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Merissa (11805 KP) rated Beautiful Facade in Books

Feb 2, 2021 (Updated Aug 7, 2023)  
Beautiful Facade
Beautiful Facade
Kathryn S Rose | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEAUTIFUL FACADE is the debut novel from Kathryn S Rose and she pulls no punches (literally) with the subjects she covers in this novel - drink, drugs, sexual assault, and domestic violence.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable novel, told from the first perspective of the main female character. It was pretty clear from the start that Winter wouldn't end up with Liam, and their picture-perfect life wasn't as good as she imagined. I did enjoy the question mark over who was with him and was glad I was wrong. I won't say more as I don't want to ruin it!

The scene-setting was very well done, with a bunch of flawed characters as the supporting cast. If I had to say anything negative about this book, it would be the copious amount of alcohol that was drunk for the majority of the story, plus the number of texts and missed calls Winter had. If I had that many from one person in that amount of time, I'd be worried about their mental health!

On the whole, this was a great, smoothly-paced story that held my attention from beginning to end, that I have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 2, 2021

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2099 KP) rated Fair Game in Books

Aug 31, 2023 (Updated Aug 31, 2023)  
Fair Game
Fair Game
Annette Dashofy | 2019 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder is Never Fair Game
Zoe Chambers is spending the week at the county fair, showing her horse and working in the ambulance. However, it’s not the relaxing week she’d hoped for as she keeps seeing people from her past in 4H, people she’d rather forget. Meanwhile, Pete Adams is investigating the mysterious death of a woman who vanished after a drunken night out. Except her friends all insist she wouldn’t have gotten drunk. So what is really going on?

Fans of the series know to expect plenty of twists, and that’s what we get here. Even though I knew something that was coming later on, I was pulled into the story and enjoyed watching everything unfold. Zoe and Pete continued to shine as our co-leads, with us spending equal time in their third person points of view. I was also happy to see Pete behaving in a way I could support in their relationship here. The rest of the cast are all strong, and that included some supporting characters I was happy to see again. These are a little darker than the cozies I typically read, but as long as you know that, you’ll be fine. As I was reading this book, I realized how much I love the sense of community these books have. If you are looking for a fast-moving plot with characters you’ll love, this is the book, and series, for you.
Mandatory Repairs (Collier's Creek)
Mandatory Repairs (Collier's Creek)
Elle Keaton | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MANDATORY REPAIRS is part of the multi-author Collier's Creek series. In this story, we meet Max and Nash. Nash lives and works on Twisted Pines Ranch. Max is the half-brother of the owner of Twisted Pines. They first meet when Max is drunk (beer, lack of food, and high altitude!) and doesn't remember Nash at all. Nash likes Max until he finds out who he is.

Although I enjoyed this story, it felt jerky and uneven with its pace. I would also have liked more character development. I mean, Nash doesn't like Max once he finds out who he is. But what are the exact reasons, because what we get told is rubbish. And then, Robin (the half-sister) tells him to apologise. He goes to the bar, and then they're in bed! This happens on a couple of occasions.

Saying that, I did love the scene in the bookshop, and also when Max is trying to get out of a sticky situation. He kept his head and did what he could, instead of whimpering and playing the poor princess.

I enjoyed this addition to the series and look forward to reading stories set in Collier's Creek.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 29, 2023
Camelot Burning (Metal & Lace, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't know much about Arthurian Lore – it's probably one of the only story I've never read in it's original form aside from the original Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales (but those are horrifying, so I'm not even going to bother). I somehow doubt that Magic Tree House – who made Morgan LeFay a harmless fly – or Wizard101's Avalonian world even counts, except for maybe the latter being used as visual aid. :p

But personally that's sort of the thrill in reading a retelling without reading the original one: no judging or comparing – it's a mostly complete blank slate.

Camelot Burning follows Vivienne, a lady-in-waiting and Merlin's Apprentice, who wants a way out of Camelot's way of life. She even has a plan hatched – at least until Morgan Le Fay enters the picture and she has to stay to build a weapon that could ultimately save Camelot.

