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The Shattered Realm of Ardor Benn
The Shattered Realm of Ardor Benn
Tyler Whitesides | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic fantasy heist follow-up
I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
The second Ardor Benn book is another epic tale of the ruse artist taking on the royal family. The first book saw Ard's efforts depose the current king and save the dragon race (and hence the world). Sadly, the replacement royalty is no better and the Great Chain is now scattered into different, warring islands. Ard finds himself embroiled in a plot to unearth the conspiracy that the new king's dead nephew, and the rightful heir, is not actually dead.
There is also an interesting new subplot where we see a university professor tasked with discovering new Grit types (the world's magic system, whereby different materials once digested and fired by a dragon produce different magical results). This angle, like the industrial/medical revolution is surprisingly thrilling, with additional intrigue as the results become the interests of some unsavoury characters.
Ard and Raek are once again superb and quickly put together a plot to infiltrate a secret criminal underworld and discover the whereabouts of the true king. The secrecy and plotting, and use of the world's magic makes for some excellent exciting passages.
There are the usual twists and turns along the way, as the security measures in place in the secret society make it hard for Ard to progress too quickly.
As with the first book, the true nature of this strange world is unveiled a little more over the course of the book in spectacular fashion.
A wonderful fun read.
The Disappeared (Jenny Cooper #2)
The Disappeared (Jenny Cooper #2)
M.R Hall | 2010 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Disappeared ( Coroner Jenny Cooper book 2)
By Matthew Hall

Review via Smashbomb! Link posted in commenonce read.

Two missing students. One sinister cover-up.

Two young British students, Nazim Jamal and Rafi Hassan vanish without a trace. The police tell their parents that the boys had been under surveillance, that it was likely they left the country to pursue their dangerous new ideals. Seven years later, Nazim's grief-stricken mother is still unconvinced. Jenny Cooper is her last hope.

Jenny is finally beginning to settle into her role as Coroner for the Severn Valley; the ghosts of her past that threatened to topple her, banished to the sidelines once more. But as the inquest into Nazim's disappearance gets underway, the stink of corruption and conspiracy becomes clear . . .

As the pressure from above increases, a code of silence is imposed on the inquest and events begin to spiral out of all control, pushing Jenny to breaking point. For how could she have known that by unravelling the mysteries of the disappeared, she would begin to unearth her own buried secrets?

I enjoyed this book so much! I really connected with Jenny I found a lot of common ground with her and with the two surrounding cities of Birmingham and Bristol! I sometimes struggle when a male author writes a female lead but Hall does it brilliantly! The story was interesting it kept you gripped from the start. The struggle for Jenny is balancing her being a mother with her high powered career all while having mental health issues caused by real life situations! I genuinely couldn’t put it down!

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Marriage Act in Books

Jan 22, 2023  
The Marriage Act
The Marriage Act
John Marrs | 2023 | Dystopia, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in a time not too far away, this is a dark and rather creepy tale that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Would you 'upgrade' your marriage if it meant getting preferential treatment ... the best jobs, the best houses, better health care, education, etc., etc., etc.? But then what if that meant artificial intelligence was listening in to snap shots of your conversations and then analysing them to make sure you are keeping to the terms of your marriage? And if not, a scale of interventions would be put into action. Would you still do it? Well, The Marriage Act will probably make you think again!

Mr Marrs certainly gets you thinking and poses really interesting questions and dilemmas in this well plotted, perfectly paced book told from the viewpoints of his well created characters and with some great twists and turns.

Thoroughly enjoyable and quite an unsettling book that actually doesn't feel that far from becoming a reality! How many have an Alexa, Siri or similar digital voice assistant in the home or on your wrist that just sits there? I'm not a conspiracy theorist, however I imagine it wouldn't take much for a law to be passed in the name of improving the economy or society in some way, then a switch is flicked and the process would start ... definitely not beyond the realms of reality and very scary!

