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Several patterns for each month of the year (3 more)
Patterns range from retro, to modern, to classic
Beginners can learn how to embroider with detailed instructions and those who are experienced can pick up a few new tricks
Shows a variety of placement ideas, keeps you inspired to add designs to other places than framed art
Gorgeous patterns-For anyone who knows how to embroider and beginners like me!
I have been cross stitching for 30 years and learned how to punch needle 3 years ago. I have always wanted to learn the technique of embroidery. I love taking a piece of cloth and turning it into a piece of art but was always too intimidated to try my hand at embroidery. This week, I was able to put my fears aside when I received an ARC of A Year of Embroidery by Yumiko Higuchi from Netgalley.
A Year of Embroidery: A Month-To-Month Collection of Motifs for Seasonal Stitching, is a book which helped me get over the fear of embroidery and instilled a passion for learning!
My review is through the eyes of a beginner, but the book is for all levels of embroidery technique. I like that the book is not only chock full of patterns but helpful instruction and placement ideas, as well. The designs range from beautiful to whimsical and feature flowers, cacti, seashells, birds, people, reptiles, insects and animals. Each pattern also gives the DMC number for each floss the author used in her designs. Yumiko Higuchi made sure to include several designs for each month of the year, some with a retro feel and others with a more modern take on embroidery.
The ARC I received of this book is in a protected format and I am not able to make any of the patterns provided. With the wealth of information, A Year of Embroidery holds and the number of patterns I adore, this will be on my bookshelf as soon as it becomes available. I cannot wait to try my hand at this new needlecraft and hope that many others will enjoy it as much as I have.
I would like to thank the author, Yumiko Higuchi and Netgalley for providing me with this ARC for free in exchange for my honest review.

YellowDancer (8 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 11, 2019 (Updated Jun 11, 2019)  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
It's realistic, beautiful and has very fine detail. (1 more)
Good storyline.
No passive play. (Online) (1 more)
Expensive in-game purchases. (Online)
Contains spoilers, click to show
The Story mode is absolutely fantastic. The scenery, the story itself, the characters are great.

 Arthur as a character is like a father figure, until he dies towards the end and you end up playing as John. Now, I don't mind John myself (after playing Red Dead Redemption) but the game was about Arthur's journey. It was a bit predictable about Micah being the bad guy but thats what made a good story. Very realistic.

The "underweight/overweight" is a big downfall. Especially online play. My character is constantly overweight as when I lose health from pestering players, or falling off cliffs, or running into trees accidently, I have no choice but to eat. This gains weight and therefore hard to lose. So Iintend to run more than ride my horse which takes forever to reduce my weight ever so slightly. But since I've started playing the Beta online, I haven't been average weight or under.

If you're like me and don't use deadeye (probably only me) as I find it drains quickly after looking for herbs, animals etc. it is quite difficult to do missions involving headshots or showdowns. Now if there was an easier way to regain your deadeye core quickly (same goes for health and stamina) then it may be easier for players to use deadeye more often.

I would suggest a 'passive mode' online as if you would like to play just to relax and enjoy the game without the odd muppets who just shoots you for fun, who then ruins it for you.

Another thing is paying for fast travel or having a camp which seems so far away from you. Be easier to make a temporary one where you are if you have the resources etc. Why not owning your own home or with other settlers? Paying a morgage or building materials? (Like John at the end of the story).

Overall, I think the game is a great, and Rockstar has done a fantastic job. Just a few tweaks here and there and the game will be better. But it's early days yet as the game is still new and all.
This is unique kind of story in itself. It about a family in Apple Grove along with Luke Carson and his men on a trail. There are some things that happen along the way. Emma and Luke relationship starts to form.

In the prologue you learn about Luke Carson, and his pa. Luke was picked to be a trail boss to take Mr. Hancock cattle to market. He is to take the cattle drive from Texas to Hays. We find out what some of what Luke Carson wants in life and it bit different then this fathers life.

Emma Switzer and her family were on their way to Troyer. Emma does not want to leave Apple Grove to go to Troyer to live her aunt. Her Grandmother Switzer insisted on her to go with Emma to Troyer.

We start out on the trail in Kansas going from one Amish community to another Amish community. When unexpected things start to happen to the Switzer's family. They are robbed of their belongings, and were left with nothing, but their lives. Emma Switzer's father Jonas, sister Rebecca and grandmother Switzer's were all traveling to Troyer, KS. They were hoping that Emma would find husband, as their were more Amish men available there.

After they are left on the trail, they pray for God's help and is provided with assistance from Luke Carson. He is on a cattle drive, and is in a anxious to get to Hays, KS with his animals.

