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Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated Holmes and Watson (2018) in Movies

Aug 5, 2019 (Updated Aug 6, 2019)  
Holmes and Watson (2018)
Holmes and Watson (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Mystery
Decent cast (1 more)
The Billy Zane cameo was good.
Awful script, from concept to execution (0 more)
This film is the one thing a Sherlock Holmes film should never be - dumb
Sherlock Holmes is a versatile character. You can try drama, action, even comedy, but there is one thing a Sherlock Holmes film should never be: stupid. Unfortunately, that's right where this one lands. Will Ferrell is capable of doing intelligent comedy, though it doesn't happen often - just look at Stranger Than Fiction. I have every belief that this could have been good if they'd chucked the script out the window and started over. As it is, Sherlock Holmes comes off as a moron half the time, which could be an interesting take if they committed to it, but they don't. The result is a muddled vehicle for jokes about Donald Trump, selfies, and sexting via telegram. A couple scenes seem to be trying to do for (to?) Guy Ritchie's Holmes movies what Men in Tights did for other Robin Hood films, but even that falls short. I'm not going to tell you to avoid the movie like the plague - I'm sure SOMEONE out there will enjoy it. I'm just not sure I care to associate with that person.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Jan 6, 2022  
A Hero. Honourable Thief. Lovable Rogue. Scoundrel. Blackguard.

Everyone’s heard of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, with big, bad Sheriff of Nottingham and evil Prince John trying their best to thwart Robin at every turn. But what if things were different to what you’ve been told? What if Robin wasn’t as altruistic as history portrayed?

In the late spring of 1198, the hamlet of Girton is razed to the ground. Newly married eighteen-year-old Will Scathlock and sixteen-year-old Alana move to the larger village of Blidworth to start their lives anew. In his new job as a forester for the Royal Palace of Clipstone, known to the locals as King’s Houses, Will hears tales of a good thief, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. But in her role as seamstress for the Manor House, Alana hears a different story.

Find out what it was like for the peasant folk Robin was supposed to be helping, before his well-known adventures in Nottingham. Meet Alana Dale and read her story of what it was really like, and how it all began.

Available for pre-order -

Balance (Matefinder #3)
Balance (Matefinder #3)
Leia Stone | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
136 of 250
Balance ( Matefinder book 3)
By Leia Stone

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Ever since Kai revealed the supernatural race to the humans, riots and chaos have reigned down on Mount Hood. Aurora is going crazy just sitting around and waiting for Layla to show up so that Aurora can finish her task and kill her, bringing peace to her pack. Kai does everything in his power to keep Aurora safe and confined on the heavily guarded mountain. But he should know that no one can really keep Aurora from the things she wants in life. She is determined to find Layla and end this war, forever. But at what cost?

I have enjoyed this series so much! The last book did not disappoint it was full of emotion and strong women! I love the was Leia writes here supernaturals they are just so refreshing. Can’t wait to be reading more from the spin off series excited to see what the next Generation brings!

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) created a post

Jan 22, 2022  
If you'd like to be one of the first to get your hands on my latest release - please fill out the google form!

Hero. Honourable Thief. Lovable Rogue. Scoundrel. Blackguard.

Everyone’s heard of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, with big, bad Sheriff of Nottingham and evil Prince John trying their best to thwart Robin at every turn. But what if things were different to what you’ve been told? What if Robin wasn’t as altruistic as history portrayed?

In the late spring of 1198, the hamlet of Girton is razed to the ground. Newly married eighteen-year-old Will Scathlock and sixteen-year-old Alana move to the larger village of Blidworth to start their lives anew. In his new job as a forester for the Royal Palace of Clipstone, known to the locals as King’s Houses, Will hears tales of a good thief, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. But in her role as Seamstress for the Manor House, Alana hears a different story.

Find out what it was like for the peasant folk Robin was supposed to be helping, before his well-known adventures in Nottingham. Meet Alana Dale and read her story of what it was really like, and how it all began.

Goodreads Link:

Show all 3 comments.

Morgan Sheppard (926 KP) Jan 31, 2022

@Night Reader Reviews - it was my fault! Time has definitely run away with me on this one. Oh, well. If ever you have the time and fancy giving any of mine a chance, please just let me know! Have a great week. 😁


Night Reader Reviews (683 KP) Jan 31, 2022

I completely understand. Time gets away from me a lot as well.

Robin Hood (2018)
Robin Hood (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
At this point I feel like I've grown u with definitive versions of Robin Hood. Kevin Costner will always be a front runner, and Disney's foxified version brings a smile to my face every time. I was also lucky to have been shown Robin Hood Men In Tights when I was younger and will always appreciate Cary Elwes' rendition. Errol Flynn will always be the high point for class in the role. There's always that one we don't talk about... Russell Crowe, I'm looking at you. We probably should consider the small screen as well, after all should we be excluding Robin from Madi Marian and Her Merry Men?

After the one we don't talk about I had fairly low expectations for this. Did we really need to reboot this icon?

