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Gray Mountain
Gray Mountain
John Grisham | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Samantha Kofer is a real estate attorney working for a huge law firm in New York City. When all of the banks go belly up so does Samantha's job. She was given the option to being furloughed for one year and during that year, she is encouraged to volunteer during this year off at a non-profit that the firm has chosen.

Trying to find the right place to volunteer has been difficult since there are so many out of work lawyers who are all going through the same thing. She found "The Mountain Legal Aid Clinic[who]ran its low-budget operations from an abandoned hardware store on Main Street in Brady, Virginia, population twenty-two hundred and declining with each census Brady, was in southwest, Virginia, Appalachia, coal country."

In Brady, Samantha works with Mattie and Annette and meets many of their clients who are poor people in need of everything from simple divorces and wills to black lung disease claims Mattie's nephew, Donovan, is also in Brady and his firm fights coal companies tooth and nail for the people of coal country who have been destroyed by their illegal practices. There are a lot of things that happen that help to shape Samantha into a more respectable lawyer, but they don't come without great loss.

John Grisham likes to get the heart of the matter, he likes to grip at your heartstrings so that you can feel the characters that he is portraying. For a big New York City attorney, though, Samantha is not really a character I got to enjoy as much as I thought I would. She seemed a bit of a wimp in some instances. Whining about never setting foot in a courtroom or drafting a will. I wanted to jump in the book and smack her one good time. Whether or not you have done these things, you are a lawyer, and is this not in your job description? This is one of the worse John Grisham books I have read. It didn't have the same go getter attitude that the other books have.

Overall, the book kept me interested and wanting to know what was going to happen next. There were parts that had me on the edge of my seat. I'm wondering if there is going to be more from Samantha Kofer, because the story seemed unfinished.

First title in Take Control of Your TBR 2015!
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
For professional Bodyguard Michael Bryce (Ryan Reynolds), life is good. As an elite member of his craft, he is well paid and lives a very good life keeping high-profile targets safe the world over. When things unexpectedly take a turn we find Michael two years on having hit the skids and struggling to claw his way back to prominence in the new film “The Hitman’s Bodyguard”.

Things become complicated for Michael as a despotic tyrant named Dukhovich (Gary Oldman) is on trial for war crimes and countless atrocities, and is about to go free due to removing all those who would be able to testify against him with credible evidence. That is with the exception of one Darius Kincaid (Samuel L. Jackson). Darius is incarcerated but makes a deal to testify in exchange for his wife (Selma Hayek), being granted freedom. Darius knows he is a marked man but takes the chance and under the watch of Interpol Agent Roussel (Elodie Yung), they set off.

Naturally things do not go as planned and the two find themselves fleeing for their lives with numerous deadly assassins hot on their heels. Unsure who she can trust, Roussel calls in Michael even though they have some seriously unresolved issues about one another that destroyed their previous relationship. Further complicating matters is the history Michael and Darius share which makes them naturally hostile to one another.

Nevertheless, Michael and Darius set off to reach the courtroom but the imposed deadline and face numerous dangers and hilarious situations along the way.

Jackson and Reynolds work very well with one another and their banter and chiding comes across as very natural. The jokes come more often than I expected but the film is very much an action film, and the sequences are intense, funny, and gripping, especially and extended chase and fight sequence along the canals and shopping district of Amsterdam.

While some may say that the film is just a variation on the Buddy Cop genre of old, the strong cast and the winning mix of jokes and action make the film a very pleasant surprise and one of my more enjoyable films of 2017. It was a highly-enjoyable thrill ride and one of the best films this summer.

If you are a fan of action, comedies, and the pairing of Jackson and Reynolds, do not miss this film.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Thirteen in Books

Jul 1, 2018  
Steve Cavanagh | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating

I can't even begin to explain how much I enjoyed this book ... it was so good, I didn't want it to end and I'm not one who normally reads courtroom books but I was drawn to this because of the serial killer angle .... I know, I know, I'm a little strange in my reading tastes! Don't judge me ?

Now, this is the first book I have read by this author containing Flynn and although it would have probably helped with background information to have read previous ones, I don't feel it is absolutely necessary but I will certainly be seeking them out after reading this.

