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Hannibal  - Season 1
Hannibal - Season 1
2013 | Horror
The plot lines (4 more)
Hannibal's portrayal
Wills character acting
The depth of the story
The length of some of the deception
Sometimes it can be a bit too gory and macabre for my stomach. (0 more)
A fantastic tv series
This is a fantastic series for anyone interested in crime, psychopaths, sociopaths and the Hannibal book series.
Im generally a self proclaimed wuss and cant watch horror or psychological thrillers and while this series wouldnt be classed as those sometimes the murders really turned my stomach but the acting is superb and the character builds are great. It really adds to the book series and although im quite squeamish with some of it, I will keep watching the following series because I am fascinated with the relationship between Hannibal and Will. Its like a big game of cat and mouse but the mouse is really a wolf in sheeps clothing ?
Out of Place
Out of Place
Jennifer Blecher | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Title: Out of Place ARC

Author: Jennifer Blecher

Read Dates: June 1st- July 4th

Why did I choose to read this book?
I chose to read this book because I received the ARC of it and also because I can relate to the main character.

Did I like it? Yes, I loved it. I can relate to Cove I was bullied all throughout my life and also have wanted to be a fashion designer too since I was younger. (Make handmade custom clothing now) The book kinda made me cry and get very emotional because of that.

One character I disliked: The Mean Girls

Do I recommend this book? Yes, it will show younger kid's never to give up on your dreams and to ignore the bullies.

Questions for you:
1. Have you read this book?
2. Have you ever been bullied?
3. What's your "dream" or dream job?

Devin (3 KP) rated Moana (2016) in Movies

May 15, 2017  
Moana (2016)
Moana (2016)
2016 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Fun and engaging adventure story (3 more)
Great characters
Memorable music
Loads of humor
A new Disney hit that delivers in all ways
I was smiling from ear to ear throughout the entire journey of Moana. I may have a bit of bias, considering my own Polynesian roots, but this film was full of moments that gave me chills. It was fun, exciting, and humorous, the way Disney knows how to do best. The animation was some of the best I've seen in a while, from the details of the hair, ocean, clothing, etc., to the amazing colorful island scenes. Everything was just wonderful. The music is some of the better music I've heard from Disney, as it was unconventional and fresh from what they tend to churn out. My only complaint - I wish we got to see more of Pua! He was such a cute character, my wife and I loved every scene he was in! Solid film that I will go back to repeatedly.
Night of the Comet (1984)
Night of the Comet (1984)
1984 | Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Not as good as I remember
I was hoping this film held up over the years like Breakfast Club, Fright Night or even Night of the Living Dead, but not really.

Two teenage are among the few who survive an encounter with a comet that leaves most of the world's population dead turned into orange ash or mutated zombies. Instead of being overly concerned about their situation, they decide to go shopping and do makeovers on themselves with all the latest 80s fashions and make up trends. A few scientist types who also survived are harvesting some other normal people to collect their blood to ease in prolonged exposure.

Seeing all the 80s clothing, hairstyles and musical score was fun, but there were not many laughs. I can forgive low budget if the camp factor is entertaining enough; however, last night when I watched it mostly fell flat.

Kind of disappointed.


MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Apr 1, 2019

This is one of my favorite bad movies! ?

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I am no fashionista and actually requested this book because I love looking at images of historical clothing. The sketches were beautifully but unfortunately I couldn’t see most of them on my tablet because they were chopped up between pages. It was bizarre. The photograph were intact, however, so I was able to enjoy those.

The images are accompanied by lengthy descriptions which I found fascinating. I had to read it in small doses, however, as it can by dry especially for someone who really isn’t into the ins and outs of fashion. I felt I would have enjoyed the book more if I were into such things. There was a lot I didn’t understand or recognize, so I passed over it. I honestly feel that, while I enjoyed the images, the text was lost on someone such as me.

Erika (17788 KP) rated On the Basis of Sex (2018) in Movies

Jan 14, 2019 (Updated Jan 14, 2019)  
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
On the Basis of Sex (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama
I am not a member of the RBG cult, and I honestly have no idea as to why it even exists. But, I was kind of bored yesterday and needed to get out of the house, so I decided to go see this.
I was equally bored. It started out with RBG at Harvard in law school, and, guess what? The Dean of the school and a lot of dudes were misogynist , color me shocked (heavy sarcasm). This film covers about 20 years, and dragged like it covered that amount of time. I think Felicity Jones did a good job with what she was given and her period clothing was one of my favorite things. How the court cases went weren't really a secret, so I wasn't sure why people were gasping during it. It was bizarre.
Honestly, the best part of the film was how smoking hot Armie Hammer looked.
In short, an over-hyped film, about an over-hyped figure.
A Feast for Odin
A Feast for Odin
2016 | Business / Industrial, Economic, Medieval, Puzzle
use of polyominos (Tetris pieces) (3 more)
ridiculously large amount of choices, and all seem viable
Art and Design
Uwe Rosenbergs masterpiece in modern gaming
Full Disclosure: I've only played it 4 times, two player with my wife... but we love it so far. The depth of the game is intimidating with so many pieces and a large price tag. But wow, you get so MUCH in the box.

