbreaking to know that he was so worried about Pearl and what would happen to her after he was gone. I loved little Pearl, but most of the time, she came across as younger than her 11 years. To me, she acted more like a child of 6 than an older one. However, I did enjoy her character, and I admired how much she loved her "Grampy" and how she would do anything for her. Paul's and Pearl's relationship was very special, and it definitely showed throughout the story. I didn't know what to make of Tom throughout the book. He was always so distant. The author does make it known why though towards the end of the book. Tom did come across as a pretty selfless guy considering how rich he was which was refreshing. (Personally, I would have loved to stay at Tom's gigantic mansion!) As for Mary and Shirley, I enjoyed reading about them both. I would have liked to know more about Mary's home life personally due to one scene in the book. Regardless, Mary seemed like such a sweet girl, and Shirley seemed like she was a lot of fun.

Trigger warnings for The Weight of Memory include death, drowning, a few mentions of drugs (Pearl's father was a drug addict), and near death experiences.

All in all, The Weight of Memory is a beautifully enthralling story with loveable selfless character and a plot that will keep you engrossed throughout. I would definitely recommend The Weight of Memory by Shawn Smucker to those aged 16+ who love their books to be heartfelt with a lot of emotion.
The Sworn Virgin
The Sworn Virgin
Kristopher Dukes | 2017 | Romance
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great historical detail, but falls short
So what I really liked the most about the book is the historical background and aspect. It’s rich in detail and sheds a light on the customs in Albania. I loved the descriptions of the setting, the clothing especially and how family life was at the time. Despite that Eleanora lived differently from others in the village, traditions are deep rooted, strong and followed to the exact detail. It’s all about maintaining family honor and if disgraced, the way to gain it back is likely with someone killing the other from the rival family that did you wrong. It’s pretty harsh and during that time doesn’t give much voice to women in general, but Eleanora’s personality is strong and admirable even though she’s pretty much a daddy’s girl (which helps her let her be who she wants to be).

The first half of the book was great and got the reading going pretty quickly. It wasn’t until the last third of the novel where things bog down and I was afraid of this: the moment the ‘man of the her dreams’ came into the story. Then I was instantly reminded as to why I hated “Memoirs of a Geisha” so much and this mirrors it. Holy mother. The guy was the sun, moon and stars for Eleanora. I kind of get it after what happened to her dad but for crying out loud I was rooting for Eleanora for taking the vow and being strong. All it takes is an Adonis to break that all down. Eleanora then takes a complete 360 and becomes a mooncalf.

I lost admiration after her treatment of Meria. I get it. Meria shouldn’t have done that nonsense because she’s all obsessed with family honor and had Eleanora’s best interest even though it was far from beneficial. I thought her treatment was excessive to the point of abuse and cruelty and I felt like jumping in and giving Eleanora the beat down for her stupidities.

Then Eleanora’s mood swings go from pity party to guilt and goes back and forth for what seemed like the entire last third of the novel and it got tiresome to read. You know Eleanora, you could have solved all this if you JUST. TELL. HIM.

And when she does. Your patience is done with the book and depending how you found the book you either breathe a sigh in relief or roll your eyes because it took about 50 pages to get Eleanora to smarten up and the book would have ended sooner than later.

I liked the book at first, but it just didn’t hold it for me. The pity trips, and the self torment Eleanora goes through is just too much and made up a good half of the novel. I wish it could have been better because the historical aspect was excellent.
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alicia Berenson is a well-known painter married to a famous photographer, Gabriel. They have a picture-perfect life, so-to-speak. But all that changes when Gabriel returns home from work one evening and Alicia shoots him five times. Then she goes silent, refusing to speak. Her silence makes her case even more famous, causing intense public speculation. Her paintings become coveted objects. Alicia, meanwhile, is sent to the Grove, a secluded psychiatric forensic unit, for treatment. There, Theo Faber, a psychotherapist, gains a job primarily just to work with Alicia, determined to be the one to help her speak again. But he becomes consumed with her case--something that may put his own health and safety into jeopardy.

This is a book that I read solely based on the recommendations of Goodreads and #bookstagram friends. It was quite hyped, and sometimes I shy away from all the hype, ha. I really did enjoy it, though I probably always feel a little let down by the crazily hyped books. It's just my nature. That being said, I do think this is a really good read and extremely captivating.

It's incredibly bizarre and puzzling--told via excerpts from Alicia's journal (pre-murder) and then Theo's viewpoints. We are left to wonder if, indeed, Alicia is truly crazy. The fact that she shot her husband, Gabriel, isn't really up for debate. But why? What led this talented artist to kill, and so violently? Reading her journal, we ponder, is she mentally ill? Is what she's telling us even really happening? Some of the narratives may or may not contradict each other, and the result is a fast-paced, twisty tale that keeps you guessing the entire time. I was sucked into both Alicia and Theo's minds. One of the best things about this book is that you may not always like Theo or Alicia, but you'll want to know about them. You'll find yourself completely engaged in their story--a sign of a good read, if you ask me.

