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The Trusted by Michelle Medhat is the first book in a five book series. A cross genre book that incorporates spy thriller with brilliant elements of sci-fi and fantasy too at times. The story hits the ground running and we are thrown into the action from the first page. We meet MI-6 agent Sam Noor who is part of the fight against a new terror organisation that is a threat to the whole world.They are using brand new technology to threaten everything people love. I think the world building is excellent and Michelle has created truly individual strong characters that stay with you long after you have finished the book. A story that had my adrenaline rushing all the way through, with enough action for three books never mind just the one! Am picking up the second book as soon as possible, I need to know what will happen in this series quick! Thank you to Michelle for my copy of the book today.
High Country Contract
High Country Contract
Lance Morcan, James Morcan | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this quick but engaging read, we are transported to the highlands of the South Island of New Zealand; a beautiful but remote backdrop to this thrilling tale of the hunter unwittingly becoming the hunted.

Once again, I am not disappointed by the writings of Lance and James Morcan; they know how to pull you in and keep you there until the end. I was however disappointed that it wasn't a bit longer ... no sooner had the action began, than it ended which was a shame as I really feel more could have been made of the terrain and the cat and mouse games between the hunter and the hunted. However, it is what it is and it's still a great thriller with interesting and believable characters.

I would recommend anyone read Lance and James' books particularly The Orphan Trilogy which is for lovers of action, espionage, conspiracy theories or just people who enjoy a flippin’ good read ... you won't be disappointed.
    Seobok (2021)

    Seobok (2021)

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    Seo Bok (Korean: 서복; Hanja: 徐福; RR: Seobok) is a 2021 South Korean sci-fi action film...

Harlem Shuffle
Harlem Shuffle
Colson Whitehead | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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DNF @ 47%.

Couldn’t get into this at all, and I really wanted to like it as I’ve heard great things about this author. Unfortunately I found myself finding other things to do rather than read this book, and when I did sit down to read I would only read a few pages before getting bored and doing something else.
As some other reviews have stated, there was a lot of describing the action after the action had happened, making it not so much of a crime thriller but a book that was lacking something. A lot of introducing characters and then them disappearing and never being heard from again and a lot of jumping between time frames.
The descriptions were great and I could picture where was being described so clearly, but this just wasn’t a book for me. A real shame because I really wanted to like this book!
I, Robot (2004)
I, Robot (2004)
2004 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
I think it was Isaac Asimov who came up with the 3 laws of Robotics, as follows:

1.A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

That's the starting point for this movie, which sees Technophobic 2035 cop Del Spooner (Will Smith) convinced that a robot has just carried out a murder - something which, by those laws, should be impossible for it to do.

The film then takes in the concept of free will and consciousness, all - as an action thriller - wrapped up in a mystery and with a few helpings of what I'm going to call 'wham blam' action

Surprisingly enjoyable.
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Thomas Harris | 1981 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wish I read this when I was in high school. This book really would have been right up my alley. The story was so complex that I would have devoured it within days. This would have been one of those books that I stayed up late reading under my covers. However, reading this book showed me how much I have changed & how my tastes in books have changed as well. Personally I am not a huge fan of mysteries. I find them dull, and typically I avoid them. The weird thing is that I love mystery thrillers. I have always found them fascinating especially if it is a psychological thriller.

Red Dragon is that psychological thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat once you get passed the half way mark. The beginning of the book dragged for me. I would have loved more of an action packed thriller vs. a mystery turned thriller. Though the first half was essential for establishing characters I truly felt that it dragged. I'm typically used to a book that jolts you into the action instead of taking a lazy river ride to a waterfall. I want the rapids. So, due to the first half, it took me forever to finish. One thing that I really liked about the first half was how much it messed with my mind. Honestly I had trouble reading it before I went to bed simply because of the dreams it created at night. I had to make sure every door and window was locked before I went to bed simply to help sooth my mind so that I could get some sleep.

Though the story dragged for the first half, the second half made up for it. I found myself entranced by the thriller aspect of the writing & loved how complex the story truly was. It has been years since I last watched Red Dragon (the movie) so at times the story felt fresh and new. It was weird, sexual in strange spots, and honestly something that I have never read before. Thomas Harris was able to create a serial killer that will make you cringe, sympathize with, and wish they were dead all at different moments. It was fascinating to read.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. It isn't my favorite book but it was an interesting read that makes me yearn to watch the movies again. I probably will not continue on in the series but I'm happy that I did take the time to read it.