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Resilience (The Demon and Shadows Duology #1)
Resilience (The Demon and Shadows Duology #1)
Kandi Vale | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
132 of 200
Resilience ( The Demon and Shadows Duology book1)
ARC copy
By Kandi Vale

Ok folks strap in it’s a bit of a long one!!

*** The books do include scenes of BDSM and scenes of a sexual nature. Adults only ***

I was extremely lucky and privileged to be given the chance to read the ARC of Kandi vales new book Resilience which is the first book in a Duologly featuring Joro and Mattheus from the slivered souls trilogy. I was first introduced to this author in February 2019 and I absolutely fell in love with the world she has created. This new book tells the story of Joro and Mattheus, we get to see how Joro came to be the person she is now. It is full of action and some of the hottest sex scenes I’ve read, now don’t let me mislead you with the sex scenes they are also some of the best I’ve seen written. If BDSM is not to your taste I’d still recommend reading this book as they are done so well in my opinion (and I can only write from my opinion so don’t shoot me). This book had me hooked from the prologue and it was one of those books that kept you hooked! It answered so many questions and brought every emotion you can think of.
I can not wait for book 2 to see how this ends! I’m a huge fan of supporting authors like Kandi these writers put their heart and soul into the worlds they build and you can definitely see it in her work!

So I highly recommend you check this book out when it officially releases Tuesday 28th July!!

In the meantime go find slivered book 1 of the slivered souls trilogy
No Flag (After Everything #1)
No Flag (After Everything #1)
Liz Borino | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book far more after Mike returns
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I struggled a lot with this book, and I'm not entirely sure why, but I DID finish it, eventually, it just took far longer than a book in this genre would normally do, for me.

I love M/M books, and I love BDSM books, and while this book portrays a side order of BDSM, the Domestic Discipline lifestyle, it doesn't work, for ME. I stress this, for ME it doesn't work. I gather from some other reviews (I'm adding this sentence AFTER I've written mine!) that this is a book that you will love, or you won't: there is no in-between.

The chemistry between Mike and Will also fell flat. It was great that Mike made Will wait for it, but when it happens? I kinda spaced over that bit. I think this book would have been better had it come out CLEAN to be honest! The DD lifestyle was thrown at Will, and Mike made the contract with very little from Will, and I felt that was not right. Some of the things Mike had Will doing WERE very close to the edge, especially with Mike's OCD kicking in.

I DID enjoy this book far more after Mike returns. Maybe because the book focuses more on the emotional and physical support that Mike needs, rather than the DD lifestyle.

I still wasn't sure, even at the end, what the deal with Casey was though!

Both Mile and Will have a say, and I'm glad they did.

Not one for me, I'm afraid!

3 stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere
4.5 stars.

I was wary of reading this as I'm not the biggest fan of erotica but WOW! That is hardly what this book is about. More like coming to terms with abuse through "the lifestyle" aka BDSM.

I wasn't sure what was happening early on but boy did I get drawn into this story. I know that it wont be for everyone but I was drawn into the mystery of figuring how they knew each other and who Master Ez was.

Yes, there is sex but it's not OTT like in a lot of other erotica and there is a really strong plotline to it. One I need to continue ASAP (Maybe like RIGHT NOW since I just bought book 2 in the series!!)

P.S. It could do with a little editing as there are words missing and wrong words in places.
Natural Law (Nature of Desire, #2)
Natural Law (Nature of Desire, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'd like to thank Natasha Is a Book Junkie for recommending this book to her friends and followers.

I really enjoyed this. It was a really good BDSM/erotic romance book and I was captivated by it from early on, maybe even then first page. It kept me reading well into the night on the two days it took me to read it.

The characters were well developed and I liked both of them. Mac was the hard-arsed cop who never really let himself get totally into a relationship and Violet was the mysterious Dom who wanted to make him hers.

Add in the mystery of who was killing the male submissives and you get an erotic romance with splashes of suspense here and there.

I enjoyed their journey, both in the bedroom/cellars and out of it, and look forward to reading more from this author.
The Professional (The Game Maker, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

As a huge fan of Kresley Cole and her Immortals After Dark series, I was interested to see what this new book would be about since it was a contemporary romance.

From the first chapter I was fascinated by Natalie and her “manalyzer”, managing to figure out every guy in the bar just by watching them for a few seconds. That is, apart from Sevastyan who she can’t read and instantly catches her attention. Things quickly move along after this and she get’s spirited away to Russia to meet her family, but not without a few hot–and I do mean HOT–scenes between her and Sevastyan.

One thing I did like about the book was that the author didn’t do the typical Mafiya man as Natalie’s dad. In fact, I quite liked the man that was described; he seemed like a nice guy who had a love of clocks and family.

