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Trackie (153 KP) rated Sex Education in TV

Jan 17, 2019  
Sex Education
Sex Education
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Everything (0 more)
Confusion of what year it is. (0 more)
Sex Education Season 1
Young or old, in some way or another, you will relate to this show.

Sex Education isn't just about sex, it's about learning self appreciation, respect and living life as best as possible with the choices we have in front of us.

This starts off as a raunchy series, quickly turning into a story of many characters who seem to have it all or nothing in between. They soon come to realize that they are no more special than the person next to them, no more right or wrong than the one they criticize or blame.

Casting is fantastic - The leading role, wow; a normal and confused 16 year old who has an amazing gift, to calm and guide those who seek his help in finding the answer to any slight imperfections they may have with themselves or with their partner.

A blend of comedy, love and drama - Sex Education is a well balanced and written series that takes you for a ride that's full of heart.
With the variety of characters in this show, each and every one of us should have some one to feel familiar with.

I can’t recommend this series enough and can’t wait for series 2. There are talks about a second season but we won’t know for a couple of months yet if or when it will happen.
Early Man (2018)
Early Man (2018)
2018 | Animation
From the creators of Chicken Run and Wallace and Gromit comes the “true”
story of the origin of the world’s most popular sport-football (or soccer
as we call it in the U.S.). A charming film that takes us back to the dawn
of man, The Stone Age, where a motley band of cavemen and women live an
archaic lifestyle foraging and hunting for their food.

Their way of life
is shattered as the Bronze age approaches, and mining for metal becoming
superior, along with the love of football (soccer) playing second. The
leader of the Bronze Age conquerors Lord Nooth strips the cavemen from
their land to mine for more metal and for smelting. Eager to keep their
way of life and get their home back, the Cavemen challenge Lord Nooth to a
game of football.

Who doesn’t love a good underdog story? As you can guess, it’s hysterical
slapstick humor and sheer silliness of epic proportion. In true Wallace
and Gromit fashion, Aardman animation create a movie with an underlying
sweetness that makes the audience fall in love with such delightful

Featuring an all-star British voice cast featuring Tom
Hiddleston, Maisie Williams, Tom Redmayne, and Timothy Spall, Early Man may
not be your typical run of the mill bright, boisterous, tug at the
heartstrings type of movie, but it definitely provides enough physical
comedy to keep the audience laughing and a great message about teamwork and
learning to coexist.
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch
Captain Disaster: The Damaris Touch
Dave Seaman | 2017 | Humor & Comedy, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captain Disaster, inept spacefaring star of video games and short stories gets his own novella. After answering a distress call, things become rather too exciting for our erstwhile hero. Be prepared for the series of unlikely comedic events that ensue as he faces (almost) certain death.

There are books that take themselves seriously and there are those that don't. This is as firmly in the second group as the author's tongue is in his cheek. Filled with throwaway jokes galore, terrible groan out loud puns and slapstick antics this is a story to read for a good laugh.

The style is best described as 'free', Seaman swerving off at tangents to deliver a simple gag before returning to the story at hand. And that is the charm - there will be no deep introspection for the reader into what motivates the characters, just a vain attempt to keep ahead of the flow of jokes. Okay, not all of them hit, but like a rapid fire comedy routine that doesn't matter because if you didn't like that one there will be another one along in a minute. And yes perhaps there could be some tightening of the prose or plot here and there but that would definitely alter its character, perhaps too far towards serious. And that would never do.

So kick back, relax, set the lighting to 'mood' and the ship to autopilot. You've got some laughing to do

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Two Popes (2019) in Movies

Dec 6, 2019 (Updated Dec 6, 2019)  
The Two Popes (2019)
The Two Popes (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
'And it's in nomine patris from me...' ' in spiritus sancti from him.' Slightly oddball true-life drama doesn't go quite as far as that, but is still much funnier and lighter than it sounds from the capsule synopsis - any film which sees the college of cardinals going into conclave while Dancing Queen plays on the soundtrack, and droll enough to show the two pontiffs watching the World Cup final together (Germany-Argentina, of course) obviously has something to say for itself.

