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BTPBookclub (18 KP) rated Baby Teeth in Books
May 11, 2019
Was in my top 20 reads of 2018
Oh wow. Where do I even begin? I had heard so many great things about this book I just had to see what all the fuss was about… They weren’t wrong at all. What a bloody brilliant book! Amazing to think this is Zojes debut. WOW! Literally amazing, outstanding. This book will be going straight into my top 20 of 2018! A well deserved five stars. A must read. A must buy.
It’s not often a book takes over my life but this one did and must have been one of the quickest books I’ve ever read. I well and truelly devoured it. I was hooked. I was captured by these pages. I haven’t read anything similar to this story before either. This book hit me hard especially as I have a little girl myself.
Hanna has to be one of the most nastiest, evil, manipulative, clever and twisted child/character I have ever read! I couldn’t even begin to think how I could cope with a child like that poor Suzette. Suzette is one strong character and mother I wouldn’t be able to deal with what she did. She handled herself very well under the circumstances but sometimes I felt she went a bit too far with her responses.
This book will have you divided feeling angry, upset and shocked for the most part but towards the end you start to feel sorry for Hanna and the family, shocker I know but that soon turns back into anger don’t worry! So yes, this book will mess with your feelings A LOT. Just when you think things can’t possible get worse… THEY DO!
This is a book that you won’t be able to put down at all. You will want to read this in one sitting! A real page turner with shock after shock. I can’t stress enough how much you should read this and let me know what you think… previously published under the title Baby Teeth. I look forward to more by Zoje Stage in the future but the expectations are going to be hard to beat after this one. Brilliant.
Is Hanna just one misunderstood child? How would you have dealt with the circumstances in this book?
It’s not often a book takes over my life but this one did and must have been one of the quickest books I’ve ever read. I well and truelly devoured it. I was hooked. I was captured by these pages. I haven’t read anything similar to this story before either. This book hit me hard especially as I have a little girl myself.
Hanna has to be one of the most nastiest, evil, manipulative, clever and twisted child/character I have ever read! I couldn’t even begin to think how I could cope with a child like that poor Suzette. Suzette is one strong character and mother I wouldn’t be able to deal with what she did. She handled herself very well under the circumstances but sometimes I felt she went a bit too far with her responses.
This book will have you divided feeling angry, upset and shocked for the most part but towards the end you start to feel sorry for Hanna and the family, shocker I know but that soon turns back into anger don’t worry! So yes, this book will mess with your feelings A LOT. Just when you think things can’t possible get worse… THEY DO!
This is a book that you won’t be able to put down at all. You will want to read this in one sitting! A real page turner with shock after shock. I can’t stress enough how much you should read this and let me know what you think… previously published under the title Baby Teeth. I look forward to more by Zoje Stage in the future but the expectations are going to be hard to beat after this one. Brilliant.
Is Hanna just one misunderstood child? How would you have dealt with the circumstances in this book?

Leighann Twist (26 KP) rated Pet Sematary (2019) in Movies
May 15, 2019
Contains spoilers, click to show
I am so on the fence about this film. I liked some of the changes they made to this film. The kids in the masks made me uneasy which I like in a horror film but I feel like they could have done more with the orgin of the masks but other than the kids wearing the masks in the beginning of the film, the only other time you see them is when Ellie starts her killing spree. So the scene at her birthday party....I find it ridiculous that there were all those adults there and while Louis is blindfolded no one is watching the kids to make sure they dont run out into the street. Now one could argue who was watching Guage when he dies in the original but there are A LOT more parents around in this one. And who plays hide and seek in the front yard of a house on a busy highway anyway? Dont they have a backyard too? But despite all that I really enjoyed the scene leading up to Ellies death. They did a good job with Louis going after Guage and then Ellie getting hit instead. It was intense and sucked me right in. Let's talk Zelda for a second. Quite possibly the best and most terrifying part of the movie. Wasnt sure how Zelda could be anymore creepy than she was in the original but OMG they so nailed it. My favorite parts of this remake were the Rachel and Zelda storyline and it had me on the edge of my seat for sure. The ending however lost it for me and left me so angry that I paid to see this movie in the theater. The ending is where everything fell apart for me. It seemed very rushed and sloppily done. Such cheese. Realistically would everyone turn 3 seconds after they were buried? Do zombies have superhuman strength? Cuz Ellie taking her dad to the burial ground and making it over that hill with the weight of his body seemed so cheesy. Then the father killing the mother and them going to get Guage
...I dunno it fell apart for me and was so cheesy. It felt rushed
But hey Zelda... am I right?
