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A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
The tension is almost unbearable (0 more)
The tension is almost unbearable. (0 more)
Holy crap!

I just got back from "A Quiet Place." Hands down, it is the best horror film I've seen in years. There really isn't much to compare it to, really. It's great. I honestly think I have a new movie to add to my list of near perfect films.

Because of the nature of the film, I'm only going to give any detail about the first 10 to 15 minutes, and only to give some background. The film follows a family after creatures arrive from somewhere (it doesn't really matter where but maybe space) with extremely sensitive hearing but no sense of sight. They have eaten almost every human being they've encountered. Any sound will attract them, and that will be that, most likely.

The family survives because their daughter is hearing impaired, and thus they can communicate with sign. However, complications ensue.

The cast is tiny. There are only six credited actors. The creature effects are passable, but the design is great. You won't be seeing much of them, anyway.

A teenager with her face in her phone was in front of me, and at the end of the film said to her friend, "That was it?" Yes, that was it. The final five seconds or so are perfect. If you didn't understand that because you've been texting instead of watching the film, you're loss, kiddo.

Anyway, "A Quiet Place" gets 10 out of 10. It's the best film of the year, by far. See it, hopefully with someone who will cling to you while watching.
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I heard about Turtles All The Way Down being released, I didn’t know how I felt. It sounded like a book I would like, but at the same time it was by John Green and I had a strict policy to myself that I wouldn’t get it until it was in paperback and in the sale.

And I kinda stuck to that. I didn’t buy it for myself. I got it for Christmas because I decided that I actually quite wanted to read it and for once I could try and throw my prejudices away.

Aza and her best friend Daisy decide to try and find out where a missing billionaire has gone. This billionaire is coincidentally Aza’s childhood best friend’s father, and the reward for finding him is $100,000.

Aza struggles with mental health illnesses throughout the book, and the book includes narratives between Ava and her thoughts which perfectly show how mental health effects people and what it actually feels like to not be in control of your thoughts. It also shows how your mental health affects people around you, even if it’s a bit brutal when it comes to that.

I love that Daisy is constantly writing fanfics throughout the novel and found her whole attitude entertaining. She’s the typical fictional best friend and is so lovable despite her flaws. She’s one of those characters who is impossible to hate.

I’m a convert. I love John Green now and I may go and try his other books again because Turtles All The Way Down is one of my top books of 2017.
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America's Shining Women
Kate Moore | 2017 | Biography, History & Politics
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kate Moore writes a compelling and heart wrenching story about a group of women from New Jersey and Illinois whose job it was to use radium paint to paint watch dials so they would illuminate at night. Little did they know, that every time they would put their brush in their mouth to get the point just right to paint the dial precisely, they were killing themselves. They were told that the paint was perfectly safe and there was no way that the paint could be causing all of their medical problems. But the companies knew that the radium was dangerous. Scientists and others in the radium plant used gloves and had lead aprons on, but the dial painters were not given that luxury.

Slowly the effects of the paint began to show on their bodies. Women who were in the prime of their life were losing their teeth, their jaw bones were falling out, it was difficult for them to walk, and no one could explain it. They went to several doctors and no one could find the reason they were getting sick. The radium companies refused to admit that they were at fault. For years and years, they fought for justice. Justice for women who were dying in their 20s. This book made your heart ache for these women.

While I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was quite a slow read for me. I wanted to know if justice was going to be served, but it took a while to get to that point. This is quite an interesting story and this was the first that I had ever heard of it.
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Not bad, but nothing special
The first Ant-Man film was a pleasant surprise and much better than expected, but it was still lacking in some of the magic of the other Marvel films. Sadly Ant-Man and The Wasp suffers even more than the first.

I love Paul Rudd and I think he's the best thing about this film by far, his Scott Lang is nothing other than lovable. The second best things about this film are Michael Douglas who is surprisingly funny and of course Michael Pena, but sadly the rest of the cast fall flat. The bad guys aren't particularly threatening and the whole film lacks any real threat, tension or suspense. I'm also not a big fan of Hope. I have nothing against Evangeline Lilly but I find Hope a little dull and irritating and not endearing in the slightest.

