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Lee (2222 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

May 1, 2018 (Updated May 1, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
A truly epic culmination of 10 years
10 years and it's all been leading to this. And so much has happened in this last decade too, both in the Marvel universe and outside of it, in every day life. I remember watching the very first Iron Man with my brother-in-law, who sadly passed away just a few years later. I remember watching many other Marvel movies with the biggest Marvel geek of them all, my youngest brother, who also tragically passed away before Age of Ultron was released. On-screen we've been gradually introduced to countless wonderful characters, each one continuing to expand and enrich the cinematic universe, and each movie touching upon the bigger battle yet to come. Infinity War is the culmination of everything. Expectation and excitement were through the roof for me, as they would be for any Marvel fan, but at the same time I was feeling pretty emotional about it all too. Avoiding reviews and spoilers was agonising, and I can't remember ever heading into a movie feeling the way I was when heading into Infinity War.

I'm not sure what to say, other than it doesn't disappoint. And if you've followed the Marvel movies and enjoy them in any way at all, you won't be disappointed either. Every character gets their moment to shine. Every scene draws you in, thrills you to the point where you just don't want it to stop, then cuts to another scene where that feeling kicks off again - yet another epic moment of threat, action and joy. Characters are spread so far around the universe that many don't even cross paths, yet they all share one common goal. It never gets boring, the lengthy run time flies by, and it all just works.

In Thanos we finally have a worthy villain. A villain with a purpose you can believe in, a villain that brings credible threat to the universe, and even humour at times. A villain you can even empathise with.

And Marvel also have the balls to pull off the most intense, dramatic, gut wrenchingly final act. One that leaves you traumatised yet wanting more. A truly epic achievement.
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
2019 | Animation
See it soar
#howtotrainyourdragon3 is a delightful, #passionate & #epic end to one of the best #animated trilogies of all time. This 3rd film sets itself apart from the others with its realistic portrayals of #love & by the sheer #heart & #dedication that's clearly gone into its making. Ill start with the themes explored here for a #kids animated #film are so well done that at times i felt not only #goosebumps & shivers going up my #body but my eyes were almost on the verge of tears too. Neglect, progression, sacrafice acceptance, belonging, #family bonds, learning & loyalty are explored here vastly but the biggest surprise comes from how the film depicts love & loss. Courtship is displayed here with such power/realism that my connection to the characters became stronger & #memories of my own #relationships came flooding back instantly bringing a #smile to my face. This film captures the thrill, the excitement, the #magic, the #nerves, the #butterflies of falling in love & meeting someone new so well that you simply can not help feel giddy, #happy & intoxicated by it all which is rare & something big blockbusters even fail to achieve these days. But with love always comes loss/betrayal too & as romantic love, family love & #friendship are handled extremely well so is the loss of love which hits like a punch to the gut & produces a huge dramatic effect ensuring you really do feel the lows as well as the highs each of these characters experience. Animation is glorious here with #dreamworks raising the bar to a #pixar quality flawless animation. Textures are photo realistic, lighting is blinding, action is beautifully staged & facial detail (especially for the main villain) is so good it gives the characters extra dimension & believability. Talking of the main #villain he is worth the price alone, never have i seen such a cold, calculating, methodical & merciless yet #charming & #smart bad guy in a #kids film before & #fmurrayabraham voice work goes beyond for him too. Score wise it shines providing both epic & sombre music adding great tension, atmosphere & heart. Such a well made, touching/moving tale full of heart, #soul & love. EPIC. #Odeon #howtotrainyourdragon #dragon
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Ross (3284 KP) rated Legacy of Ash in Books

Dec 21, 2020  
Legacy of Ash
Legacy of Ash
Matthew Ward | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Epic but too lengthy
A very ambitious debut novel, epic in scope, cast of characters and plot. However, I found myself struggling to pick it up too often.
The book takes place in an empire with far-from-happy constituent parts and angry neighbours. The heirs of the traitorous Southweald "phoenix" are held captive as figureheads warning off any thoughts of rebellion. Meanwhile, a cliched corrupt council tries to keep the empire safe from impending invasion.
The book is filled with interesting magical creatures and abilities, with a demon, witches, crow-themed goth assassins and ancient spirits. These were at the fore nowhere near often enough, treated as curses and cast aside in favour of political plotting and old fashioned battle.
The first third of the book was awesome: learning about the richness of the world, its history, politics and magic. It really was set up to be an epic story of political intrigue, deception, plotting and underhand nastiness.
Sadly, this all lead to a battle sequence that lasted far too long. It was really like Joe Abercrombie had taken one of the First Law books and shoved The Heroes into the middle of it. I really struggled to get past this long, fairly boring conflict.
The second half of the book then calms down and focuses once again before taking a massive left-turn and changing to something very different.
As with many books of this size, the cast was massive and a number of characters not distinct enough to remember by name. And so many had such promising abilities to offer but were largely absent when they would have been so useful. It was like having a superstar in an amateur dramatic society and leaving them out of most of the script. Having said that, I once saw a pantomime with David Van Day in the cast and it was in everyone's best interests that he was largely absent.
The book finished well, but it was an 800-page book that read like a 1200-page one, taking me 5 weeks to read.
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    Rise of the Kings

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