...I dunno it fell apart for me and was so cheesy. It felt rushed
But hey Zelda... am I right?

Azia (0 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Assassin's Creed 2 in Video Games
Jan 23, 2018
A Beautiful Game
A definite step up from the last game and a well thought out storyline made Assassins Creed 2 intriguing and eventful. The characters, I felt, were written beautifully and acted accordingly to their personalities.
I do have a few problems however and I understand that no game is perfect so I found ways around these glitches.
Ezio often failed to follow my demands as when I tried to freerun around the buildings, he seemed to favour jumping off them instead of safely landing on the next one. It took more than a few attempts to complete some missions because of this. It might have been me not using the controller properly or the controller being out of sync but no matter what I did to try and combat this, he still seemed to enjoy leaping to his death.
I do have a lot of praise for this game though as it made me laugh on several occasions and finally completing it felt amazing. Avoiding spoilers, the final scene made my heart race and made me maybe a little too excited for the next game.
The combat is designed well and fits with the style of the game. Although I found it difficult to get my head around, mastering fighting techniques took little effort and killing soldiers became easier the more I practiced. The health of Ezio and the soldiers was equally balanced and left you would a good and perhaps difficult at times fight but always one you could win with the right skills.
The graphics in this game are stunning and standing on a viewpoint to watch over it all reminds me how beautiful it is. The detail in the buildings and the general design are accurate.
The NPCs could get rather annoying at times with musicians running up to me in the squares and getting in my way tested my patience. The basket carriers were even worse. Soldiers would get angry with me if I knocked one over which would happen often as they liked to walk into my path.
Overall, a stunning game with a developed and intriguing storyline. While it took time to get around a few problems, this game is one of the only games I want to complete 100%. And if I can find all those feathers, I eventually will!
I do have a few problems however and I understand that no game is perfect so I found ways around these glitches.
Ezio often failed to follow my demands as when I tried to freerun around the buildings, he seemed to favour jumping off them instead of safely landing on the next one. It took more than a few attempts to complete some missions because of this. It might have been me not using the controller properly or the controller being out of sync but no matter what I did to try and combat this, he still seemed to enjoy leaping to his death.
I do have a lot of praise for this game though as it made me laugh on several occasions and finally completing it felt amazing. Avoiding spoilers, the final scene made my heart race and made me maybe a little too excited for the next game.
The combat is designed well and fits with the style of the game. Although I found it difficult to get my head around, mastering fighting techniques took little effort and killing soldiers became easier the more I practiced. The health of Ezio and the soldiers was equally balanced and left you would a good and perhaps difficult at times fight but always one you could win with the right skills.
The graphics in this game are stunning and standing on a viewpoint to watch over it all reminds me how beautiful it is. The detail in the buildings and the general design are accurate.
The NPCs could get rather annoying at times with musicians running up to me in the squares and getting in my way tested my patience. The basket carriers were even worse. Soldiers would get angry with me if I knocked one over which would happen often as they liked to walk into my path.
Overall, a stunning game with a developed and intriguing storyline. While it took time to get around a few problems, this game is one of the only games I want to complete 100%. And if I can find all those feathers, I eventually will!

Dana (24 KP) rated The Raven King in Books
Mar 23, 2018
I am actually giving this a 4.5-5 Star review.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series. I have loved and lost characters and little bits of my heart and soul because of it.
This series, but specifically this book, is just so beautifully written. Every moment is circular in the end. Each character is written with so much care, affection, and love that it breaks my heart.
Maggie Stiefvater is a poet as well as an author. There were so many passages in this book that I underlined as being so beautiful. I cried a lot because of the writing style, in a good way.
Many of the event in this book had been foretold in the previous books, which I thought was cool. Even though we knew what was going to happen, we didn't exactly know how it would happen, so that was surprising and a lot of fun.
Henry Cheng was a surprising character to say the least. I didn't know how I felt about him at first, but he started to grow on me. (As Ronan would probably say, "like a fungus" because he's a smartass like that.)
