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Sundered (Nevermore book #1)
Sundered (Nevermore book #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written (0 more)
Not the cliff hanger I was expecting (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Author Warning: This book has a cliffhanger. Proceed with caution as you may fall off the edge screaming for more.

My name is Mara and I want desperately to become a mother. All of my dreams were dashed when the world was promised hope but instead became a place of danger, death . . . and monsters.

Living in a rural part of Canada, I thought life with my adoring husband was finally moving in the right direction. We had an idyllic home, friends, and plans for a future together.

The only thing missing, was the child we both so desperately wanted.

Hope came in the form of a single medical miracle. Yet the drug was not as it seemed and instead of healing, it beget a world of monsters.

Now we must find the will and strength to survive with only each other to hold onto.

But a deadly secret threatens our love and very survival .

So I'm new to Shannon Meyer and I really enjoyed this book it's the first in a trilogy and it kept me interested from the fist word to the last!

It's a spin on the zombie apocalypse and yes one that is quite obvious. What I like about this book is the connection you see between the nevermore's.

The only thing I kinda was annoyed by was the author warning of a cliff hanger. It wasn't what I was expecting in a cliff hanger I mean it was quite obvious what she was going to have to do!

98 of 230
Death be Rising ( Terra Vane book 7)
By Katie Evers ( Katie Epstein)

Zombies. Freaking zombies.

Terra knew an apocalypse would hit her one day. Throw in the nightmare of the walking dead and she’s ready to run for the hills. But that wouldn’t be professional. Not when the haunting zombies are the work of a powerful mage who has escaped to Earthside and taken an abandoned mall hostage.

With no choice but to work alongside the US military, Terra and the gang have to hide their gifts and act like the humans. Grady is tactical. He can lead them in. But the closer they get, the more dangerous it becomes trying to keep their secret. So dangerous, it might get them all killed. Or eaten.

I absolutely love this series! This is the 8th book and we are getting to see the big guns when it comes to Terra finding all the escapees from a supernatural prison. This had zombies so that right there is a win for me! Now if I’m going to be super picky over 2 things that stress me out with this book 1. Is whoever proof read this didn’t do the best of jobs there are little bits of grammar and mistakes through most of the book and yes I’m being super picky but I don’t know about anyone else but it stalls the reading and knocks me off a little. 2. Is I can never find the author due to all the name changes 😂! Other than that the book and series are just really really good!
Oh and hallelujah Kane finally gives in!!!!!!
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Tense and interesting
I'm going to be frankly honest now and say this film is a little overrated. One of the best horrors I've seen in a long time, but still a tad overrated.

The premise is a very interesting and truly terrifying take on the usual end of the world scenario. And this for me is the best and scariest thing about the film, never before has silence been so scary. John Krasinski does a great job both acting, directing and writing and i think it's a shame he doesn't do a lot more acting wise. The creatures themselves are horrific and strange, but not too weird looking to be laughable (like Life). They potentially look a little too CGI but it's acceptable for the most part. The film in general starts off a little slow paced but then soon picks up speed, to the point where when it finished, I couldn't believe it had been on for 90 minutes. I'm also grateful that they don't try and spend much time over explaining this apocalypse, instead relying on a few choice newspaper cutouts.

I do have a few issues with this film though. It relies a little too heavily on jump scares, which although they're very effective in such a quiet film, for me they're a bit much. Also, some of the film beggars belief - a woman in labour making barely any noise? Hmm not too sure about that. And my final criticism is the fact that the opening scene is prominently featured in the trailer, meaning any shock or fear we would have had at this is long gone.

Overall a very good horror film, and one I'd love to see in silence in my own home.
Mass Hysteria
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As seen on <a href=""; target="new">The Ghastly Grimoire</a>.

Wow. Okay, I honestly felt I should have received some sort of warning before I opened this book! That aside, once I swallowed the surprise I received and accepted the book for what it is, I actually enjoyed several it. Mass Hysteria by Michael Patrick Hicks approaches the days after the apocalypse with a complete overhaul of social hierarchy in the most gruesome of ways.

In the wake of a meteor falling and bringing with it a virus appearing as an airborne variety of rabies (which is a much appreciated change from nuclear disaster and zombie outbreaks), several members of a small community in Michigan quickly find themselves fighting for their lives. Hicks’s gorefest begins shortly after and readers quickly discover that this is a writer that doesn’t hold back – my kind of man, honestly.