This is the second of Mr Marrs' books I have enjoyed and I will definitely read more in the future and thanks must go to Pan Macmillan, Macmillan and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Marriage Act.
The Twylight Tower (Elizabeth I, #3)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had a very hard time getting through this book. First of all, Elizabeth annoyed the heck out of me. She was very wishy-washy; either she was b!tchy or she was on the verge of tears. Seriously, she's a queen and she needed to be somewhere in the middle most of the time, not at two extremes all the time. Secondly, the relationship between Elizabeth and Robert Dudley didn't add anything to the story and I'd rather there were less of it. I know that there is truth to the relationship, but the way it is written in this book, it doesn't make for a good read. Three, the whole book was rather boring. The characters I had liked in the previous two were hardly in this entry much, and the author made Meg do some stupid things. I think I'd like the whole concept of the book if it had been written in someone else's eyes instead of the focus being through the Queen's eyes. Most especially if it were either William Cecil or the fictional Meg, because there would be more of a leeway of how to write Elizabeth and it would be from a distance. Fourth on my list... The same tired old plot is rather redundant. Someone's in a conspiracy to knock Elizabeth off the throne. *yawn* Couldn't there be a normal murder or mystery instead? It's already been used to death (no pun intended) in just three books! Of course the Queen wouldn't be interested because it has nothing to do with her, therefore every book in the series must be about offing her! Ugh-and-a-half!

I really don't know if I'll pick up the fourth in the series or just drop it. I would like to know what happens with Meg, but I'll have to think about it.

2 stars

Awix (3310 KP) rated Geostorm (2017) in Movies

Feb 7, 2018 (Updated Feb 7, 2018)  
Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Gerard Butles With The Elements
It's a movie directed by the producer of The Day After Tomorrow and 2012, in which Gerard Butler is shot into space to have a fight with bad weather. If the description alone does not make you engage in fairly serious expectation-management, you must be new to this whole going-to-the-movies business.

Um, yeah: Gerard Butler plays a brilliant but maverick meteorologist (stay with me) who invents a global weather control system codenamed 'Dutch Boy' (possibly because the satellites are really high all the time), then gets sacked for being a pain in the neck. Years later, the system starts to go wrong (unimportant people like Afghans and Chinese meet spectacular weather-related deaths) and Butler is recruited by his brother (don't ask) to figure out the problem.

There is a lot of chasing about and a conspiracy and the world's most oddly designed self-destruct system, and the villain turns out to be the person you thought it was all the time. Butler spends most of the movie in space, which at least means Abbie Cornish can do more as a member of the Secret Service who ends up kidnapping the President (it's that kind of movie). Geostorm hasn't quite figured out how to handle having the President as a character in a movie in the current situation: Andy Garcia plays him in a very sensible, nondescript manner, quite divorced from reality.

I have to say a friend of mine said Geostorm was so bad it made London Has Fallen look like a Christopher Nolan movie, but it's not so much flat-out awful as simply very silly, obvious, and predictable, not to mention very much like all the other movies Dean Devlin produced for Roland Emmerich. I suppose the moral should be 'stick to what you're (reasonably) good at'.
The Proposal (2009)
The Proposal (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Romance
If you have ever had an awful boss you will commiserate with Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) executive assistant to fiendish editor Margret Tate (Sandra Bullock). A Canadian, Margret is about to loose her Visa and prestigious job when she devises a plan to stay in the country by marrying Andrew. Realizing that Margret’s deportation also means he will loose his dream chance at becoming an editor, Andrew unhappily agrees.

To make matters worse a tenacious immigration clerk suspects the false conspiracy and threatens fines and felony charges if the bond is not truly romantic. In an effort to make their rouse seem more convincing the two not-so-in-love birds decide to visit Andrew’s family in Alaska.

Through a variety of comedic events and heart to heart discussions their relationship grows. But this new understanding of one another, and appearance of Andrew’s ex-girlfriend, threaten the marriage ploy.

While it is a cute movie the preposterous premise is the core obstacle with the film. Can anyone actually believe a person would ever fall in love with a boss so heinous that the office instant messages warnings of her arrival?

Further detracting from the film’s romantic attempts is the use of disjointed screwball comedy. These scenes, ranging from Ramone’s (Oscar Nuñez) bachelorette strip tease to Grandma Annie’s (Betty White) dancing in the wilderness, would have been more appropriate in “Animal House” than a romantic comedy.
Still the film does have some redeeming qualities; Ryan Reynolds’ bold delivery combines well with Sandra Bullock’s awkward appeal. Also the meritorious supporting cast will surely make you laugh. But if you are looking to be enchantingly swept away this is not the right film.

More funny than romantic the problematic premise makes “The Proposal” simply an OK comedy.