I loved how my ships were resolved in the end. I didn't want anyone to be hurt or to be alone, and they weren't. Blue and Gansey are just so freaking cute together because they are so opposite! And Ronan and Adam are just hilarious in their interactions. They just seem so angry at each other so often.
I was really sad, but also understanding, of how Noah had to move on. I just thought he was so sweet, but it was his time.
Also, the whole mess with Glendower himself was not easily predictable at all, at least for me. I did not see that one coming. Their whole quest was for not, but they ended up better for it anyway.
Orphan Girl is also so adorable. I love how much like Ronan she is, especially in her temper.
Cabeswater being from Ronan, that was a twist. Also, loved how he is going to dream another one!!
I just love this book so much and even though I know it has to end, I don't want it to.
Sorry if this got a bit rambly and weird, I just have so many emotions about this book!!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series. I have loved and lost characters and little bits of my heart and soul because of it.
This series, but specifically this book, is just so beautifully written. Every moment is circular in the end. Each character is written with so much care, affection, and love that it breaks my heart.
Maggie Stiefvater is a poet as well as an author. There were so many passages in this book that I underlined as being so beautiful. I cried a lot because of the writing style, in a good way.
Many of the event in this book had been foretold in the previous books, which I thought was cool. Even though we knew what was going to happen, we didn't exactly know how it would happen, so that was surprising and a lot of fun.
Henry Cheng was a surprising character to say the least. I didn't know how I felt about him at first, but he started to grow on me. (As Ronan would probably say, "like a fungus" because he's a smartass like that.)
I loved how my ships were resolved in the end. I didn't want anyone to be hurt or to be alone, and they weren't. Blue and Gansey are just so freaking cute together because they are so opposite! And Ronan and Adam are just hilarious in their interactions. They just seem so angry at each other so often.
I was really sad, but also understanding, of how Noah had to move on. I just thought he was so sweet, but it was his time.
Also, the whole mess with Glendower himself was not easily predictable at all, at least for me. I did not see that one coming. Their whole quest was for not, but they ended up better for it anyway.
Orphan Girl is also so adorable. I love how much like Ronan she is, especially in her temper.
Cabeswater being from Ronan, that was a twist. Also, loved how he is going to dream another one!!
I just love this book so much and even though I know it has to end, I don't want it to.
Sorry if this got a bit rambly and weird, I just have so many emotions about this book!!

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated We All Begin As Strangers in Books
Mar 15, 2018
When I first saw this on Netgalley, I knew I had to read it. Loosely based on real life events and characters, this intrigued me. This has a mysterious character known as "The Fox" who breaks into peoples homes and watches them. This "Fox" person was real and struck the area I live in. Leighton Buzzard, St Albans, Tring and Dunstable and other surrounding areas were all in fear of this criminal, and in real life, he wasn't a people watcher, he was a serial rapist. My step-dad grew up when The Fox was around so he is always recalling stories about the incidents and when I connected the dots to this book being about that particular "fox" I instantly requested it!
This started off a little slow for me, and I didn't instantly love it, but it takes it's time to grow on you and in the end I adored this. It is a little sombre throughout, but sometimes, that's what makes a book so moving and great to read.
The atmosphere of the small village environment is absolutely spot on. I've lived in a number of small villages myself, and you do find that news travels fast, plus there is a certain distance put between locals and "outsiders". For this novel, the hostile village atmosphere has most certainly been amplified, but you can definitely feel that static-y tension in the air if you have ever lived "village life".
The writing in this novel is lovely. Very descriptive and picturesque. But where Cummings really shines in in her characters. Each one that we follow closely, Deloris, Jim, Brian and Stan, we become attached to, well, I did at least. You feel as though you know them and you get angry along with them, you sympathise for them and you cheer them on.
Even though I predicted the identity of The Fox, among other things, there are small twists in each person's story that surprise you, so I was still in awe during most of the novel.
This book is marvelous. It's sad, moving, witty and beautiful. Definitely try to get yourself a copy of it you love books about trouble in small communities.
<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
This started off a little slow for me, and I didn't instantly love it, but it takes it's time to grow on you and in the end I adored this. It is a little sombre throughout, but sometimes, that's what makes a book so moving and great to read.