The effects in this are good but after the first film there's nothing particularly remarkable. The plot just seems a bit generic and boring, and the film drags and it isn't even on for 2 hours. I just found the whole thing a bit meh, it's entertaining enough with just enough humour and nods to the other Marvel characters but it's nothing special. What I liked the most was the toy-like end credits sequence. Oh and the post credits scene is totally not worth it. This isn't a bad Marvel film, and certainly isn't anywhere near the likes of Iron Man 3, but it's just a good/average film lacking anything memorable. And that's not good enough when it has to follow something like Infinity War.
The A-Team (2010)
The A-Team (2010)
2010 | Action
Goofy fun!
Oh, good lord, this movie is just ridiculously fun. Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley, and Quinton Jackson are pretty much the perfect cast for this movie. They were together so well, and watching them go in the midst of absolute chaos just had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. The A-Team movie takes all the best parts of the original show (which I very vaguely remember), and ramps it up a notch with outrageous stunts and great special effects.

Quinton Jackson is a bit more baby-faced than the original Mr. T, but when he’s screaming in the helicopter and other places at Sharlto/Murdock? It’s enough to put an ear-to-ear smile on your face. He was probably my favorite person in the film. Liam Neeson – well, he plays a slightly more fun version of his normal characters, so there’s not much to say about him. Bradley Cooper was a treat – mainly when he was shirtless – playing Face. He’s not particularly memorable – except, again, when shirtless – but still did a great job. Sharlto? Sharlto was pure crazy in the best possible way.

In terms of the others, seeing a younger Patrick Wilson was a treat. His tantrum scene was great. Jessica Biel is, erm, a good straight shooter? Really, she was pretty unmemorable.

The action combined with the humor was perfect. I mean, I like Mission Impossible as much as the next adrelaline-driven female, but it takes itself too seriously. You need the giggles to be the icing on the cake. Hm, and a half-naked Bradley Cooper to be the cherry on top.
Back to the Future (1985)
Back to the Future (1985)
1985 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Amazing plot (3 more)
Fantastic cast
Lovable characters
Interesting take on a time machine
Some of the logic (0 more)
1 of my favourite movies of all time!
This is a masterpiece and a classic.

The writing is spot on, the acting and cast are perfect and could never be replaced if there was ever talk of a remake (please dont)

The idea to have the time machine as a car was genius. I know the initial idea was a refrigerator which would have been weird so I'm happy they changed their mind. The effects of going up to 88 miles per hour and see the light flash in front of the delorian before it speeds through time was impressive. They got the look of the 50s spot on.

Michael j fox and Christopher lloyd give excellent performances. Their characters are lovable, fun and just perfect. Crispin Glover is as weird as ever but great as George while lea Thompson was also great Lorraine but not as believable as an older version of herself.Tom Wilson was perfect as the bully biff and was shocked not to see him in more stuff afterwards.

The plot is great. Go back in time, make sure your parents get together to make sure your born. This was great chance for many funny scenes involving Marty and his parents. But this is where the logic didn't make sense. He went through all this so why don't his parents remember him from when they were younger.

If you ain't seen this before, where have you been? It's a classic and a must see for anyone. It's funny, it's charming and it's geeky at times.
REC (2007)
REC (2007)
2007 | Horror
7.5 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
There is a real sense of realism, immediacy and threat to everything in this film. The special effects are all physical. The violence and gore is guttural and intense, and the film uses every one of its 78 minutes to make you sweat. (0 more)
A little predictable at times (0 more)
28 Days Later in a stairwell
Possibly one of my favourite films, REC has everything that makes 28 days later such a monster of a movie, but it doubles down on claustrophobia and adds in the found footage aspect too, which makes the action just seem all the more immediate and in-your-face.

They do a great job of putting the viewer right there in the film, the performances feel genuine, and before long you are just along for the ride, the cameraman being your eyes and ears into a world when the infected become aggressive, murderous and frenetic, and the survivors are trapped inside an apartment building with no means of escape and no way to adequately defend themselves.

The film is paced marvelously, establishing its rules quickly, and without the need for huge amounts of clumsy exposition, and then begins an ebb and flow between periods of character recovery, followed by frantic action as the infected threaten to overwhelm the survivors.