The thought process that you can focus on Whaling, and Raiding, or maybe you want to do a little animal breeding and making clothing, maybe you prefer to mine the mountains, and craft items from the stone, maybe you want to trade goods with other islands, and hunt. there is so much to do and you can't do it all but focusing on a few things and being really good at it, that is the game.... I cannot recommend this game enough it's the best new game I played last year (2019)
A Werewolf in Riverdale (Archie Horror #1)
A Werewolf in Riverdale (Archie Horror #1)
Caleb Roehrig | 2020 | Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating

Just, wow!

A Werewolf In Riverdale did not disappoint.

The book is split into three parts:

In Sheep's Clothing.

The Beast Must Die!

New Moon.

For me, this book was outside my normal fare of sweet YA and fairy Tale retellings but genre-hopping is okay now and then. Truthfully the only reason I wanted to read this one so badly is the fact that I'm a rabid Riverdale fan and with the book's darker, broody atmosphere I said “Why Not?”

Like I said before, I wasn't disappointed! Despite its monstrous villain, this book wasn't all blood and gore.

Though, it did have its moments I won't lie.

It was more like, “I know I should do this but it could be someone I know and I don't want to do it”. That was Betty and Archie's constant struggle while Jughead had to fight his instincts.

In all I totally would recommend it!
I Feel Pretty (2018)
I Feel Pretty (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Pretty Average
Renee Bennett (Amy Schumer) feels average, and anything but pretty in this world. Clothing store workers sneer at her choice of fashion, suggesting that she should instead venture in the direction of the plus size clothing. Supermarket customers mistake her as just a downtrodden employee, focusing instead on the 'perfect' girl standing beside her. In busy bars, workers favour the pretty girls ordering drinks over her, and in her exercise class she's made to feel uncomfortable at her larger than average footwear needs. She's also part of a small group of 3 friends, who all struggle to attract dates in this superficial world, and wish they were prettier.

Then one day, Renee falls off her exercise bike and bangs her head. When she comes round, she believes that magic has made her beautiful, and she thinks that all her friends are seeing someone completely different. Only they're not, they're seeing exactly the same person as before.

This perceived change gives Renee a new found confidence. She believes that men are trying to hit on her, and in one of the movies funnier moments, she believes she can win a bikini competition. She also pursues her dream of becoming receptionist for the large cosmetics company she works for, moving from the dull, dark office of their online division all the way up to their big shiny head office where all the beautiful people work. And where her idol and boss, Avery LeClaire (Michelle Williams) works. Eventually, another bang to the head reverses the 'spell' and Renee has to try and deal with the sudden realisation that beauty really is only skin deep.

With Amy Schumer onboard for this, I guess I was expecting it to be a lot funnier than it actually is. While I didn't not like it, I've got to say I was pretty disappointed overall. There's obviously a strong message to this movie, but it gradually becomes muddled as the movie progresses and isn't effectively executed, which is a real shame considering. I wondered if being a man, I was maybe missing the message and failing to appreciate it as much as a woman might, but my wife actually felt the same way.
Show all 3 comments.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) May 21, 2018

Also, isn't this movie just a retread of Shallow Hal? And it wasn't funny then either.


Lee (2222 KP) May 21, 2018

@Daniel Boyd I actually didn't mind Trainwreck, but totally get where you're coming from and had low expectations heading into this anyway. And I completely agree with the Melissa McCarthy comment too! And yes, it is definitely a retread of Shallow Hal.

When Katie Met Cassidy
When Katie Met Cassidy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was one of my Book of the Month picks this month, so I got it a little early. It's a very quick read, and a sweet story. Basically, it's lesbian romance fluff. We need more fluff with non-heterosexual romances, so this is great stuff!

The book touches on gender issues - Cassidy is a woman, and seems happy to be so, but abhors feminine clothing and instead dresses solely in men's suits. (The scene with her fabulously gay tailor was an absolute delight!) She flashes back a little onto her childhood when she wasn't allowed to wear the clothing she felt best in. She also has a few conversations with Katie about gender roles. Katie is much more traditionally feminine, wearing dresses and heels and long hair.

I'm a little torn on whether I dislike the use of the trope "straight woman turned gay after breakup" or like the point that Katie isn't sure she likes women, but she knows she likes Cassidy. Cassidy's gender is secondary to her personality. And it's not like Katie decided to go hit on women after her fiance cheated on her; she got practically dragged to the lesbian bar by Cassidy, who saw how much she was hurting and decided to help her.

I enjoyed seeing that Cassidy has casual sex partners, many of them former sex partners, who are still good friends with her. Granted, she has lots of one-night stands who are upset with her since she's quite the player, but there are several women who she's been involved with before the book opens, who are close friends of hers and care about her future. I wish we saw more relationships like this in heterosexual romantic fiction instead of only in GLBT fiction! These kinds of relationships do exist in heterosexual groups, but it seems like romantic fiction is always divided between "heterosexual monogamy" and "everything else." I did read an exception in Next Year, For Sure, but I greatly disliked the ending.

I really loved this book. It was sweet, and light-hearted, and a pleasant breath of fresh air from a lot of what I've been reading recently!

You can find all my reviews at