The atmosphere of the small village environment is absolutely spot on. I've lived in a number of small villages myself, and you do find that news travels fast, plus there is a certain distance put between locals and "outsiders". For this novel, the hostile village atmosphere has most certainly been amplified, but you can definitely feel that static-y tension in the air if you have ever lived "village life".
The writing in this novel is lovely. Very descriptive and picturesque. But where Cummings really shines in in her characters. Each one that we follow closely, Deloris, Jim, Brian and Stan, we become attached to, well, I did at least. You feel as though you know them and you get angry along with them, you sympathise for them and you cheer them on.
Even though I predicted the identity of The Fox, among other things, there are small twists in each person's story that surprise you, so I was still in awe during most of the novel.
This book is marvelous. It's sad, moving, witty and beautiful. Definitely try to get yourself a copy of it you love books about trouble in small communities.
<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Orion Publishing Group for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Painkiller in Books
Mar 15, 2018
Also read my review here:
<i><b>I cannot go on like this. I feel such a burden to you. You are young and can start again. You deserve that chance. By the time you read this I will be dead. Do not grieve for me, for I am now without pain.</i></b>
This was a real page-turner from page one! Would have been unputdownable if it hadnt been for the fact that I <i>had</i> to put it down while at work.
I found myself absolutely loving Monicas character. Ive seen a couple of reviews that state her as unlikable but I thought she was very likable! She was a really unique character due to her constant pain and the way that affects her daily life and relationships. I loved that she could be sassy, lovely, and angry all in one go, she was a really fun character to immerse yourself in.
The plot of the unreliable narrator, the secretive husband etc wasnt unique, Ive read several books very similar to it in the past year in fact, but there was a certain edge to this book that made it so much more intriguing than some of the others Ive read. Its not that the twists were much better or more unpredictable than those in the other novels, its just simply that I enjoyed the writing style, characters and pace of this book more. For a mystery like this, novels usually try to cram as much as they can into the story to make the biggest number of twists possible, to get the reader excited, but this was nice and slow paced. It had just the right amount of shock moments in it, you didnt feel overwhelmed by it at all.
The ending really got to me and was certainly not how I expected this book to end up. Ill admit that I got a little emotional. If youre a mystery thriller junkie like me, I definitely recommend this, its one of the best Ive read this year.
Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.
<i><b>I cannot go on like this. I feel such a burden to you. You are young and can start again. You deserve that chance. By the time you read this I will be dead. Do not grieve for me, for I am now without pain.</i></b>
This was a real page-turner from page one! Would have been unputdownable if it hadnt been for the fact that I <i>had</i> to put it down while at work.
I found myself absolutely loving Monicas character. Ive seen a couple of reviews that state her as unlikable but I thought she was very likable! She was a really unique character due to her constant pain and the way that affects her daily life and relationships. I loved that she could be sassy, lovely, and angry all in one go, she was a really fun character to immerse yourself in.
The plot of the unreliable narrator, the secretive husband etc wasnt unique, Ive read several books very similar to it in the past year in fact, but there was a certain edge to this book that made it so much more intriguing than some of the others Ive read. Its not that the twists were much better or more unpredictable than those in the other novels, its just simply that I enjoyed the writing style, characters and pace of this book more. For a mystery like this, novels usually try to cram as much as they can into the story to make the biggest number of twists possible, to get the reader excited, but this was nice and slow paced. It had just the right amount of shock moments in it, you didnt feel overwhelmed by it at all.
The ending really got to me and was certainly not how I expected this book to end up. Ill admit that I got a little emotional. If youre a mystery thriller junkie like me, I definitely recommend this, its one of the best Ive read this year.
Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Incredible Hulk in TV
Mar 16, 2018 (Updated Mar 16, 2018)
The weird thing about the Hulk TV show is that it is almost nothing like the comic book version of the character, but still manages to be a classic piece of television (and was, for a long time, by far the most successful adaptation of a Marvel character to another medium). Creator Kenneth Johnson didn't want to do it, and did his hardest to distance his version from the book (he wanted to change the colour of the Hulk, but Marvel refused to let him), and ended up basically doing an American version of Les Miserables (the novel, not the musical) with Jean Valjean getting cross and swelling up into a monster twice an episode.