The question is what that is. No doubt the decision to make the film a comedy-drama was partly inspired by concerns it could be offputtingly talky, but the talk works when it's delivered by two actors like Pryce and Hopkins, working with a very good script. The film is arguably biased in favour of Jorge Bergoglio, who is presented as warm, human, and compassionate; his life story is explored in much more detail than that of Joseph Ratzinger - but then again you could say the film does Ratzinger a big favour by largely ignoring the elephant in the room and his role in covering it up. Most of the film is very plausible, and it's only near the end that you begin to suspect how much of it is complete fiction. Still, it's engaging and plausible fiction, and - some distracting hand-held camerawork aside - mostly very well played and filmed.
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
I just wasted nearly 2 hours of my life.
Already having issues with Rob Zombie films after he single-handedly tried to kill the Halloween franchise, I went into this one already predisposed to not have a good time watching. But, trying to partake due to my wife's love affair with this movie series, I was open-minded and objective. And then I wasted nearly two hours of my life I'll never get back.
Make no mistake, I get the series. I get the ideas behind Zombie's pet project series. A little comedy, a little horror, a little action flick, and a little bit satire. The violence, language, and nudity is gratuitous throughout, and I am one who can enjoy some violence, language, and nudity.
But this is all nonsensical BS passed off as a film. The film has more plot holes than bullet holes in random people. The characters are caricatures, hollow vessels that carry no weight or consequences. I didn't care who died by whose hand or what happened to anyone. There was blood, gore, boobs, language, and blunts. Time passed.
I don't know. Maybe that's the point. Maybe Zombie should do another film in this series. Or maybe some other pet project that tickles his fancy. Just as long as he leaves Michael Myers and every other quality iconic character alone. Please, Rob, for the love of all that is sacred in film.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
I loved this film! I was surprised how much more I loved it in comparison to the first time I watched it - maybe it's because I watched the first one so the story made more sense, the sacrifices made more sense, and they felt really big and real.

I think what makes these movies so great is the action sequences along with the comedy. I love the way they shoot the action sequences and the editing that is done with it, I think it's really cool and unlike anything I've seen before. I loved all the characters in this film, though Harry felt a little bit off, but maybe that's something they're going to explore in the third installment - not The King's Man which is a prequel. Again, I love Taron Egerton so much and I love even more that Elton John is in this film - considering their relationship, though this is pre-Rocketman.

I also loved the plot of this movie way more than the first one, though I'm not sure why. Overall, I just think these are fun movies. Once again, the cast is out of the waters - Channing Tatum, Halle Berry, Julianne Moore, etc. I love the balance that carried through from the last film to this one and I think that this will shape up to be a nice trio to watch again when you just need some fun and a good laugh.

Awix (3310 KP) rated A History of Heavy Metal in Books

Jan 7, 2020 (Updated Jan 7, 2020)  
A History of Heavy Metal
A History of Heavy Metal
Andrew O'Neill | 2017 | Humor & Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Knockabout trot through the history of the genre makes up for in enthusiasm what it lacks in objectivity, probably. Full disclosure: I'm not a huge fan of metal, but I'm always interested in learning new stuff , and you'd think that would make me the ideal audience for this book. However, there's an in-jokeyness here, a level of gushy fannishness, and a way in which the book prioritises jokes over facts, that leads me to suspect it's aimed at the devoted rather than newcomers.

It is good on the origins and early years of the music (or so it seems to me), but as it gets closer to the present day the narrative becomes increasingly fragmented and coloured by the author's personal tastes. Do you really need to try to be funny when writing about a genre featuring artists like Ozzy Osbourne and Lawnmower Deth? The book keeps the one-liners coming regardless. The blokey familiarity of it also feels inappropriate sometimes - subjects are referred to by their first names, even when they are white supremacists and convicted murderers (oh, the metal lifestyle). It's okay, but I didn't learn as much as I hoped and am not even that inspired to listen to more of this music after finishing the book.