Wait until you hear what Grandma Switzer.... says and does on the wagon ride. It to funny.

So if you are in a need to laugh or you just want to read it read about to see what up with this wonder of a book. The best way to put on smile is to laugh at something. As they say laughter is best medicine.
I would recommend it but to read this it up to you to decide. These are my honest feeling and for this review. It is a fun and funny book, but if you do not like western or cowboys or rustlers this may not be a book for you but that is up to you to decide. I do not like to many histical or western stories but this one got my attention and did like it.
Zootopia (2016)
Zootopia (2016)
2016 | Action, Animation, Comedy
In the city of Zootopia, animals live together in peace and harmony in bustling city or anyone can become anything. At least this is what Judy Hopps (Ginnifer Goodwin), hopes for as she leaves her rural community to chase her dreams of becoming the first ever rabbit officer on the Zootopia please force. Despite her size disadvantage and opposition from other officers, Judy graduates from the top of her class and soon makes her way to the big city to start her career. Unfortunately the other officers are so thrilled about having a rabbit on the force; especially her Chief Bogo (Idris Elba), who assigns Judy to lowly parking duty in the hopes that she will simply just go away. When a missing person’s case accidentally lands in her lap, Judy makes an agreement with her cheap that she will crack the case or be forced to resign from the force. With the clock ticking, Judy crosses paths with a Fox named Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman), who despite his seemingly sketchy way of conducting himself, may have a crucial clue towards cracking the case.

Naturally things are not as cut and dry as they might at first seem, and the two reluctantly are forced to partner up in order to get to the bottom of the mystery that threatens to shake the very essence of Zootopia to the core.

Disney has once again crafted a film filled with bright colors, great characters, dazzling visuals, and above all a story that is extremely entertaining throughout and also contains very good messages without being preachy. The cast is first-rate and the jokes fly fast even though it is at its core a mystery. Bateman and Goodwin are fantastic as the leads, and the supporting cast is an exceptionally strong performance.

I would be hard-pressed to find anything to fault in the film although parents may want to exercise a bit of caution with extremely young viewers as there are a couple of intense moments one of which made my wife jumped in her seat. That being said Disney has got another classic on their hands and I hope that we see some future adventures from this crew in the future as I was captivated from beginning to end and with this charming and magical tale.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Alan Wake in Video Games

Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Oct 31, 2019)  
Alan Wake
Alan Wake
Flash The Darkness Demons
Contains spoilers, click to show
Alan Wake- is one of those games that is highly underrated. It is a great game. It mixs horror with suspense with thrills with adventure and action.

The Plot: The story follows best-selling thriller novelist Alan Wake as he tries to uncover the mystery behind his wife's disappearance during a vacation in the small fictional town of Bright Falls, Washington, all while experiencing events from the plot in his latest novel, which he cannot remember writing, coming to life.

In its pacing and structure, Alan Wake is similar to a thriller television series, with episodes that contain plot twists and cliffhangers. The game itself consists of six episodes, and the storyline is continued by two special episodes, titled "The Signal" and "The Writer", that were made available as downloadable content (DLC) within the same year of the game's release. Together, they make the first season of a possibly longer story. Additionally, a six-episode live-action web series called Bright Falls acts as a prequel to the game, and a number of related books also expand upon the Alan Wake story.

Lets talk about the game: Alan Wake is described by Remedy as "the mind of a psychological thriller" and "the body of a cinematic action game" put together. In interviews, the game's creators hold that the game does not belong squarely in the survival horror video game genre.

The player controls the eponymous protagonist Alan Wake. In the game, a "darkness" is taking over humans, animals and objects. These enemies, dubbed the "Taken", are murderous shadows that attack Wake, wielding weapons of their own, ranging from.

The Taken are protected by a shield of darkness, initially rendering them impervious to attack; they can only be injured with a firearm after exposure to light, which burns the darkness away. This puts significant emphasis on flashlights in conjunction with conventional weapons, such as a revolver or shotgun. Flashlight beams act as a reticle.

The player is often encouraged to take advantage of environmental light sources and placing, and to use other light-based weapons and accessories, such as flare guns, hand-held flares and flashbangs.

So this game mixs survival with fantasy with reality with horror with suspense and so much more.