Everyone remembers this show as the one with the Hulk rasslin' small-time thugs every week, lots of jokes about 'how many shirts does this guy get through, ha ha', and 'you won't like me when I'm angry', but the range of styles and influences involved is really much greater - the programme goes from serious movie-of-the-week drama, to freewheeling comedy, to B-movie inspired horror and SF, and makes a pretty good job of all of them. Highlights include 'The Snare' (psycho millionaire whose hobby is hunting and killing drifters picks the wrong target), 'The Psychic' (a woman with unusual powers discovers Banner's secret just as it seems the Hulk has committed a murder), 'Equinox' (Banner and his indefatigable nemesis McGee finally come face-to-face at a masked ball, rather inspired by Masque of the Red Death), and 'The First' (Banner encounters another Hulk, created in the 1940s).
The programme's great strength is Bill Bixby's performance as Banner, for he is always utterly committed and usually highly convincing even when the episodes themselves wobble a bit. The show's Hulk is mute, but even so Ferrigno gives an increasingly effective turn as the creature (and eventually gets an episode where he appears as himself, so to speak, and does a pretty good job).
It is occasionally a bit formulaic, and you have to accept a few built-in implausibilities in the format, but this is a show which still stands up extremely well, and is still probably the biggest single influence on public perceptions of the Hulk. Well worth watching.
Everyone remembers this show as the one with the Hulk rasslin' small-time thugs every week, lots of jokes about 'how many shirts does this guy get through, ha ha', and 'you won't like me when I'm angry', but the range of styles and influences involved is really much greater - the programme goes from serious movie-of-the-week drama, to freewheeling comedy, to B-movie inspired horror and SF, and makes a pretty good job of all of them. Highlights include 'The Snare' (psycho millionaire whose hobby is hunting and killing drifters picks the wrong target), 'The Psychic' (a woman with unusual powers discovers Banner's secret just as it seems the Hulk has committed a murder), 'Equinox' (Banner and his indefatigable nemesis McGee finally come face-to-face at a masked ball, rather inspired by Masque of the Red Death), and 'The First' (Banner encounters another Hulk, created in the 1940s).
The programme's great strength is Bill Bixby's performance as Banner, for he is always utterly committed and usually highly convincing even when the episodes themselves wobble a bit. The show's Hulk is mute, but even so Ferrigno gives an increasingly effective turn as the creature (and eventually gets an episode where he appears as himself, so to speak, and does a pretty good job).
It is occasionally a bit formulaic, and you have to accept a few built-in implausibilities in the format, but this is a show which still stands up extremely well, and is still probably the biggest single influence on public perceptions of the Hulk. Well worth watching.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Red Queen</i> by Victoria Aveyard is a futuristic, fantasy novel where society is divided by rich and poor; powerful and weak; elite and commoners; Silver and Red. Those with silver blood have magical abilities which make them believe they are more important than the talentless Reds who are forced to live in dilapidated towns and be sent to their deaths in wars they cannot survive.
Mare Barrow is a Red and knows that her future is doomed. Desperate to escape she confides in a stranger and lands herself a serving position in the Silver palace. Suddenly, however, her world is turned upside down after an accident reveals that, although she has red blood, she has a magical ability too. Instead of killing her as she expected, the king and queen force her to pretend she is a Silver, threatening her family if she steps out of line.
Naturally Mare hates the Silvers and involves herself with the Scarlet Guard – a terrorist group of Red rebels. However a complicated love triangle, and a shocking plot twist, puts Mare in even more danger than she bargained for.
The <i>Cinderella</i>-like idea of Mare coming from a poor background yet finding herself a member of the elite is nothing new. The difference here is that Mare does not want anything to do with the Silvers. She does not trust them and is angry about the way they are treating her family and her people.
<i>Red Queen </i>reminds me slightly of a couple of other young adult novels. It is a mishmash of <i>The Selection </i>by Kiera Cass (the poor become elite) and stories such as <i>The Hunger Games</i> (violence, rich verses poor etc.) Therefore this did not feel like a completely original piece of work. Nevertheless it was still exciting and Mare is such an admirable character.
I recommend this novel to readers of fantasy, dystopia and romance as<i> Red Queen</i> combines all three ideas. It is suitable for teenagers and adults alike, and do not let the word “<i>Queen</i>” make you believe that it is going to be overly girly. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next installment of this series – the ending suggests that there will be a lot more fighting!
Red Queen</i> by Victoria Aveyard is a futuristic, fantasy novel where society is divided by rich and poor; powerful and weak; elite and commoners; Silver and Red. Those with silver blood have magical abilities which make them believe they are more important than the talentless Reds who are forced to live in dilapidated towns and be sent to their deaths in wars they cannot survive.
Mare Barrow is a Red and knows that her future is doomed. Desperate to escape she confides in a stranger and lands herself a serving position in the Silver palace. Suddenly, however, her world is turned upside down after an accident reveals that, although she has red blood, she has a magical ability too. Instead of killing her as she expected, the king and queen force her to pretend she is a Silver, threatening her family if she steps out of line.
Naturally Mare hates the Silvers and involves herself with the Scarlet Guard – a terrorist group of Red rebels. However a complicated love triangle, and a shocking plot twist, puts Mare in even more danger than she bargained for.
The <i>Cinderella</i>-like idea of Mare coming from a poor background yet finding herself a member of the elite is nothing new. The difference here is that Mare does not want anything to do with the Silvers. She does not trust them and is angry about the way they are treating her family and her people.
<i>Red Queen </i>reminds me slightly of a couple of other young adult novels. It is a mishmash of <i>The Selection </i>by Kiera Cass (the poor become elite) and stories such as <i>The Hunger Games</i> (violence, rich verses poor etc.) Therefore this did not feel like a completely original piece of work. Nevertheless it was still exciting and Mare is such an admirable character.
I recommend this novel to readers of fantasy, dystopia and romance as<i> Red Queen</i> combines all three ideas. It is suitable for teenagers and adults alike, and do not let the word “<i>Queen</i>” make you believe that it is going to be overly girly. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next installment of this series – the ending suggests that there will be a lot more fighting!

BookblogbyCari (345 KP) rated The Corset in Books
Oct 16, 2018
This haunting tale will have you spellbound right to the shocking end!
Its set in Victorian times, linking 2 central characters. Lady Dorothea takes up charitable work visiting Ruth Butterham, a self-confessed murderess, in the local prison. Dorothea is a student of phrenology and is fascinated by how the shape of a person’s skull can “apparently” signify aspects of their personality.
Through successive visits, Ruth tells Dorothea her story. It all begins with Ruth as a victim; a victim of poverty, bullying and a physical attack. She becomes angry, hateful and vengeful. She is then pulled out of school to bring in a wage for her growing family. All her energy goes into sewing, sewing for money and sewing items for her soon to be born sister.
There are several macabre scenes at this point. Shortly after her sister’s birth, Ruth sews her a blanket with an angel embroidered in the corner. And it’s while she’s wrapped in the blanket that the new born dies, and the reason for the death is described by the slang “taken by the strangling angel”.
Ruth believes that she has the power to curse people to death with her sewing, and this is a belief that grows stronger with each garment that she sews. Ruth secretly enacts vengeance on her growing list of enemies, as more people die who are connected to Ruth and her sewing. The story intensifies as Ruth’s circumstances deteriorate at every turn.
While Ruth’s story becomes increasingly gothic, Dorothea’s chapters are light and breezy, concerned with finding the right suitor. With regards to her visits with Ruth, Dorothea’s attention diverts somewhat from her phrenology as she listens to her story - but she listens as a sceptic. She sees how bitter Ruth has been but does not see her as a murderess.
Towards the end of the book, Ruth faces her trial. But that is not the end of the drama! I did not see that ending coming!
The language of the book befits the era in which its set; and I often came across words I was unfamiliar with. This did not put me off at all. The book may be odd in its premise, but is more dark and sinister than most – thoroughly recommended!
Through successive visits, Ruth tells Dorothea her story. It all begins with Ruth as a victim; a victim of poverty, bullying and a physical attack. She becomes angry, hateful and vengeful. She is then pulled out of school to bring in a wage for her growing family. All her energy goes into sewing, sewing for money and sewing items for her soon to be born sister.
There are several macabre scenes at this point. Shortly after her sister’s birth, Ruth sews her a blanket with an angel embroidered in the corner. And it’s while she’s wrapped in the blanket that the new born dies, and the reason for the death is described by the slang “taken by the strangling angel”.
Ruth believes that she has the power to curse people to death with her sewing, and this is a belief that grows stronger with each garment that she sews. Ruth secretly enacts vengeance on her growing list of enemies, as more people die who are connected to Ruth and her sewing. The story intensifies as Ruth’s circumstances deteriorate at every turn.
While Ruth’s story becomes increasingly gothic, Dorothea’s chapters are light and breezy, concerned with finding the right suitor. With regards to her visits with Ruth, Dorothea’s attention diverts somewhat from her phrenology as she listens to her story - but she listens as a sceptic. She sees how bitter Ruth has been but does not see her as a murderess.
Towards the end of the book, Ruth faces her trial. But that is not the end of the drama! I did not see that ending coming!
The language of the book befits the era in which its set; and I often came across words I was unfamiliar with. This did not put me off at all. The book may be odd in its premise, but is more dark and sinister than most – thoroughly recommended!

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018) in Movies
Jun 19, 2019
Back in 1999 I fondly remember covering “Deep Blue Sea”. The press screening was a pleasant surprise as the film presented a fresh take on the shark on the loose genre and gave what was one of the more enjoyable films in the genre since “Jaws 2”.
I had always wondered why the film had never generated a sequel and talk of a direct to DVD follow up a few years later never materialized.
Now in 2018, we finally get the long-awaited follow up as “Deep Blue Seas 2” has arrived as a direct to DVD from Warner Bros Home Entertainment.
I eagerly awaited the arrival of my review copy as not only do I enjoy Shark movies, but my son is very big on the study of sharks and his insights always add a new dimension to me as he can tell me things like the difference between the species being portrayed, number of offspring they have, and their behavior.
The story centers on Dr. Misty Calhoun (Danielle Savre), who is tasked to give her professional opinions to a facility headed by billionaire Carl Durant (Michael Beach). At an underwater lab in South Africa, Dr. Calhoun arrives with a team and learns that the group is experimenting on Bull Sharks with a method that will increase brain abilities in humans.
Naturally things do not go as planned and before long, there are several very angry and genetically enhanced sharks on the loose with the humans desperately trying to find a way to escape and survive.
The story and characters are not overly complex but the goal is clearly to get the cast into the path of the CGI sharks as soon as possible and letting the carnage begin.
I had expected visuals on par with the SYFY films due to the direct to video nature of the film but what we were given was much better than expected.
The CGI effects are quite good and the cinema photography of the film is quite good as there are many really impressive shots in the film of the aquatic setting.
The film is hampered by the thin plot and characters and a lack of star power but it is worth a watch and is certainly better quality than many of the other creature on the loose films out there.
I had always wondered why the film had never generated a sequel and talk of a direct to DVD follow up a few years later never materialized.
Now in 2018, we finally get the long-awaited follow up as “Deep Blue Seas 2” has arrived as a direct to DVD from Warner Bros Home Entertainment.
I eagerly awaited the arrival of my review copy as not only do I enjoy Shark movies, but my son is very big on the study of sharks and his insights always add a new dimension to me as he can tell me things like the difference between the species being portrayed, number of offspring they have, and their behavior.
The story centers on Dr. Misty Calhoun (Danielle Savre), who is tasked to give her professional opinions to a facility headed by billionaire Carl Durant (Michael Beach). At an underwater lab in South Africa, Dr. Calhoun arrives with a team and learns that the group is experimenting on Bull Sharks with a method that will increase brain abilities in humans.
Naturally things do not go as planned and before long, there are several very angry and genetically enhanced sharks on the loose with the humans desperately trying to find a way to escape and survive.
The story and characters are not overly complex but the goal is clearly to get the cast into the path of the CGI sharks as soon as possible and letting the carnage begin.
I had expected visuals on par with the SYFY films due to the direct to video nature of the film but what we were given was much better than expected.
The CGI effects are quite good and the cinema photography of the film is quite good as there are many really impressive shots in the film of the aquatic setting.
The film is hampered by the thin plot and characters and a lack of star power but it is worth a watch and is certainly better quality than many of the other creature on the loose films out there.