"There's so much pain everywhere, and we just close our eyes to it. The truth is we're all scared. We're terrified of each other. I'm terrified of myself--and of my mother in me. Is her madness in my blood? Is it?"

I stayed up late to finish this one, as I absolutely had to know what happened. There are several twists and turns, and, as I mentioned, it keeps you guessing. The perspective in this book is unique, and I really welcomed how different it felt. It's a consuming, shocking read that basically absorbs you and as different parts of the story are revealed, it grows more and more intense.

Overall, this is a really excellent psychological thriller. It's nearly impossible to put down. It is different, with damaged characters that will draw you in from the start. 4+ stars!

Rachel (48 KP) rated Sarah in Books

May 27, 2017  
Teri Polen | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It Could Have Been Fantastic
I feel very conflicted about this YA novel so please bear with me as I try to explain why!

The positives first. The plot is very interesting and well thought out. Although not entirely original it isn't your run of the mill haunted house story either.

The main characters are well rounded and sympathetic. They each have a strong voice and are relatable. The author is very good at creating tension and does not shy away from scary/unsettling images.

The narration and pace of the story feels perfect for a young adult book - no slow enough to be condescending but with simple sentence structures and short chapters that will help to encourage reluctant or not so confident readers to stick with it. I would certainly use this book in my teaching role for my higher level students - adults that struggle with literacy and/or have slight learning difficulties.

The messages that this story carries are important ones. The main message is especially vital for both male and female readers.

Now for the negative's. There is rather a lot of repetition in the story. Not just parts of the back story but actual sentences in a couple of instances. This did grow to be tiresome and, had I read this aged fourteen I would have felt the same way. Unfortunately this did tend to slow the story down at times. Reading the exact same joke from four chapters ago isn't great.

The book centres on one character and what happened to her. I felt that the sudden shift in her personality was rushed. More time should have been taken to really understand her and what happened to her.
The fact that she is automatically disbelieved is not great. It's a VERY sensitive subject and to have the rest of the characters do that could easily lodge the idea, in some young people's heads, that they would also be treated with scepticism.

A few times throughout the story there were errors. Mostly continuation errors but a couple of glaring mistakes. For example, two of the characters are playing a video game. Fallout 4. In the story one of the characters 'gets the guy' of the other. Fallout 4 is not a multiplayer game, a friend cannot 'get' you in any way.
Yes, a small thing but hugely annoying when you know that it is wrong. As Fallout 4 is such a popular game this will not go unnoticed by many young adults!

The ending did feel rather rushed. An extra chapter or two to explain what happened and to explore the feelings of the characters properly would have been nice.

So yes, this is an extremely mixed review. Most of the negative's are small and I would have given another star if not for the slightly mixed message surrounding the title character - I was disappointed with that.
The author is obviously very talented and writes perfectly for the YA market. Just a little more time and care would have made it awesome.
The One (The Selection, #3)
The One (The Selection, #3)
Kiera Cass | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I haven't been this obsessed with a book series since The Hunger Games <3

As the Selection comes to a close, who will be the next princess of Illéa?

**Please be aware of possible spoilers if you have not read The Selection and The Elite**

With rebel attacks at their peak, is anyone safe anymore? Unexpected alliances may be the only hope left for Illéa. Where will Prince Maxon's heart lead him in the end of the Selection?

"The best people all have some kind of scar" - The One

I admit, I did NOT expect to become so obsessed with this series! But once I started, I simply could not put it down. Mercifully, I did not read these until now. Because now I only need to wait a little more than a month for the last book to come out. I have been sick the last few days, and therefore have had ample time to read. The only plus to having a cold. But thanks to my essential oils and books...I feel much better and have been quite entertained! Being that this is the third book in the series I don't want to give away too many spoilers. But let me just say that Kiera Cass did a wonderful job of bringing America's Selection to a close. There are still a few surprises along the way (especially if you DON'T read The Favorite first) and a few of the other characters found a special place in my heart that I previously despised. America's journey from being a poor artist's daughter to a confident, strong, influential woman is inspiring, to say the least. There are many times that she is criticized for speaking the truth and being herself, but she never loses who she is. Instead she uses these experiences to fine tune her character and comes to the realization of what truly matters in life. Although, there were many times that she drove me crazy because she couldn't make up her mind. In the end she always makes the right choice (in my opinion). And even we say it a lot, there is nothing more important than to truly be yourself.

Overall I would not recommend this to young teens. There is a lot of passion and kissing in this series. Parents please use your discretion for this series.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Spider-Man Knocks It Out Of The Park In This Summer Vacation Superhero Hybrid
Spider-Man Far From Home is a 2019 superhero movie directed by Jon Watts and written by Chris Mckenna and Erik Sommers. It was co-produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. The movie stars Tom Holland, Zendaya, Samuel Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Jon Favreau, and Jake Gyllenhaal.

The Midtown School of Science and Technology in New York City organizes a two-week summer field trip to Europe to accommodate the students who were resurrected by "the blip". Peter plans to avoid heroics and confess his feelings to "MJ" on this trip but is warned by Happy that Nick Fury is trying to get in contact with him. Distraught about the events in Endgame and the questions overwhelming him about Tony Stark, Peter decides to not answer when Fury calls him causing Fury to seek him out on his vacation.