There is just such a genuine and earnest feel to this film, reminiscent of Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the way that the glossy sheen common to well made movies is not present, and in its place is something which feels visceral, full of flawed but realistic characters.

If you like 28 days later or train to Busan, this is a must see.
First Man (2018)
First Man (2018)
2018 | Biography, Drama, History
POV launch sequences (1 more)
Claire Foy
A bit slow (2 more)
A little long
Terrible sound mixing
I love a good space movie.
Everyone knows the story of the first moon landing - who, what, where, when, how - but this movie goes a bit deeper than the history books you've read. I'm not spoiling the ending by telling you they land on the moon; you already know this. What you may not know is what led up to that historical moment: the tests, the failures, the losses, the toll taken on the astronauts and their families during NASA's race to the moon. This movie does well in that respect. Claire Foy does an amazing job of making you feel with her and for her. The POV in the launch sequences is terrific. You almost feel like you're in the cockpit with Armstrong as he's launching into space. Really well done.

Now, the bad.
- It was slow, and probably too long.
- Ryan Gosling has exactly one facial expression throughout the entire movie. He goes through the proper emotions, but his face does not. Even when he's crying over the death of his daughter, the only thing that changes about his face is the added tears.
- The sound mixing was terrible. The effects were turned up far too high and the voices far too low, to the point where I sometimes couldn't hear what was being said, and as a result I definitely missed some partial conversations. This is one of my biggest movie pet peeves.

Overall, I enjoyed the movie, but it's not one I'd need to watch again down the road.

Sarah (7798 KP) created a post

Oct 29, 2018  
On Saturday evening I went to see Symphonic Fantasy at the Manchester Bridgewater Hall. This featured songs from a number of films and tv shows, performed by the Manchester Concert Orchestra and the Canzonetta choir, led by conductor Toby Purser.

Whilst the thought of going to see a standard orchestra doesn’t particularly appeal, getting to see an orchestra performing film scores was very enticing and I have to admit, I was not disappointed - I loved it. Some of the scores were a little more obscure or less well known (like Hook, Chronicles of Narnia and Dragonheart), but there were some fantastic choices in here from Harry Potter, Game of Thrones (the Rains of Castamere & the title score the main draws) The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. My favourite by far though was the Jurassic Park theme, it’s one of my all time favourites so seeing this performed live by an orchestra was truly brilliant.

The Bridgewater Hall itself is a great venue for such a show and admittedly we had brilliant seats - close enough without being too close to not be able to see the entire orchestra. I also liked that they didn’t bother with any flashy extras like video screens or special effects, it was purely about the music and without any other distractions, it really let you appreciate the music itself.

My only criticism is around a small number of the music choices, and that they could’ve chosen some better more well known scores. There’s lots out there to choose from! That said, it was still a fantastic civilised night out and definitely something worth considering if you like film scores. 9/10

Andy K (10821 KP) Oct 29, 2018

Sounds great Sarah!

The Walking Dead - Season 8
The Walking Dead - Season 8
2017 | Drama, Horror
Season 8 of The Walking Dead is where the show completely lost me for a good while.
I slowly limped through the first half of it, and had to literally talk myself into watching the next episode.
The main reason for this is just how painfully boring it's all is.
The much anticipated 'All Out War' storyline from the comic series is in full swing, after being set up through season 7, and every episode feels like it's just uninspired gun fight after uninspired gun fight. Any episodes in the past seasons that featured this kind of action felt exciting and tense. It happened rarely so was impactful when they came along.
Here, it just feels a lot like dead weight.
I also felt the writers saw TWD as a much artier project than it actually is at this point - there only so much of main characters staring deeply into the horizon, or at the sun that I care to watch.
Even character deaths feel dragged out and testing and so many
of the gory practical effects have been replaced by sub par CGI now, that it just doesn't even warrant a reaction. It's a sad state of affairs.

It's not all bad, I guess? All of the acting talent are still stellar, they're just not being given much to do. Although the Negan storyline failed to light up the small screen for me, I still enjoy him as a character, and JDM as an actor. There are still some entertaining set pieces strewn throughout, but the overall experience is a shadow of it's former self.