Anyway, this book is basically about the murder of a starlet and her supposed lover - they were found by the husband who allegedly beat him to death with a baseball bat and stabbed her repeatedly. In comes Flynn as part of the defence team who becomes 'the' defence team following a few revelations whereby the main lawyer (who is employed by the studio) is told to withdraw. Meanwhile, someone is going to great lengths to be on the jury ... welcome to Joshua Kane, a very disturbed individual.

Flynn is a fantastic character; I adore him - so likeable and not 'up himself' like many lawyers seem to be portrayed ... he's "normal" ... well, if you can call a previous con-man with a shady history normal but it does give him a unique view of things which certainly comes in handy in his line of work.

Joshua Kane is far from normal but what a great character he is - such a good baddie!!

The supporting cast were equally as good and all had their part to play in this fantastic book.

The chapters are written alternatively between Flynn and Kane and whilst Flynn's are written in the first person, Kane's are written in the third; this was, I think, a stroke of genius as it gives different perspectives from Flynn who's trying his best for his client to Kane who is cleverly manipulating things from the jury box. The pace of the book is perfect; there's plenty of action, thrills, twists and turns that had me hooked from page one.

This is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best books I have ever read and one of the very few that I will read again.

Many thanks to the publisher, Orion Publishing Group, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review - thank you so much, I absolutely loved it and cannot recommend it highly enough.
Red Clocks
Red Clocks
Leni Zumas | 2018 | Gender Studies, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Red Clocks first caught my attention because it's set in a small fishing town in Oregon, my home state. After that, learning that it's a dystopia where abortion and in vitro fertilization have both been banned outright meant I HAD to read it. Of course, I got it from the library some weeks ago and had so many other books to read that I didn't get to it until the day it was due back to the library! Luckily, I read fast!

I think the cover description oversells the book a little. I wouldn't call Gin's trial "frenzied" nor the drama exactly "riveting" but it did keep my attention throughout the book. I really enjoyed the relationships between the characters, and the point that none of them really know what is going on in each other's personal lives. One moment I particularly liked is slightly spoilery, but I loved how Ro was able to put her personal feelings aside to help Mattie, her student. That was really, really hard for her, but she recognized how much damage it would do to Mattie to not help her.

I think I found Gin the most interesting - given all the reading I've been doing lately about autism, her entire personality screams autism to me, but she was never labeled as autistic. So I'm marking her as a possibly autistic character. (I'd love if any of my autistic readers could weigh in on that, if you've read the book!) Between preferring to live in the woods with animals and NOT around people, specifically, and the way she reacts to the textures and smells in the jail when she's arrested (shoving the bleach-scented blankets as far away in the cell as possible, and refusing to eat the food), and how she stumbles over her answers in the courtroom when she's interrogated - it seems likely.

My only actual complaint about this book had nothing to do with the writing or plot! But it refers to the ghost pepper as "the hottest pepper known to man" which the Carolina Reaper growing in my backyard would have an issue with!

Other than that very minor quibble, I thought this dystopia was pretty good. I'm always interested in Reproductive Rights-related dystopias. This isn't as good as The Handmaid's Tale, but it's MILES better than Future Home of the Living God. It's good at showing the lengths women will go to, to ensure their own reproductive freedom. Outlawing abortion doesn't eliminate abortion. It just makes it less safe.

You can find all my reviews at
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
2011 | Drama, Mystery
7.3 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
When Edward Norton [SPOILER ALERT] raised a smirk at the end of Primal Fear to reveal himself as a sick and twisted killer it capped a sublime performance from an actor that would go on to do bigger and better things.

Primal Fear was a courtroom thriller that held you all the way to the bitter end, and as that solemn expression washed over poor Richard Gere‘s face at the end you could only stand up and applaud.

The Lincoln Lawyer travels down a similar premise, but despite all the twists and turns in a plot based on the novel by Michael Connelly it fails to keep the tension high enough to satisfy us to a pay off that is only blip on the thriller spectrum, I personally wanted something bigger.

