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Cargo (2017)
Cargo (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dead good
#netflix #cargo is in my opinion is the first great #netflixfilm ive seen yet. Cargo is an #Australian film about a family struggling to survive in a #zombie infected world & has been adapted from a short film of the same name. From the get go a #creepy unnerving yet strangely calm & peaceful atmosphere is established (this is done brilliantly with gorgeous establishing shots & slow camera movements accompanied by a beautifully depressing score). It looks fantastic too & its set locations not only add to the tension but are a treat to explore visually. Slow paced but never boring the #film never treats the viewer like an idiot with subtle information about whats happened & how people #survive in this world littered everywhere. Theres an overall theme about #family & protection ie planning for their future safety & how people in this horrific situation cope/stay strong & if what we do to survive sometimes borderlines on being inhumane. Tension is very well done throughout & keeping things mostly off camera was a smart move as it gives the film an more #anxious sense of dread. Acting is top notch & watching as characters constantly think about the #future, worry for each others safety & try to stay strong is genuinely heartbreaking at times. Effects are great especially the practical ones making the film far more believable. All in all cargo is well worth your time, its a great interesting character study & a refreshing/intelligent change of pace in a genre thats become so over done & cliche. Thought provoking, powerful & #bleak this film left me wondering how i would react & what i would do if someone i loved or if myself even were about to fall victim to the #virus. #martinfreeman #horror #scary #postapocalyptic #apocalypse #walkingdead #sunday #cinifile #moviecritic #netflixoriginal #SimoneLanders #love #dead
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was an interesting re-imagining of Alice in Wonderland. In Alice in Zombieland, Alice Bell's life has always been curtailed by her father's insistence that monsters exist. The family cannot leave the house after dark, she's been taught how to fight hand-to-hand and with a couple of weapons, and they never - NEVER - drive past the graveyard. All of this changes in one night - when Alice "falls down the rabbit hole" as it were - and discovers her father wasn't insane after all.

Now, living with her grandparents, haunted by visions of her little sister and glimpses of monsters in the dark, Alice - or Ali, as she insists on being called - finds herself being called on to fight the monsters alongside the roughest crowd in her high school. Falling in love with the leader of the bad boys doesn't help her social life, but might help her stay alive.

I enjoyed this book and will probably pick up the sequel, Through the Zombie Glass, if I can find it at the library. The writing flowed well most of the time, and while Alice began a little whiny, by the end of the book she was pretty bad ass. It felt.... a little more "young adult" than some young adult books I've read; the emotions seemed detached or damped down a bit. While she was dealing with grief over the loss of her family, and possible death at the hands of zombies, it just didn't feel as raw as I think those emotions should have felt. And the notion of a bunch of high school kids fighting zombies - with the support of adults, including the high school principal - was a little weird. Still an interesting book, and not a waste of time, but it felt a lot like "teenagers are special snowflakes!"

