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David McK (3248 KP) rated Good Omens in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Good Omens
Good Omens
Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the few books in which Terry Pratchett collaborated with another author (in this case, Neil Gaiman), this is also one of the few non-Discworld books that he co-wrote for adults.

Heavily borrowing from 'The Omen', this novel concerns itself with a (possible) Armageddon scenario, including the four Horsemen (bikers) of the Apocalypse. As is usual for a Pratchett book, it also contains many footnotes in each chapter, and more than once had me laughing out loud!
Good Omens
Good Omens
Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent wit and humor (0 more)
You have to be willing to laugh at religion to enjoy this. Yes, even your own.... (0 more)
One of my all-time favorite novels.
This is one of my all-time favorite books, and my introduction to both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, whose entire bibliographies I intend to complete. Highly recommended for anyone who is willing to temporarily (or not) turn off the urge to take higher things like God, the Antichrist, angels, demons, and the apocalypse too seriously.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Jarhead (2005) in Movies

Feb 8, 2019  
Jarhead (2005)
Jarhead (2005)
2005 | Drama
An ok film but nothing like what I expected. This has more of a documentary feel to it than an action based war film. It has very little action in it and comes across as more of a drama, showing how the soliders try to cope with mental and physical pressures on them. Parts will remind you of Full metal jacket and it pays homage to Apocalypse now in one scene. So long as you aren't expecting any real action you should enjoy a well acted film.
The Last of Us
The Last of Us
2013 | Action/Adventure
Engaging storyline, ridiculously replayable. (0 more)
Some small glitches occasionally, as many games have. Also the multiplayer gets old quite quickly. (0 more)
A game set 20 years into the zombie apocalypse. You play as Joel, an old time survivor who is given the task of taking Ellie, a seemingly normal teenage girl, across the US. With a great script, some beautiful animation and scenery and a journey showcasing many different sides of a post-apocalyptic world, you get to decide yourself whether zombies or humans make up the real threat.

b.Young (97 KP) rated Apocalypticon in Books

Jun 1, 2018  
Clayton Smith | 2014 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Witty dialog (1 more)
Humorous take on apocalypse genre
The most humorous apocalypse book I've ever read
I found this book offered for Kindle and decided to read it based on the fact that it was humorous instead of serious.
Apocalypticon is a story of two friends in Chicago that somehow survived M-Day, the day the monkey shaped missiles were launched from Jamaica to destroy most of the inhabitants of Earth, only to pack up 3 years later and make a whirlwind trip to visit Disney World, of all places.
Along the way, Patrick and Ben come across some very colorful survivors like Violet, a woman who runs the only bridge out of town like a restaurant: hostess stand, bus boys, wine and all; an Amtrak Captain who happens to be the only one left in the country, that is obsessed with keeping a schedule he never can seem to keep; a futune teller that warns Patrick of his fate; a couple of religious cults, each morbidly twisted in their own way; zombie-like creatures called Runners that snorted their way into the realm of the semi-undead; a gun-toting chick that thinks that the Runners can be cured; and journalist who is trying to make sense of why certain people survived the decimation of 98% of the world's population.
Now, don't get me wrong, there were plenty of action scenes where people and things got effed up, but not so much of the blood and gore that typically goes along with genre.
I surprised myself by actually laughing out loud while reading this...several times, I might add.
I recommend Apocalypticon to anyone who enjoys a good apocalypse story and can accept the hilarity of the situation at hand.
130 of 235
Run from the Dead: A Zombie Apocalypse (book 1)
By Joanne Nundy

Can’t fight the dead? Then RUN…

The dead are rising and violently attacking people on the streets of the UK. Driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh, they attack anyone who dares to go out.

Anna is trapped as the zombie apocalypse rages outside her front door. Desperate and alone, she must find a way to get to her children who are with her Ex-partner. As Anna runs from the dead, she finds help from Rob and his fifteen-year-old brother, Jack, despite Rob’s better instincts. Together, they run the nightmare gauntlet that used to be their neighbourhood.

Run from the Dead is the first book in a zombie apocalypse series, following ordinary people trying to stay alive no matter what the cost. Battling the dead and humans alike, the people left must become somebody new. Someone prepared to do whatever it takes to live.

Anna must learn to survive this cruel new world, where the living can be just as terrifying as the dead.

