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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the Xbox Series X version of Immortals: Fenyx Rising in Video Games

Nov 30, 2020  
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
Immortals: Fenyx Rising
2020 | Action/Adventure
Immortals Fenyx Rising is a rare treat in that it is a game that did not come in with the massive wave of hype that usually accompanies a major release; yet delivers beyond expectations.

The game is set in Ancient Greece and casts players as Fenyx who must travel to set right the many things that have gone wrong along the way.

Greek gods provide humorous narration to help move the story along as there is lots for players to do and see in the game.

Once a character is created; players will have to climb, swim, battle, and solve puzzles in a highly-detailed universe. While some may think the combat would be hack and slash being able to gain advanced weapons such as a divine axe and bow really help mix things up.

The Arrow of Apollo as an example allows players to control the arrow in flight which is ideal for solving puzzles and making precisions shots. I also used it to scout an area by firing it into the air and using it to study the layout of the area.

Puzzles are a big part of the game and being able to hold and throw large boulders is key to defeating large enemies as well as moving large objects onto pressure plates to open doors or move heavy objects into position.

After each main mission; players will be able to obtain new powers by completing a challenge from the Gods. This usually involves jumping from objects, solving puzzles, and combat. Upon completion players will obtain a new device/ability which will help them going forward. I can tell you that having a set of wings really helped cover the map by being able to jump from a cliff and glide to a destination as long as my stamina holds up.

One great mission had me move a large pearl across the land and down hills to the see. Not only was it fun and varied; but it also showed how the missions are not repetitions of the prior ones.

I had several hours invested in the game before the area with the cosmetic options and upgrades arrived and the sheer scale of the game ensures that players will not find this a quick gaming experience.

Combat is a mix of hack and slash and ranged combat; but I am a big fan of smashing enemies with large boulders when able.

Some may have issues with the campy dialogue and delivery of the lines but this would be missing the point as the game is a fun and immersive adventure which will provide gamers with plenty of hours of enjoyment.

4 stars out of 5

Frank Black recommended Combat Rock by The Clash in Music (curated)

Combat Rock by The Clash
Combat Rock by The Clash
1982 | Rock
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think Combat Rock has suffered a lot of bitching and whining because it’s when The Clash broke America. I was 17-years old when I heard 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go'. I wasn’t some hipster, punk dude. I didn’t know who The Clash were. I heard it on the radio. I heard 'Rock The Casbah' on the radio. Compared to a lot of other stuff being played it was like: “This is good!” For all the people who say it’s not London Calling, it’s not 'White Riot', well, I get that they were in the trenches and whatever. I’m not trying to disparage the early Clash but they matured into a proper rock band and they did something with it. Listen to 'Straight To Hell'. Fucking A! Listen to 'Know Your Rights'! I’ll be happy as a pig in shit if I can write a song as good as that. If they were ‘selling out’, you write 'Know Your Rights'! It’s why I picked Combat Rock. I don’t get where people are coming from who don’t like that record [sings the riff from 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go']. It doesn’t get any better than that. It’s a wonderful statement. I wish there was something out there right now as good as 'Straight To Hell'."

Extreme Honor (True Heroes, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b>Crossposted at <a href="">What's Detetiv Doing Now?</a>

Ok, can I just gush about this cover? That was the first thing that caught my eye! I have a soft spot for combat and working dogs, so naturally after reading the summary I had to request this. Normally I do not go for suspense but this had great buildup and lots of twists and turns! This book slightly reminds me of D.D. Ayres's K-9 Rescue series as they are both suspense romance around a working dog. Really can not wait for book two.

</b><i>I do not get paid for this netgalley arc~</i>
The Reaping (2007)
The Reaping (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Spooky Scary Reaps
The Reaping- is a underrated horror jem, that not alot of people talk about.

The plot: Katherine Morrissey (Hilary Swank), a former Christian missionary, lost her faith after the tragic deaths of her family. Now she applies her expertise to debunking religious phenomena. When a series of biblical plagues overrun a small town, Katherine arrives to prove that a supernatural force is not behind the occurrences, but soon finds that science cannot explain what is happening. Instead, she must regain her faith to combat the evil that waits in a Louisiana swamp.

It might be bad movie from other critics, but to me its a underrated horror jem.
VENOM Assault
VENOM Assault
2016 | Card Game, Fighting, Science Fiction
What would you say if I told you I completely expected a game I received to fall completely flat for me but instead may actually unseat a revered similar game from my Top 10 list of games? That would be surprising, right? Well such is life, and such is this game. I do believe that VENOM Assault may knock off one of my favorite games: Legendary: A Marvel Deck-Building Game. That’s really saying something from me, so let me discuss a bit about why I state this.

