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With the book Write Yourself Happy: The Art of Positive Journalling, Megan C. Hayes reveals just how we can use practical and scientifically proven methods to increase our happiness through journalling. She’s an academic in Positive Psychology and Creative Writing, and that shows via her knowledge and understanding in this well-written and enlightening book.

I enjoy the process of writing and feel like I am quite a creative person. I’ve read many books like this, and ‘Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron and the companion workbook , are just two of them, so I was really happy to learn about this, and keen to read it myself.

The first thing I cannot help but tell you is how the cover has been printed in a way that is is raised in some places, making it very tactile. And yes, I can’t help touching it! The second thing I noticed, before I even began to read it, was how the pages inside are as colourful as the front cover, and filled with the same pastel shades within.

I found it quite amazing how we can use diary writing to discover more about ourselves, overcome difficulties and experience a positive way to reflect on our lives through both good and bad times. It makes sense, when you think about it, how talking to someone about problems can help, so why not express yourself in the form of writing? And this is just what this book encourages you to do in a way that we can reflect on our writing to positively assess our day. It’s not about bigging yourself up and writing only positive things, it’s about really letting go and understanding the psychology behind the case studies and ‘take-away’ lessons to practice for yourself.

Megan has an encouraging, reassuring and uplifting tone, and I really enjoy reading about the psychological and beneficial aspects of journalling. The author uses eight of our most commonly experienced and life-affirming emotions to journal about; joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride awe and love. Now some of these may sound a bit new-agey and put some of you off, but it’s set out in a down-to-earth way, that I found very inspiring and not preachy at all.

To conclude, I’d like to explain that writing this way is like reading an engrossing book. When you’re totally immersed it’s like you can actually feel the emotions, experiences and senses of your character. In the same way, writing down evokes similar sensations, memories, smells and feelings. It’s no wonder this positive journalling is a scientifically proven way to support our wellbeing, through personal expression and creativity.

Write Yourself Happy is a thoroughly researched, empowering, positive read.
Every Wicked Man
Every Wicked Man
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With the book Write Yourself Happy: The Art of Positive Journalling, Megan C. Hayes reveals just how we can use practical and scientifically proven methods to increase our happiness through journalling. She’s an academic in Positive Psychology and Creative Writing, and that shows via her knowledge and understanding in this well-written and enlightening book.

I enjoy the process of writing and feel like I am quite a creative person. I’ve read many books like this, and ‘Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron and the companion workbook , are just two of them, so I was really happy to learn about this, and keen to read it myself.

The first thing I cannot help but tell you is how the cover has been printed in a way that is is raised in some places, making it very tactile. And yes, I can’t help touching it! The second thing I noticed, before I even began to read it, was how the pages inside are as colourful as the front cover, and filled with the same pastel shades within.

I found it quite amazing how we can use diary writing to discover more about ourselves, overcome difficulties and experience a positive way to reflect on our lives through both good and bad times. It makes sense, when you think about it, how talking to someone about problems can help, so why not express yourself in the form of writing? And this is just what this book encourages you to do in a way that we can reflect on our writing to positively assess our day. It’s not about bigging yourself up and writing only positive things, it’s about really letting go and understanding the psychology behind the case studies and ‘take-away’ lessons to practice for yourself.

Megan has an encouraging, reassuring and uplifting tone, and I really enjoy reading about the psychological and beneficial aspects of journalling. The author uses eight of our most commonly experienced and life-affirming emotions to journal about; joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride awe and love. Now some of these may sound a bit new-agey and put some of you off, but it’s set out in a down-to-earth way, that I found very inspiring and not preachy at all.

To conclude, I’d like to explain that writing this way is like reading an engrossing book. When you’re totally immersed it’s like you can actually feel the emotions, experiences and senses of your character. In the same way, writing down evokes similar sensations, memories, smells and feelings. It’s no wonder this positive journalling is a scientifically proven way to support our wellbeing, through personal expression and creativity.

Write Yourself Happy is a thoroughly researched, empowering, positive read.
When The Devil Wants In
When The Devil Wants In
Cate Ashwood, J.H. Knight | 2018 | Mystery, Romance
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I LOVED this!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

When faced with a murder charge, John has to choose between his freedom, and his heart.

You know how sometimes, you read a blurb for a book, and your mind writes the plot out and its all wrapped up in a nice pink bow?? And then you read the BOOK, and your version is so very wrong but you have no idea why??

This book totally surprised me, and I cannot put my finger on WHY it did! I loved it!!

John is hiding in plain sight, driving 90 minutes to get his hook ups. Matt moves to Magnolia Ridge from San Fransisco, out and proud. But Matt knows he needs to reign it in. A hook up between the guys has both of them shocked and wanting more, so much more. A shocking discovery causes John to question what he really wants.

I loved both these guys. John, so far in the closet he's in the next room, and Matt who just knows when to say what about his sexuality. They both have their say, so we get every little bit that these guys feel, together and apart. I loved that Matt took to John's closed off-ness quickly, and without question.

The murder has you crying for John, it really does. And I was WAY off base with whodunnit, let me tell ya!! Did NOT see that one coming! I really love being proven wrong.

And I need to say something about that gorgeous cover. When I saw the cover FIRST, I thought its pretty, it nice, but somehow it doesn't fit. I had the blurb before I saw the cover. And I couldn't put my finger on WHY it didn't fit, still can't, truth be told, but that's what I felt, and ya'll know I gotta tell you what I'm feeling. And I'm reading the book, my brain is registering that they are in Magnolia Ridge, that there are magnolia blossom on the cover, I swear I knew that, but still it did not make any sense WHY they were on the cover!

Then! One word, one single word was all it took, and my brain exploded! Light bulb moment does not quite cover what went through my brain at that point! It was like a nuclear bomb going off, and that cover makes TOTAL sense now! Totally the right cover for THIS book.

Is there another book after this?? I feel with what John did for Matt's birthday, and the subsequent scenes kinda left me wanting more of a certain fellow!

Anyways, loved the book, loved the cover and read it in one single sitting, so...

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Bad Girl in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Bad Girl
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I ended up having a love/hate relationship with this book. Bad Girl is a short novel about a young woman who watches her neighbors through a telescope she hides on her balcony. One day, she is caught and the rest is history.

What I liked about this story? The sex scenes were pretty well written and, in the beginning, inventive. After awhile, I actually became bored with them because that was the majority of the text. I understand that it’s an erotica novel, but there was hardly any pauses or breaks between each sex scene.

What I didn’t like about this novel? It seemed pretty unrealistic. The main character, Sandy, excuses her “late-night hobby” by saying she is just looking out for her neighbors. While that may be a good excuse, everybody can see right through it, including Zeke. When Zeke calls her out on her hobby, she reacts pretty much the way I suspect any woman would: she obeys. This created some delicious scenes. However, Zeke finds out about her hobby because he accidently sees her moving her telescope back into her house. What I find comical is that he threatens her for spying on her neighbors when he pretty much stalks Sandy after initially seeing her. Not only does he do a background check, he literally stalks her when she leaves her house to go to work or hang out with her friends. He takes mental notes of certain attributes which come in handy later after the two actually meet.

That brings us to Sandy and Zeke meeting. At first, Zeke was only planning on scaring her out of her hobby and she only obeyed so she wouldn’t be exposed. That escalated into amazing phone sex. Apparently, this phone sex was so awesome that the two couldn’t stay away and had to meet so they could have incredible real sex. This part of the story progressed so quickly, I felt that Reynold’s rushed it just to get to the sex scenes.

I also felt she rushed the emotional part of their relationship. Zeke, who is keeping an eye on one of Sandy’s neighbors for his job, is immediately defensive and protective of Sandy when said neighbor, who happens to be a mobster, shows interest in her. I can understand wanting to protect someone from harm, but it felt as if Zeke was more emotional involved instead of just being a good Samaritan.

All in all, what little plotline there was, made the pauses in between sex scenes interesting enough. The sex scenes were creative and tasty, but actually became tedious after awhile. Not necessarily a novel to take serious, but entertaining enough.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated River Road in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
River Road
River Road
Carol Goodman | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nan Lewis is a creative writing professor at a state school in upstate New York. She lives alone after the tragic death of her young daughter, Emmy--an incident which her marriage could not survive. She's recently been denied tenure by her school and is upset and agitated the university's holiday party. On her way home, she hits a deer, but cannot find the animal when she goes to check on it. Nan eventually makes it back home in a snowstorm, leaving her car at the bottom of her icy, unplowed driveway. But when she wakes in the morning, she learns that one of her prized students, Leia, was killed in a hit-and-run the night before on River Road: the exact road where Nan hit the deer. Because her car was damaged from hitting the deer, Nan is the prime suspect, and she quickly loses the support of her colleagues, who point out that she has become a functioning alcoholic since her daughter's death. Even worse, Nan starts seeing signs that remind her of Emmy's death. Are Emmy and Leia's deaths related? How much did Nan have to drink the night she hit the deer? Will she clear her name before her entire life is destroyed?

I'm honestly not sure why I enjoyed this book as much as I did. It had several things working against it: 1) an unlikable narrator who drinks heavily; 2) a storyline that heavily involved dead children and pets (why?!); and 3) an easily guessed villain. Still, I found this one compulsively readable and stayed up far past my bedtime to finish the second half of the book. Nan grew on me, and I found myself almost protective of her. The lead policeman in the novel, Joe, was a favorite of mine. While I figured out the villain fairly early, I didn't understand the motives, so the plot kept me guessing until the end. Goodman weaves several storylines together--which intersect, but loosely--and somehow they all work. There are several supporting characters, including the woman who killed Nan's daughter and a young single mother from one of Nan's classes, who give the novel a surprising depth.

Anyway, despite some of the craziness, I found myself enjoying the book and racing to finish it. I first fell in love with Goodman due to her novel [b:The Lake of Dead Languages|120274|The Lake of Dead Languages|Carol Goodman||3159707]. That book was impressive and still sits on my bookshelf to this day. If you haven't read it, I certainly recommend it. However, [b:River Road|25111007|River Road|Carol Goodman||44804735] is a fun thriller and a worthy diversion.
Gemma Monroe is a police detective in a small town nestled in the mountains of Colorado. Early in her career, while skiing, Gemma found the long-buried bodies of two young boys who disappeared in the mid-1980s. The boys were murdered; their killer never found; and their disappearance and the subsequent crime has haunted the town. Now, in the present day, Gemma is called upon to investigate the gruesome murder of a teenage circus worker who was part of a circus traveling through town. Soon though, Gemma will come to realize that this murder is connected to the disappearance of the boys. She'll uncover a dark past that haunts her town--and discover that someone desperately wants her to leave the past alone.

This was an excellent and well-plotted mystery novel. The story reels you in immediately and never lets you go with its strong, complex narrative. Gemma is a likeable, fairly deep, and interesting lead character. I took to her quickly and found myself wrapped up in her life. Gemma is six months pregnant - something you don't always find in detective novels, and you see her grappling with not only the case, but her personal life. Working in a small town, she finds quickly that she can't really trust anyone, and Littlejohn gives us good insight into her squad dynamics. She also captures small town living fairly well. This is a town wrapped up in its past, unable to move on from a web of secrets and lies that have tormented it for years.

Indeed, the secrets continue to unfold, but in a completely believable manner, which I really appreciated. I guessed a part of the plot early on, but there were still so many pieces to the story that I was very much riveted until the very end. There's a strong supporting cast here as well, without the usual simple stock characters who sometimes support a rural detective. Goodreads is telling me that this is the first in a Gemma Monroe series, which I hope is true. While I think the series could hit a wall--as many others do--with the small town aspect (only so much murder and mayhem can happen in a small town: see Linda Castillo's excellent Kate Burkholder series, where you eventually start to fear for the poor townspeople of Painter's Mill), but I would certainly love to see more of Gemma.

Overall, a well-done mystery. Originally rated at 3.5 stars, but pushing up to 4 as I write this review and realize how much I enjoyed it. Always nice to have a new face in the mystery world.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 11/01/2016.
Holding Up the Universe
Holding Up the Universe
Jennifer Niven | 2016 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Libby Strout has the distinction of being "America's Fattest Teen" -- the girl who was once lifted out of her house with a crane. But no one has ever really taken the time to know Libby, a complicated and kind person who is still struggling with her mom's death and the aftermath of the crane incident. But Libby is stronger than people realize and she's now ready to try high school for the first time. She wants to experience life at a real school: with friends, clubs, love, and more. At school, Libby meets Jack Masselin. Jack is a popular kid struggling with a secret: he doesn't recognize faces. This issue makes high school popularity (and life) surprisingly complicated. Jack's life becomes even more complicated when he gets caught up in an awful high school bullying game that involves Libby. As a result, the two of them wind up in counseling together. Suddenly, they are spending a lot of time together and becoming surprising friends.

This was just a lovely book. I sped through this novel in about a day, because it was just so amazing, but I sort of wish I had savored it more, because it was so good. Libby is an excellent character. There were moments were I was simply amazed by her, and it's easy to say that I fell hard for her. Jack, too, but Libby - Libby is something special. I had read reviews (before the book came out) saying that its coverage of Libby's weight was offensive, but I didn't find it offensive at all. If anything, the book is empowering, and there were passages that made me want to stand up and shout for her. You cannot help but root for Libby.

As with many YA books, it did seem like Jack and Libby were a little mature for high school, but mostly, they felt right on point; if anything, they were each a reflection of how kids have to grow up so much faster now, what with the world being so cruel and all the bullying around them. Besides, each had suffered so much in their own way, even if Jack's life was so much easier on the surface than Libby's. Because I'd read Niven's previous novel, I was constantly waiting for something awful to happen, so there was that. :) I have to say that I enjoyed this one more than [b:All the Bright Places|18460392|All the Bright Places|Jennifer Niven||26113532], even if that's hearsay for some. It was a well-written and beautiful book and just left me with a good feeling at the end... even if it also left me wishing I could meet Jack and Libby in real life.
In a Cottage In a Wood
In a Cottage In a Wood
Cass Green | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It didn’t take me very long to get into this book, but unfortunately, a mix of irritating characters and clunky writing found me not loving this book in the end.

This book is definitely one that gets straight into the mystery and piques your intrigue quickly. From the moment we met Isabelle on the bridge and the strange encounter she had with Neve, I couldn’t wait to find out why and what was happening! The plot for this one definitely drew me in straight away, and that’s something I really loved about this book. The plot was presented to us so suddenly and so mysteriously, you really wanted to know what was happening and it so it keeps you reading!

I did find that some of this story was really drawn out and I felt there were parts that could have been missed out. For example, when Never first arrives at the cottage and goes for a walk, she stops of at a clearing on the beach and the writing makes it in to a really big deal. I thought “look out for this same spot later on in the story then!”, yes nothing comes of it! It was just extra fluff to add to the word count.

To begin with, I didn’t mind the characters in this novel. The fiestiness of Neve felt sassy and fun, but after a while a character that doesn’t grow in personality can become really irritating and laborious to read about. There weren’t really many other big characters in this one, we mainly focused on Neve and her daily potterings-about. With the other characters that did feature in this novel, it was easy to spot what their motives were, or if they were placed in the novel for the purpose of being a scapegoat. It’s not fun when you can see through the characters this easily!

I liked the descriptions and scenery in this one, but the writing became repetitive in terms of phrases or things said by characters, which is always a negative in my eyes! There’s no need to repeat things over and over again throughout a book, it just feels like a waste of time to read.

Despite all my whinging, I did enjoy this book more than not, and I think other less fussy readers would love this! I’m am a super picky reader, I know this, and I know I pick faults in books that are really niche, but that’s just the kind of reader I am!

<i>Thanks to HarperCollins for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!</i>

Christina Haynes (148 KP) rated The Hazel Wood in Books

Feb 24, 2018 (Updated Feb 24, 2018)  
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
Melissa Albert | 2017 | Mystery, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.4 (33 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hazel Wood
The Hazel Wood
By Melissa Albert
Review: Christina Haynes

Have you ever wanted to go into the world of fairytales. To see their stories unfold, to learn more about them and not just through the pages of a book?

Alice used to want to know more about them. When your Grandmother is the famous author of the ‘Hinterland’. A world where Fairytales are dark like the story of ‘Alice three times’ of course you would want to know more. Especially when you haven’t met the woman and your mother never talks about her.

But when you do finally enter the Hinderland you see that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

Alice and her mother Ella have been on the run all of Alice’s life. Ella grew up on fairytales and Alice grew up on highways. They have both been running from this bad luck that always seems to follow them wherever they go. Which Ella believes comes from her mother, Althea.

Althea Properpine was traveling with a man and when their affair ended she vanished. Alike with Agatha Christie, she returned and no one knew where she had been. Unlike Agatha she remembered – she was in the Hinterland. A place where her stories began.

Althea’s books cannot be found anywhere, she has a huge fan base who never reveal the pages of her book. Everything about her is a mystery, even her home, The Hazel Wood.

Her only known interview was with Vanity Fair and even then no one could say where she lived. Her first husband Ella’s father died when she was young, she then married Greek royalty and then vanished to her home at The Hazel Wood. At eighteen Ella left home with her baby Alice and never stopped running.

One day Ella receives a letter in the post informing her of Althea’s death. To which Ella believes is a miracle, because now her bad luck won’t exist. So she marries and settles down, creates a home they both longed for. Until one day, the bad luck finds them and Ella is taken away, by the Hinterland. Ella leaves Alice a message “STAY AWAY FROM THE HAZEL WOOD” This is the start of the Fairytale that Alice joins.

Alice seeks the help of a boy at school, Ellery Finch who is a super fan of Althea and her stories. Together they travel to where The Hazel Wood is. But is Ellery a friend or just a super fan.
“Look until the leaves turn red, sew the worlds up with thread. If your journey’s left undone, fear the rising of the sun.”


Love, Christina ?
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
Everything. This books takes risks for us thriller/horror fans and it pays off! (0 more)
That it had to end. (0 more)
This book is CREEPY AF! And I gobbled up every deliciously freaky disturbing morsel of it.

Hanna is Looney Tunes - she's like the Poltergeist girl, Firestarter and The Shining twins all wrapped into one with a hearty dash of Chucky. I loved every minute. What is creepier than a cute little kid who wants to kill her mom? I dare you to find something more disturbingly fantastic. Serious anxiety and massive doses of weird are peppered throughout in just the right amounts. I didn't want it to end, but I thought it was flawless from start to finish.

Suzette and Alex seem to be super cool modern parents. I picture them as hipster artists, living in a gorgeous modern home designed by Swedish green architect Alex. Suzette's incredible drawings hung on the walls and her beautiful interior design skills evident throughout. They are so in love and seem to have a perfect little beautiful girl named Hanna. She's adorable and so smart and oh, maybe just a smidge of BAT SH*T CRAZY.

Her "quirks" start pretty tame - she doesn't speak. And 6 years old - not a peep. Cue the creepy child music... soon, she's writing weird, angry messages to her mom, and getting kicked out of schools. Her mom has taken her to endless doctor appointments and had her development skills tested to no avail, but is still convinced there is something wrong with her child. And slowly, with every act of rebellion towards her, Hanna is beginning to scare her. Like, a lot.

The fact that Hanna ADORES Alex, and will do anything for him, is Suzette's biggest struggle. How does she get it through to her husband that the child he thinks as a sweet loving little girl, is trying to kill her? Everything Hanna does is when it's just the two of them. She is calculated, and devious. Is she a witch? Possessed by the devil? Psychopathic? Suzette is losing the battle trying to figure out what is wrong with her child. It's only a matter of time before she plunges a knife through her mother's heart!

There's a lot of talk about this book. I think if you don't like creepy murderous kids, it's probably not the book for you. But this books takes risks, and for us thriller/horror fans, they are applauded. Zoje Stage is at the top of my list of new favorite writers. The marketing campaign behind this book is smart and you can even follow one of the 'characters' adventures on Zoje's Instagram - which is hysterical!

I loved every minute of this book. I will be first in line when Zoje Stage writes the next one.