Merlin is actually a fun character – am I weird to say that I found him drunk yet wise? It's not an easy combo since most drunk people act... well, not wise at all. While I'm not exactly warm and fuzzy with the other characters yet, Merlin is a winner.

There's a very interesting way with magic Rose introduces. Usually when it comes to magic, the price is something minor or huge, depending on whatever is asked – very similar to karma (or fate or etc.). Here though... it's the ultimate price if you use magic too much: *cues ominous music* your soul. That's like selling your soul to the devil! Unless you're a creepy villain who wants to take over the world, that's not usually the ultimate price. Minor = minor payback. Major = major payback. No ifs buts or – wait, what's after that? o_O
<img border="0" src=""; height="143" width="200">
Behind the Blog Tidbit: Camelot Burning was one of those novels who got a neutral rating (rawly speaking). I would have rounded up to a 4.5 rather than a 4, but I chose not to for a few reasons:

~ Too predictable – It could just be me, but I guessed that <spoiler>Vivienne was the coordinates to Avalon and Morgan Le Fay was acting innocent as a distraction.</spoiler>
~ Too much technicalities – I felt like I was reading a foreign language, and that was not the words used in magic. It all felt really confusing.
~ It said The End.
<img border="0" src=""; height="155" width="200">
That last bullet didn't play a major impact. It's just a minor peeve, especially when it's the first novel in the series.

I fully enjoyed reading Kathryn Rose's debut novel. Camelot Burning takes a refreshing and unique spin on Arthurian lore, or more accurately Arthurian + Fantasy + Steampunk.
Advance Review Copy provided by Flux for review
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
<a href=""><img src=""; /></a>

HLD (99 KP) rated God of War in Video Games

Jun 12, 2018  
God of War
God of War
2018 | Action/Adventure
A new direction for the franchise (2 more)
Beautiful - as always
You really see another dimension to Kratos. The hack and slash psycho of the past is only slightly present in this.
While it is very similar to past releases, the game goes in a new direction with the story and even gameplay. (0 more)
Balls to the wall fun
When I first started playing this, I was disappointed that there weren't a multitude of Gods to rip apart as I slowly but surely upgraded Kratos to defeat the main God... However, it didn't take long for me to get into the swing of things.

The real story is of Kratos and Atreus - father and son, who appear more like uncle and recently orphaned nephew. They start out with the kind of relationship you might have with the local drunk who buys alcohol for underage kids.

They have their problems, and Baldur, the main antagonist, has a HOST of mummy issues.
While he is threatening throughout - he can't die after all. You never feel like he's going to kill Kartos, even if he is immortal.

The story is fresh and definitely a new direction for Kartos' character, but the only real challenge were the Valkyries, who aren't really a part of the main story.

All in all, it's the first in what is clearly going to be a new set of games taking on a fresh story for the God killer. It's fun and exciting, but it leaves the opportunity to really dive into this new world that we find ourselves in for future games.
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell (2001)
2001 | Horror
3.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So, Wishmaster started off well enough but Christ, this series really dived head first into car crash mode.

This third entry into the not so beloved franchise isn't good-bad, or fun-bad - it's actually a festering shit pile masquerading as a straight-to-video B-Movie.
The effects are terrible and cheap, the dlailogue is laughable. The main protagonist is the least likable of the series, which is saying something. Every character in this shitty fiasco is poorly written. The music cues are intrusive and out of place, the editing is completely bizarre (surely a lot of the crew had to be drunk just to get through this)...
I'm not sure what I expected to be honest, but my expectations were absolutely exceeded.

It doesn't even have Andrew Divoff in it, the highlight of the first, and the only good thing about the second Wishmaster. He's replaced by John Novak in Djinn mode (who is fine by the way, the three or so minutes of full make up screentime is just about passable) and by Jason Connery (son of Sean) when he's in human mode. I don't recall seeing Jason Connery in anything else, and I'm sure he's a perfectly fine actor, but in this, he is literally David Brent. Once I noticed this, I couldn't get past it, and any evil he may have been trying to convey was lost in his Brent-ness. Unintentionally hilarious, but didn't make the film any less shit.

Wishmaster 3 is terrible. Don't do it to yourself.