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RPGMP3 Actual Play Podcast
RPGMP3 Actual Play Podcast
Games & Hobbies
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
The first actual play recorded tabletop gaming podcast on the internet (1 more)
Contributed game recordings cover a huge range of tabletop games
The script itself is an eight but the actual play in the West End goes so far beyond 10 I can't even begin to say.
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
Entertainment, Games
The Harry Potter universe (0 more)
No actual Harry Potter in the game; pay to play (0 more)
Nothing but a money grab
There's only two ways to play this game: wait hours to complete simple tasks or pay money to advance.
Bomberman 64
Bomberman 64
Another Childhood classic (0 more)
What a great game to play! It was family fun for all with the small games you could play together. Sure it's the same premise but in different surroundings but it didn't become any less boring. And if you wanted, you could play the actual game on your own. That was fun too.

I kind of want to play this now...
Thunder Alley
Thunder Alley
2014 | Racing, Sports
My new favorite racing game
You play as a race team owner that controls up to 6 cars (actual number depends on the # of players) the goal is to have the most points at the end of the race. You move using cards that in most cases move you and others so the game goes pretty quick. Does a good job simulating an actual race and a game I could not recommend more.
Warhammer Champions
Warhammer Champions
2018 | Card Game
Easy to use (0 more)
Stock (0 more)
Great to play
This is a great card game that I play with physical cards and online. It's really easy to use with very clear instructions and the play mats make everything in game really easy to track.
There is a breakdown of what to do on your turn on it and a very easy way to track hit points.

We play many card games and this is one of our favourites.
The downside to the actual card version is that the stock can be hard to source, when the new packs came out we could find nowhere in our city stocking it despite play fusion telling us a list of stores that supposedly stocked it.
Beyond Balderdash
Beyond Balderdash
1993 | Bluff, Party Game, Word Game
Just make up things and laugh (0 more)
The board and player markers are generic and unimportant (0 more)
Great Party and drinking game... ignore the board and the pieces
How good are you at bullsh#tting? can you make up weird random stuff on the fly? Can you make your friends laugh? this is the game for you.... the actual point of the game doesn't matter. You're supposed to guess what the actual thing is, but no one knows these things, it's way past trivial pursuit.... So instead you make something up and hope someone votes for it to be the actual answer. I always got votes for originality rather than guessing what's right, which encourages others to out do me, which is when the fun really starts.

If you play the game as intended this is a 4 or 5 review... if you play my way this is an 8 or 9 depending on the people you are around. Hence the 7 score.

Mike (9 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Rocket League in Video Games

Mar 16, 2019  
Rocket League
Rocket League
2017 | Massively Multiplayer, Racing, Sports
This game is awesome. One game is 5 minutes (actual time is around 7 to 10 minutes). You play sports with a car that you can customize. The game can take some getting used to, nothing else is like it. (0 more)
Patches tend to create MORE glitches, but not enough to make the game unplayable. (0 more)
Cats (2019)
Cats (2019)
2019 | Musical
Watched Cats and was it as bad as they say? Well we would have turned it off after half an hour had we not been so lazy so on it stayed. If you expected a movie it's not very good. If you see it as a visual experiance version of the actual play then it's not too bad.

BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) rated 25 by Adele in Music

Sep 5, 2017  
25 by Adele
25 by Adele
2015 | Pop
Okay I find Adele really hard to rate probably one of the hardest for me personally because on one side she has an absolutely amazing voice and as a person I think she is wonderful but on the other side when it comes down to it I have a really hard time relating to her music and because radio and every other source of media tend to play her music out so bloody fast I just don't really enjoy her actual music.

After listening to this album I'm still not a fan of her actual music even though she is seriously talented.