You can find all my reviews at

b.Young (97 KP) rated Apocalypticon in Books

Jun 1, 2018  
Clayton Smith | 2014 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witty dialog (1 more)
Humorous take on apocalypse genre
The most humorous apocalypse book I've ever read
I found this book offered for Kindle and decided to read it based on the fact that it was humorous instead of serious.
Apocalypticon is a story of two friends in Chicago that somehow survived M-Day, the day the monkey shaped missiles were launched from Jamaica to destroy most of the inhabitants of Earth, only to pack up 3 years later and make a whirlwind trip to visit Disney World, of all places.
Along the way, Patrick and Ben come across some very colorful survivors like Violet, a woman who runs the only bridge out of town like a restaurant: hostess stand, bus boys, wine and all; an Amtrak Captain who happens to be the only one left in the country, that is obsessed with keeping a schedule he never can seem to keep; a futune teller that warns Patrick of his fate; a couple of religious cults, each morbidly twisted in their own way; zombie-like creatures called Runners that snorted their way into the realm of the semi-undead; a gun-toting chick that thinks that the Runners can be cured; and journalist who is trying to make sense of why certain people survived the decimation of 98% of the world's population.
Now, don't get me wrong, there were plenty of action scenes where people and things got effed up, but not so much of the blood and gore that typically goes along with genre.
I surprised myself by actually laughing out loud while reading this...several times, I might add.
I recommend Apocalypticon to anyone who enjoys a good apocalypse story and can accept the hilarity of the situation at hand.
2017 | Action
Create your own world (2 more)
Relaxing and fun
Lots of Mods to expand your play
Complex if you want to advance (0 more)
Bought for my daughter, played by me.
I told my partner time and time again, we shouldn't buy this game, because it doesn't end and I'll play it all the time lol I wasn't wrong. I really do adore this game it's a lot of fun, especially in Survival Mode. There's so much to explore and the aquatic part is breathtaking. So far I've got two houses and an underwater monument base and I don't see it stopping there. I will eventually build a house in each biome, I think. The terrible graphics holds its own nostalgic charm for me and it's mostly easy to play. Brewing and Enchanting is a lot of work and there are so many steps I feel like I've always got to have Google open on my phone to figure out how to do it. Using experience points to mend and enchant is super annoying because the more advanced your item the most xp points you use to fix it. I currently have an awesome iron pick with several good enchantments on it but I can't use it because otherwise it will break and it costs 33 xp to fix. Another annoying point that gets me is some things that are drops are useless to the player (magma rock, zombie flesh for example) it would be nice to have some use for these items at some point. My 8 yr old can only play in creative mode or on peaceful in survival otherwise she continuously dies and gets super frustrated with it so unless your kids are seasoned xbox gamers I probably wouldn't start them on this. Personally, apart from a few annoying features I love the game. It's creative, relaxing and fun.
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
.....Fuckin comedians
Michael Myers is back.... And this is supposed to be what actually happened... 40 years later???
I'm sorry if any of you disagree with me... But this movie blew....
Don't get le wrong. I love the fact that Jamie Lee is back and more of a badass than i wpuld have ever expected.
But come on...
Denying the fact that almost 40 years worth of mythology happened... Thats a hard sell. Let's do some math as well.
You expect me to believe that Michael is wandering around at 61 years old, after being locked up for 40 years... And he's picking up 200 pound men one handed and crushing their windpipes???
I love the Halloween series of films. Even the Rov Zombie offerings... I love the fact that Rob gave us a back story. You found out why Michael was the way he was...
But this??? This was nothing more than two morons... And yes, I think Danny McBride is an idiot. And he should stick to Vice Principals and Eastbound and Down. And stay the fuck away from horror films.
He should've taken a hint from his lackluster and shitty preformance in Alien Covenant... And leave horror to the pros.
I'm sorry but the only person who should've carried on this franchise was John Carpenter himself... But even he knows that you shouldn't dip your pen in the company ink too many times.
Ignoring the mythology of the films and expecting die hard fans to believe that characters like Jamie Lloyd and Tommy Doyle didn't exist in the history is ludicrous.
Some people enjoyed the sequels and some people didnt. But expecting us to forget forty years of horror history???
Not on your life, comedian.
Human Waste
Human Waste
C. M. Saunders | 2017 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I came across C. M. Saunders through a website that I wasn’t sure about, so I randomly messaged him on Facebook. In response, after explaining that I was a book blogger, Saunders kindly provided me with some of his work for the purpose of review. While it’s taken me awhile to get to it, I’m glad I did because Human Waste is a fun, albeit somewhat (keyword: somewhat) predictable take on the zombie apocalypse.

Dan Pallister is, undoubtedly, not playing with a full deck of cards, if you catch my drift. Despite this, he makes for a fun, original character. Ever since childhood, he’s been obsessed with survival–he wants to be prepared for when shit hits the fan, after all. One morning, exactly what he’s been waiting for happens: he looks out his window and sees zombies. This prompts him to go for supplies at the supermarket nearby, and from there Saunders dips his metaphorical toes in the world of splatterpunk which, if you’ve been reading my blog for sometime, you’ll know I like.