I would highly reecordmend playing this game.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated The Lion King (2019) in Movies

Jul 19, 2019 (Updated Jul 19, 2019)  
The Lion King (2019)
The Lion King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Family
If this is where the monarchy is headed Count me out!
Lion king 2019 is by far the worst of the Disney live action remakes & while newcomers/children will certainly love it many of the people that hold the original close to their hearts will leave wishing they had just stayed home with the far superior predecessor instead. Aladdin & The Lion King are two of the greatest animated feature films of all time & as I experienced them both in cinema on release they are very special to me. Now i loved the Aladdin remake & im not one for comparing these to the animated features but while I was watching this all i could think about was how much better the original is. While it looks absolutely gorgeous (until anything starts to move) the animation at times is so unnatural especially when animals are walking slowly that its constantly distracting & kills the illusion of these creatures being real. Voice work is bland/mediocre & delivered with almost no enthusiasm at all like the cast were more concerned with sounding different to the original than giving the characters charm & personality. Voices also dont feel connected to the characters like your watching a nature documentary thats been dubbed over. While Aladdin did its own thing & changed up the movie Lion King is practically & infuriatingly a scene for scene remake which would be ok if it had the charm, colour, grand scale, imagination, excitement, thrill, humour & emotional impact of the original but it doesnt. Songs are butchered/dull with seemingly no energy or spectacle to them at all feeling significantly toned down/grounded rather than fun & toe tapping (they have also ruined 'Be Prepared'). So whats new? theres new humour & yup you guessed it its really bad with awkward timing & dragged out jokes that just fall flat. I wanted so bad to love this movie but not even a scense of nostalgia kicked in either because the film is just soulless, unenthusiastic, boring, bland, lacking in excitement & magic. Kids will no doubt love it but for me its this years biggest let down. If it were a silent film with an epic score over the top it might of at least been unique/watchable & helped be bearable but as it is I just cant recomend seeing it. A big fat cash grab.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Lion King (2019) in Movies

Jul 24, 2019 (Updated Dec 15, 2019)  
The Lion King (2019)
The Lion King (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Family
An amazing looking film that unfortunately lacks soul.
I, like many people, consider The Lion King to be one of finest Disney animations of all time. For me, it ranks alongside Mulan as a favourite, and I immediately fell in love with the characters when it was released in 1994. (I was 5 at the time!)
All these years later, and it still stands as a bonafide classic.

And here we are now, in 2019, and this adaption of The Lion King is the latest in an ever growing line of Disney animations to get the realistic remake treatment.
It aims straight for the nostalgic jugular (and is painfully see through), even if the CGI is pretty damn impressive.
However, impressive CGI means nothing if everything surrounding is empty. It's quite simply missing the heart and soul of the original animation.
In a similar fashion to the recent Jungle Book remake, it's no easy task to convey emotion on these characters when they are photo realistic animals, and the film really suffers as a result.
I feel like that casting was a big contributor as well. A lot of the voice cast are quite simply doing voice over work, and it's painfully obvious is some scenes that the actors were not next to each other whilst performing. The dialogue flows unnaturally on several occasions.

The songs are...ok I guess. Again, they lack a lot of of the heart that made them so enjoyable the first time around.
In particular, "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is just awful, listening to Beyonce try to out-Beyonce herself, warbling and riffing unessecarily on a pretty straightforward ballad.
Her involvement had me eye rolling actually. As soon as Hakuna Matata is over and Simba is older, it sort of turned into the Beyonce show - I have absolutely nothing against her, I just thought her involvement with The Lion King was a bit overdone and on the nose.

I'm not sure what I really expected but I feel suitably silly for thinking that this was going to be anything more than a blatant cash grab.
The Lion King offers up nothing new, and the argument of "it's bringing the story to a whole new generation" is rendered mute by just watching the easily accessible and miles better original.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Okja (2017) in Movies

Nov 17, 2019  
Okja (2017)
Okja (2017)
2017 | Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
1st half vs. 2nd half
Director Bong Joon Ho has a phenomenal track record of producing engaging, interesting, rich, vibrant and complex stories. From Snowpiercer to The Host to current critic favorite, Parasite his unique storytelling has proven he can be imaginative and still bring an audience through an entertaining, creative story. This time, as others have said in their reviews, it seems like a tale of two halves remarkably different in tone, scale and narrative.

A large corporation sells itself as leading the world in global food production as it creates 26 "Super Pigs" that it disperses throughout the world and allows them to grow for 10 years adopted by farmers. During that time, one of them, Okja, is seen alongside their adopted family in South Korea. A young girl and her grandfather have made Okja part of their family and love their companion immensely Eventually the corporation, along with one of their weird spokespeople goons arrive and say they are going to bring Okja to New York.

The girl, Mija, doesn't want this to happen and for her to lose her friend and life-mate, Okja, so she decides to pursue the creature and rescue it from whatever plans are happening and bring back to their mountainous farm.