I wanted to absolutely love this and give it 5⭐️! But to me it was every single zombie book going this may seem harsh and it’s not because it was bad Because it wasn’t. The writing was so good and I really did enjoy it I just needed that spark and it didn’t come. Especially with some I’ve read recently that have that edge. Saying that by no means was this bad! I’m sorry if it comes across that was as it is very well written and I really want to see where it goes. Guess I’m just trying to explain the 3⭐️
The End of the World Running Club
The End of the World Running Club
Adrian J. Walker | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The concept behind the story (1 more)
The descriptive elements of the landscape
The main character is that likeable (0 more)
Interesting and believable concept
Although I'm not a big fan of science-fiction, I thought I would give this a try on a friends recommendation. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the plot, though I found the main character a bit hard to like. I loved the descriptive elements of the book, particularly when describing Edinburgh, one of my favourite cities. With today's global warming fears, this vision of the apocalypse, isn't too far-fetched!
Unstable Unicorns
Unstable Unicorns
2017 | Party Game
Easy to learn; fun game (0 more)
To be fair, I did help fund this on Kickstarter (in fact it was the first time I'd ever used Kickstarter) and I was glad to pick this game to start with! I've since played it several times with different groups of friends and we all love the game. Adding in the expansions, which are amazing and quite funny, can make the game take longer (in particular the Apocalypse Expansion, as that is exactly what it was designed to do). Pick up a copy and have a blast!

Chelsey Young (29 KP) Apr 19, 2018

I did too!!!! Love love this game!

Surviving the Evacuation: London
Surviving the Evacuation: London
Frank Tayell | 2013 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A different type of Zombie novel
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is the first book in the series following the zombie apocalypse. Seen through the eyes of one lone survivor recording events in his journal as he tries to make it out of an infested London. Have to admit I was a little unsure at first but after the first couple of pages I couldn't put this down. Even in the slower sections it's a great read. If you want to read something a little bit different but still with plenty of Zombies this is the book
Supernatural  - Season 5
Supernatural - Season 5
2009 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Supernatural follows 2 brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, who have been raised by their dad in a lifestyle of moving across country fighting supernatural beings, ever since their mum was killed by a yellow eyed demon in Sam’s nursery when he was only 6months old. At the end of season 4 Sam accidentally frees the devil from his cage in hell, kickstarting the apocalypse and then in season 5 Sam and Dean have to try and stop the apocalypse, but the apocalypse can’t happen without Sam and Dean’s help. Sam’s body is to be the vessel used by the devil, and Dean’s body is to be the vessel of the angel Michael. Once the two angels have gotten Sam and Dean to say “yes” to being the vessels, they are to have a battle, and should the devil win, the apocalypse will begin.
I have very mixed feelings about this season. There were parts of it I loved and parts of it I disliked. The brothers have always had a rocky relationship, but in this season, we see them split up more than once, which I didn’t like, I’ve always enjoyed the two brothers being together. An element of the season that I have very mixed feelings about is the angels. The angel we see the most is Castiel, who has rebelled from heaven and is helping the brothers. He is my favourite character, but that’s where the good parts of the angels stop. The other angel we see frequently throughout the show is Zackariah, who is just annoying. And the third angel, who is only in one episode is Gabriel. He has been in the show multiple times before in earlier seasons, but he was pretending to be a Trickster, and even then, I didn’t like him. Another element I have mixed feelings about is the actual content. The main focus of the season was trying to stop the apocalypse and tracking down the horsemen. In previous seasons a large amount of the episodes were about the brothers’ encounters with supernatural beings that weren’t angels or demons. Two of my favourite episodes were “The End” and “Changing Channels”. In “The End” Dean gets sent five years into the future and in “Changing Channels” Sam and Dean get stuck in Tv shows, or TV Land as they like to call it. Although not obvious at first, these two episodes link back to the angels, which really disappoints me. Something I did like was one of the demons they introduced, called Crowley. He helped the brothers out in a couple of the episodes, and I think he might become a larger part of the show in later seasons. Another thing I liked was that there seemed to be more humour in this season. There has always been bizarre deaths and witty one liners from Dean but there was definitely more humour, which I really enjoyed. Another thing I disliked was the ending. They ended it with Sam in hell and Dean finally having the nice, normal life he always wanted, but you knew that wouldn’t last because there’s 11 more seasons. Overall, I think the season was good, but not hugely enjoyable.