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Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Leia (5 more)
Luke skywalker
Full circle film
This installement of star wars is action packed and a fantastic film. The bittersweetness of getting to see Carrie Fisher one last time is something no star wars fan is going to be moved by.
The film itself to me reminds me of a full circle of the orginal trilogy which makes it absolutely fanatic to watch.

I'm impressed by the porg with so much porg merchandise that came out before the film I Did have a slight dear fear (not that it stopped me buying them before the film) that this would be overused commercial characters destined to be the next Jar Jar binks however this wasn't the case. THESE adorable creature are just that.

Pete (121 KP) Dec 16, 2017

Rumour has it, carrie fisher filmed some scenes for the next film before she sadly passed.

The 'Burbs (1989)
The 'Burbs (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Mystery, Thriller
7.4 (25 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rather tense at times for a horror comedy. (4 more)
The three main characters.
Corey Feldman gives one of his better performances.
The villains are surprisingly creepy.
The ending.
Pretty crazy 80s comedy/horror about neighbor paranoia with a young Tom Hanks, Carrie Fisher, and Corey Feldman. That sounds like a recipe for success to me. This typical film usually involves kids or teens investigating due to paranoia, but here we have adults which adds a level of comedy to it in itself. Love how the ending pulls a twist and then twists back. As a first time viewer you have no fucking clue until the credits roll. And all he wanted to do was enjoy his vacation by relaxing at home. I can relate.
Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (2003)
Charlie's Angels - Full Throttle (2003)
2003 | Action, Comedy
The Angels are hot, which is basically the point. (5 more)
Crispin Glover
Good villain casting
I thought the action was better than the first one
Ridiculous double-entendres
Carrie Fisher
Bernie Mac is a poor substitute for Bill Murray (1 more)
Plot is basic and predictable
More dumb fun
While not as well received as the first film (probably down to losing Bill Murray), this is still a good deal of fun. The action works a little better for me than the first time around, the girls are still hot, still kicking ass.... what more do you want from a Charlie's Angels film? The plot is a bit basic and predictable, but being up against a former Angel (not a twist, though the writer seems to think it is) gave the conflict a bit more heart than the first one. It's a dumb action movie, but still fun.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)
2001 | Comedy
There are at least three jokes per minute, whether you get them or not. (0 more)
Stan Lee is dead. (0 more)
Greatest movie ever? thinks not!
There is not a more positive culture relevant movie in existence. If you like any movie or TV show from the 70s-90s, chances are somebody from that show is in this movie. Mark Hamil, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Carrie Fisher, George Carlin, Pie fucker, that dude that screwed Joey on Dawson's, Stiffler, not to mention hetero life mates Jay and Silent Bob! The jokes on this movie are a mile a minute, so you need to pay attention if you want to catch them all. If you're new to Kevin Smith and his impulsive friend Jason Mewes, then check out their Smodcast podcasts, or any of the other movies they've done together. Mallrats, Clerks, Dogma, Chasing Amy, etc. This is a must see for any fan of pop culture. This movie is like every Funko Pop figure wrapped into one.
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Loved this film even though all three of the original films were filmed and seen before the first part of the Star Wars series. Mark Hamell, Harrison Ford, The late Carrie Fisher were the best as Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Lai she soon should everyone that she was not some helpless princess who let everyone else do things while she sat back and did nothing. Her costumes were amazing, she was right in there fighting along with them to save their homelands/worlds from the Dark Lord Darth Vada. The ariel battles were fantastic. Storm Troopers were meant to be menacing when in fact they were quite funny at times. R2 D2 and 3PO where hilarious and Chewie adorable. The Jedi training was good. The shock about Luke's father I mean who would not be shocked and disgusted at finding out your father is Darth Vada and the girl you love turns out to be your sister.
The Blues Brothers (1980)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
1980 | Action, Comedy
We're on a mission from God!
If you ever just want to put yourself in a good mood, put on The Blues Brothers. There is really something for everyone in it.

Do you like musicals? Do you like car chases (one of the most epic of all time)? Do you like comedies? Do you like epic road films? Do you like Carrie Fisher with a flamethrower?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the film for you.

After his brother Jake gets out of prison, Elwood Blues and his newly freed brother visit a church where they discover it is going to close unless they can raise enough money to keep it running. Through a profound religious experience, Jake discovers he must get his old rhythm and blues band back together to raise money for this noble cause.

The film truly is perfect in every way!

Show all 3 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 21, 2018



Kevin Phillipson (9961 KP) Jun 21, 2018

True classic

Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"Just because I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and that movie really took the movie into a turn that set up the last movie. And the big surprises and everything that happen in the movie were really kind of revolutionary. And I just love sci-fi films, so Star Wars had to be on this list. And what’s so cool about it is I went to the 30th anniversary premiere — and I had just watched them — so I had brought an old VHS tape of that movie to the premiere, and I got Harrison Ford to sign it for me, which is really, really cool. And Billy Dee Williams was in an episode of Modern Family, and I got him to sign that VHS as well. So now all I really need to get is Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher to complete the actors in that movie. It’s one of my prized possessions."

Postcards from the Edge (1990)
Postcards from the Edge (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Drama

"I think it’s always incredibly difficult to thread that needle between real pathos and comedy. And I think Postcards dances on that knife’s edge, not to go overboard with the metaphors, but it’s just so beautifully calibrated because the script, Carrie Fisher’s. There is no greater writing mind ever; Carrie Fisher had such a particular lens that she looked through the world with, and it just translated incredibly into her writing. I just thought the script was just so funny, but the performances! It’s one of those movies that for me is the whole package. Although I did not grow up with a mother who was in show business, the relationship between them was not dissimilar from mine in a way, and made me feel connected to the material. But it’s the kind of movie that I actually own still on VHS. I remember buying this movie and wanting it, so I have it for just memory’s sake, but I also have it on DVD, and Cody Fern, who’s an actor on American Horror Story last year, as a wrap present gave me an original poster. That’s how much I love the movie and that’s how much people around me tend to know I love the movie, because I do quote it a lot. And you just don’t want to sit next to me when we’re watching it though, because you won’t hear the movie. I’m just doing the whole thing, line by line."

The Blues Brothers (1980)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
1980 | Action, Comedy
cast, cameos, music, (0 more)
Brought to life from Saturady Night Live the Blues Brothers Joliet Jake (Belushi) and Elwood (Aykroyd) were in a music band. The opening shows Jake getting of out a 3 yr stint a joliet prison and begin thier journey together rebuilding thier lives. They are tasked with getting money to help the orphanage that they grew up in and after a stop off at a mass at a local church they belive they are on "A Mission from God" and they must do this with out fail. They relaize the only way this is gonna be accomplished is by getting thier band back together and off begins a wild ride of action,fun and music. Cameos from Carrie Fisher (RIP) Cab Calloway (RIP) John Candy (RIP) Ray Charles (RIP) and other greats makes this movie all the more fun. The movie has two fantastic fun car chase scenes one of which is through a mall. I could go on and on about this movie but then why watch it if I tell you everything. Watch and enjoy a laugh filled fun ride
Scream 3 (2000)
Scream 3 (2000)
2000 | Horror
A very inferior sequel
It's such a shame that Scream 3 loses the magic that Scream 2 had in abundance.

There's no wit, no humour and the film within a film concept is tired and very poor. All of the new characters are under developed meaning you care so little when they get bumped off one by one. Patrick Dempsey's character is so creepy and slimy in parts that it's laughable and builds no tension or intrigue whatsoever. And even the returning characters have lost their edge, repeating the same old squabbles and experiences as in the first two films. Ghostface too loses his edge here, there's no shocking deaths and the voice changer that can mimic other voices is ridiculous and farfetched. The ending too isn't particularly clever or interesting. The only things I really liked about this film was the brief return of Randy and the cameos from Silent Jay & Bob and Carrie Fisher.

I remember really looking forward to seeing this when it first came out, but it is such a disappointment. It isn't helped by the fact that I spend the entire film wondering what the hell is going on with Courtney Fox's fringe...