Unfortunately, the differences in tone really handicap the film almost immediately. I really thought this appeared to be a family film like Babe or Homeward Bound, but then turned into some kind of exposition to inhibit cruelty to animals? Not sure. There was profanity throughout which of course doesn't bother me but would be off putting if you wanted to show this movie in schools or for small children. The innocence is lost when thugs arrive and try and kidnap Okja, or this animal advocacy group also arrives to attempt their own rescue to prevent anything against their will of happening to the beast.

It doesn't happen too often for me, but I was really confused as to what the movie was trying to say. I am a meat eater myself and am not sorry for it. I certainly believe people should be who they are and would not push my beliefs on anyone else. Is that what the movie intends? Does it want to just be an entertaining adventure?

My confusion prevented me from enjoying the movie as much as I wanted to, but was still entertained by what I saw.

Paddington (2015)
Paddington (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Family
The timeless storybook written by Michael Bond about a loveable, well-mannered immigrant Bear who tries to adapt to the human world.

The movie opens up with an English Explorer, Montgomery Clyde (Tim Downie), who ventures to the darkest Peru and encounters Paddington’s Aunt Lucy(voiced by Imelda Stauton) and Uncle Pastuzo(voiced by Michael Gambon). Instead of shooting them to take back to the Geographers’ Guild to be stuffed, he teaches them to speak English and introduces them to marmalade. He ends his adventure by telling the two bears he would always give them a home in London. Fast forward 40 years, Lucy and Pastuzo are now raising their very energetic nephew (voiced by Ben Wishaw) and teach him everything they know about London and how to make marmalade. Sadly, tragedy strikes after a devastating earthquake destroys their home. This forces Aunt Lucy to allow the young bear to stowaway on a ship bound for London to find Montgomery Clyde, the explorer, while she takes residence at a facility for retired bears.

The little bear is discovered by the Brown family while wandering Paddington Station. After reading the tag that says, “Please look after this bear,” the Browns take him home and give him the name Paddington. They also agreed to help him find the explorer that once befriended his aunt and uncle. Confused by his new unfamiliar surroundings, Paddington becomes an accident prone guest who inadvertently creates chaos and devastation where ever he goes.

Writer/Director Paul King has made an ingeniously witty, funny film that will appeal to moviegoers of all ages. A sweet and playful take on the beloved 1950s children’s book. For the most part, it does follow the storyline of the book. With the exception of the character Millicent, played by Nicole Kidman, who is a museum taxidermist. She wants nothing more than to make Paddington the newest member of the museum’s collection of stuffed exotic animals.

You can’t help but fall in love with Paddington, and it’s just as easy to love the Brown family. This is a delightfully charming film with the perfect amount of quirkiness. A story of a lost child trying to find friends and a place to belong. A wonderful movie that will melt your heart!

156Reviews (7 KP) rated Extra Ordinary (2019) in Movies

May 1, 2020 (Updated May 1, 2020)  
Extra Ordinary (2019)
Extra Ordinary (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Ghosts, hell demons, possessed animals, sex, a car chase, people exploding, ware-wolves (Kind of), Extra Ordinary has it all. Is it some kind of Hollywood blockbuster staring Benedict Cumberbatch? No, it's a small independent Irish comedy staring little known actors, and Will Forte of course.

The film begins by introducing us to Rose Dooley (Maeve Higgins), a very single driving instructor in a small town who has a “Talent”. She can talk to Ghosts. After the death of her father when she was a child, Rose no longer uses these talents though. She spends her days teaching the locals how to drive, and her evenings with no trousers on, eating microwavable meals for one and ignoring messages on her phone from people asking for supernatural help. That is until she gets a call from Martin Martin, who is being haunted by his dead ex-wife, and her journey back to the exorcism business begins.

What this film does best is keep the ordinary and the supernatural events very grounded. Instead of screaming angry spirits howling in the night they see messages like “You must pay ..... The car tax” or “Dog has worms”. The dead don't stick around to terrorise, they are here to make sure we're doing the recycling properly, or donating enough money to charity. Even Christian Winter (Will Forte) the satanist pop-star dubbed “One hit Winter” seems like an every-day man, doing the ironing and making cups of tea between sacrifices and demon summoning.

As the films big-bad, Will Forte does a decent job of keeping the film flowing, even if it is almost identical to his Last man on Earth performance. It's Rose and Martins relationship that really pulls the film forward. After Martins Daughter starts floating in mid-air, he reaches out to Rose for help. Directors Mike Ahern and Enda Loughman succeed in making Rose and Martins journey through the mysterious, humorous yet believable, a will they-won't they without the cheesiness.

Overall this is a very funny, well made film, not afraid to take the time from driving the plot to include some great, if possibly unnecessary scenes, Christian Winter's driving lesson is a particular highlight. Everybody involved has done an excellent job making a great film. It's absurd, it's funny, it's weird, it's well worth a watch.