Maybe you’re seduced by his Texan drawl or his searing good looks, either way its a solid performance from someone whose comfortable in this type of atmosphere

McConaughey plays Mick Haller a defence attourney working out the back of his sleak looking black Lincoln, and whose job it is to pretty much keep the scum of the earth on the streets, something which has obviously damaged his marraige with Maggie McPherson (Tomei). His reputation though is flipped over mid way through and we suddenly get an insight into a man that is as much a doting father as he is a great defence attorney.

Well alright, alright, alright!
When he’s asked to defend rich boy Louis Roulet (Phillippe) for beating a prostitute to within an inch of her life he suddenly gets a conscience when he realizes that the clean cut image might be a façade to something much more sinister. The film itself is not bad at all, and in parts it’s actually very good with McConaughey calling on his supporting cast for help which includes John Leguizamo and William H. Macy.

McConaughey’s court presence is smooth and charismatic, which would probably make him quite a good litigator in the real world. Maybe you’re seduced by his Texan drawl or his searing good looks, either way its a solid performance from someone who’s comfortable in this type of atmosphere.

Phillippe is certainly no Norton, and you know right off the bat that he’s as guilty as hell but its a good turn from him nonetheless. As thrillers go its up there and is thoroughly enjoyable, most notably for McConaughey’s performance which is a role that has been a long time coming for him, and one that he nails right to the court room wall.
The Night Swim: A Novel
The Night Swim: A Novel
Megan Goldin | 2020 | Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark, timely and propulsive thriller
Rachel Krall, from the popular Guilty or Not Guilty true crime podcast, finds herself in the town of Neapolis, North Carolina for season three. It's the first time she's covered a live trial, and it's a divisive rape trial no less. A high school girl "K" has accused popular swimmer Scott Blair of raping her. It's set the town on edge and brought up lots of questions about reputations and who can be believed. As Rachel arrives in Neapolis, she's shocked to find a letter on her car--rarely is the radio host recognized in public. But someone in the town wants her help unlocking the mysteries of what happened to her sister over twenty-five years ago. Jenny Stills' death--at sixteen--was ruled a drowning, but the letter writer insists she was murdered, and they want Rachel to help her find the killer. Quickly the past and present intertwine, as Rachel realizes the two cases may be connected.

"That's why I'm writing to you, Rachel. Jenny's killer will be there. In that town. Maybe that courtroom. It's time for justice to be done. You're the only one who can help me deliver it."

Goldin offers us an excellent thriller with a pervasive eerie feel. While, for the most part, I find myself tired of podcast tales, The Night Swim offers an overall fresh take on the genre, weaving in Rachel's episodes about the trial with her own investigation into both the current case and the Stills drowning. We also hear from the past, giving us even more insight into what happened to Jenny all those years ago. The result is a spellbinding, sometimes heartbreaking, read that's nearly impossible to put down.

I highly enjoyed putting the pieces together on this one--as they filter in via our various narratives. I had an early guess that proved to be right, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book in any way. The ending was a little different, but overall, I was a big fan of the intersection of the two cases and the dark and timely themes this book brought up--rape, assault, and more. It offers an unflinching look at what women experience: and how rarely they are believed, trusted, or can turn to anyone.

Overall, this is an excellent, fast-paced thriller with two storylines that work well together. It's creepy and dark, with a strong, unforgettable message. 4 stars.
Law of Attraction
Law of Attraction
N M Silber | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book Review by Cari Mayhew.

I listened to this as an audiobook, and I feel this added to the feel of the story and improved my experience of the book. The narrator spoke in a stunning female American accent but would change voices for the male dialogue parts.

I was enticed by the book's description – a romantic drama between two high-flying Lawyers. I was expecting witty dialogue and real tension between the characters. This book is part of a two-book series and is intended for readers over the age of eighteen.

The central character is criminal defense lawyer Gabrielle, who has crushed on prosecutor Braden in their altercations in the Courtroom for several months. Braden, however, is quite the cad, and is known not have had any serious relationships in quite some time.

One evening the two of them meet in the local bar and a serious flirting session ensues. Despite how much characters lust after each other, Gabrielle has no intention of becoming a mere one night stand, and a succession of dates are negotiated.

Their first date is one to remember. Soon after they boyfriend-girlfriend are meeting each other’s family. But, there are some odd complications, and all does not run smoothly. Braden has a narcissistic ex-girlfriend Marla, who still can’t accept that they’ve broken up. More intriguingly, an old crush of Gabrielle’s, Cam, who took Gabrielle’s virginity, comes back into her life shadowing her law firm, and it turns out he’s Braden’s cousin, who is also the man that another ex of Braden’s once cheated with. Then Gabrielle receives threatening notes telling her to stay away from Braden.
Gabrielle and her friends start plotting to find out who is leaving the notes. They aim to get handwriting samples from the 3 people they suspect, and by some strange coincidence, all 3 are at the same secret underground fantasy party which gets raided, providing handwriting samples in the form of written statements.

Then the first book in the series comes to an end before the note writer is identified. Rather than it being one of the people Gabrielle suspects, I suspect the author aims to provide surprise by making it someone closer to home.

One saucy scene was on a par with Fifty Shades of Grey, but this book is not going to take off like Fifty Shades of Grey did. There was nothing unusual in these scenes other than perhaps the locations.

Whilst the book never bored me, I just didn’t care enough about the characters or plot to want to read the second book in the series.

For more of my reviews, check out
Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri #4)
Inseparable (Rise of the Iliri #4)
Auryn Hadley | 2016 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
17 of 250
Inseparable ( Rise of Iliri book 4)
By Auryn Hadley

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments


The intersecting worlds of the iliri, grauori, and men collide when an alliance is declared, and the humans renege. In the midst of offering an olive branch to other races, they seem secretly hellbent on destroying them all - and they begin by putting Sal on trial and disbanding the Black Blades. Auryn Hadley offers up deft commentary on racism between communities - melded with fantastical action-adventure in a world at war, and passionate erotic romance in this fourth installment of the Rise of the Iliri.

True to its title, in Inseparable, on the world of Ogun, it's the connections between all beings - human and otherwise - that will save or destroy them.

Her recent mission a success, fearless (and irresistibly arousing) iliri warrior Lieutenant Salryc Luxx gets thanks in the form of imprisonment by the Conglomerate of Free Citizens. Sal's not even sure what she's accused of, but she suspects it's the color of her pale skin - not her actions - that's really on trial.

Kinetry, an old comrade and ally of the Black Blades now forced to hold Sal, warns her that a rash of anti-iliri sentiment is sweeping Parliament and the military. In fact, it seems men don't care for any race but their own. But Kinetry doesn't know that the King of Anglia is on his way to the military stronghold. Nor does he know the King is bringing with him thousands of grauori soldiers, members of a race of formerly hidden human-like wolves whose hunting and battle skills are unmatched.

If the King arrives before Sal's trial is resolved, he'll learn something in the courtroom that may destroy all hope of the intended alliance. Torn between truth and treason, Sal must navigate political sensitivities to hold the three races together. And just when she seems to get somewhere, the Conglomeration disbands the Black Blades.

Been a while since I caught up with the blades this book was the best so far and yes I say that after every book! Sal is brilliant. My first yay moment was Dom and amAnglia turning up with the army to pull Sal out of jail! Then finally Zep got the job done! I almost squealed when she got her crown finally in place!! The book is just ram packed with moments of about time and thank Gods! Those pups are just out of control cute too!! It almost got me at the end almost I’m so glad she pulled it back! Looking forward to the next book!
Two Kinds of Truth (Harry Bosch #20)
Two Kinds of Truth (Harry Bosch #20)
Michael Connelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another wonderful mystery novel featuring Connelly's excellently developed lead detective
Michael Connelly's iconic detective, Harry Bosch, is back again. Harry's basically a volunteer for the San Fernando police department, working cold cases for the tiny force and mentoring their three young detectives. When they are called out for a murder of a father and son at a local pharmacy, Harry assists the inexperienced team in trying to track down the killers. The case leads Harry and his detectives into the dark world of opiates--both the big money of pill mills and the sad, cold side of addiction. Meanwhile, Harry hears from his former employer, the LAPD, when one of his thirty-year-old cases is reopened based on new evidence. Even worse, the killer is claiming Harry framed him. The case threatens Harry's most prized possession: his reputation as a cop, and he knows that no one will fight to clear his name like himself. The two unrelated cases pull at different sides of Bosch as he works to discover all different facets of the truth.

