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    Lisa-Lou (28 KP)

    Movie Buff, Horror Freak, Rock Nerd.

    I'm a Fibro/ME Warrior so I fill a lot of my time with movies, American TV shows & rock music. I'm...

    Last Active: Aug 7, 2017

    LucyB (47 KP)

    Book Boa Constrictor, Bowie obsessive, movie nerd

    By day, I'm a copywriter, author, mother and Mario-kart enthusiast. By night? My nose is generally...

    Last Active: Sep 27, 2017

    BecS (2 KP)

    Lover of all things nerdy
    Last Active: Sep 4, 2017

    Jess Briggs (3 KP)

    Book worn and Gamer Girl

    I basically like everything

    Last Active: Oct 10, 2018

    Heathere' (25 KP)

    I may never be happy, but tonight I am content.

    I enjoy reading many different genres and most people are confused when they look at my bookshelves...

    Last Active: May 13, 2018

    M. Perry (0 KP)

    Dog Mom, Avid Reader, Animal Lover, Writer, Empath

    I am never without a book, a backup book, a TBR list, and customized reading recommendations. I'm in...


    Tiffany Leanne Davis (0 KP)

    Book Addict That Ate the Book Worm

    I'm a big nerd that absolutely loves books, comics, shows and movies. If I had to choose one it...