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Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Story (2 more)
Endgame No Spoiler Review!
The Epic ending to last year's Infinity War was all you could hope it to be. Not only did this film have to wrap up the devastating cliffhanger we were left hanging on after the 'snap', it also had to tie up all the character arcs the MCU has built so far for the original Avengers. Somehow this film delivers it all!

The three hour run time may seem daunting to some, but to those who have invested in the last 21 films it's just right. Each character has their moments and the film is filled with the usual MCU humor and action.

The first two hours move at a steady pace, fleshing out the characters and story while building up to the third hour and final act. The ending, as expected, was beyond epic and highly satisfying in every way. The story doesn't drag during the three hours, nor is it straight action. In between we get plenty of 'fan moments' that are just perfect and well earned after all these films.

There is a lot to take in with three hours of story. You may need to see it again as you are sure to be blown away by something you may miss something else. Some moments need to be seen again and at some point you may need a critical bathroom break too.

The film does not have any after credit scenes only a 'sound' at the very end. It's enjoyable for the casual MCU fan to the die-hard fan, having seen Infinity War being a prerequisite in my opinion.

Avengers: Endgame is PG-13, so as far as little ones seeing it, if they could handle Infinity War they can handle this.

This is a must see for any MCU fan and an A+ from me.
The Searchers (1956)
The Searchers (1956)
1956 | Drama, Western
Sprawling, wondrous, beautiful country
It's funny how movies make you interested in rewatching other movies sometimes.

In this case, I recently watched the Back to the Future trilogy again (seen way too many times). After watching Back to the Future 3, I listened to some of the audio commentary and the filmmakers mention many times how much fun they had making a western this time around and how much they were in awe of the countryside locations where they had filmed mentioning also this is where John Ford had filmed classic scenes from a lot of his more famous western epic films, like The Searchers. That was enough for me to give it another go.

The story is a relatively simple one of a man and his companion going on an epic journey to try and find and save his niece who had been abducted by the Comanche Indians in the Old West. Several of his relatives had also been killed and he was searching for the chief called "Scar" whom he had learned was leading this band of outlaws. His journey for vengeance would take 5+ years and would take him across the sprawling western countryside during both summer and winter.

The main character in the film is the magnificent landscapes and sprawling sunrises and sunsets featured throughout the film. The cinematography is breathtaking and the use of color is just majestic considering this movie is from the mid 50s.

I have to admit to not watching a lot of John Wayne movies (yet), but he gives a memorable performance not quite as heroey as in some of his other classics. Jeffrey Hunter (Captain Christopher Pike) is also very good in the film.

A true masterpiece.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
2017 | Action, Sci-Fi
Luke Skywalker (3 more)
Rey and Kylo Dynamic
Great Space Battles
Some of the Kylo evolution
Not enough Luke (4 more)
Finn romance and side story BLAH
Why Destroy your helmet Kylo
Not enough Light saber battles
Savage Review
Contains spoilers, click to show
I loved a lot of things about this movie and didn't like a lot. First off LUKE SKYWALKER BOOM and that cameo of Yoda was amazing. Second the dynamic between Rey and Kylo I really liked its gonna be great to see where they go from here with the good and bad. The space battle where some of my favorites and when their were light saber action it was top notch. I liked certain things about the evolution of Kylo him taking control and being the new top dog. Now to what I hated the Finn romance and side story I liked where they were going with that but they executed it poorly and made it a complete bore and took you out of the movie. Why did Kylo destroy his helmet if you want to be like your grandfather he wears the mask it made you bad ass and it makes you less whiny. I get your conflicted but your tantrums are sometimes too much. Dont get me started on Snoke he feels like a wasted character and I hope they redeem him in the next one somehow. There was barely any light saber action. I liked the small amount in the movie but this is star wars we need those epic Light Saber moments. Now Back to Luke I loved the ending with him it was absolutely brilliant but at the same time I wanted more from him he never left the Island which I understand from the story point of view but I wanted him to battle Kylo in a Epic Battle.
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Idris Elba (0 more)
Doesn't follow the books (0 more)
An enjoyable film, if you have not read the books
If you think of the film on its own, seperate from the books, it's ok. It was enjoyable enough, Idris Elba was a good Roland and the kid that played Jake a good actor. They had a good chemistry on screen. The story was easy to follow, it was an ok adventure film. Worth a watch, glad I didn't go to the cinema to see. If you haven't read Stephen King's Dark Tower series, you will enjoy the film and follow the story nicely. They have managed to fit a shelled down version of the Dark Tower story into this one film.

However, if you have read the books; you are going to be dissapointed. Whilst Idris Elba as Roland is a really good choice, that's the only thing that is good. Roland and Jake meet in a completely different way, Jake's history is completely different, so right from the start you know it's not going to be the story from the books. You will notice the absence of Eddie and Suzanne as well. Of course, I didn't really expect it to follow the books, they have fitted an epic 8 book series into one film. It's dissapointing, the Dark Tower was worthy of an epic, at minimum, trilogy of films.

All in all, this film gives you a little taste of the Dark Tower world, its gunslinger and mid-world's ways. If you watch the film before reading the books, whether you like the film or not, I really recommend reading the books. If you have read the books, you may want to skip the film.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) in Movies

Jul 4, 2019 (Updated Jul 30, 2019)  
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
2006 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.2 (37 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It's all just a bit...meh
The Last Stand is not completely awful, but there is an absolutely huge setback here - the writers tried to cram the epic Dark Phoenix saga into one film.
Couple this with an interrupted production and you have a messy result.

A fair amount of what is likable about the first two is still intact - the strongest asset here being the strong cast, doing their absolute best with a sub par script and story.
As for newcomers - Kelsey Grammer is a welcome addition as Beast, as is Ellen Page as Shadowcat - unfortunately Angel is pretty wasted here, as are characters like Psylocke, who is relegated to an extended cameo. Whoever decided to cast Vinnie Jones as Juggernaut deserves a good slapping.

The Dark Phoenix storyline in the comics is pretty epic, a lot of it takes place in space, and the tragedy of the X-Men fighting one of their own is fleshed out very well - something that the movie adaption practically ignores. After being hinted at the end of X2, Jean Grey is promptly bought back, and turns to the dark side very quickly, without any real build up.
Some character story arcs are concluded abruptly and in emotionless ways, as the film just sort of limps along to a pretty underwhelming conclusion.

Bryan Singer left production midway through to helm Superman Returns, and it shows.
The slickness and solid narrative of X2 is replaced by a choppy mess, full of quips that don't land ("I'm the Juggernaut bitch" anyone!?), and Brett Ratners involvement was just a misfire.

This particular comic arc deserves so much better (and judging by what I've heard about the 2019 effort, this is still the case!)

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Mummy (2017) in Movies

Apr 25, 2020 (Updated Apr 25, 2020)  
The Mummy (2017)
The Mummy (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Epic Fail
People forget that universal started this whole shared universe concept. So the MCU, the DCU, The Conjuring franchise and DC Shared TV shows all copied unverisal. Now universal is trying to copy them, but failed, failed epic.

The plot: Nick Morton is a soldier of fortune who plunders ancient sites for timeless artifacts and sells them to the highest bidder. When Nick and his partner come under attack in the Middle East, the ensuing battle accidentally unearths Ahmanet, a betrayed Egyptian princess who was entombed under the desert for thousands of years. With her powers constantly evolving, Morton must now stop the resurrected monster as she embarks on a furious rampage through the streets of London.

The Dark Universe was a failure, the Dark Universe came and went so fast, it was a blink of a eye and proof it disappeared. Never to be seen or heard from again.

If the dark universe did happpen, their were going to have Javier Bardem as the Frankenstein's Monster, and Johnny Depp as The Invisible Man. And Russell Crowe as Dr. Jekyll, aka the Nick Fury of this franchise.

This movie tryed to setup five different films with one film, while having like six different plot lines, seven differney genres. This movie didnt know what is was. And thats why it failed.

 @Awix, @Erika , @Ross and @LeftSideCut. Said it perfectly in their reviews.

Dont watch this movie, it will put you to sleep and you will forgot about it, when the credits hit. Watch The Mummy trilogy instead or the oringal one, or the hammer studio one.
    Landscape Jigsaw Puzzles

    Landscape Jigsaw Puzzles

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