The answer is evidently a resounding yes. No one is more surprised about this than I am. He's still not the best Robin (sorry... Rob) but he's an excellent modern adaptation for those who don't want to go old school with their viewing.

Taron Egerton doesn't quite have the on-screen presence of a lord, he's something or a whipper-snapper in Robin terms. He'd be much more at home in an episode of Arrow. Watch out, Roy. In fact that would be my guess of what happened in the pitching of this one. "Arrow is basically Robin Hood, shall we just do that?"

Ben Mendelsohn proved himself to be an excellent villain in Ready Player One, and he's brought himself back to that high with the Sheriff of Nottingham. Cruel and egotistical he makes an easy focus for everyone's revolutionary efforts.

Friar Tuck... hmm. Tim Minchin was an interesting choice. My main issue is that he basically seems to have played it as Bill Bailey. That was something that stuck out from the very first time we saw him and from that point on all I could think was that they might as well have got Bill Bailey to do it.

I had hoped that like the trailer the film would feature some modern music as well as what turned out to be some very atmospheric background ensemble. Sadly not though. Maybe it's just me pining back to A Knight's Tale.

Round of applause for the cinematography. Everything flowed really well and that opening scene of war (which you can see some of in the trailer above) really drew you in. In fact, the whole scene felt very much more modern than bows and arrows and was a striking moment in the film.

If cinematography is at the top, the writing is somewhere near the bottom. Generally it was passable and I didn't really notice it. That sounds odd, but you know what I mean, sometimes it is just there and doesn't really leave a mark. Every now and then you'd get a curve ball of a line that made me recoil and stopped my enjoyment of the film. Speeches that should have had power in the words didn't, there was no feeling of being roused to action like so many great films are able to do.

As a final comment... why must you mess with the naturally accepted order of characters?

What you should do

Go for the action, not the script. It's quite impressive on the big screen and Jamie Foxx's John holds some quiet moments of humour that are worth seeing.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would quite like John's ability to heal and not die. That seems like a massively impressive part of his character.
In Time (2011)
In Time (2011)
2011 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.3 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
t is said that time is money and in the new film “In Time” this statement takes on an entirely new meaning. In the future we learn that humans have been genetically created to stop aging at the age of 25. Once they reach this selected age, a clock starts to count down from one year. People can obtain more time via work, stealing it from others, or being gifted more time but once their clock hits zero, they expire or “Time Out” as it is called.

As the film opens, we are introduced to Will Salas (Justin Timberlake), a man who is three years past twenty five who lives at home with his mother (Olivia Wilde). Will starts each day with barely enough time on his clock for another day, so he dutifully heads off to work each day to earn more time. As does his mother and everyone he knows since workers are paid at the end of their shifts by having more time added to their accounts. Many need to work daily in order to see the next day. To stop working is to die and since everything from food to rent and clothing is paid for in time from an individual’s account, they often have to make the choice between a transaction or more hours of life.

One evening after work, Will encounters a man named Henry (Matt Bomer), with over 100 years remaining on his clock and cautions the man that in this area he is likely to attract thieves. Will’s warnings go unheeded and soon a group of thugs arrive forcing Will to whisk the man away to safety. During their night in hiding, the man tells Will that after living for over a century, he is tired of the way the system is and how the rich can live forever while the working poor suffer just to live another day.

Will awakens the next morning to find the man gone and that his clock has now been credited the 100 years. Will locates the man just in time to watch him time out with a smile as he watches the sun rise. Flush with new wealth, Will plans to move his mother out of the slums and into a better life but when tragedy strikes, Will decides to move to where the wealth is as to take them for all he can.

Will soon finds himself in a high stakes card game at a casino and in a desperate move finds himself wealthier than he ever imagined. His actions impress very wealthy banking magnet Philippie Weiss (Vincent Kartheiser), who introduces him to his daughter Sylvia (Amanda Seyfried). Will and Sylvia hit it off as she is intrigued by someone who came into money rather than being born with it and imagines what life would be like with some excitement.

Will and Sylvia soon have their worlds turned upside down when Will is suspected in the death of Henry and find themselves on the run from a Timekeeper named Raymond (Cillian Murphy), who wants to bring Will to justice. In a rapid series of events, Will and Sylvia must contend with Raymond, criminals, and a series of unsavory characters to regain their lost time before it is to late so they can implement their master plan to truly make a difference.

The film has some great social commentary and a great cast but is hindered by trying to be too many things. It works well as a science fiction film with elements of action and romance. Sadly the film goes off course by having Will and Sylvia act as a modern day Robin Hood duo taking on the powers-that-be to save the downtrodden masses. While it is a noble effort it derailed the momentum of the story as much of the tension and mystery of the story was lost. If one is wanted by thugs and the authorities, I would think that knocking over one high profile time bank after another would not be the way to keep a low profile.