VENOM Assault is a deck-building game very similar in style to Legendary: A Marvel Deck-Building Game (which, if I have to reference again will just call Legendary). Players take control of a team of (relative) wimps in order to help recruit the real elites and battle the evildoers plus their henchmen. Sound familiar? For this review I will be playing the Solo rules, which are the same as the multiplayer rules, but for one player. Novel, eh?

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup a game, please follow the rulebook as there is way too much to cover here in complete detail. The setup should look similar to the following photo. Here is what you will see: a space for the Mission scenario in the upper left corner. To its right a space for the active Event card. Next to that is the area for the VENOM Support cards to be displayed. Then the VENOM Support deck and discard areas. Below the Mission area is the space to track threat level and the current VENOM Leader’s Health and Defense values. Beneath those trackers is an area for four decks: the VENOM Leader deck, Reward deck, Event deck, and Event discard. To the right of this area is the Training Ground (recruitment zone), the Recruitment deck, and the Retirement pile. In the middle of the board are seven spaces to be populated with Reward cards and VENOM Leaders on top of the Rewards. Each player is dealt six Recruits and four Commandos and will shuffle these to create their draw deck. The players then draw five cards to create their hand and the game may now begin! Go save the world!
I will not be covering every aspect of a turn but will highlight the goings on. The Commander (first player) will draw and read the Event for the round. Events can be helpful for the players, extremely hurtful by advancing the VENOM plot, or even uneventful altogether. Next, player(s) will enter the Recruitment Phase. During this phase players will be using their entire hand to total the recruitment points that can be spent on recruiting those elite soldier, vehicle, and location cards from the Training Ground right into their discard piles.

Once the Recruitment Phase is complete, the Tactical Phase begins, and this is a large part of the game that helps differentiate it from others of its like. The players will choose one of the seven revealed VENOM Leaders on the map to attack in combat (if they choose – this is optional). Using the stats on the VENOM Leader card the players will adjust the Health and Defense values on the trackers on the board. If the VENOM Leader has any abilities that would trigger during this phase, then they trigger now. These could include Global Abilities as well. Once the Leader is done with their abilities, the players will choose one of their cards played to become the Combat Leader. This character now may not use their printed ability but will use their Combat Value (crossed pistols) to place combat dice on their card. The other team members in the combat will add dice to the pool as well if their abilities direct them. Next, the VENOM Leader will call forth their VENOM Support armies to aid them in the combat round. Once displayed, any hero Tactical Phase abilities can be resolved. If VENOM Support armies still are active, their abilities may be resolved at this point.

As the Tactical Phase ends, the Combat Phase begins. The Combat Phase is where the players are able to roll their combat dice in the hopes of besting the VENOM Leader’s Health and Defense values. Defense values dictate the dice values that need to be hit or exceeded to equal a successful attack. The Health value is how many successes are needed to defeat the Leader. However, once rolled the VENOM Leader will trigger any Combat Phase abilities at this time. Once complete the hero team will be able to resolve their own Combat Phase abilities, if any. Finally, the VENOM Support will resolve their Combat Phase abilities. Now the dice may be completely resolved against the Leader, after all abilities have been resolved. If the Freedom Squadron (heroes) defeated the Leader, they take the Leader and Reward cards into their VP pile. Depending on the Mission, these Rewards may be necessary to win the game, and all will have VP values.

After a lengthy Tactical and Combat Phase, the players then enter the Retirement Phase. The players may retire a card from their hand, thus removing the card from the game entirely.

Once a card has been retired (or not), the End of Turn Phase will help clean up the mess of the current round. Any other End of Turn Phase abilities will trigger, and used cards will be discarded to the appropriate areas and refills of key points on the board and players’ hands will setup the next round of play.

Once the Mission card’s success or failure stipulations have been met the game is over and, with any luck, the Freedom Squadron has defeated VENOM once and for all!
Components. This game boasts a large game board, a metric ton of cards, some dice, and some cardboard tokens. All the components are of fine quality and I have no issues with them. The art style used in the game is pleasing and, thankfully, not over-the-top gory or bloody or anything.

You may have noticed or thought that perhaps this game is taking inspiration from a cartoon/toy line from the ’80s, and I would very much agree with you. Could it be called Legendary: G.I. Joe? Maybe, but this one stands on its own, though very similar to the Legendary system. What I do like about VENOM Assault is the fact that it already comes with a large amount of incredible cards to be recruited. I do not know if I will ever feel the need for extra heroes in this game, whereas with the Marvel Legendary one can really go overboard trying to collect all the mini expansions and big box expansions just to find their favorite Marvel entities. Since VENOM Assault isn’t tied to any specific IP and is more generic overall, each character provided is its own thing, not a specific hero that one has grown up loving their entire life.

You see, the problem with those mini expansions in Legendary, at least for me, is that each one brings with it a host of heroes AND a host of new keywords and rules that must be remembered or referenced until it becomes second nature. In VENOM Assault, the rules stay the same and play is altered by the Missions and which characters can be recruited. I like a more reliable and static ruleset when I’m playing an intense game. So point goes to VENOM Assault here too.

Now, I was never into G.I. Joe and I am not at all a war or guns kinda guy, but I am really attracted to this game. I don’t necessarily think of my heroes as going in and shooting the place up, but rather taking Navy Seals-style tactical maneuvers to eliminate the target. So the point is that if you were never into that IP before, you should not feel alienated by this one. It appeals to all, in my opinion.

I said previously in this review that VENOM Assault is knocking on the door of bumping Legendary from my Top 10 games. I continue thinking about it even when I am not playing, and that is a mark of an excellent game for me. If I never think of a game again after playing, there is no way it remains in my collection. This one, however, has me considering different strategies in my head even now as I’m typing.

If you are in the market for a great deck-builder with worldwide espionage at its heart, I urge you to grab a copy of VENOM Assault. If you like the Legendary system but are looking for something just a little different, check this one out. If you just enjoy owning games that are fun and make you think, but also include a bit of luck in the dice rolls, then you owe it to yourself to play this. I really think you’ll enjoy it, as I have. Okay, time to setup another game.
Rage 2
Rage 2
2019 | Action
In 2010 Bethesda released RAGE. The game was the next step in the Id Shooters as it combined the combat the company was known for with a story, outdoor locales, customization, and vehicle combat and racing. As if that was not enough; the game featured a large Post-Apocalypse world, tons of enemies, and several side missions.

The game was so large that it took several discs to contain the game and I remember our review unit arriving extra early so we had time to load the large game so we could be ready to play when it went online.

Nine years later we finally get the sequel as RAGE 2 has arrived from Avalanche Studios. The game picks up 20 years after the first game as players take on the character of Walker; a first generation offspring from the original Ark survivors.

After a deadly attack by the evil General Cross and his army of Mutants; Walker takes on the role as the last of the Rangers and travels the Wastelands to find new Ranger tech, make allies, gather loot, and fight Bandits, Mutants, and other enemies that arise.

Walker has a nice arsenal of pistols, Shotguns, Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Grenades, and his deadly Wingstick as well as a series of Nanotech powered abilities which can be improved and gained over time.

There are various towns for players to advance the main mission as well as gain side missions, trade, buy, and increase their vehicle and weapon abilities.

Players will need all this and more as the enemies are numerous and deadly. Just driving between two points on a mission can lead to roving bands and convoys attacking you; not to mention Road Blocks and other Bandit Dens that arise.

The game deftly combines first person combat and vehicle combat and offers some very fine graphics which really lead to the immersion. One issue I had is that some missions seem more like a back and forth between two points versus some of the more cohesive moments on other missions.

The NPC characters do not do as much as some may like as you will pretty much be a Lone Wolf but you will be able to chat with characters to advance the story and get side missions.

The game does require players to win a race in order to advance the story and it took many tries including some frustrating second place finishes before I was able to cross the Finish Line first ahead of the pack.

The game provides plenty of gameplay as I put in over 20 hours on it and there are still some areas I can wander to clean up but with DLC and new content coming; I am looking forward to seeing what is to come. I also look forward to fully loading out my vehicles and weapons as the three main weapons I have are amazing and I would love to see what the full loadout can do.

I was a bit disappointed over the lack of Multiplayer as it was included in the first game and I had hoped we would be able to get both vehicle and FPS combat this time out or at the least a Co-Op mode.

The music and sound effects are good although they can drop or fade now and then but this has become better with a recent patch.

RAGE 2 provided plenty of immersive entertainment and was a very entertaining and engaging game despite some frustrations along the way. The game clearly indicates more is coming to the story and I cannot wait to see what comes next.
Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
Battle: Los Angeles (2011)
2011 | Action, Sci-Fi
War movies depicting a group of soldiers against overwhelming odds are nothing new. For generations, moviegoers have been treated to cinematic recreations as well as new scenarios of fighting units in combat. Usually these films follow a typical formula that includes the tough and gritty commanding officer, the naïve new soldier, the one with a woman and children waiting at home, and one who has difficulties with combat. In the new movie Battle: Los Angeles a new twist is given to the formulaic troops-in-combat picture which produces a mixed bag of results.