One of the things that strike me as most disturbing and simultaneously teasing of Hicks’s work is the sheer fact that he introduces us to several characters in intimate ways. Readers are given just enough of a taste of the good guys, too much of the bad, and justice? Well, there sure isn’t enough of that after the world’s ended.

I cannot stress enough how graphic this book is, just as I cannot think of any words devoid of spoilers to prepare readers for what the journey they might embark on when they open Mass Hysteria‘s pages. What I can say is this: under all the horrific elements that bury this book, Hicks explores the most depraved of all: human nature at its worst.

I gladly look forward to reading more of this author’s work. A special thanks to NetGalley and High Fever Books for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Glow : Book I, Potency
Glow : Book I, Potency
Aubrey Hadley | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Innovative & Fresh
The beautiful front cover and compelling premise lured me into choosing to read “Glow : Book I, Potency” by Aubrey Hadley, a book about apocalypse and alienation.

The Maasai Mara Sleeping Syndrome has appeared in New York, and it has wiped out an entire homeless shelter.

The same night of the outbreak, Harper, a seventeen-year-old girl, stumbles across a glowing figure in the desert outskirts of her neighbourhood. As her suburb goes on lock-down, Harper finds herself isolated from her friends and family, and soon begins to suspect that the events - though thousands of miles apart - may have something in common.

Harper must find her bravery and embark on a plot-twisting adventure that will have her looking for answers in unexpected places and different worlds.

Although this book is not from one of my normally preferred genres and it is a longer read than I normally choose, it was still a really enjoyable novel. I can't say that I've ever read anything exactly like it, or even similar. If you are into vampires or spectres then this isn’t for you. It’s just something totally innovative and fresh and that is why I liked it.

The main characters, whilst not necessarily particularly likeable, were a good fit for the story. As for the ending, I usually prefer one that is a little more definitive, unless it is meant to be a cliffhanger.

Overall, whilst it wasn’t one of my best-ever reads, I would recommend this book by Aubrey Hadley. I am guessing that there will be a sequel to “Glow : Book I, Potency,” so I will look out for it.

[Thanks to #NetGalley and the publisher, Ruby and Topaz, for a free ARC of #Glow in exchange for an honest review.]
Cargo (2017)
Cargo (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Dead good
#netflix #cargo is in my opinion is the first great #netflixfilm ive seen yet. Cargo is an #Australian film about a family struggling to survive in a #zombie infected world & has been adapted from a short film of the same name. From the get go a #creepy unnerving yet strangely calm & peaceful atmosphere is established (this is done brilliantly with gorgeous establishing shots & slow camera movements accompanied by a beautifully depressing score). It looks fantastic too & its set locations not only add to the tension but are a treat to explore visually. Slow paced but never boring the #film never treats the viewer like an idiot with subtle information about whats happened & how people #survive in this world littered everywhere. Theres an overall theme about #family & protection ie planning for their future safety & how people in this horrific situation cope/stay strong & if what we do to survive sometimes borderlines on being inhumane. Tension is very well done throughout & keeping things mostly off camera was a smart move as it gives the film an more #anxious sense of dread. Acting is top notch & watching as characters constantly think about the #future, worry for each others safety & try to stay strong is genuinely heartbreaking at times. Effects are great especially the practical ones making the film far more believable. All in all cargo is well worth your time, its a great interesting character study & a refreshing/intelligent change of pace in a genre thats become so over done & cliche. Thought provoking, powerful & #bleak this film left me wondering how i would react & what i would do if someone i loved or if myself even were about to fall victim to the #virus. #martinfreeman #horror #scary #postapocalyptic #apocalypse #walkingdead #sunday #cinifile #moviecritic #netflixoriginal #SimoneLanders #love #dead

Kristin (149 KP) rated Kill Ratio in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
Kill Ratio
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

It's actually happened: the zombie apocalypse is among us. Caused by a virus spreading exponentially through the population, it looks like there's no end in sight. Chad Halverson, however, is going to do his best to make it out alive. See, he knows exactly how this all started, and the government--his own co-workers, in fact--want him dead for that knowledge. Meanwhile, the President and his council are holed up in Mount Weather, ready to make some chilling decisions that will affect the entire world. Who will win, who will lose, and will we ever be the same again?

I thought this was a captivating book. The characters are intriguing; the story is one that could eventually happen, what in this day of germ warfare and other craziness; and the general tone of the book is depressing but hopeful at the same time. Jumping back and forth between Chad's group and those at Mount Weather was a very neat concept, as you could see what was REALLY going on in the world versus what the government fat-cats could see and were debating about. That group in itself was great; I felt like that's exactly what would happen in a situation like this, and the ongoing tension and escalating tempers were just perfect.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good zombie story, but also for those who want to know just what the government would do in this situation. I believe it's depicted quite accurately; will you?