My only gripe with reading this is the fact that I had the story figured out (mostly) from pretty early on. Despite that, Saunders continues to entertain with Dan’s skewed view of reality and that is a feat. Rather than becoming boring, the story kept me hooked and I read it in one sitting.

This story comes with some bonus content, however I will not be reviewing it as I consider bonus content to be separate material. I definitely look forward to reading Saunders’s No Man’s Land.

A special thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of his work for the purpose of unbiased review.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Walking Dead - Season 1 in TV

Jul 22, 2019 (Updated Jul 22, 2019)  
The Walking Dead  - Season 1
The Walking Dead - Season 1
2010 | Drama
The first season of The Walking Dead hits the ground (not) running
The first ever episode of The Walking Dead is one of the best hours of television I've ever seen.
After Rick Grimes falls into a coma following an shooting, he wakes up months later, abandoned in a hospital bed, and the whole world has gone to hell.
We have no idea how, we are not shown the outbreak. Instead, The Walking Dead jumps head first into the aftermath of a zombie virus outbreak.
He has no idea where his wife and young son are, but has reason to believe they're alive, and he sets out to find them in a strange new world.

It's a deliciously simple concept that sets the ball rolling, as we're introduced to the heart and would of the show - the wide spectrum of characters.

Stand out characters in season 1 include Darryl and Mearle Dixon, the latter who's casual racism and bad attitude cause issues withing the group. Shane is another character with many layers. The group mostly consists of characters that are looking to help fellow survivors, and as such, you will quickly find yourself caring about most of them.

The world of the Walking Dead can be harsh, and very violent at times, and the practical effects are a really nice touch The zombies look horrible for the most part, shuffling around (not running) causing big groups of them to be hugely dangerous, and there are some really tense moments as the series progresses.

It's a season at only 6 episodes but it ensures that there is no room for filler.

The Walking Dead hasbeen a hugely up and down and wildly inconsistent show throughout it's 10 years on air, so it's nice to look back on the early days, when it was pretty solid.

A must for any horror fan.

JT (287 KP) rated Maggie (2015) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Maggie (2015)
Maggie (2015)
2015 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
5.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There are no explosions, no quips, rocket launchers or machine guns – this is Arnie as you’ve never seen him before.

Whatever you may think of Arnold Schwarzenegger the Austrian Oak has carved out a successful acting career. Sure, he’s had his fair share of box office bombs but his films are enjoyable and make a shit load of cash.

Maggie shelves all of the Schwarzenegger stereotypes and places him within a setting that relies heavily on just his raw acting talent – and boy does he give it a good go.

When his daughter Maggie becomes infected with a virus that has swept the country causing widespread death and devastation, he takes her back to his farm where she can spend the remainder of her time before turning into a flesh-eating zombie.

Wade (Schwarzenegger) knows that she is on borrowed time and he’s not about to let her be dragged off to quarantine. Maggie’s stepmother Caroline (Joely Richardson) isn’t sure and his apprehensive in her presence.

The film’s grey colour palette is in keeping with the tone of the environment, everything is dying including those infected. This method of filmmaking is incredibly underused and can set a scene or help tell a story.

Everything balances nicely between drama and horror as Maggie slowly descends towards an uncontrollable bitter end. All Wade can do is sit back and make it as easy for her as possible.

It was nice to see Schwarzenegger doing something different, proving that he is not just one dimensional. While it’s not a critically acclaimed performance there is enough meat on the bones to keep us interested.

Maggie is currently streaming on Amazon Prime. What did you think of the film, is this one of Schwarzenegger’s better performances? Leave a comment and let us know.


    Amy Miles

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    I always thought when the apocalypse finally began I would be swinging my baseball bat at the...