(It may be a bit more satisfactory if you just approach it as a comedy book for metal fans. Didn't really make me laugh though.)
Hollow City: The Second Novel of Miss Peregrine's Children
8.2 (25 Ratings)
Book Rating
setting (1 more)
so visibly you feel as though you are there
After their loop is raided and Miss Peregrine is captured, the children flee to London, chasing after their only hope of getting her back. Throughout the journey, relationships are tested, enemies are defeated, and new friends are made. Dangerous hide around every corner and Jacob must make a life altering decision about his love for Emma.
Throughout the book Riggs once again manages to weave a story so intriguing you can’t put it down and describes scenes so visibly you feel as though you are there. I loved this book, more than the first. Having different settings made the book very interesting and enjoyable for me and I loved how, no matter how dark the story was, there is still comedy woven through the book. I also loved that new characters were added into this book, adding another dimension. It was also amazing to watch Jacob grow more comfortable and confident with his peculiarity. The only negative thing I have to say about the book is that I don’t like Emma and Jacob’s relationship. I often forget about it and the whole thing seems uncomfortable and unnecessary, only being used when it’s convenient. Another reason the relationship didn’t sit well with me because Emma used to be with Jacob’s grandad, so the whole relationship feels a bit wrong to me. Despite this, I still loved the book and can’t wait to start reading ‘Library Of Souls’.

BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated Pushing Daisies - Season 1 in TV

Feb 19, 2020 (Updated Feb 19, 2020)  
Pushing Daisies  - Season 1
Pushing Daisies - Season 1
2007 | Comedy, Crime, Romance
9.4 (7 Ratings)
Does anyone remember this?
Contains spoilers, click to show
I first watched this as a bright eyed primary school child of the ripe age of 10. I remember thinking how strange a programme it was and that I hadn't seen anything like it before. Granted, I was stuck watching barbie and disney movies with my younger sisters but you get my point. This programme single handedly introduced me to death. And is very likely the reason I love horror and thriller movies now.

Don't get me wrong, this show was about love and very much a comedy. There was very little gore if any and from what I remember, I only saw one bloody face. The worst part was probably the dog dying in the beginning or the fact that the ML and FL can't even kiss because she will cease to live(again).

What I loved most about this show was how fantastically stupid it was, as much as I would have loved more seasons I'm really not suprised it only had 2. Have you ever wanted to see a man able to bring the dead to life with his touch fall in love with a dead ex girlfriend? Oh and he helps solve crime with his cop friend? Oh, and the dead stay alive for a minute unless someone replaces them? Well, this is the show for you! And its exactly as it sounds. Amazing!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Greed (2019) in Movies

Feb 24, 2020  
Greed (2019)
Greed (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The latest Coogan-Winterbottom collaboration is the kind of satire that draws blood, so it's lucky they have a note from the lawyers making it clear that it's absolutely and positively not based on the life of Sir Philip Green. A crass and amoral entrepreneur prepares for a lavish and decadent birthday celebration, in part to restore his image following some very bad publicity. Friends, family, and various hangers-on assemble; all does not go quite to plan - meanwhile, the ugly tale of the man's rise unfolds in flashback.

A friend initially demurred from seeing Greed, suggesting that he didn't need to see a movie to know how screwed up capitalism is - but I dragged him along anyway and we both enjoyed it. Mainly this is because it has a strong cast and a good script, although Steve Coogan is doing one of his comic grotesques and David Mitchell is basically just playing his usual comic persona under a different name. The shift from comedy to darker and more serious material as the film goes on is well handled, although you could argue the film is pushing it by attempting to be anti-capitalist, pro-feminist and pro-refugee all at the same time. Manages to be crowd-pleasing entertainment while scoring some serious points about the nature of the world in which we live. It may not teach you anything new, but it will probably make you care more about things you already know.