That being said, despite the flaws, the film works and I found myself thinking about the characters and the setting they lived in days after the I screened the film. I had been concerned that the film would be nothing more than a knockoff of “Logan’s Run” but thankfully the film had enough new content to keep it fresh and interesting. In many ways, “In Time” is science fiction at its best as it allows for timely social commentary and provides a disturbing look at many age old debates on society’s endless quests for wealth, power, and youth.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fantastic sequel to Cinder, the first book in the Lunar Chronicles. Marissa Meyer does a brilliant job of introducing us to a new duo that will be featured in the book, while intricately weaving their story in with the characters that we already know and love. In case you weren't aware Scarlet is a retelling of the Little Red Riding Hood fairytale. As this is the second book in the series, there will be plot points referenced from the first book and may spoil you. I suggest you read Cinder before you read this review.

Scarlet is incredibly different from Cinder, our main character from the first book. With fiery hair and a temper to match, Scarlet is an accomplished pilot and a force to be reckoned with. When her grandmother goes missing, she will stop at nothing to get her back - even if that means teaming up with a street fighter who has never had tomatoes before... named Wolf.

There is a dichotomy in the portrayal of Wolf as he is seen as violent and angry during a fight, but so innocently curious and nervous with Scarlet. She introduces him to the wonders of fresh produce and his reaction is so precious, he just reminds me of a puppy in those moments. I can't say that I like him more than Kai, but he definitely grows on you over the course of the book.

It was nice to see Kai in his role as the Emporer of the Eastern Commonwealth. In the first book, he was only just coming to terms with the drastic change in his circumstances and now he must be the leader his people need. You watch as he struggles to reconcile the needs of his people with the desires of his heart. Completely untested as a ruler, he does what he can to protect his people from Queen Levana but worries that it will not be enough. It was heartbreaking to see the turmoil and know that he will only face more difficult decisions in the future.

Cinder's world was completely turned upside down at the end of the first novel. As a result, she is on the run and teams up with <i>Captain</i> Carswell Thorne. His utter enamorment with himself is hilarious and plays really well off of Cinder's more serious, yet still sarcastic personality.

I really enjoyed seeing the world expand a bit more as we learned about other locations in the Earthen Union and spent time in France. We were given more of Cinder's history and the groundwork was laid for plot points and characters in the future books. This was a great story, but I can't say much else without spoilers - so just go read the series, you won't regret it.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
On the run from her vicious Uncle, Lady Juliana must fight for survival among the peasants.

When Juliana's Uncle, sweeps in and takes over her father's land of Wessex, Juliana is forced to live as a fugitive. Living in disguise, she has become the defender and protector of her people. Stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But when a robbery goes, much different than expected, she is discovered by Sir Collin Goodrich, Lord of the neighboring land. Having renounced her own nobility status, Juliana loathes all nobility. For they display an excess of wealth with no thought to the poor. She is determined to dislike Sir Collin from the start. But will her prejudice blind her to his true heart? Will her methods of providing for the people lead her down the same path of malice her Uncle leads? Or will her eyes be opened to the truth of God's provision and righteousness?

"I'd been consumed with bitterness and had allowed it to lead me astray from what was righteous and pleasing to God."
- A Daring Sacrifice pg.166

I can not get enough of Jody Hedlund! Her books completely draw me and allow me to get utterly lost in another world, in a time long past. The trials that Lady Juliana endure are not easy to cope with. Throughout her journey, she realizes that she has been going about things in the wrong way. How many times do we take situations into our own hands when we don't see God's immediate answer? It is easy to do. A Daring Sacrifice has a Robin Hood feel about it. But there is never a dull moment. My husband would laugh at me while I was reading because I would become very animated. There are some very intense scenes, and I am pretty sure I have never held my breath for so long. I felt that the violence and viciousness of the age was portrayed well. It was not easy to read about, but I commend Jody for not taking it lightly. Overall this was another excellent book! I am so thrilled that she has branched into the Young Adult genre.

I received a free digital copy of A Daring Sacrifice from Zondervan through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
Since You&#039;ve Been Gone
Since You've Been Gone
Morgan Matson | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
8.4 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Relatable Teen Story (3 more)
Fun 'Dare' Concept
Quick, Light Read
Beautiful Descriptions.
Would've Preferred More Closure (0 more)
Her best friend disappeared and with her all their summer plans.. now what will Emily do?
Since You've Been Gone is a story about best friends. Sloane vanishes right as the summer was about to begin, leaving nothing but a list of daring tasks to be completed. Emily, a natural introvert, begins to retreat to that introverted place without Sloane around. Emily becomes desperate to find out what happened to her best friend, and begins the list Sloane left her. As she sets out to complete the list she runs into unexpected individuals who help push her to complete the list and in the process find herself.

I loved this book. The entire time I was reading I couldn't help but thing of the adventures my childhood/high school best friend and I had. This quick, light read is highly relatable with a wonderful reminiscing quality. Additionally, the descriptions were absolutely stunning. One of my favorite quotes from the book is: "...kissing with the urgency of the rain that was pounding down all around us and onto the hood of the car." Morgan Matson finds beautiful ways to say simple things that help the reader see the passion and strong feelings teenagers go through and feel.

Being a stand alone book, it had a good finality to it however, I found it ended abruptly and could've used an epilogue to explain some of the lose ends. Some of that desire is most likely because I loved the book so much and simply wanted more!