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Jimmy Fallon recommended American Movie (1999) in Movies (curated)

American Movie (1999)
American Movie (1999)
1999 | Comedy, Documentary
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"This is a comedy for you movie nerds (but that’s probably why you’re on Rotten Tomatoes anyway, because you are a film nerd). This movie is called American Movie, and it’s a documentary comedy. Man, oh man, I remember seeing this film with Horatio Sanz: we were in the theater, and we were crying so hard from laughing, we were hugging each other and punching each other because we were laughing too hard. It’s about a man trying to make a horror movie. He calls it Cove–en, and it’s about a coven, but he doesn’t like the way “coven” rhymes with “oven,” that doesn’t make sense, so he calls it, mispronounces the title for his film, and calls it Cove-en. He tries to get his dad to act in the movie, and his dad is going like, “You have something to live for. Jesus told me so.” And he’s like, “All right, Dad, do it again, but your teeth are falling out.” And he goes, “Cole, you have something to live for. Jesus told me so.” And he goes, “Geez, I hear his teeth clickety clacking in the audio, it’s unusable.” I mean it is crying funny. He takes a dentist, a local dentist [who] wants to be an actor, and he’s ramming his head into a closet that he was supposed to have scored so that it easily breaks away, but he forgets to score the wood so he’s actually ramming a human’s head into a wooden cabinet. [The man] is screaming, and he’s ramming this poor man’s head into the thing. So cut, and the guy’s holding his head. He’s like, “Oh, my gosh.” He’s like “Uh, man, I’m sorry, I forgot to cut that board.” It’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. It will make you cry laughing. If you love filmmaking, you will appreciate this. The two guys, the two stars of the movie, are true stars."

The Babysitter (2017)
The Babysitter (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
The Babysitter From Hell!
Wow! I'm actually surprised that I enjoyed this movie as much as I did! At first, I thought that I wasn't going to like this movie because the premise sounded ridiculous. But once I watched this movie, I was quite impressed by how funny and scary this film was! I really loved the performances of all the actors and actresses in this film as they really got into their roles and they made the movie so entertaining to watch! I especially loved the performances from Samara Weaving as Bee and Robbie Amell as Max as they were the most entertaining characters in the movie! I loved the way that Robbie Amell made Max into such a comical character, despite the fact that he's an ax-crazy killer. I also enjoyed Samara Weaving's performance as Bee as she made Bee so friendly yet deadly at the same time. I also liked the fact that the movie had a nice balance between comedy and horror as there were many scenes that were quite intense. But at the same time, I was laughing out loud at how over the top the actors' performances were.

The main issue that I had with this film was that I felt that the characters weren't that well developed as I don't know anything about their backstories. The characters that I was the most curious about were Bee and her friends as their motivations to perform human sacrifices seem a little flat to me because I don't know much about their backgrounds and how they even know about performing sacrifices to have their wishes come true.

Overall, "The Babysitter" may seem like a silly horror comedy film, but it is definitely entertaining to watch because of how over the top the characters' antics are. And I loved the way that this film turned many horror tropes on its head and made a pretty entertaining movie out of it!
Philomena (2013)
Philomena (2013)
2013 | Drama
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A great heartwarming comedy
I avoided this film for a few years mainly because of Steve Coogan, but i can honestly say it is a very funny, heartwarming, sad and disturbing tale.

Judi Dench is as fantastic as ever as Phil. She brings such warmth and a believability to the at times naive Irish woman. The script itself is clever and well written. I didn't think such a disturbing and horrible story could include some truly funny moments, but it pulls them off well. It also really highlights Phil's story without downplaying or making light of, and it's a story that really needs to be told. This isn't something that I was aware of, so it has really opened my eyes to what went on and did in fact make me quite angry.

My only criticism would be Steve Coogan. He seems to play a similar character in most films and other than towards the end of Philomena, you don't feel much ot care much for him.
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
Daddy's Home 2 (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Generous giving it a 3?
I'll be frankly honest and say this is not my type of film. I have a very particular sense of humour and generic mainstream comedies like this really work for me.