This movie was phenomenal. It was really awesome and a perfect summer action blockbuster. Marvel did not drop the ball with this one and I'm so glad I saw it before anybody spoiled it for me because it had plenty of surprises. Especially the after credits scenes, the one after the movie finishes and the one at the very end after the credits. Jake Gyllenhaal was perfect as Mysterio and his acting was on point and Ned (Jacob Battalon) was awesome as Pete's best friend and wing-man in this movie too. The action was great and the effects were spectacular especially for Mysterio and his powers, they really did a amazing job. I really couldn't find much that I didn't like in this movie other than a couple ways the plot or story didn't unfold in a way that I liked; but that's probably me just being picky and a super fan from the comics and watching the cartoons. Also a part having to do with Peter taking a major injury and kind of just shrugging it off when he should have been hurt worse. Zendaya did a good job of portraying "MJ" and showing her come out of her shell a little more too which I though was also cool. I give this movie a 8/10 and I also give it my "Must See Seal of Approval" If you haven't seen this movie yet, what are you waiting for?
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
2022 | Horror
Some inventive chainsaw (2 more)
Excellent Work by Leatherface Actor Mark Burnham
The Fucking Bus....
Lead Actress was annoying as all hell (0 more)
It's About Freaking Time!!!!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I always go into a Chainsaw Massacre movie with as open of a mind as I can. Knowing full well, that the last few entries haven't been up to par. beautiful bastards you...
From beginning to end, this film kept me going. I sat, literally on the edge of my chair the entire time. Waiting to see what this big, Momma face wearing Slasher would do next.
The first kill nearly made me spit out my Coke. I wasn't expecting such ferocity of the hop.
The writers making this a true after the first film sequel, did everything right in my book.
The cast, minus the lead, Sarah Yarkin, were not your basic, run into the basement kind of kids that have been cannon fodder for good ol' Leatherface in the past. They seemed as logical as they could for a bunch of 20 somethings fending off a once dormant serial killer, who has been woken by the death of his 'Mother'.
Yarkin, who was playing main character Melody, seemed to try and grasp hold of the Scream Queen crown left behind by prior Chainsaw Final Girls Marilyn Burns and Jessica Biel, but failed miserably. She is the one thing out of this movie that I just couldn't get in to.
And, I will admit. That ending. While waiting for the basic good old jump scare. I sat, clenching the sides of the chair I was in, waiting anxiously for it to come. And when it finally did. It did not disappoint.
Look out for a stand out preformance by Olwen Fouere, who plays the role of Sally Hardesty. The lone survivor of the original 1974 film. As well as Mark Burnham as Leatherface and Elsie Fisher as Lila, Mel's sister, and a survivor in her own right.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre was one of the first films in the horror genre that I ever seen. Leatherface will always hold a special place in my Dark little heart. And after some clusterfuck films in the series. It's nice to have one strike a chord and make me want more.
Seth Baumgartner's Love Manifesto
Eric Luper | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seth Baumgartner’s Love Manifesto by Eric Luper
Genre: YA Fiction
ISBN: 9780061827532
Published: June 1st 2010 by Balzer + Bray
Rating: 4

Seth hasn’t had such a great love life in the past few weeks. His girlfriend dumped him, he saw his father with another woman, and he’s having some friendship problems with his best friend… add to that the fact that his father wants him to win a golf tournament that he really doesn’t care about, he can’t keep a job, and the most unexpected girl on earth starts having feelings for him. Seth starts an anonymous podcast with music and his opinions called The Love Manifesto where he talks about what love is, why we want it, and why we’re stupid enough to keep coming back for more… and he finds some pretty interesting things about love, friendship, family, and himself.

Seth Baumgartner’s Love Manifesto (and I thought my last name was hard to pronounce) was a fun read. It drew me in right away with the writing style and the witty characters. I loved the characters. Up until the end I wasn’t quite sure I really liked Seth that much, because he was doing some pretty stupid things… but in the end when he got his head back on straight and started making the right choices, I saw that he really wasn’t too bad after all. His best friend Dimitri was hilarious (I think he was my favorite… the description on the back of the book of “smut-minded” is pretty accurate.) and his sister Audrey was my kind of gal. You got to love Audrey. Obnoxious, sarcastic, but sweet on her man in subtle ways, and a very good kisser.

The plot was great: it had drama, mystery, and emotion without getting sappy or melodramatic. It takes the reader on quite a ride, so you don’t quite know who the good guy is, and you feel bad for Seth, but it’s not too depressing either.

Although Luper didn’t quite explain or define “love,” he did show it in the characters actions by the end of the story. Even though I was hoping for something a little deeper, he did end the story well and I was satisfied after finishing.

Good writing, great character, fun plot, awesome ending, (and I love the mp3-player cover!) this one will pull you in and keep you hooked from the first page to the last.

Content/recommendation: Some language and sexual innuendoes. Ages 15+

This review is copyright 2010 to Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews.