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Cats (2019)
Cats (2019)
2019 | Musical
[Nostalgia enters the room looking cheery. A cat lurks in the background. Nostalgia starts tapdancing. Suddenly a red dot appears on Nostalgia's back and the cat savagely attacks it, leaving it bloody and beaten on the ground.]

As I've been saying to people... this film isn't good, but it's also not entirely bad, it has its moments.

Let's talk about the CGI first. You know what? It's not all that bad. Take out whatever you think about the concept of the human cats the fur in the second trailer looked much better than its first outing. During the film, Old Deuteronomy looked so fluffy I just wanted to pet her. The ear movements were pretty good, if a little consistent, it felt a little like they'd looked up cat actions in a book and taken the textbook description to animate rather than watching an actual cat. The cats as a whole could probably been a little larger compared to the "life-sized" staging around them because the ratio did feel a little off, but it wasn't really enough to make it off-putting.

Ever since I saw Cats at the cinema I've been singing the songs, but that's off the back of me listening to the stage recordings on Spotify and not the film versions. They don't quite have the same pep of the originals, watching them wasn't the wondrous experience I was hoping for. There are small exceptions. Taylor Swift was excellent and set a perfect tone for her number. Jason Derulo is a showman in this and after his Red Dwarf Cat-like clip in the trailer I was excited for his full numbers, they didn't disappoint.

Memory has to be my favourite song since seeing it on the stage and I was keen to see the talented Jennifer Hudson perform it. When it surfaced briefly I was worried, there was no impact, no heart... potential disaster. Finally the full number happened at the end and I was convinced. I listened to Hudson sing with such emotion that I cried, streams of tears and a quivering lip. It was beautiful.

The rest of the cast, while chockful of talent, didn't have quite the same buzz about it.

Francesca Hayward is a massively talented ballerina but the acting portion of the performance didn't quite hit the spot. This wasn't helped by the advert that has been running with her and Jennifer Hudson before the trailer was running before every film I watched for about two weeks.

I love Dame Judi and Sir Ian, and it was fun seeing them in this, but both had their issues. I wasn't a fan of Dench's moments of singing and the melancholy role of Gus for McKellen was a little unsettling. Who doesn't love seeing an Idris Elba film? He does the bad "guy" well but there was something wrong here too, I think that was partly to do with that fur torso.

It would be entirely possible to go on and on about this and all its ins and outs, but I don't think either of us have the time for that. I do feel that having the previous knowledge of Cats on the stage will help immensely when seeing this. That does also have some drawbacks though, when we saw it at the theatre it was a very interactive experience with the cats in the aisles with the audience and that's something the film can't compete with. I'm tempted to say that they should have forgone CGI aspects for the most part and had costumed cast. Making something more realistic when everything around it is unrealistic (in that it's not quite what we're used to as regular-sized humans) makes everything more confusing, perhaps the low tech angle would have made it a little less scary to some.

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The Core Fulcrum
The Core Fulcrum
Prashanti Talluri | 2019 | Children
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I like how it acknowledges how cats essentially got their independence from humans (although I can’t help but wonder what happened to the people). (0 more)
Honestly things like the snakes that bite their tails to function as seat belts just seemed a bit farfetched, along with busses that seem to be living animals at the same time (or maybe just created t (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The Core Fulcrum by Prashanti Talluri has multiple details that made me think it was largely inspired by Harry Potter. The school has rooms that move daily which were a big reminder of Harry Potter but there were multiple little things as well.

 Snowball and Goldie are two kittens that have just started the fifth grade. Like the school's humans are used to there are classes that everyone has to take an optional class. It is one of these optional classes that Snowball, Goldie, and some of their friends choose that sends them on an amazing and scary adventure. They all choose to take part in the class called “Curiosity Kills the Cat”, but so does their class bully Hisky.

 In this class, after passing a test they learn of the Core Fulcrum. They learn that the Core Fulcrum is a powerful artifact that is responsible for all the cat’s extraordinary abilities. The problem is that the Core Fulcrum is missing and that could cause major issues for all cats unless it is found soon. Their solution is to enlist the help of kittens in school to join the dangerous search for this all-important item. Can they find it before it it's too late and the rats figure out how to use it?

 I like how it acknowledges how cats essentially got their independence from humans (although I can’t help but wonder what happened to the people). It was also interesting how the casts and rats have created separate kingdoms from each other and even seem to war with each other to some extent. Honestly things like the snakes that bite their tails to function as seat belts just seemed a bit farfetched, along with busses that seem to be living animals at the same time (or maybe just created to mimic animal abilities, I am not sure). Then there was how the cats were in harnesses to practice for their version of the Olympics yet they were going through tunnels without getting tangled and finishing in around fifteen seconds seemed unrealistic even for cats.

 This is a children's book all the way. I don’t think may people past middle school would be all that interested in it or find it very enjoyable. It may even be questionable for some middle school readers. It all depends on how well a reader can accept the strangeness of this book. I rate this book 2 out of 4. This is because the base story is good but the details just felt awkward. I just don’t think anyone but younger readers are going to be into it. I could be wrong though.
Buckley's Story
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Buckley’s Story by Ingrid King
Genre: Memoir
Rating: 4.5/5

Summary: Ingrid adopts a kitten named Buckley while she is still working in an animal hospital. Eventually, she leaves and starts her own business, as a Reiki healer, someone who transfers healing energy to a client. As cats are able to sense energy in a room or in a person, Buckley becomes her assistant healer, as she is able to sense where more energy is always needed, and Buckley becomes a healer-cat. Buckley’s story is the tail (pun intended) of Buckley and Ingrid’s sweet, joyful life together.

I absolutely loved this book. This cat is such a character! She is lively and energetic, and does the funniest things sometimes.
There were also some very informative sections in the book. I learned the real truth about “healing animals,” cats, and the affect that animals have on people. We’ve all heard the stories about the animals that could sense cancer in people before the doctors find it—Ingrid throws in some interesting data into the book as well. However, it doesn’t feel like an out of place paragraph, and it isn’t dry like a text book.

When Ingrid described Buckley’s “time to wake up my owner” process, I laughed out loud (much to the dismay of the other people sitting in the library). Buckley reminded me a little bit of Simon’s Cat—“Meow, meow (bang on the head with a baseball bat) Meow.”

There was an interesting spiritual aspect of this book, too. The healing process of Reiki is supposed to be a spiritual and physical experience, and I found it an intriguing idea. I’ve experienced my cats and dog knowing when I’m stressed and being able to make me feel better… But I had no idea that it was a transfer of energy. Ingrid also talks about Animal Communicators, people who are able to understand animals by connecting to that energy, and able to almost communicate with them telepathically.

At the end of the story, Ingrid shares the secrets (which are no longer secrets) that Buckley taught her on how to relax and live a less stressful life.
All in all, this book was a lovely and interesting story, and one that wraps you in a blanket and makes you want to cuddle a purring cat on your lap.
Recommendation: Ages 14+ This book is perfect for anybody who loves cats, animals in general, or a good memoir.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Uncanny (1977) in Movies

Mar 7, 2020 (Updated Mar 7, 2020)  
The Uncanny (1977)
The Uncanny (1977)
1977 | Horror
5.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So-so horror anthology would almost certainly be totally unwatchable without the presence of fine actors like Peter Cushing, Ray Milland and Donald Pleasence doing their damnedest to lift some rather dubious material. The frame story concerns a conspiracy by cats to secretly run the world, but the different segments are all about vengeance-by-cat: various people get their comeuppances at the paws of our whiskered friends.

First story (maid murders her employer over an amended will) is okay but nothing special; second one (orphan with witchy tendencies finds her cat is not welcome in her new home) is let down by iffy special effects and iffier child acting; third (rum goings-on in 30s Hollywood) is the best, being a rather tongue-in-cheek look at the horror film industry (the suspiciously-named company 'Hemorrhage Films' is involved). None of them are honestly what you'd call great, though, and there is perhaps too much reliance on actors standing around while stage-hands throw stuffed cats at them. A bit more graphic and nasty than you tend to find in films from this genre, but only relatively speaking. Passes the time decently enough if low-budget horror portmanteaus from the 70s are your thing.
Sadie Sapiens (Sadie Sapiens #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You want a book that will evoke an emotional response? Then [Sadie Sapiens] by [Jeff Bauer] is it. If this book does not cause you to cry, laugh, and want to hurt someone you must be some kind of scary person.

The story of a special bond between a dog and her human takes you on twists and turns. It shows the good of humanity as well as the dark side. Mostly it shows the importance of loving your pack, (aka family), those created by blood and choice.

Now I must go converse with my cats.
Cat Up, Cat Down
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cat Up, Cat Down by Catherine Hnatov is a short and simple book featuring a black cat and a white cat that help teach prepositions with their positions. This is a beautifully illustrated, this book for toddlers is a great way to help teach them about differences while also appealing to those who love cats. Its easy to read and the illustrations are very simple but colorful which is perfect for little ones.

I received an ARC from Star Bright Books via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I give the book 4.5/5 stars.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Aristocats (1970) in Movies

Jan 10, 2018 (Updated Jan 10, 2018)  
The Aristocats (1970)
The Aristocats (1970)
1970 | Animation, Comedy, Family
One of the Disney classics
I'm sure not everyone would agree, but for me this is one of my all time favourite Disney films and one of the classics. It's hard to believe this film is nearly 50 years old.

I love cats, and I grew up watching this so have very fond memories of it. To me this is just typical classic Disney and you can't beat it. With a fun storyline, catchy songs and such endearing and lovable characters, from O'Malley even to Roquefort the mouse. The only criticism is that sadly considering it's age, it is looking a bit dated. But it's still a fantastic film.
The Aeronaut's Windlass
The Aeronaut's Windlass
Jim Butcher | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disappointing from this author
I love Butcher, and this had all the marks of one of his series. But I found the story for the most part to be very dry. I listened to this on audio at 1.5x speed to get through it and still felt that it was sort of flat, I felt the same during the peaks as I did for the rest of the book.

I'm sure it will get better later in the series, all his first books have been sort of like that, but I am unlikely to continue with the story. The takes on the cats were pretty fun, but overall I'm disappointed.
Herding Cats (Sarah's Scribbles, #3)
Herding Cats (Sarah's Scribbles, #3)
Sarah Andersen | 2018 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Humor & Comedy
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
First things first... I love Sarah Andersen. She has a wonderful way of showing what anxiety, depression, and introversion is. It's completely refreshing to find a graphic novel with a character that I relate to so deeply.

Herding Cats is hilarious, and relatable. I spent my time reading this and laughing. I related so much to these cartoons I thought for a second that Sarah Andersen was stalking me and based her story off of me. It was that scarily accurate.

All in all, this is a book that most people will be able to relate to and love.

*I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
2020 | Abstract Strategy, Ancient, Animals, Puzzle
It is said, and now generally accepted, that Cleopatra and ancient Egyptians revered and respected cats so much that they would include them in the burial sites of pharaohs as protectors of the bodies. Cats can protect the dead from mice and snakes and the like, but I have seen cats. They probably just sat there indifferent and annoyed until they were hungry and then scavenged for food. Some protectors. In any case, I am a sucker for a punny title, and thus our relationship with Sunrise Tornado Game Studio came into being for a preview of their upcoming game Cleocatra.

In Cleocatra players are, “saving cats in the pyramids.” Once these cats are saved and the pyramids cleared (scored) inspectors can sweep through to confirm they have been cleared. While points do not equate to number of cats saved, the first player to earn 23 points will signify the final round of play.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and the final components will probably be different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, order from your FLGS, or purchase through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, place the score card on the table somewhere in view of all players. The score card will track, well, scoring as well as be a handy reference sheet for all. Shuffle and stack all triangular cat tiles according to the rulebook and place somewhere within reach of all players. Each player will choose a color, place their score cube on the score card, and take their matching meeples. Keep the brown inspector cubes nearby to be used in play. Per the rules, in turn order, each player will flip a tile from the stack and place one of their meeples upon it. The game may now begin in earnest!

A player will have many choices upon the start of a turn, but a turn must include two total actions: a Tile action and a Rescuer action OR two Rescuer actions. Tile actions include Scout and Search. To Scout, simply turn over the top tile from the stack and place it adjacent to an existing tile on the table. A Search action requires an unoccupied existing tile to be moved from one location to another. Similar to movement in Hive, a Search action must not cause the pyramids structure to break into pieces nor move a completely surrounded tile.

Rescuer actions include Dispatch, Team Up, and Rescue (score). When a player uses Dispatch, they place a meeple on a tile they just previously moved in the Search action. To Team Up, simply place a new meeple on a tile adjacent to another tile with one of that player’s meeples… creating a small team. When a player Rescues, they score for a meeple on a tile according to the rulebook – points are tallied based on different cat tile types being adjacent, with additional points for having team members in adjacent spaces. After a Rescue action is taken, remove the meeple from the tile that was scored and replace it with one of the brown inspector cubes. The inspectors prevent tiles from being moved on future turns until they are placed elsewhere.

Play continues in this fashion until a player has earned or surpassed 23 points. At that time, the current round finishes and the game immediately ends. The player with the most points at the end of the final tally wins and is given a pet cat as a result! Ok, our games have never ended that way, but I would totally give away my cat if I had one.

Components. Again, this is a prototype copy of the game, and it is scheduled to hit Kickstarter soon. However, the art style on this one is super cute. The other components (meeples, inspector cubes, etc) may end up being different and be better color-matched, but for a prototype, they were just fine. I have not yet seen any concept art or anything to comment on, so for components, I have little to say, other than the box art is great, as is the art for the cat tiles. So if that style continues and is stretched to the other components, this is going to be VERY cute.

This one came as a shock to me. So few components, but a lot to think about. Should I bring out a new tile or move the existing ones to create a long string of different cats to score big? Should I put out a new helper? I should put out a new helper. I think the best part about this game for me is the fact that I never really felt like any option was a poor option. I mean, you can definitely tank this one and not get much out of it, but then why play anything? Cleocatra is certainly a game that rewards you for continual plays. The more you play, the better you become. I guess that goes for anything in life, really. The rewards come to those who practice. The game is light, but not light-hearted. If you enjoy the tile movement of Hive, but bugs are too icky, try Cleocatra. If you like small games that can fit on an airplane tray but still give you a challenge, try Cleocatra. If you enjoy games with cats, try Cleocatra.

If this is your kind of game, consider backing it on Kickstarter when it launches on March 11. If you want more information, please visit the game’s website, where you can find downloadable rules and print-n-play files. Tell ’em ol Travis from Purple Phoenix Games sent ya.