I didn't think much of the first one and I'm afraid this is even worse. Right from the first scene, the "funny" scenes just aren't funny and it doesn't improve as the film goes on. I'm sad to say I barely even tittered at this, let alone laugh out loud. It has a great cast but they are sorely wasted in this. Will Ferrell used to be a comedy genius, what happened? And when you think it cant get worse, they throw in the most cringeworthy singalong possible. This is the kind of film you'd put on tv for background noise and then completely ignore as it's that bad. Didnt even get me into the festive spirit!
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Visual effects (2 more)
Action sequences
Better than I actually expected
Is it a horror, or comedy or action.... still don't know (0 more)
Can you have a "dark universe" in a 15/pg13 movie?
After reading plenty of reviews for the 1st movie in universals dark universe I went into my viewing expecting a car crash. I think because I went in with pretty darn low expectations it actually surprised me. The plot although although shallow kept me entertained. There is a wash of high calibre talent that has been contracted to bring this universe alive and I enjoyed Annabelle Wallis and Jake Johnson more than I did cruise . Russel crow was great imo as Jekyll and Hyde. What disappointed me most is, if this is a snapshot of how they are going to handle the rest of the universe then we're in for a very shallow light hearted take on what should be a true "dark universe" filled with legendary creatures of horror. Only time will tell.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Ryan Reynolds is the perfect choice for Deadpool and he really bought his A game to the film. (0 more)
My only problem is it wasn't long enough. (0 more)
We got what we asked for.
Well the film has been out for over a year now but I won't say any spoilers for anyone who has yet to watch it and if that is the case (where have you been!) I myself and many of my friends had waited for a Deadpool film for a long time and when we got the news we were all eager to see how well it would do, safe to say I was not disappointed one bit by the films direction I cannot fault it the only gripe I do have is that I wish it had been longer but apart from that I loved it and the comedy in it was well written along with breaking the fourth wall.
Sarah Winston, a garage sale expert, knows how to run a successful garage sale and has made a business out of it. As part of a charity event, Sarah volunteers her expertise and agrees to manage an athletic equipment swap. While preparing the event, she is knocked out by a would-be robber and then the day of the event discovers the dead body of the local superintendent.

Sarah becomes an amateur detective and compiles a list of murder suspects that all seem to be other members of the school board. With her quick wit and sleuthing talents, Sarah must find the killer before the killer makes her another item for the dumpster.

This book is more than a charming cozy mystery; the author gives you inside tips into the world of garage sale selling and buying. The mystery, suspense, and moments of comedy keep you interested, while you try to guess who the culprit is.
Vlad-Handing (Silver Hills Cozy Mysteries, #5)
Vlad-Handing (Silver Hills Cozy Mysteries, #5)
Sam Cheever | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vlad-Handing is book 5 in the Silver Hills Cozy Mystery series. It is set in a singles/retirement residency (think 55 and older) filled with an eccentric cast of characters. This time around, Flo and Agnes find themselves trying to prove that manager Vlad Newsome, who many consider a reprehensible creature of the night, is innocent of murder. The only problem is that these ladies are a not 100% sure that Vlad isn’t the murderer.

Flo and Agnes are two ladies that you would love to call your friends. They are laugh out loud funny adding comedy to a terrific cozy mystery that will have you in stitches until the end. I highly suggest starting out with book 1 Dose Vidanya and reading the books in order. While these books can be read stand alone, the cast of characters build as each book in the series continues.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
The Hangover (2009)
The Hangover (2009)
2009 | Comedy
Better than expected
Contains spoilers, click to show
Well, first off, this was a lot funnier than I was expecting. It's a simple story of four friends, well sort off, who go to Las Vegas for one of their stag nights, but after being slipped something, they lose their memories of the night, as well as the groom and find a trail of destruction left in their wake! Including a baby, a tiger and stolen police car!

This "Who Done it" scenario is played to comic effect quite well but there's nothing to justify the film's reputation. It's funny in parts and the performances are quite believable as the bazaar situations play out but in the end, the final is pay off doesn't work for me, being somewhat of an any climax. But having said that, it does try to deliver a message or two about relationships and has its moments but overall I wanted more comedy and less moralising whilst trying to be as gross as possible.

Not half bad though…
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
MCU does it again (0 more)
The wait till End Game (0 more)
At this point Marvel can really do no wrong. When it comes to their movies (esp original ones) they have a formula that's worked well so far so why change it. Really we've not had a bad MCU movie since iron man 3 & thor 2 and even they were watchable and in parts mildly enjoyable. Here we have excellent action with just enough comedy to give people laughs without being silly and considering this is about shape changing aliens, silly was a possibility. But theres a good story at its core and nice character development with a few twists and turns to keep everyone interested. We also get Goose - the greatest space cat since Jonesy from Alien!!...2 good post credits scenes as per normal - 1 serious story one and 1 funny but worth sticking around for. The next month or so needs to fly past.