I love Harry Bosch so much, and there will be a hole in my heart when Connelly no longer writes about him. I actually moved this book up in my rotation (something I rarely ever do!) so I could read it on a weekend trip to Chicago, and my only regret is that it meant I finished it in about 48 hours, and now it's over. Per usual, Connelly gives us yet another wonderful mystery novel featuring his excellently developed lead detective. This one covers the timely topic of the opiate crisis, which looms fairly large in America today. It's well-researched, as always.

Reading a Bosch novel is like picking up with an old friend, and this one is no different. Our Bosch is aging, which this book acknowledges well. We see Bosch still grappling with having left the LAPD--who can he trust, what can he do with his life now. We even get some appearances from previous characters in earlier novels. Perhaps the best thing is a fairly large role for Bosch's half brother Mickey Haller, the famed "Lincoln Lawyer." These two are still figuring out their own relationship, but it's a treat for us readers to get a glimpse of Mickey; we even get to see some of his enjoyable courtroom antics. There's even an appearance from Mickey's investigator, Cisco! (See, it's like being old friends!)

And, of course, we can't forget the actual story, which, in usual Connelly style is excellent and tracks along flawlessly along Bosch's own journey. The opiate tale is both fascinating and depressing, while Bosch's unraveling of the backstory behind the reopened cold case will certainly keep you reading. There's never really any crazy twists or turns, but the novel moves along steadily and easily. There's both growth and angst with Bosch--I have to admit, I worry about the end of his arc, but I will still enjoy every moment I get with him until them.

Another enjoyable one for the Bosch canon--certainly recommend!
Point Break (1991)
Point Break (1991)
1991 | Action, Mystery
Not Bad
My buddy who recommended Point Break asked for my thoughts almost immediately after I watched it. In a word: Fun. No, it's not going to blow your mind or give you chills, but it's a great film to watch if you're just trying to have a good time. It's like Fast and the Furious before Fast and the Furious became Fast and the Furious. Oh yeah, and with surfer dudes.

Point Break can be a bit over the top at times. One scene in particular involving a chase scene where someone literally threw a dog at Keanu Reeves left me scratching my head and chuckling, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to be laughing at that point. The plot holes threw me off just as much. Spoiler Alert In the Form of a Question: After Johnny Utah's cover is blown, why the hell is he still hanging out with the bankrobbers?

After a slow start, I managed to find myself engaged in what was unfolding. Keanu Reeves got off to a slow start as well in his role as Johnny Utah, but found his way midway through. It was almost like this was the film where he learned how to act, but director Kathryn Bigelow didn't notice until they were well past the point of reshoots. It doesn't kill the movie, not by a longshot, especially considering its setting.

The ending was extremely ambiguous and, ten years ago, probably would have ruined the entire film for me. Now, it left me asking myself, "What does this mean exactly?" My answer in a sec...

For those of you like me that are new to the film, Point Break is the story of a detective trying to take down a gang of surfers that have become notorious on the bank-robbing circuit as the Ex-Presidents. The film has some fun action sequences, including a house raid midway through that I really enjoyed. I also thought Bigelow captured some powerful shots when it came to expressing the love and power of the ocean. I would love to see this film shot in IMAX today. And I said this film, not the god-awful remake. My favorite shot takes place at a gas station. Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) is burning a car (destroying evidence) to the ground using a gas pump and a lighter. For some reason, it reminded me of the one scene I enjoyed in Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice where the courtroom explodes and just Superman is left among the flames. Scenes like this, no matter how good or bad a film is, stay etched in your memory for a long time.

So what were my thoughts on the ending? I feel like the waves got the better of Utah and he succumbed to their call. He got a taste of a life that was more easygoing and peaceful. Less rules and restrictions. Ultimately, it was enough for him to throw everything else (badge included) away. And yes, I think he does end up staying with Tyler (Lori Petty).

Glad I saw this film. I give it a 77.