Aaron Eckhart stars as Staff Sgt. Michael Nantz; a 20 year Marine who, after losing men on a recent mission, has decided that it is time for him to leave and has filed his retirement paperwork from the corps. While completing a training exercise, Nantz and a squadron of Marines at Camp Pendleton are activated for what they are told is an evacuation mission in order to clear Santa Monica and other area residents from a swarm of meteors which are scheduled to hit just off the coast.

Nantz is assigned to a new commanding officer who, like the men in his unit, is wary of Nantz as many believe that he got his men killed in his last assignment. Despite the misgivings of the new lieutenant, he agrees that Nantz offers a wealth of experience and should be just fine for a simple evacuation assignment.

However during the mission briefing, the Marines are informed that the meteors that are hitting off the coast of major cities around the world contain metallic centers and that this is very likely an invasion from an unknown force. While the Marines are deploying an otherworldly fighting unit emerges destroying everything in their path as they moved inland from the coast line. Unsure what they are dealing with, the military decides to carpet bomb the city in order to contain the alien threat and give Nantz and his unit three hours to enter the combat zone and evacuate civilians from a police station.

While the movie is for the most part the standard soldiers-at-war film which substitute’s aliens for the usual enemy forces, the strength of the cast and the solid action and special effects help the movie overcome many of its shortcomings. There is little character development in the film and scenarios that were introduced in some of the characters’ backstories early in the film were given little to no chance to develop once the shooting started.

I also had an issue with some of the tactics in the film. While it may seem nitpicking there were a few scenes where the soldiers didn’t follow logical courses of engagement until later in the film. I have had only the most basic of combat instruction from my brief time in the Air Force, yet I can think of at least four scenarios in the film where the unit failed to use the most logical options available in their combat situation. Of course any film dealing with an alien invasion is sure to have plot holes and yes I can quibble about the Air Force waiting three hours to bomb a heavily overrun area when containment would have been priority one in not allowing a hostile force that much time to entrench itself.

That being said it was an interesting and entertaining film. The enemy was sufficiently mysterious and dangerous enough to hold my interest and had me rooting desperately for the troops to rise up and strike back at the enemy. Michelle Rodriguez does fine supporting work in the role of an Air Force Tech Sgt. who may have the key to turning the tide of the battle. Eckhart is solid as the gruff but caring staff sergeant is equally strong and his unit of young corporals, including R&B singer Ne-Yo, are believable.

Director Jonathan Liebesman knows the core intention of this film is and in doing so provides enough action to keep the audience entertained throughout. despite some issues with pacing and plot. While it doesn’t have the epic feel of Independence Day, Battle: Los Angeles is a film that provides enough entertainment to make it one of the better alien invasion films ever made and one that I certainly would not mind seeing revisited in a future sequel.

3.5 stars out of 5
Agents of Mayhem Day One Edition
Agents of Mayhem Day One Edition
2017 | Action/Adventure
Characters are amazing (1 more)
Individual character stories are well written
Sandbox elements are lacking (0 more)
This game was a surprise. I thought it would terrible by the looks and first five minutes. It wasn't actually bad. It provided some sandbox elements, though they were lacking to be honest.

I loved the characters and their individual stories while the overall story was a little bland.

Combat was simple and intuitive, though a few tutorials would have helped a bit. I felt like I was figureing things out and then several bits later they would provided a tutorial. In the tutorial they showed me the easy way to do what I had already done.

Overall, it was good. One of kind really.

Kira (36 KP) rated Miitopia in Video Games

Sep 1, 2017  
2017 | Role-Playing
Customization (1 more)
Battles can begin to feel repetitive (1 more)
Only control one character in battle
I love that Nintendo have made it so the player is able to completely create the cast of the story. You pick the way they look, their personality and job, which leads to you feeling more attached to the characters than you might normally. I for one was pretty annoyed when the Dark Lord came along and messed with all my hard work!

Unfortunately the battles can start to feel a little stale, but there is an auto-battle function that helps with this. It also sucks a little that you can't control the entire party when in combat.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Geostorm (2017) in Movies

Aug 16, 2019  
Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Most of the Sfx (0 more)
Poor plot (1 more)
Some dodgy CGI
A large helping of cheese
Well I finally gave this a whirl not expecting much. It seems like a CGI led disaster film in The day after tomorrow mould. To combat climate change the world has come together to build a network of satellites to control the weather. It predictably starts to go wrong, cue scenes of mass distruction around the globe and needs to be fixed.
The cast was quite impressive and the SFX overall were good. It suffers badly from the weak plot and characters though. Ok for a watch but not a patch on The day after tomorrow, Deep impact and many others.