4 stars

P.S. I may have shortened my boyfriend's life by showing him the cover upon first waking up. =)
Behind Her Eyes
Behind Her Eyes
Sarah Pinborough | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of Sarah Pinborough’s new novel, Behind Her Eyes, from FlatIron Books to spread anticipation for the upcoming release. My thoughts on this book, in a nutshell? Absolute, addictive, insanity. Considering the only other Pinborough book I’ve read involved giant spiders that use humans as breeding vessels, triggering a horrific arachnid apocalypse, I didn’t really know what to expect from this one. It was billed as a psychological thriller, which is pretty generic these days; everything is a Gone Girl wannabe. But this thriller is seriously like no other thriller I’ve ever read, with twists that you wouldn’t see coming if you were Professor X.

The novel is told from multiple viewpoints, which has the danger of becoming confusing, but each character’s voice is so clear that it’s not hard to keep them straight. The plot at first doesn’t seem that interesting, you think it’s the standard love triangle, a married man attracted to his secretary, yawn. But there are clever twists from the very beginning and you’re constantly left questioning who you can trust, whose version of events to believe. In fact, it’s really hard to discuss this book at all without giving anything away.

Which makes it very difficult to explain the one thing I didn’t like. This is an entirely personal opinion, I’m definitely not trying to discourage you from reading this book, it was amazing. Having said that, ambiguity always makes me uncomfortable, especially in endings, which I prefer straight-forward, just, and (ideally) happy. But I’ve spent an unhealthy amount of time watching rom-coms, and couldn’t sleep after any Mentalist episode involving Red John. So make of that what you will.
Human Waste
Human Waste
C. M. Saunders | 2017 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I came across C. M. Saunders through a website that I wasn’t sure about, so I randomly messaged him on Facebook. In response, after explaining that I was a book blogger, Saunders kindly provided me with some of his work for the purpose of review. While it’s taken me awhile to get to it, I’m glad I did because Human Waste is a fun, albeit somewhat (keyword: somewhat) predictable take on the zombie apocalypse.

Dan Pallister is, undoubtedly, not playing with a full deck of cards, if you catch my drift. Despite this, he makes for a fun, original character. Ever since childhood, he’s been obsessed with survival–he wants to be prepared for when shit hits the fan, after all. One morning, exactly what he’s been waiting for happens: he looks out his window and sees zombies. This prompts him to go for supplies at the supermarket nearby, and from there Saunders dips his metaphorical toes in the world of splatterpunk which, if you’ve been reading my blog for sometime, you’ll know I like.

My only gripe with reading this is the fact that I had the story figured out (mostly) from pretty early on. Despite that, Saunders continues to entertain with Dan’s skewed view of reality and that is a feat. Rather than becoming boring, the story kept me hooked and I read it in one sitting.

This story comes with some bonus content, however I will not be reviewing it as I consider bonus content to be separate material. I definitely look forward to reading Saunders’s No Man’s Land.

A special thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of his work for the purpose of unbiased review.
The New Mutants (2020)
The New Mutants (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Worst X-Men film yet?
The X-Men films have always been a bit of a mixed bag. The good; X2 and Days of Future Past. The bad verging on awful; Last Stand, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix. And I'm afraid New Mutants is definitely the latter.

First of all, this film has been released to literally no fanfare or press whatsoever. I havent seen a single trailer or advert at all, it's not a good sign and almost feels like they're trying to brush this one under the carpet. And i can see why.

This film is beyond dull and I lost count of the amount of times I yawned and rolled my eyes watching this. From the shaky cam dodgy opening scene, visually this wasn't great. Some effects were good but some definitely looked shaky around the edges. And then there's the script which is very cheesy and poor, and the plot that isn't much better. Dani is an overall terrible character both in how she's written and acted. The romance in this is so badly done and cliched (and after knowing each other for like a day) that I almost wanted to vomit. There's also the issue with the accents - what on earth waa going on with Maisie Williams and Charlie Heaton?

The only saving grace to this film is Anya Taylor-Joy who is a wonderful actress and also luckily has the best character. Don't get me wrong she still suffers from the overly poor script and plot, but her character at least has some substance and whenever she's on screen the film is all the better for it. The rest of the characters you just couldn't care less about.

I havent quite decided yet if this is the worse film in the X-Men universe, but it's definitely in the running.