For the first half of the book it was kind of serene, everything was going well. Okay, that’s not quite true. There’s a sexual tension between Natalie and Sevastyan that despite the distance they’ve put between them is only growing and I have to tell you I couldn’t wait for it to blow.

I feel about now that I should mention that I’m not the hugest fan of erotica; I tend to get bored of the continuous sex. Depending on what’s going on and how much I like the characters is how I judge the scenes between them. I happened to like both Sevastyan and Natalie and the sex between them but the dirty talk while in bed always had my eyes rolling. That, I’m not a fan of.

After the half way point it seemed to concentrate more on the sex and the BDSM lifestyle, which I found a little boring after a while. BDSM is not one of my favourite things to read about and in small doses I don’t mind but it took up a fair bit of the book.

With about 15% to go, I got a little excited as some information came out that had me wondering what Natalie would do with it. Relationship difficulties coming to a head I wanted to know how it would all play out. And after another round of sex, we found out some things about Sevastyan’s past.

I’m glad I read this, simply because Kresley Cole is a great author and I was interested in reading something of hers that wasn’t paranormal. I read books for the romance and like to see it happening on paper/screen. The first half was great, it just wasn’t quite for me with all the sex and BDSM themes running through. If you’re a fan of it, then I’d check this out.
Fifty Shades of Grey
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.6 (103 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I had to read this for myself after hearing all of the mixed reviews of it. I was thinking it was going to be a lot different. I could relate a lot to this book, which is why I think I liked it so much, but it had nothing to do with the BDSM or the sex. Just their relationship as a whole. I tend to be a generally shy person when it comes to the opposite sex, and so I could understand how it was difficult for Anastasia(ANA) to discuss her feelings with Christian and send them through email instead. I am the same way. I was intrigued by their relationship because I wanted to see if he was going to bend his rules for her. They both made compromises in who they were for the other, and isn't that what a relationship is about. So, now, I can't wait to see what happen next. Anyone got book 2 on Kindle I can borrow??
Stylo Fantôme | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

I have no idea how to rate this. It was so f*cked up in places...but I couldn't stop reading it. I've never understood the whole BDSm thing, or really wanted to, but I don't mind reading a lighter one every so often.

This was just strange in the wind each other up, call each other names and then have some proper wild sex that wasn't pain free. They were so right for each other but also so wrong in many ways, needing to win points over each other with everything.

The ending has really made me want to read the rest of the series, just because it was so bleak--and because I read the preview for the next book and I need to know what Jamesons reaction is going to be.

I'm off to buy it so I can read it after the one I've already got l lined up.

Merissa (11768 KP) rated Safeword in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Safeword we are immediately immersed into Carter's life, such as it is. He left home and found (or was found by) Winters. Through his time with him, Carter learns the brutal side of BDSM and that a safeword is just a trick. When he is given to Crow, he thinks that his time is up. When it becomes clear that Crow is different, Carter is determined to enjoy his time as a Sub, knowing that Winters won't be happy that he hasn't been hurt and will hurt him when his time with Crow is over.

This is a short novella, and as such I had to go with the flow on some parts although I definitely wanted more information, such as how did Crow and co know about Carter? Although not insta-love, the connection between Carter and Crow happened a bit too quick for me, as well as the fact that Crow was straight.

Although short, this was well-written and fast-paced, a quick 'naughty' thrill of a read.

* I received this book from Pride Publishing in return for a fair and honest review. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
All Soul's Night is a mixed bag of steam and spice! Every story is linked to the others by the Venetian Masked Ball on All Soul's Night, and some characters have cameos in either the story before or after, which gave it a great feeling of continuity.

Most of the stories are M/F but His Vampire Morsel by Lesli Richardson is MM and Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Arial Burnz is M/M/F. All of them are set in the world of the Midnight Doms so expect plenty of BDSM. Some are more 'hardcore' than others but all of them are HOT!

As with all anthologies, there were some I liked more than others but the two I've already mentioned were my favourites of the lot. Some new-to-me authors that I will definitely be seeking out more titles from.

All in all, a great read and absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
10 Erotic Short Stories Vol.1
10 Erotic Short Stories Vol.1
Goran Radanovic | 2021 | Erotica
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
does what its supposed to!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

10 erotic-themed stories including BDSM, cuckold, threesomes and infidelity.

That is what the blurb says, and that is what you get!

These stories are short and steamy and sexy and they all come with a bit of a twist. I didn't see them coming with the first few but after that, I took to seeing what that twist would be and mostly? I was wrong!

The only thing is, I know they were short, it says the book is 60 odd pages and for ten stories in those 60 odd pages, they have got to be short. And for ME, they were just a tad TOO short, you know? I was just getting into the tale, and boom, its done.

I found them steamy enough, without being too over the top. The steam level I would put at 4 out 5.


For delivering exactly what it says on the tin, and giving me a delightful, sexy read between 2 much longer, heavier books...

4 stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere