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Starve Acre
Starve Acre
Andrew Michael Hurley | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The writing, the writing is beautiful (0 more)
Will scare a few people (0 more)
His others were good. This is exceptional
I have enjoyed Andrew Michael Hurley's previous books very much but he has surpassed himself with Starve Acre. This is a dark and suturing read that gives you the same feels as Iain Banks' masterpiece The Wasp Factory. Anyone who was fans of the exceptional read as well as possibly Neil Gaimen's folk horror will find pleasure in this read.
I love it when you are so into a book you sprint upstairs when you get in from work to read a few pages before starting the evenings cooking etc, as I did with Starve Acre.
It's hard to tell you what happens in the story without giving away plot twists but this is a book of the supernatural, of a future dictated to by the past and of a family grieving trying to rationalise feelings and hurt. It is a place where they will remain outsiders and a tree that holds the mystery of it all.
Everything about this book should make it a classic. Its presentation and cover is beautiful. Michael-Hurley's writing is beautiful capturing the darkness in a way that is delicate and sweet which only makes the horror more shocking. The Lonely and Devil's Day were very good, but the writing here is some f the best I have ever read and the story is incredible. He has now become of a level that the next book he releases I standing outside the book shop at 9am and taking a day off work to read it, he is simply that good.
Miss this book at your peril, this is better than Stephen King and the rest. Andrew Michael-Hurley is now the true king!

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Wicker Man (1973) in Movies

Feb 18, 2018 (Updated Feb 18, 2018)  
The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (1973)
1973 | Horror, Mystery
British folk-horror film is part of the mini-boom in 'British civil servant travels by seaplane to sun-obsessed Christopher Lee's remote island in search of missing girl, discovers Britt Ekland waiting for him' movies that happened in 1973-4. Devout Christian copper (Woodward) visits Summerisle (off the Scottish coast) after receiving a tip-off about a vanishing schoolgirl, is appalled by what he sees as the immorality of the islanders. The lord of the place (Lee) assures him that there's nothing to be worried about, they just have different ethical standards (they're all Pagans), but Woodward is not convinced. Is something nasty lined up for May Day?

Books have been written about the tortuous distribution endured by The Wicker Man and its producers; rumours persist that the original much longer version is buried under a motorway somewhere in England. But all the available cuts are excellent, if not superb: the film is not particularly scary per se, more a queasy examination of how society, morality and religion intersect with one another; manages to make moral relativism seem more disturbing than devil-worship, somehow. Has one of the greatest non-endings in cinema history. Great performances, banging tunes, thoughtful and playful script; a film for all seasons, but goes especially well with a barbecue.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 18, 2018

Love this one!

Stone The Crows (Wolf Winter #2)
Stone The Crows (Wolf Winter #2)
TA Moore | 2018 | Horror, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
much better read than book one!
I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Wolf Winter series, and you probably should read book one, Dog Days, before you read this one. I didn't much care for that book, though.

This one, however, is a whole different matter!

I said in my review for Dog Days that I was left with so many questions about the Wolves, and the Prophets and what was going on. I'm STILL left with questions about what's going on, but I'm feeling better about being left waiting, you know? Does that make sense?? I still have questions, but I'm not left hanging, right? Sorta, kinda!

Nothing is settled here. The Prophets are still doing despicable things to the people and indeed to Jack and Gregor. They took Gregor's Wolf and Jack's skin. The Prophets are still trying to get the upper hand on the Gods, but it's HOW they are doing it: preying on ordinary folk, in extraordinary situations, that gives this book the horror tag I've given it.

Nick is human, but Gregor takes a shine to Nick after he saves him. I wasn't sure about Gregor, not in the beginning. we heard such horrible things about him from jack in Dog Days, and I did NOT want to like him, but he grows on you! He has that "Mine" moment you get with werewolves, and I loved that, even though he refused to admit what was going on, even to himself, it was NICK he wanted to save first, not his brother Jack.

Who the Prophet turned out to be was a bit of a shocker, and what she did to Nick was no picnic, and she's STILL out there. So there is more to come. Or at least I HOPE there is! Because you know, I still have questions!

I found this a much better read than Dog Days, and I read it in two sittings, cos that darn dayjob got in the way.

Thank you to Ms Moore for my copy.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Dark Sky Island (Jennifer Dorey Mystery #2)
Dark Sky Island (Jennifer Dorey Mystery #2)
Lara Dearman | 2018 | Crime
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists in this novel were Jenny and Michael. Jenny is a journalist who’s curiosity and wish of a great story always leads her to very unpleasant situations. Michael is a DCI, who is leading the murder investigations on Sark, a little island with less than 500 people. I really enjoyed Jenny’s character in this novel, I liked her informal way of gathering the information and her smartness in “connecting the dots”. Michael is smart, but his lack of fitness didn’t allow him to be the DCI I enjoy reading about.

The novel starts quite slow, and it takes a while for both of these characters to gather decent information. I really enjoyed the twists and turns in this novel, it was quite refreshing after the slow beginning. I really liked the way the author described Sark, the streets, the houses, the people, it is visible that she knows a lot about life on an island. I also really liked the horror element and the folk stories used in this book, it was very interesting to read about them, and the unexplained chilling creatures gave this mysterious vibe about the whole island.

The writing style of this book is very pleasant and easy to read, even though the author used quite a few French names in it, which I had no idea how to pronounce. 😀 At times, the novel felt a little like a cosy mystery, but towards the end, this changed drastically. I really liked the surprising and unexpected ending of the book, it rounded this novel extremely well. The chapters were quite long at times, but new findings and plenty of action later on in the book helped, and the pages just flew by.

So, to conclude, even though this is a second book, it can be read as a stand alone easily. The setting and the characters are very well picked for this novel, and the plot thickens as you carry on reading. It is a good book full of small island life, unexpected discoveries, twists, and I really liked it.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Maid of Sker in Video Games

Nov 7, 2020  
Maid of  Sker
Maid of Sker
2019 | Horror
Hold Your Breath
Maid of Sker- is a excellent first person horror game.

The game takes place in 1898 in the Sker Hotel, located on an imaginary island called Sker Island, where the protagonist, Thomas Evans, is invited by his lover, Elisabeth Williams, to uncover the mysteries of the hotel after she notices her family's strange behavior. While exploring the hotel, Thomas learns the place is controlled by cult followers called "The Quiet Ones". The history of Elisabeth's family is revealed when Thomas finds notes and gramophone records scattered around the hotel.

The story is inspired by multiple Welsh and British folklore tales, specifically the idea of the hotel is influenced by the Sker House, a real life historic place situated just outside the town of Porthcawl, near Bridgend, Wales, which is made famous by the three-volume novel written by R. D. Blackmore, The Maid of Sker. The game has drawn influences from this novel as well as the folklore story under the same name (called Y Ferch o’r Sger in Welsh). The game has been compared to Outlast, The Evil Within 2, Silent Hill, and its saving system was also compared to those of Resident Evil, with the typewriter switched to a gramophone in the saving rooms.

In the original folk story, Elisabeth Willaims, a woman of the higher class, falls in love with Thomas Evans, a poor harpist. Elisabeth's father, Isaac, disapproves of the relationship, and, in one of the variations of the tale, her father locks her in a room to prevent her from running away until she starves; other variations include Elisabeth dying from a broken heart or being forced to marry a richer man who she does not love until she passes away from illness. According to the tale, her ghost, alongside the ghost of a sailor, haunt the Sker House.

The game is using the first-person perspective and features blind enemies that can find the player by noise, they are introduced as "The Quiet Ones." As Thomas cannot fight back (except for when a temporary weapon is introduced mid-game), the player is forced to be stealthy when exploring the hotel grounds, or making sounds to distract The Quiet Ones so Thomas passes them safely. The only way to search through the hotel grounds successfully is by avoiding The Quiet Ones by not making noise and holding your breath when a Quiet One is close or not bumping into objects. If the player holds their breath for too long, Thomas gasps for air which alerts the enemies. In certain environments, such as when the protagonist is in a dusty location or close to a fireplace, he coughs, and the player has to stop him by holding his breath as this alerts The Quiet Ones.

It consists of a device which sends shock waves and temporarily damages the hearing of The Silent Ones, stunning them for a short duration; this allows the player to run away from the location. While the player gets this weapon, ammunition is scarce and the player has to use it carefully.

The game features a manual save style and there is no autosave. To save the game, the player has to find "safe rooms", the rooms have green-tainted patterned doors, and inside the rooms are gramophones which the player has to play to save the game. Before the game saves, the gramophones play records of Elisabeth and her experiences with her family which adds to the background of the story. After the records end or when the player stops them manually, the game starts saving. If the player dies or restores a save, they lose all the progress made after the last save, additionally, enemies always change routes and cannot always be found lurking in the same places. This saving system is compared to the one which appeared in the Resident Evil games.

While the game is praised for its great sound design, Thomas never speaks in the game. Aside from grunting noises, he is completely mute throughout the game and his lines are displayed as text instead; however, this is not the case for Elisabeth and she has her voice actor. This has received some negative feedback alongside the sensitivity of the movement on consoles. The game has been compared to Outlast when it comes to the gameplay style, and The Evil Within 2 and Silent Hill when it comes to the game's atmosphere.

I love the concept, the atomsphere, the horror, the strategy, it does remind of "The Evil Within", "Resident Evil", "Silent Hill" and "Outlast". All excellent horror games and same with this one.